⚘ㅤ liquor shop。

liquor store
liquor store
the one stop place for all of the local alcoholic's needs.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 hakyeon managed to get the shirt off of wonsik's body, the fabric falling from the male's body and to the comforter beneath the two of them, exposing more of his body to hakyeon. he was young, and he took care of his body, that much hakyeon could tell. the muscles that rippled over his arms and chest were admirable, especially compared to his own slim, though toned, body. hakyeon knew how to take care of himself. he had centuries to figure it out, so he prided himself on that as much. being a dancer, hakyeon had to know how to take care of himself, keep himself looking as good as he did. otherwise, he wouldnt be seen as a prize. and that, of course, would be tragic.

"then make me yours, wonsik. im your pretty princess-- do as you please." his words leave his lips in a deep purr as his back arches from the bed. hakyeon's lips met wonsik's in the little kisses, though as soon as the kisses trailed away from his mouth and to his dark, elegant skin, hakyeon gave way to a soft, almost kitten-like mewl. each , nip, and kiss to his skin left a fiery path in their wake, aiding to the small fire that grows in the pit of his stomach. "have i told you how god damn attractive you are, wonsik?"

with each kiss that lead further down his body, hakyeon felt the heat in pit of his stomach grow exponentially, a soft gasp leaving his lips as deft fingers began to work along his leg, inching further up the inside of the thick muscle of his thigh. his legs parted almost as if on command, though all of a sudden he was distracted by the feeling of wet lips and tongue running over his . once more, the kitten-like mewl left his lips, his body wriggling under wonsik's. his hands came to wonsik's waist, fingers dipping into the hem of his pants and giving a small tug, a breathy laugh leaving his lips before a similarly breathy string of words follows, his voice nearly a whimper. "sweet like honey, arent i? oh -- that-- feels good--"
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 With Hakyeon's hands upon his shirt, Wonsik's hands were on his lover instead. He kept a hand on the other's pleasantly thick thigh, the other coming to his cheek and the tips of his fingers brushing through the strands of hair that fell over the petite man's brow. In the dark, his pupils slowly widening in adjustment to the dim lighting, he gazed over the smaller man and leaned in close while his slender fingers ran over the ink that lined his skin, and he pressed his lips over those plump tiers that spoke of the chase, and of being caught. He knew he had caught him, or at least he was self-assured that he had. It had never crossed his mind that he was the one caught by the man lying beneath him on the bed and whose fingers left a pleasant warmth in their wake.

"I prefer catching my prey, princess," he murmured against his lover's lips. His eyes fell shut and he brushed the tip of his nose against the other's. Soft, affectionate touches gave way to something Wonsik was more comfortable with. He had wound an arm about the smaller stature male, allowing himself to rest with his chest pressing against the other's as he dipped his head, open-mouthed kisses running over his jaw and leaving a sloppy trail on his way down the other's throat as he kissed, lightly , and tenderly nipped at the dark skin along the column of his throat down to the juncture at which his neck met his shoulder. "I'm going to make you mine, princess."

His head left the other male's throat, sloppy kisses pressed in a trail down to Hakyeon's collarbone, tracing the prominent line with the tip of his tongue on the way toward the center of his chest. His grip relaxed on his thigh, though the pads of his fingers came to his inner thigh and trailed up slowly toward the apex between. Patience was not something he could muster in the moment, even as unbecoming as it was of him. He needed to feel his nymph like lover now that he had him in his bed, but he had every intention of making it just as pleasurable for the both of them. That fact was all too apparent as his lips brushed over one of the rosy peaks of Hakyeon's s, the tip of his tongue flicking teasingly over it and brushing a broad circle flat, and wet, over the thin band of the areola. "You taste even sweeter than I thought," he murmured, lips brushing against his skin.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "i never once said you were, handsome. just giving praise where praise is due." while in wonsik's arms, hakyeon wondered for a moment if he had taken a step too far with such a praise, though he figured he wouldnt have been still being carried off to the bedroom at that rate. he'd hate to watch himself, though. he didnt want to lose his one chance at something he wanted so badly, the only thing he had wanted so badly... at least in recent times. cursing under his breath, hakyeon shook the thought from his mind, not wanting to taint the night he's spending with his mortal lover with thoughts of the man he once dedicated himself to.

as wonsik gave the details of his dream, hakyeon had to hide the knowing smile that nearly stretched over his face, and instead he allowed himself to be pliant to the other man hovering above him. his lips met wonsik's in kisses that were fueled by what one could call lust, a self-satisfied smirk raising the corner of his lips as he allowed wonsik to do as he wanted. he figured he wouldnt really be able to fight against the male if he even wanted to. it was a dream hakyeon knew, a dream he himself had conjured up and slipped into wonsik's mind on his own. but he couldnt give it away, not now, and not for a long time.

"dont you think-- its more fun with the chase. but now.. you've caught me." trailing off for a moment, hakyeon watched as wonsik strip himself of his shirt, or at least tried to, and he was thankful the button just narrowly avoided him. reaching up, hakyeon swatted wonsik's hands away from his shirt, humming deeply as the strong, capable hands came to massage his thigh, and he worked to the shirt that hung over his toned body. brushing the fabric aside, hakyeon's fingers brushed along his toned abs, the ink that twisted and turned about his skin, painting intricate pictures over the canvas of his body. it was something hakyeon admired, he had always admired tattoos on skin, though he knew he would never be able to do something like that on his own. he was far too weak for something like that. "now that you've caught me, what are you going to do with me?"
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Just remember I'm not a ing dog," Wonsik growled against Hakyeon's lips, letting him rest back upon the bed beneath him. The praise something that had gotten beneath his skin too much to let go even if he wouldn't say a word as he carried the smaller man back to his bedroom. In a way, the thud and sharp inhale that accompanied him hitting his arm as he tried to trace his path was satisfaction enough for it. He would have him though, and he wouldn't let his pride get in the way of that now that they had made it to the bed and abandoned the alcohol in the front entry, and the chicken to get cold on that same table.

"I did dream of you, princess," he muttered, his teeth lightly nipping at the other's bottom lip and giving it a gentle tug as his hands came toward the waist of the smaller man's jeans. His thumb brushed over the button of his fly while his other hand gripped onto a thick, denim-clad thigh and he rested his body between the other's thighs lightly enough that he had control but still room to move his hand in stripping the petite man on his bed. "You were like a nymph... or some like that. We were in an old building. Some antique bull," he murmured against Hakyeon's lips as he freed the button of his fly. "Everyone else was wearing masks and they all parted for you. You were leading me, but you never let me catch you."

The details of the dream were vague, and hard to focus on while the man on his bed was real and in the flesh, warm and waiting for him. He tugged at the smaller man's fly, drawing it down roughly before his hand abandoned that to begin working over the buttons of his own shirt while simultaneously the fabric and tugging it out from the waist of his slacks to undress himself with only one hand while the other massaged the smaller man's thick thigh through his jeans. "If you had let me catch you I would have taken you to the nearest private room and ed you until you screamed for them all to hear. But I couldn't. —" One of the pearlescent buttons flung itself from the front of my shirt, hitting the comforter beside you with an audible tension snap. "Yeah, good thing princess."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "good boy." the praise left hakyeon's lips in a deep purr, his hands threading through the soft, well groomed hair atop wonsik's head as they kissed. upon being pulled from the wall, hakyeon wound his arms tightly about wonsik's neck, holding himself close so as not to fall back or slip away. there was something about the way they moved, the way they so hungrily kissed each other, that enticed hakyeon, that gave him the spice of the night that he needed.

reaching out with a hand as he was carried from the room, hakyeon's dark fingers brushed along the painted walls, using his hand to give him some sort of idea where he was in relation to the walls around him. his elbow bumped against the doorframe of the dark bedroom, and with a sharp inhale he brought his arm closer to wonsik once more, trying to ignore the stinging in his arm as he pressed his lips hard against wonsik's, feeding the brief pain into the kiss. for a moment, hakyeon found himself cursing the mortal world, and he realized that if he had just obeyed the god everyone believed in and worshipped, maybe, just maybe, he wouldnt feel the pain a human could. briefly, the idea that he wouldnt have been able to meet this human flitted through his mind, though he quickly pushed that aside. he had already met a human once. he shouldnt need to meet another one.

resting back on the bed, his hair splayed out over the covers, hakyeon looked up at wonsik with hooded eyes, his legs finally releasing the narrow waist in their hold. his feet came to the bed, the bottoms resting on the mattress as his lips parted, hands falling to the covers over the mattress as well. "you dreamed of me, wonsik? tell me, what did you dream about?" his tone was soft, though it was clearly laced with need and want. raising a hand, he brushed his fingers over wonsik's clothed chest, tugging lightly at the fabric as he took in a deep breath. "good thing i was in need of some liquor, huh?"
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Gladly, princess. ing gladly." Wonsik groaned against the other's mouth, the sound guttural, an animalistic growl just beneath the surface. Hakyeon would have him. He had no problem giving of himself to the man in his arms and that thought— He was terrified at just how willing he was to give of himself, to bring someone into the dusty cloister he existed within like a shrouded corpse. Did he bring him here because he thought he deserved to be within the place he had considered a hallowed home once? Or was it because he thought this man in his arms might be the last knife he could bury within a past he hadn't fully allowed to die? The reason didn't matter as much as the result.

With his arms tight about Hakyeon, Hakyeon's legs tight about him, and the walls of the house growing tighter about him so long as he lingered within the hall, he pulled the other man from the wall to take heavy steps toward the back of the house, passing empty doorways and the appointments beyond, curtains drawn tight over windows and allowed to gather dust but keeping out the moonlight and leaving them both bathed in darkness once they left that front door. Wonsik was used to it. He knew the dark as well as he knew the light, except in shadow he had to give no explanation, he only had to carry the man who wound himself about him as certainly as he was figuratively wound about him thanks to his need. His only distraction in darkness was his lips embracing that of the man in his arms.

The bedroom was just as dark, the door ajar and practically kicked open until it thudded against the wall behind, and he stalked across the carpeted floor until his knee hit the high foot of the bed. He bowed forward, laying the more petite man upon his bed as he crawled onto his knees on it with the thick, denim-clad resting against the tops of his thighs and his eyes boring into the other man's in the darkness. "I don't know where the I met you before, princess," he murmured between pants for breath as his lungs screamed for air, "but thank ing God I remembered you in my dreams."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "never forget that." the simple command left his lips in hardly a whisper, needing that fuel. though hakyeon clearly well knew how attractive he was, how beautiful he was to the eye, the touch, and even the taste, the words were pleasing to hear after a long day. being told how pleased someone was by his mere presence was all he really needed. well, that and a good once in a while. he just preferred having a two in one. and it just so happened that this night, hakyeon was going to get both a good and praised for his looks.

once lifted from his spot, hakyeon lifted his legs to wrap them about wonsik's waist. their bodies pressed against one another, and hakyeon felt his breath leave his lungs as his back hit the wall, a small smile rising on his slightly parted lips. his fingers curled into the bleached blond locks atop wonsik's head, his eyes hooded as he hummed deeply, ankles hooking behind wonsik's back as strong hands held him up, trapping him between a body and a wall, groping his with capable fingers. this, hakyeon reasoned with himself, this was what he wanted.

when wonsik's lips crashed against his own, hakyeon hardly had a moment to collect himself. he responded instantly to the kiss, lips moving against the one another in a heated, passionate kiss. little did he know, this was the man he would soon be wrapped around without another thought to anything but the two of them. the clear attack on his mouth was enough to bring a needy groan to his lips, though the sound was muffled against wonsik's mouth as his back arched into the warmth of another body. hakyeon chased for another kiss as his bottom lip was tugged, though once it was let go, the kisses placed on the corner of his mouth earning another deep hum. his eyes fell shut, fingers holding onto soft strands of hair, pushing the locks back slightly as he pushed himself back to the wall, lashes falling heavily over his eyes as he spoke with a smirk ticking up the corner of his lips. "you have a way with words, wonsik. why dont you me and tell me if im as good as you've imagined?"
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "You're beautiful," he said. He hardly needed prompting to say that one word, but the poetry that should be written upon Hakyeon's skin with lips and tongue and quiet whispers was another thing entirely. The slighter man, half- in his arms, deserved art and as they stood together within the foyer of his home, all Wonsik could provide was a single word. He would despise himself if that was all he could summon up in himself. He held Hakyeon tightly, an arm about his middle, and a hand slid beneath the round curve of his to lift him up in his arms and bring his sock-clad feet from the floor.

With a turn, he had brought his soon to be lover to the wide arch that separated the living room from the front hall and pressed the man's bare back against the matte white paint. Capturing him there, his hand gripped tightly at the cheek his palm rested beneath with his fingers curling into the thick denim that hugged his curves, and he brought his lips roughly against his, covering them with his own in a kiss he never asked for. He needed that connection as surely as he needed air to breathe in order to survive.

Stomach and chest pressed against one another, Wonsik pinned his arm against the small of the slimmer man's back, his hand resting against the thin waist. The pad of his index finger ran along the small divot where the skin grew softer than the hardness of the ribcage just above, and the rest of his fingers followed suit along the slim waist. He needed him. That thought ran incongruously through his mind, regardless of all else, pushing everything else aside until he had succumbed and Hakyeon's bottom lip between his own, his tongue pressing to the plump petal and abusing the brim as he sank his teeth slowly into it and tugged. When he let go, he spoke hurriedly against the smaller man's cheek and the corner of his mouth. "You're so ing gorgeous." He swore. He could do little else. He wasn't a refined man, even when money flowed like water, let alone now. "I would let you sit on my damn face and eat this of yours like I'm dying of starvation, princess."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "of course you can have me." the words are a heated whisper in the elegant room of a house that seemed fit for a king, and hardly a liquor store stock boy, but though hakyeon didnt bother with trying to ask. it was something so simple, but he didnt want to bother with it. this night wasnt going to be a night of stories. it was going to be a night of whispered needs, whispered wants, bodies slick with sweat and sliding against one another. "why else do you think im here, wonsik?"

the feeling of the other's breath fanning across his skin, fingers skimming up under his sweater and shirt, earned a sharp inhale, though not one of unwelcoming, but instead unexpected. the touch was welcomed, and his hands slid away from wonsik's neck to reach for the hem of his sweater, slowly tugging the fabric from his body. his shirt rode up with it, rumpling on his petite form and rising above this waist as he dropped his hoodie aside. following shortly after was his shirt, leaving his hair messy atop his head. the warmth of wonsik's hands on him nearly earned a purr from his lips as he pressed his body close, fitting his clearly smaller body to the others as his arms once more came to wind about wonsik's neck.

"so much for dinner and drinks." hakyeon mused quietly, putting on a show of disappointment. there was a part of him that wondered if he could toy with the mortal for a moment, wondered if he could make him wait. he could wait, he was patient. but was the human? hakyeon gathered that he wasnt, but what did it matter? no human ever was patient. a soft gasp left his lips as wonsik's fingers came to his s, his back arching as he pressed his stomach to the other man's toned body. his fingers slip from wonsik's nape, sliding into the hair at the base of his neck as he held himself close. "tell me again. tell me how beautiful i am. tell me, wonsik."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Oh yeah, princess—" Wonsik murmured, quiet words allowed to seep into richly colored skin as he dipped his head and pressed his lips beneath Hakyeon's ear. "Yeah I've noticed." He could lather him in kisses, brush invisible patterns over his skin with delicate intricacy or the warm, wet need of tongue and plump lips and leave a lasting mark upon the petite male who fit so easily into his arms. Wonsik held his head so low that the tip of his nose was all that traced the nymph's jawline. When he spoke, his breath fanned warm over the smaller male's throat and down toward his collar. "Just let me have you, princess."

He didn't ask as his fingers curled beneath the hem of the smaller male's sweater and shirt. The backs of his fingers, the beds of his nails, and his knuckles brushed against bare skin that felt refreshingly cool to touch. Wonsik would have Hakyeon one way or another, he assured himself of that, but in the meantime he would try his luck and act as straightforward and honestly as he could. As he tugged at the garments that separated them, drawing them up and revealing more of the dark skin that hid beneath, his hands fit to the younger looking male's skin and admired every line and curve of his slim waist and firm body.

"Let me get this off of you," he purred. He wanted to tear off the clothing that separated them, rip them to shreds, and claim a half- prize to carry to bed. His hands rode along the ribs that rested beneath such supple skin and the pads of his thumbs ran over the pert peaks of s that stood erect and waiting. He would have him. He would have him at least once. It was just a matter of how hard the other male might fight to stop him as he craved the feel of his slim, taut, toned form within his arms. "—you're beautiful."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "you could say that, yes." a little flicker of sly teasing ghosted over hakyeon's expression as he smirked to the other. in his socks, hakyeon gave a much slower spin as he took in the sight around him, the clear signs of wealth intriguing to him, however he knew not to push his luck, especially not on the first night. he already tested the waters with a simple nudge, a timid poke at the story behind the man, but that was quickly shot down. so he decided not to bother with asking the simple question, probing into matters that didnt involve him... yet. instead, he focused on the clear amount of wealth that had at least once been at this man's fingertips. it reminded him of life in italy, life he didnt want to think about.

hakyeon was distracted, for a moment, allowing the bag of hot, greasy food to be plucked from his fingers, though within moments his attention was captured once more. the sound that left wonsik's throat nearly sent a shiver down his spine, but he didnt want to give into such a reaction just yet. a sly little smirk rested on his lips, and his arms moved to wind about wonsik's neck as he tipped his head back, eyes meeting the other's with clear playfulness in his gaze as he spoke. "oh, i know. plenty of people have told me before. i pride myself on that little fact, havent you noticed by now?"

his sweater bunched up slightly on his waist and underneath his shirt rode up a little with wonsik's arms about him, but he didnt really care. if anything, it was welcome, less area for the clothes to slide in order to be removed. as it was, he was exactly where he wanted to be, and hakyeon knew he had the human wrapped around his pretty little finger. technically, he hardly needed to do anything, especially if just seeing him made wonsik want him this badly. but of course, playing with the humans was always at least a little fun.
† taehyung k。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 [ smacks your profile with a date stamp for rping here! thank you so much ]
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 As they entered his house together, Wonsik reluctantly removed his arm from the slighter male, stepped out of his shoes, and took a step inside and closer to his companion of the evening. The buffet table that hugged the wall of the entry received the two bottles of alcohol with a soft thud of full, glass bottles on hardwood. He drew up a hand, arm held akimbo and fingers flexed just so, and with the pad of his index finger he had turned the dimmer switch for the entryway enough to bathe the pair of them in dim, incandescent light. Their long, slim shadows were painted upon the varnished wood of the front door behind them as he brought a hand to rest upon the other man's waist. "A castle fit for a princess like you, huh?"

Looking over them were the trappings of wealth, the clean lines, the matte walls, the dark wood and glass and an oil painting hung upon the wall of the entryway. That one painting, modern art purchased to impress someone whose presence was long gone save for in whispers. Vases of silk flowers, shadows upon the wall where picture frames once hung until he had smashed in the glass, and dog-eared novels left to collect dust and bear the rings of crystal scotch glasses all spoke of someone who existed once like smoke.

He reached to take the bag from Hakyeon, setting it aside as well, his thoughts no longer on food or on alcohol now that he saw the golden skinned nymph standing in from of him behind closed doors. His hands came to Hakyeon's hips, fingers pressing into clothed skin with need, and he drew him near enough that with his head tipped down his breath would fan warm over the smaller male's face. A low, almost feral sounding growl rumbled in his throat as he looked at the other. "You already know how ing attractive you are, don't you princess? You've got that type written all over you."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 with how quickly wonsik nearly threw himself from the car, hakyeon couldnt help but laugh aloud, rolling his eyes before unbuckling himself and swinging from the car with a single, fluid movement. nudging the car door shut, hakyeon tucked his keys into his pocket, and for a moment he was entranced by the sight of wonsik in the night air, street lights illuminating everything around them.

drawn from his reverie, hakyeon clutched the bag of their greasy takeout food and made his way to wonsik's side, rolling his eyes once more with a small shake of his head. "what is it, the third night that you get the story? oh but dont worry, i dont plan on messing up your property. just your bed sheets. gotta make this night worth it." with a flutter of lashes as hakyeon slid up to wonsik's side, he bumped his hip against the taller male's, grinning a bit cheekily up at him.

their height difference was enough that hakyeon had to tip his head back, and all while being closer, he took advantage of the moment to admire the man's features, the sharp, chiseled jawline gaining most of his attention. for a moment as they made their way up to the front door, hakyeon pressed close to wonsik's side, he wondered briefly what it would be like to sink his teeth into the flesh just below his ear, to mark him as his own prize, and not just some man to take as his own for a night. the simple term of affection that slipped past wonsik's lips drew him from his thoughts, and with a step inside, hakyeon toed off his shoes, spinning a little on his toes to glance over the living space before coming to face wonsik once more, a smile on his lips. "now this is what i call a castle. i like this, wonsik."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 The brush of Hakyeon's arm between his thighs was enough to call for a sharply inhaled breath, something so precise it rivaled the tone of his voice moments earlier. He reached for the door handle the moment he could, popping open the door and inhaling the first breath of fresh air the first moment he could. With a hand on his belt, freeing himself from what he could only call a tin can deathtrap, he scooped the necks of the two liquor bottles with his free hand and practically lunged from the seat onto the cement of the driveway with the thump of the thick soles of his work boots.

"First of all," he railed, raising his empty hand defensively into the air, "thanks but this isn't a night for exposition. And second, sweetheart, I won't be taking anymore jabs. Just know the last guy that ed up my property got his." It was clear that what he had, he had worked for in one way or another and intended to keep in order. As he rounded to the front of the car, his free hand fishing his house keys from the pocket of his slacks, he glanced toward the petite male. "Don't up and leave when there's so much left for us to do. Namely me, doing you."

Flashing a roguish smirk in the other male's direction, he came to his side, winding his arm about him with the two bottles of alcohol clinking together as they hung beside Hakyeon's hip. He turned his head, observing the other's profile as he snugged him close to his side, so much so that the tip of his nose nearly brushed against the shorter male's temple. Leading him to his front door, they entered the halo of cold, halogen light together and he slid the key into the lock on the front door, turned it, and pushed the door open with his knuckles. "After you, princess."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 hakyeon followed the directions wonsik gave him with no issue, taking each suggestion, as it was easier to just obey rather than try and deviate, especially when he had no idea where he was. though he was curious as to why holding onto his thigh was necessary, he didnt want to blow his chance, or even potentially anger his prize. that's what he was, a prize. not a toy, at least not to hakyeon, though its not like anyone would give him credit for that if they were to question him. the way they spoke to each other, the way they stole glances, it was all part of something bigger, something greater.

when he pulled into the driveway upon direction, the warmth of wonsik's hand leaving his thigh leaving him a bit disappointed already, hakyeon let out a small sound of awe, his eyes narrowing slightly as he glanced over to wonsik in the passenger seat. there was no way that a simple stockboy would live somewhere as grand as the housing that they pulled in front of. while parking, hakyeon mulled over the situation, wondering if he had managed to get something wrong whilst having poked and prodded the man's dreams, though nothing stood out to him. reaching between wonsik's legs without much thought, his arm brushing along wonsik's thigh as he tugged the food bag up and toward his own lap.

"first of all, this is a really nice place for someone, no offense, with your job. sounds like you have a story. second of all, this is a brand new car, wonsik. nothing's leaking, or broken, or wrong with it. so stop taking jabs at everything i own, otherwise i'll say goodnight right here and now and see myself back home." hakyeon's steely gaze locked on wonsik's, a single brow raised and the cold look held for a long moment, almost as if challenging the man. he knew that if wonsik just gave up, he'd simply have to try harder next time, and he wsant about to go back on his word. "now, show your princess inside, otherwise our food is going to get cold."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 The warmth of Hakyeon's hand on Wonsik's was enough to briefly pacify him. The addition of their dinner, and the crinkling of its plastic bag, managed to distract him for a moment. He glanced down to the bag seated between the two bottles and his legs. His hair fell over his eyes, and for a moment he remained quiet as they left the drive through and toward the exit from the parking lot. He glanced over, back toward the fast food joint and its fluorescent and plastic signs, and with that pretense he stole a glance at the other male's features. "Right," he muttered, settling back in his seat, "Take a left from the parking lot and get in the right lane."

His hand remained where it sat, thumb worrying the fabric that so tightly hugged the petite male's leg. He wondered how long he could get away with it. The drive was a little easier to stomach so long as he was touching the other, though he offered no explanation for its placement. As the smaller male drove, he only spoke up every couple of blocks, offering suggestions to change lanes, and giving him ample warning for turns even if it was in the same small but knife sharp voice.

"It's just up here." When they reached his neighborhood between Hakyeon's driving and his directions, it was plenty evident that the housing subdivision was not the kind of place a career stockboy would live. He lifted his hand from the other's thigh at last and gestured toward the end of a cul-de-sac, directing him to the only empty driveway. "Your car just better not leak on my driveway, princess."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "that's one way to get me in your bed. my standards arent too high, thank you." with a small hum, hakyeon raised a brow as he glanced over to wonsik. however, with the man facing forward, he only got a glance to the human's profile, and for a moment, hakyeon was struck by just how handsome he was. quickly glancing away, hakyeon focused on ordering their food for the night.

in the midst of ordering, hakyeon was distracted by the feeling of wonsik's hand on his thigh, and while stumbling over a few words, he managed to get through the order without much of a problem. it was clear that something was bothering the man in his passenger seat, though hakyeon didnt know what, and he didnt feel like bothering the man with another question. when he pulled up to the window, lifting his hips from the seat to tug out change to pay for the meal, smiling sweetly as he paid. making brief small talk to the person at the window, hakyeon took the bag of food and reached over to set it between wonsik's feet on the floor.

bringing his hand over wonsik's on his own thigh, he give the man's fingers a gentle squeeze before pulling away from the drive through window, and taking it slowly and carefully, hakyeon spoke quietly to wonsik, sparing a quick glance before making his way from the restaurant parking lot. "you'll have to direct me to your place, if you want me for yourself tonight."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "I'm bringing you back to my place for drinks. The do you think this is?" The aggression in his tone is all that keeps it from sounding disinterested. He leans back, his head against the headrest, hair mussed by the night air but with only an absent drag of his fingers to fix it, it looks less improved and more like the result of the exact activity that had been running through his mind since the second the other male had walked out of his dreams and into his life. He turned his head, looking through the windshield, watching the lights of the city pass by for an instant. "I want you in my bed, princess, or are your standards too high for that?"

Lazily, he rolled his head upon the headrest once more, his eyes taking in the sight of the smaller male in the driver's seat. That same cramped feeling was making him feel clammy, the heat rising beneath his collar though his face looked drawn. Anxiety, he reasoned, was not an attractive trait and it hardly suited his roguish demeanor or paired with a devil may care attitude. Instead he was sallow and verging on the shakes all from being seated up front in a car. He reached over, placing a hand on the other man's thigh, fingers pressing against the skin-tight fabric. And once at the menu board speaker, he dared to brush his thumb over the outside of Hakyeon's thigh.

"Anything greasy. Get the number seven. There'll be enough of everything for both of us." When he spoke it was quiet, sharp, but lacking focus. It was clear that something had placed a crack within the otherwise hard facade. He brought his hand up from the door, fingers threading through his hair to push the bleached blond locks away from his face and his eyes darted back to the windshield as he fell quiet. He was only absently aware of the fact that his hand was still resting on the other man's thigh as his loose grip tightened.
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "well, why dont you tell me? what is 'this'? is something happening?" raising a brow, hakyeon glanced over to wonsik as the passenger seat slid back, hoping that his words would fuel something in the other man. with the instructions given to him, hakyeon began to drive, carefully paying attention to his surroundings. for the most part, it was clear that the man he had targeted was clearly wanting him in some sort of way, but to what extent, hakyeon wasnt sure. as it was, he knew he would have to poke and prod, especially if the man had been used to one night stands. this was going to go on as long as hakyeon wanted, and he was going to make sure of that.

though hakyeon noticed the little stolen glances in his direction, he didnt look over until he got to a stop sign, and while glancing to wonsik in the passenger seat, he flashed a brief smile. focusing back on the road, hakyeon took the few turns he had to before pulling into the drive through of the restaurant, and while casting a glance to wonsik, hakyeon rolled down his window before speaking.

"if you were, you'd be kicked out and you'd have to find a way to get a way home on your own. you dont get some free pass just because you let me use your discount for my alcohol. now what do you want to eat? anything goes well with rose petals." tsking softly, hakyeon shook his head as he pulled up to the intercom. while once more raising a hand to his hair, he brushed his fingers through it to push it back, one hand resting on the wheel while a disembodied voice asked what they would like to order after a failed attempt at an offer for something else and overpriced on their menu.
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 In the passenger's seat of the car, Wonsik felt a strange claustrophobia he was unaccustomed to. It was the kind of feeling he usually reserved for airplane bathrooms, the train during rush hour, and hospital beds. He realized he was unaccustomed to sitting in the front of a car, the back of cabs more akin to his natural habitat when traveling any distance. Reaching over the side of the seat, he fumbled for seat controls, needing to push himself and his long legs further from the dash before he could even find his voice to retort or answer.

"Ever? How long do you see this happening?" Gesturing between himself and Hakyeon beside him, he could only scoff at the thought. He hadn't been one for attachments in the past few years of his life. A fling here, a one night stand there, a quick in an hourly hotel without ever knowing the other person's name once in a blue moon, that was all he needed in terms of human interaction to get himself through. The rose at the inside of his wrist, the lines beneath it darkened by a previous tattoo, was evidence enough that optimism and romanticism had perished somewhere in his twenties.

"Right, just take a right out of the lot and go straight for three blocks, then take a left. I don't know what goes with that liquor of yours but it's a good night for chicken." Resting his elbow on the rest at the inside of the door, he brought his face toward the window, his chin and cheek resting against his palm. Much as his focus was on the world outside the closed window, he stole glances at the other male with his periphery. "You know I'm not a teenager who's about to get drunk off his in your car, right?"
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "good thing i drive? well, you get a free ride home, i think. i wouldnt let you go home and walk all the way." tsking softly under his breath, hakyeon shook his head a little, though every movement he made was with determination. perhaps seeming innocent could get him closer to his goal, but even that wasnt very appealing to him. he liked the back and forth that they had, it made the night seem more than just a tease.

it took hakyeon a long moment before he spoke once more. "we can do whatever you'd like, wonsik." once they were seated in the car, the key turning and getting the car , hakyeon reached for his seatbelt, buckling himself in. the other's words caught him off guard, though he was pleased to hear them nonetheless. with a flutter of lashes, hakyeon turned slightly in his seat, surveying the male in his passenger seat, a small chuckle sounding from his lips before he finally spoke.

"damn right im a high maintenance princess. and i wont ever let myself be treated less than that, so dont you ever forget that, wonsik." with a huff, hakyeon shook his head and turned away, focusing once more on the steering wheel. putting the car in reverse, hakyeon began to pull out of his parking spot, glancing over his seat to reverse safely, though once in a forward facing position once more, hakyeon stopped the car, looking expectantly toward wonsik with a raised brow, both hands on the wheel. "well? where to, wonsik? you've got the knowledge."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Yeah, you've got it right. Good thing you drive, Hakyeon," he said sharply. The bottles in his possession, Wonsik held either cradled to his sides as he followed close and just off to the side at an intimate distance from Hakyeon. On the way toward the car, with Wonsik trailing behind, he stole glances at the other's figure, on the one hand still trying to ascertain that the other was real, and on the other, he justified that he was a man with needs and he was not above doing whatever was within his power to satisfy those needs. It didn't matter that the other was counting on that outcome all along without his knowledge.

" What are you in the mood for? I usually just grab takeout on the way back to my place, but that's probably not appropriate." The brisk night air was bracing, chill upon his thin cheeks and mussing his blond hair as they walked out together. He reasoned that it was good for him, sobering, and yet his mind was just as clouded as the moment the smaller male had walked in and spoken to him like a vision—or a nightmare. It would be a matter of time before he discovered just which Hakyeon truly was.

When they reached the car, he passed the daintier bottle of rosolio to the hand otherwise cradling his Fireball, and tugged on the door handle to tug open the passenger door. He ducked his head to slide into the seat. The other's perturbed nature elicited an almost snorted laugh from his lips as he set the bottles on the floorboard between his legs, pulled the door shut, and reached to belt himself in. "What a high maintenance princess you are, huh? Jesus. You look pretty enough regardless of your hair. Besides, just looks like you had a good time."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 upon seeing the male return, hakyeon's lips curled up into a small smile as he turned, facing him head on as the long legged man made his way to him. while casting a quick glance over his shoulder, hakyeon spoke fondly to the girl at the register, bowing politely and giving a short little wave before nearly accidentally turning straight into wonsik's chest, grasping the bottles in his hands before raising each one with a grin.

"we shall. though these are in your possession for now.. wonsik, was it? i've got to drive, and you have to direct me to... wherever you intend to take me to grab something." pressing each bottle to wonsik's chest, hakyeon waited for the other to hold the bottles securely before he withdrew, turning on his heel with a soft hum leaving his lips. feeling rather playful for a moment, hakyeon cast a glance over his shoulder with a small wave, leading the man out to his own car.

once outside, the wind brushed through hakyeon's hair, ruffling the neat fringe as hakyeon tightened his arms around himself for a moment, making his way to his car. it had been a while since he had been out this late, but he wasnt turned off to the idea, especially with the promise of something for the night. digging in his pocket for a moment, hakyeon pulled out his keys, fingers reaching to jab the key in the car to unlock it. climbing in, hakyeon let out a huff, reaching to fix his hair once more with a grumble. "damn wind, cant look pretty enough with this messing it all up."
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 He was playing at nonchalance, had been the entire night, ever since he felt he was being bewitched by a ghost stepped straight from his dreams into reality. However, his nonchalance was hardly convincing when he was so eager to get a hand on that same figure with his slim waist, his thighs, his long lashes and dark eyes luring him in deeper until he was too far gone to claw his way back out. He had always prided himself on being the hunter, and yet as he had returned to finishing with the clearance shelves and cleaning up his section, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had become hunted. It settled cold and hard in the pit of his stomach.

With the prices labeled, the shelves straightened after one too many customers had disorganized them either careless of who would have to clean up behind them, or while in their cups enough to spell out near disaster, Wonsik finished his shift a couple of minutes early to retreat to the back room. He set the box of number placards in its proper place and removed the magnetized name tag from his pocket, and he opened the narrow locker he called his own to toss the name tag in and retrieve his wallet from. His thumb ran over the empty billfold before he tucked it away out of sight and drew his phone from his pocket to check the newest contact. "Hakyeon, huh? Some name." He remarked to himself before returning the phone to his pocket.

As he emerged from the back room, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and carding a hand through his bleached locks, he turned his eyes toward the front counter, half expecting only to see the young woman tending the register and pleasantly surprised to find the smaller male in his dark clothing propped against it. He stowed his free hand in his pocket, the hand that had been buried in his hair reaching out toward the one he dared to think of for a brief instant as a companion for the evening. A self-satisfied smirk drew up the left side of his lips and he glanced between the young woman, and the other male. "Alright, I'm off. Made sure the back is locked up. Didn't expect you'd wait for me, but shall we?"
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "you'll see the new name in there. that's me." flashing a small grin, one that doesnt reach his eyes, hakyeon couldnt help but keep himself more of a mystery for a moment longer. the idea of being something that is nearly unattainable, something that could easily slip away without a word made it worthwhile. maybe a little back and forth, hiding away, some tom and jerry business... it all added to the story, to the chase. it made it entertaining, enticing, playful. everything hakyeon was, and aimed to be.

the simple step forward was enough for hakyeon, and a small smile ticked up the corner of his lips, and as wonsik's fingers brushed over his chest, he reached up to grasp the neck of the bottle, fingers brushing over the ones that held the bottle hostage for so long. nodding once at the simple command, hakyeon murmured the request under his breath before he turned and walked away without another word, making his way to the front counter. being able to earn a night promised with the man, hakyeon couldnt help but feel rather proud of himself. once again, he got what he wanted, hardly a problem in sight.

at the counter, hakyeon spoke easily to the girl at the register, and after some minor talking, hooking a finger over his shoulder to wonsik, he paid the bill with the discount added, and after getting each of the bottles bagged, hakyeon stood by the counter and waited patiently, making easy small talk with the girl. his soft laugh rang out a few times in the small store, his voice rising and falling animatedly as he spoke, and it was simple. humans were so simple. humans were so easily manipulated, and everything about the night simply proved it. after a while, hakyeon picked up his phone once more to check the time, and as it grew nearer to the end of wonsik's shift, he found himself growing anxious and impatient, as he glanced around, hoping to see the tall blond male making his way to the counter with news of finishing.
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Yeah—yeah of course." With his phone back in his possession, Wonsik held the bottle aloft once more, his eyes searching the bottle of liquor as if it held an answer for him. There were no answers, tonight, just the tenuously flirtatious banter that verged on arguing. The smaller male's offer caught him off guard, yet he wouldn't turn down free alcohol, particularly when it was coupled with what could prove to be an evening of diversion for him rather than an unfulfilled night and a morning changing dirty sheets by the harsh light of day.

He took a step closer, his head tipped down, making the difference between their heights all the more apparent as he pressed the bottle to the other's chest within the seclusion provided by the shelves of imported liquor. The backs of his fingers brushed against the other's clothed chest, disturbing the fabric of the over-sized hoodie. He felt his own breath hitch, and for a moment he considered his movements, his eagerness, his single step closer to be a miscalculation on his part. But it was too late to err on the side of caution when he was already so close and very nearly touching the smaller male in the least intimate fashion his own desire could afford. He could only proceed.

"I've got shelves to stock until I get off. Take this to the counter and tell the girl at the register you need a bottle of Fireball for Wonsik." The sight of the other's wide eyes almost sickened him in that moment, his mind railing against the idea as he saw the other as almost childlike, and yet his subconscious mind had had no issue in desiring the dark skinned nymph in dreams. He swallowed that feeling down like a bitter pill and tilted his head to gesture toward the front of the store. "She should give you my discount. It'll probably save you some cash on the froufrou too. Consider it my contribution to the evening, huh?"
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "im not saying you do. the piss water is reserved for people who deserve it, and i think you're much more deserving of... whiskey, and jack. that seems to fit you better." hakyeon was just barely brinking on flirtatious behavior, or something like that. it was his nature, from the flirty tone, the batting of his lashes, the little teasing sway of his hips. he knew how to make people want him. it was easy, especially with just how long he's been able to hold a conversation with a man that hardly seemed to give a care about anything.

a soft snort left hakyeon's lips, and though the other man was restraining himself, he didnt. his eyes rolled with a flutter of lashes, though as they rolled back to meet wonsik's gaze, his eyes wide as he blinked up at the taller man for a moment. taking the phone with a huff, hakyeon tapped his phone number into a new contact, and after saving the information, he offered the phone back to wonsik, raising a single brow as his free hand came to rest once more on his hip. he was a cocky one, hakyeon thought to himself, and he liked it. something about the back and forth, the minor bits of arguing coupled with the clear attraction they at least had toward each other, it made it all worth it in the end. enough to make sure that hakyeon could have a fun night.

"listen, im not tired. and if you want to grab something, then sure. i can wait. but i'd like to purchase my rosolio... and maybe anything you'd like for yourself. for entertaining me." reaching up, hakyeon gestured to the bottle of italian liquor that was still held hostage in the stockboy's grip, a single brow raised before he chuckled quietly. the offer to buy something for the other was something he wasnt expecting himself to do, but he figured that if it could secure him more solidly, then he'd gladly do it. shifting from one foot to another, hakyeon once more lifted a hand to run his fingers through his hair, looking up at wonsik with wide, almost hopeful, eyes.
♡ wonsik k。 6 years ago
@♥ hakyeon c。 "Take it easy, huh? I'm not judging what you drink. Just don't assume I drink piss water," he countered, his eyes narrowed only to keep from rolling them back within their sockets in disdain at the mention of "ty beer" and the clear estimation the figure in front of him was making. He could care less about what most customers thought of him, so rarely interacting with them, and yet this time he was all too interested in the impression the near apparition in front of him had. He wondered if, at thirty, stocking shelves in a liquor store, he really came across as some frat boy looking to get his wet. What most alarmed him, however, as he held the bottle of rosolio hostage at his side once more, was just how many considerations he had paid to the state of his s since seeing the other. He disgusted himself.

"In about..." His voice trailed off as he lifted his free hand, glancing at the chunky, steel-banded watch on his wrist, a watch that no stockboy job would have paid for. "Half an hour. Maybe luck is on your side, huh?" He stowed his hand within the safety of his back pocket, withdrawing his phone from within and offering it with an outstretched hand toward the man he didn't know from Adam with an undue trust. It wasn't that unheard of him, he realized in a moment of rational thought, to find a pretty face trustworthy even if that pretty face held a knife between its teeth. That realization didn't stop him from making the offer.

"You know if it's not too late for you, maybe we can grab something." The suggestion came thoughtlessly, a hold over from a time when he had a reason to be confident. Yet as he kept the bottle of rose petal liquor in hand, he reminded himself that those things were essentially of a bygone age. The clothes, the watch, the bleached hair in some semblance of a coiffure would only extend so far for a thirty-year-old stockboy. As if fighting for an upper hand that would have once naturally been his, he gave one last jab. "If you're not too tired, of course."
♥ hakyeon c。 [A] 6 years ago
@♡ wonsik k。 "i think i'd remember a face like yours more than just some passing memory, if we really met." unaware of the thoughts that ran through the other man's mind, only merely able to assume based off of the few things hakyeon had been able to derive from the dream he had experienced for himself. tipping his head up, a small little smirk resting on his lips upon noticing the lack of a cocky attitude in his tone, hakyeon couldnt help but chuckle under his breath.

at the mention of 'froufrou' liquor, hakyeon's eyes narrowed into dangerous slits, and he brought his hands to his hips in small fists. while bringing his hands there, the fabric of his sweater bunched up, revealing just how tiny his waist really was. it was something hakyeon prided himself on, being so tiny, so frail. often, it was something that could get him free passes. a dark skinned porcelain doll, so fragile and angelic. that was all part of his charm, one that he used well. many nights spent with others all began when an arm slid around his waist, fingers dimpling the skin while attempting to claim. but no one ever /had/ him, he was the one who owned others. he was in charge.

"call it froufrou all you want, its more elegant than a dollars worth of ty beer. but i'll take the froufrou liquor, and if you give me your phone i can give you my number... as long as i get yours, too." a small smile rested on hakyeon's lips, pleased to know that he was being chased, insomuch as time constraints would allow. slipping his hand into his back pocket, hakyeon pulled out his phone to check the time, tsking at the clock upon realizing that it was late, though not close enough to midnight to worry too much. after a moment, hakyeon looked back up to wonsik, his lips ticking up slightly. "what time does your shift end? maybe we could entertain each other, if it isnt too late."


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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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