⚘ ㅤwoods。

with trees as ancient as the legends that surround them.
♥ mary c。 6 years ago
@♥ tony t。 The female fallen angel calmly strolled through the dark forest, bare feet brushing over the dew-covered leaves and small sticks shrouded in moss. Umber eyes scanned over her surroundings for any possible threats, only to find none. Like any other day of the week, her time at the bakery had left her at her wit's end. Cookies, brownies, cakes, sugar flowers, fondant. Everything that fell within the realm of the desserts took over every cell in her brain, every cell in her body. It took over every thought she had throughout the day and she was positively exhausted. If she had thought her job up in Heaven had made her exhausted, she had clearly never met hungry humans.

Mary was pulled out of her thoughts of exhaustion and sweet things by a voice. A loud one, no less. She took slow, calculated steps towards the source in hopes of identifying it without alerting it of her presence. Upon closer inspection, she realized the source had been a man. A man screaming out to God for...some reason. A priest perhaps? No. A priest or some other religious prophet wouldn't bother with screaming out to their Lord in the middle of a forest. They had altars and private rooms for such practices. To do so in nature was almost too...mundane. Maybe they were just a lowly human who was clearly upset with God with some sort of misdeed or wrongdoing that happened all on its own. That had to be it, right?

She stepped closer than before, curiosity getting the better of her. It was the only drive she had left other than her goal of becoming a demon herself. Her kindness and ability to care had left her centuries ago, leaving a self-centered and sadistic husk. "You sound upset with Him." She called out, moving to sit down beside the man, crossing her legs beneath her despite how wet the ground was becoming. "Why is that?"
♥ tony t。 6 years ago
He quietly creeps into the night— Well, not so much creep; more like a silent saunter into the sleeping woods, where he rests his aching host. A day spent in torment and jubilant mayhem across the city he has fallen into was a day well spent. Past partners seek refuge in his comfort, his arms warmed by... He doesn’t know really. He knows not why he’s sought after, it should have been obvious but he hides in his mundane facade. No one must know his true origins or more will come for healing, or come to kill him.

“Why, God?” The angel tilts his head to the heavens, arms spread for an embrace never to come, “Why me?” Simply put, he thinks. Just like his father with his blessings and hexes. His head slowly drops, deep onyx orbs bore into the dirt, searching for the answers God refuses to give. He believes he has a purpose on earth, yet no reward. He expects a reward! His pride gets the better of him, he knows this. Yes, he was too proud. God was teaching him a lesson. On what exactly? Tony still cannot find the theme to this never ending story.

Tony slowly lowers to the dirt, his crisp white garments darkened by the rich earth and adding color to the dull yet seemingly perfect ivory thread. He sighs. He is miserable; a human feeling he was first to encounter since falling. The angel digs his fingers into the earth and gathers the eroded rocks into palm. As he watches it fall a small plant rests in the pile of dirt. Life, something Tony has taken for granted.
[post deleted by owner]
♥ soonyoung k。 6 years ago
@♥ joohyun b。 i cannot help you, joohyun. you can only help yourself. sometimes we can only help others by helping ourselves. you allow your desire to "save" others decide every move you make. it's okay to be selfish.
/by impulse, soonyoung's hand is brought out to caress over the woman's supple cheek. his eyes shine with an emotion which rarely visits him but it is just as quickly forgotten as he drops his hand to remain at his side once again.
of course, i am a selfish man. governed by my own hedonism. i find more relief than most fallen angels. but yet, it's only temporary. all of this is temporary in a bigger picture. if you wish to relieve your suffering, you must be quick in your turning to a demon. for only then will pain become something of your everyday life and not something which can be ebbed by the essence of others.
/a sigh is dragged out of him and he tips his head back to stare at the open sky far above the outlines of the towering trees.
suffering is all we will ever know. it is only our decision to decide how we are to suffer. in that sense, i envy humans. their naivety to the greater picture is something we will never touch. they will not suffer as we. they will suffer... but in not in such a way which one cannot escape eventually by death.
♥ joohyun b。 6 years ago
@♥ soonyoung k。 with us all steps from hell, i couldnt be more careful
/shoots back sharply, but it was all bite; joohyun’s been on edge since they last talked, especially with thoughts of protecting Rin at the forefront of her mind/
/she worries her lip between her teeth, eventually. peeling away a small sliver of dry skin there; her thoughts seem to keep her mum as her gaze falls from the moon to his dimly lit playful countenance, and her unease grows/
i’ve had my fill of sapor for weeks now, and my desires curbed. i find i deepen my need to carry out my mission yet at the same time...
/joohyun suddenly turns candid, her face twisting in disgust at the idea/
i will not sway from my path, but i have to be there for Rin. yet there are weeks i go without sapor, Soon, and it burns. It burns and it burns and makes me want to rip my own heart out justto qwell it.
/fists balled as her arms wrap around her middle, frustration, agony, and fear all swirling around her/
♥ soonyoung k。 6 years ago
@♥ joohyun b。 /from his perch high in the tree, soonyoung swings his way down to make a soft landing in the pine needles--barely a sound uttered as his polished leather shoes touch the ground.
you should know by now that i'm not someone who shirks out on things
/remarks with a cluck of derision at the roof of his mouth with his tongue but it quickly melts away into an easy-going smile.
so, what ails your mind, joohyun?
/a tenderness slips into the undertones of soonyoung's voice as he comes to stand in front of the fellow fallen angel.
do you still need some guidance from the much older fallen?
/his eyes twinkle--light-heartedness is never something he forgets to layer a sobering atmosphere with.
♥ joohyun b。 6 years ago
@♥ soonyoung k。 /emerges from the thick of trees into the small clearing, picking leaves from her hair and lamenting—just ever so slightly—the absence of her wings/
/sighs softly to herself as her arms fall to her sides and her head tilts up, facing the near-new moon crescent with a melancholy smile: the moon was almost the same exact shape the first full night she recalled on earth/
/her senses pick up a powerful presence and joohyun’s gaze remains fixed on the moon as she asks/
about time... i thought for a moment you hadn’t gotten the message.
† taehyung k。 [A] 6 years ago
♡ yukhei w。 6 minutes ago Reply
[ +* ] e u e


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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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