⚘ ㅤlibrary。

catch up on all the latest reads while also indulging in the classics.
♥ hoseok j。 6 years ago
@♡ jisoo h。 ()no I’m still sick but it’s okay ; u ; just apologising for my lateness
♥ hoseok j。 6 years ago
@♡ jisoo h。 The expression upon Hoseok’s face showed confusion, a look of unfamiliarity as the other male spoke the name, admittedly he had murdered people, it was known to him and soon he stood calmly. He hadn’t remembered the man he had spoken of but not because of the unimportance but maybe because he had been so far gone at that point. He cleared his throat his hands pressing to his head as if it were to try and help him remember but still nothing.

“I’m sorry but I honestly don’t remember, But if you are sure it was me then I must apologise,” Hoseok could hear the boys heart beat, the anger clear in his tone and it was almost like a click that he came closer his fingers caressing against the softness of his cheek. “I’m sorry if it was I who killed your cousin,” his eyes showed no emotion but his general tone did state he was actually sorry. He gave a gentle sigh and closed his eyes just to step back and allow him some space. “Was there something that you would wish for me to do seeing as I inconvenienced your upbringing?
♡ jisoo h。 6 years ago
@♥ hoseok j。 To watch the male oblivious to who Jisoo was, was surprising for the dark red-haired boy. Watching him kneel down and picking up the books seemed like an act that any good person would do. Not some murderer. Or maybe this guy was one of those seasonal ones, or specific target ones that other than their targets, they are a nice person. But no nice person would kill, would they? Speechless, Jisoo knelt down to meet the other male's eyes as they both picked up the fallen books and Jisoo placed them aside to stack them on the floor. They were near the shelf where the books belonged to anyway so there was no need to carry them any further.

"You've never met me." Jisoo said with a low angered tone. "But you met my cousin. And you murdered him." Jisoo said, keeping the same intensity and volume of his tone. Such negative words like murder aren't to be thrown around anywhere, especially in the sanctuary of knowledge. Oh no, even the smartest people would be vulnerable to gossip, and he doesn't need one to be circulating around him. As if he had nothing to deal with right now. "Do you remember someone of the name Jason Kim?" Jisoo narrowed his eyes at the stranger as he slowly arranged the books back into their shelf to make sure that any on-looker or worse the librarian would see that they were having a harmless conversation. "4 years ago. On this date." Jisoo said, still staring at the other male with anger in his eyes and balled up fists holding himself back to not throw him against the wall and demand an explanation of the male's deed. "Do you remember?"

() it's okay! At least you showed up and replied! I hope you're feeling better now, make sure to take a break once in awhile!
♥ hoseok j。 6 years ago
@♡ jisoo h。 Hoseok always loved library’s, the musk scent from old books to the crisp scent that couldn’t be described other than it being a new book, Hoseok had been around a long time and he had certainly had his share of reading material. Humming deeply to himself he was flicking through a book, caught up in his findings he hadn’t even seen the other male coming towards him until they had actually collided.

A soft gasp escaped Hoseok as he watched the other male drop to the floor, books flying in different directions, his eyes softened, how interesting humans were when they were caught up in their own emotions, he hummed softly and knealt down picking up the books that had fallen on the floor soon forgetting about what he was reading.

“Excuse me?” He replied confusion coming to his face, he hadn’t even recognised the young human male, had he ever crossed paths, not that he was aware. “Have we met before?” He had to ask seeing as there was something that the male before him was fired up about just as he could hear it in his tone.

()I am so sorry for
The delay I have been really busy and sick
♥ minseok l。 6 years ago
@♡ mingyu k。 another simper escapes beyond the confines of his throat, yet once he manages to stifle his laugh, he gazes at the other through the pieces of his bangs as his digits drum against mingyu's spine. "you'll hunt me down, hm? i suppose it'd be best for me to just you dry if i don't want you to try following me." the kisses manage to draw a brief growl from within his chest, brows furrowed in frustration before he takes mingyu by his thighs and sits the taller upon his lap. he his head a few degrees, taking his turn for a devilish grin to spread across his physiognomy, vampire-esk canines glistening in the light. "i suppose so. i'd recommend for you to say your last words now since i probably won't stop. now that i have you, you won't be able to escape knowing i've never left a my prey alive before." without a moment of hesitance, he leans closer, his hold on mingyu ensuring he wouldn't be able to escape; he leans forward, lips parted as his canines trace over the vessels underneath, the seductive scent of the other's blood causing his control to slip over his rabid hunger, sinking his canines into the other's jugular. the sanguine taste is nearly intoxicating, leading minseok's hips to eagerly roll against his prey as adrenaline laces the sweet taste of his a blood type. he's messy and ravenous, indulging in the lamb's blood as only a rightfully sinful tyrant should.
♡ mingyu k。 6 years ago
@♥ minseok l。 "i think you're very cute," he coos, clearly amused by the immortal's lack of reaction to his words and actions. the angel wasn't in the least bit unattractive, and mingyu would be lying if he said it wasn't what brought him to approach the said male first. yet, the danger lingering in his wake and the constant rise of excitement in his aura is what got mingyu to stay. he wanted, no, he needed to feel the fear of death in his veins and the constant anticipation of what his life entails for the day and minseok is offering just that. he'd be bat crazy if he didn't take up the offer. a shiver runs up his spine at the derogatory term slipped in between words, his rosy petals pausing for a solid second before starting to work little kisses along the sculptured jaw. "whatever it is, can it wait till after? you know i'm gonna accept it no matter. i'm not letting you get away after this. i'll ing hunt you down if you try to escape."
♥ minseok l。 6 years ago
@♡ mingyu k。 ♡ mingyu k。 ♡ mingyu k。 May 19, 2018 20:30:26
the ends of his mouth curl up into a grin, allowing for his canines to be out on full display, the sharp ends of them barely grazing against his lower lip. "i'd much rather spend my time with you though, you're cuter -- well, your job sounds like fun," he mutters almost sarcastically, but there's a hint of sincerity in the tone of his voice as he wonders how exciting life would be in your position. "humans are frail, boring little creatures. what can i say?" a sly simper rests on his visage as he maneuvers his head to barely press his lips against the curve of your neck. his lips are parted, each breath coating your skin with a warm layer. "would be a shame if i continued to live like them." his tongue slips out between plush petals and presses flat against your pliant flesh, unhurriedly dragging it up your throat and eventually to your jaw.

bemused, a smirk quivers at the corner of his roseate tiers, the pair having yet to grin since orchestrating hitler's rise. "cute? you think i'm cute? i'm definitely a force to be reckoned with, but your bravery is certainly amusing." he replies, stifling a churlish simper as he briefly turns away, pieces of his ebony bangs falling across his equally tantalizingly dark orbs. he thus agrees by offering a brief nod, snaking an arm around the other's torso as an attempt to pull him closer against his own figure, yet he makes the unforeseen first move, shuddering initially at the foreign feeling of a warm tongue traipsing along the alabaster column of his neck. "you're certainly one of the few mortals to ever intrigue me--and the first to do so. if you truly wish to be bitten, then i'll bite you--however, there has to be more to the deal than your blood. heightening the stakes would certainly make your life more exciting, don't you think?"
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♡ jisoo h。 6 years ago
@♥ hoseok j。 It was a quiet day at the library, but then again it was always quiet. Jisoo was walking about with the tray of books having to rearrange and relocate once more after some people handed in their borrowed books and others left the books merely on the floor and tables. Jisoo was never one to complain about having to put them back or the like because he liked the smell of books and he enjoyed being around these thousands of pages worth of adventures and knowledge. Although it can be a bit tiring sometimes, it was one of the places where Jisoo can hide to whenever he feels down. It was during this time of the year when his relative was murdered. Though Jisoo wasn't there to witness and arrived a few days late to the funeral but the emptiness the date left was one that could not be ignored. Jisoo was close to almost all of his relatives, thanks to the family's large gatherings during Christmas and Thanksgiving. So to find out the death of one while he was away was disheartening.

Memories played in Jisoo's mind as he placed the books back in their respective shelves. They were of happy memories Jisoo shared with the dead relative and there were many times when he would get caught up with his feelings whilst placing the books that he had to look at the book and row number multiple times to make sure he was putting it correctly. Indeed, it was a slow lonely day for Jisoo. His mind was elsewhere when he was carrying a stack of books that belonged to the same shelf that he was caught by surprised when he suddenly fell back on the floor and the books slipping and falling out of his hands. Once registering that he accidentally bumped into someone during his 'mourning' session, he quickly stood up and bowed multiple times. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see y- YOU!" Jisoo whispered loudly, amazed at his ability to still use his inside voice. As right before his eyes was the murderer of his relative.
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♡ junmyeon k。 6 years ago
@♥ mark l。 rows upon rows of shelves towered high above junmyeon's head, holding a single rose in his hand as he heads to another angel lucifer had assigned him to - junmyeon's initial over zealous approach to the devil must have led to lucifer himself booking junmyeon for multiple meetings, and junmyeon had to admit, it was definitely helpful. 'i'm coming,' he thinks, a crystal clear image of his 15 year old brother appearing in his mind. junmyeon had to find out where he was.

the crackling of the fire greets him as he emerges from the cluster of shelves, stocked from end cap to end cap of tattered archived encyclopedias, long forgotten auto biographies, and mind-numbing non-fictional histories. his walk over allowed him plenty of time to gaze at the titles, but his attention now was on the two chairs angled towards the fire, and his assigned angel in question seated in front of him.

"lee mark, sir," junmyeon announces himself, straightening his sunday-best button down, and sheepishly introducing himself, "it's junmyeon." it was stiff, still unable to see them--these creatures--for what they really were beyond that porcelain skin and humanoid form.
† taehyung k。 [A] 6 years ago
♡ yukhei w。 6 minutes ago Reply
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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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