
#3Β let's get dirty
kim taehyung 7 years ago
@jeon jungkook "Yeah okay, Call of Duty it is," the male said with a laugh, inserting the disc into the PS4 and loading the contents, his back still turned to the other boy. After setting up the game, Dylan had grabbed the controllers and was heading towards the bed when his eyes landed upon the latter. And almost tripped over nothing. ing sin. Jungkook was a ing sin. The said male was just sitting there, leaning back and acting like he was some kind of royalty — although he indeed was — and it was just messing with his head even more. It took Dylan a great amount of willpower not to let his gaze linger on that beautiful, pale, unmarred expanse of skin. It was /torture/. Especially when Jungkook the bastard invited him to sit /next/ to him! Something was definitely up, but the prospect of having someone to play CoD with was clouding his head. Taking a tentative seat next to the gorgeous boy, Dylan quirked his eyebrow slightly, nudging his glasses back up. "Special.. I mean, no offense, but this is the first time we're meeting out of class," he said with a soft snort, trying his level best to maintain eye contact and not ogle at the beautiful body presented in front of him. "Uhm, well, it's hard to say." Thank /God/ for the distraction; he could talk about games all day. "There's this online game called League of Legends, but then there's also Assassin's Creed, Fallout 4— Did you know Fallout 4 is based off predictions in the future? How cool is that?" Dylan continued to ramble animatedly, hands moving all over the place.
jeon jungkook 7 years ago
@dylan o'brien At first glance Jungkook's room was like every other dorm rooom, neat and tidy a pile of books upon the desk that didn't really look like it got used all to much, Jungkook knew that there was more than meets the eye, underneath his bed was his foundation of toys that he used for his cam sessions, the thought that Dylan may just find a toy made him bubble in just that much more excitement, he wanted to see that blushy embarrassed face of someone shy and suddenly pushed into an unusual situation. Jungkook moved and sat on his bed leaning back purposely making his nightgown slip open to reveal more skin as he sat there with legs open as if he was unaware of what it looked like. He turned the television on and simply shrugged "Let's just play what you want to play," he suggested not having really of heard those two titles before, he wasn't too into the gaming community after all. He pat at his bed once the playstation was set up inviting Dylan to sit on his bed so he was in reach. "I don't just invite anyone to my room to play games, just the special few," he gave a smirk this time he really was turning it dirty just to see how the latter would react. He had no idea if he was innocent or if he had been in situations like this before where Jungkook was wanting to snag a cute male into his games and Dylan was exactly that. "What's your favourite game of all time? Call of Duty?"
kim taehyung 7 years ago
@jeon jungkook The sight that greeted him was highly unexpected — Jeon Jungkook, standing there in merely a silk dressing gown and black boxers. Dylan was generally awkward around new people, but this just upped the level completely. Not because of the fact that was close to , but because he was extremely attractive up close and almost . Well . It was torture-Dylan month for sure. "Hi," he greeted anyways, sauntering in, honey-brown eyes casually scanning the room. There was some equipment set up, making him think that Jungkook was a filmography major of sorts. Interesting. A glance at the consoles spread out made the male gape a little. This kid was rich, for sure. "Yeah, um, I brought some games along — do you want to play Call of Duty? Although that is my preference, we can also play Battlefield. And thank God you have the PS4," Dylan remarked with a short laugh, nudging his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Feeling a bit comforted by the smile, he headed towards the PS4 console, moving to switch it on and grab the controllers. "Do you usually.. invite random people over to play?" he asked out of the blue, genuinely curious as to why he, the resident nerd, had been picked over several other possible candidates.
jeon jungkook 7 years ago
@dylan o'brien Jungkook had a plan, like every male his age he did after all have a gaming console, they'd start with that and of course he'd escalate it from there, he always had fool proof plans, like why would he just invite anyone over, especially a male he hardly knew to his dorm room i f he didn't plan to have fun with it. The young male was more than excited that he had somehow won the male over with such a lack lustre idea. These days who played video games? Jungkook didn't all the consoles he did just collected dust.

Upon hearing the knock on his door, he walked to the door opening it, all he wore was a silk dressing gown and a pair of black boxers, it was something normal for him, he eyed over Dylan ever so curiously a tug of a smirk to his lips, more attractive then he remembered which was better and soon he just pulled him in closing the door leading him to a spot near his bed his television and gaming consoles nearby "What do you want to play, I have xbox, nintendo and playstation," he made it sound like he was genuinely interested in gaming when in all honesty the consoles he did have were just gifts from his viewers, he had some knowledge of games but he already knew he wasn't going to be any good at the ones they chose. "Make yourself comfortable," He gave a smile, it was like he was almost being too nice and he didn't want to seem too suspicious.
kim taehyung 7 years ago
@jeon jungkook One of the most weirdest things happened that night. Dylan was not in the mood to study, despite it being a weekday. It was an odd realization, but a relatively easy conclusion to come to — he had been doodling on the side of his book for way too long. Pushing away his book in frustration, the male dropped his head onto the desk after discarding his glasses. It was one of those days where he felt extremely unproductive. It wasn't a good sign — his scholarship was a high-risk-high-reward little — when even Maths was unable to get his attention. He desperately needed a change of environment, pace and activity. Pushing back from his desk, Dylan stood up, heading towards the bed so he could surf the net and hopefully fall asleep watching some Bloodbourne walkthroughs on IGN. But when he logged in, there was no update yet — it was way before their usual upload time. "ing hell man," he grit out and shut the lid of his laptop. Tonight was really not his night. Until his phone rang. Being the nerd of the class, Dylan didn't have many friends. Some people found his sarcasm too harsh at times. Which was fine; it simply meant he needed to filter out the people he spent time with more effectively. So when someone called him, it was either for help in homework, his USB containing all the cheat codes, or something inane. So when Jeon Jungkook, one of the most popular — infamous was more accurate but he'll give the kid the benefit of doubt — guy in their batch called him, Dylan was speechless. "Uh— uh sure—? Yeah, okay." The call was over before he knew it. For some reason, he had a feeling that Jungkook had an ulterior motive, but he was unable to fathom what it could be at this point.

Once he had changed into his jeans and t-shirt again, Dylan grabbed his glasses from his desk along with his wallet and keys. Just in case Jungkook didn't have any of the games he liked, he tucked his copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Battlefield under his arm. Hopefully they had the same console. After a short walk down the hallway, he had arrived in front of the most popular kid's dorm. Wow. Straightening his top and pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Dylan knocked on the door, announcing, "Hey, Jungkook, it's me, Dylan."
jeon jungkook 7 years ago
@dylan o'brien It was a night that Jungkook had been bored, tonight really wasn't one of his cam nights and he didn't really feel like showing himself on camera. He usually didn't mind solitude but tonight was different, he was mind blowingly bored. He was playing with his phone only groaning in frustration, he wanted to play around with someone, someone who wouldn't be expecting it when he invited them over, it being a one-sided game until the latter realises what exactly is happening just at a moment that its much too late. He came to think for a few minutes flicking through his contacts, a lot of people knew what he was like so calling upon his friends was hard up until he found a contact, he tried to remember where he had gotten it from. It was then that it clicked that he had remembered he was the geeky glasses boy. Jungkook had met Dylan briefly and grabbed his contact details, he didn't really remember why but he'd have assumed it was for something nerd related seeing as he wasn't really all into that kind of thing. He pressed dial on the number pressing it to his ear, it ringing until he heard a faint hello.

"Oh, Hey Dylan, was just wondering if you wanted to come to my dorm for some games, we will be busy with them all night, its right up your alley," Jungkook felt so natural with his words, then again he had a lot of practice when it came to coming up with things on the spot, he knew the other was a bit of a gaming geek so why not lure him here with things he likes when it comes to what Jungkook wants seeing as he knew he would receive without much fight. Jungkook's manipulation being shown at its finest.


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reves-moi [A] 7 years ago
Not accepting anymore people! Thank you for your interest.
disrespect 7 years ago
//eye emojis all over this
EUNOIAHTTP 7 years ago
c o u ghs e w e
BlackRabbit 7 years ago
Oh maiiiiii. O u o
TY-Track 7 years ago
Okay I think imma just stick to Dylan O'Brien xD
Its-Bibi- 7 years ago
Waves at you both o w o
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