⚘ ㅤbar。

a social place where the alcoholics can gather and have a little fun.
♡ hyojong k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 his head snapped up to the source of the voice and his eyes met the dark shadow that stood before him, within seconds he found himself in the male's warm arms and without a second thought, he tugged at the robe that desperately determined his dignity.

he cringed at the feeling of blood and other unknown substances that slid down between his legs. he used his free hand to cling onto the other's shirt, using the last bit of his energy to keep himself up against the male and to alleviate the pain from his legs.

he glanced at the male before him for a couple of seconds, taking in the males features carefully, in the dark - the act of gracefulness tugged his little heart with a glee of warmth, not expecting someone to save him, and he admired the act of kindness. "th-thank you," he whispered, as the obese male’s footsteps slowed down came to an abrupt halt.

the obese male demanded for the damsel in distress that timidly trembled in the stranger's arms, and all he could do was open part his lips and let out a muffled cry when the obese male tugged at his fragile arm - imposing a large amount of responsibility to the other, hoping that he would save him to prevent him from falling back into that industry.
♥ sanghyuk h。 6 years ago
@♡ hyojong k。 Normally, he never came through this route but since he'd been trying to avoid running into those 'hunters'--as they called themselves--he had ended up taking this path. The brothels were everything he disliked. So much greed, void and bliss in one place couldn't possibly be good for someone like him. After all, he disliked having other's invaded his personal space and touching him without permission. Which was hypocritical of him, since he'd once worked in a place like this.

He had avoided the people wondering hands and kept on his way, that was until the smell of blood had reached his nose had him stopping in his track. The cry quietly begging was even more inviting, and just like that he'd spotted the other male's poor attempt of running away. The obese man hot on his trail. It wasn't his problem what they did to the boy. He should have ignored it, really he should have.

"What do we have here?" he said as he looked down at the boy before saying, "Well since you asked so nicely," He said grabbing into his arm and quickly picking the boy up enough to re-position him in his arms.
♡ hyojong k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 he burst through the backdoors, taking an overly large intake of fresh air to replace the toxic stench of sin found within the nightclub, he grimaced at the sight of heavy rain before him but nonetheless moved out, using the walls for support as everything from his lower half were more than incapable of doing that. within short seconds, he scouted his environment, calculating a route of escape from the brutally obese male and fixed his small silk robe to cover his bruised body before proceeding forward.

he dragged his bare feet across the cold floor, using the last amount of strength he had to pull himself across the cold wet walls, the pain shooting down his back and the blood dripping from in between his legs were both reminders for him to stop but the adrenaline pulsing through his blood contradicted that reminder and got him to move forward in the need to escape.

he needed this. he desperately needed to escape.

large footsteps echoed behind him, and as the obese male inched closer and closer to the smaller boy, he could feel himself losing all hope and courage he had gathered within his escape 'mission' - the light that shone brightly before him slowly diminishing.

"s-someone please...", he said quietly while reaching his arm out.
♥ sanghyuk h。 6 years ago
@♥ seokjin k。 (honestly this reply was shet OTL my bad)

Well that worked out the best for him, he thought as he strolled out of the bar and down the side walk with his hands in his pockets. He couldn’t continue to admire himself in that lighting, but at least he got his drinks paid for him, not that he couldn’t pay for them himself. It was just the means he had to resort to, to get rid of a pesky human.

‘What a weirdo,’ he thought to himself. It was rather strange now that he thought about it. He’s been coming to the bar for a few years now, and this was the first time—in a long time—that someone had tried to talk to him. Being a regular there, people had come to know not to bother him. But this person had. He was smart, he had to admit that, otherwise he wouldn’t have found a way to talk to him as long as he had.

He had come to a halt in his steps when the other man had come to block his path. “That was the point, take the hit,” SangHyuk had said with a grin before trying to go around the stranger, but when he continued Sanghyuk had only stopped once more before quickly saying, “Are those my only options? Because if they are, I’m pricey.”

He couldn’t help but laugh at the man’s words. Any normal human would be offended or bending backwards in pain, but he was a Narcissist, why would someone else's opinions matter to him? This was just funny. “That’s where you’re wrong, whatever you think you will be getting from this, it won’t happen.” He said with a grin before walking away from the other yet again with a bounce in his step.

Cooperate with me? Pst, what kind of movies has he been watching? He surely didn’t think that would work on someone like him, now did he? The man sure was funny, but he’d already taken too much of his time and Sanghyuk had other plans that involved just him and himself.
♥ seokjin k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 (IT doesn't T3T )

Rolling his eyes, he watched the other get up. Seokjin knew it was going to be hard, but he was just not having it that night. Taking the last drop of his drink he looked at the bartender handing him more than enough money to pay for everyone’s drink plus 10. Seokjin then hurried through the crowd to reach the other and let out a groan, there was too many people and he hated being touched, especially by humans. He hated them a lot more than he hated everything else.

Once he was near the other he stopped in front of him. “You know it’s rude to let the other hanging right?” He said crossing his hands across his chest. “You didn’t answer my question, I mean I won’t make you, but I would rather not be ignore by you, ah don’t get me wrong I’m not into you or anything like that I am just trying to get into your little nerves and maybe get what I want, so why not cooperate with me? We can do this the easy way, a lot of people tend to call me annoying.”

Seokjin was not going to let the other get away, not that fast. Seokjin had a lot of time in his hands to get the other killed. He knew that, but he was impatient, the fact that he was going to be able to finally die made him act in ways he did not know he could. He was almost desperate he could taste death just around the corner, all he had to do was cut Sanghyuk’s life short, simple. Plus it wasn’t like anyone would actually miss the other, apart from himself, he felt like the other did not have anyone, but he wasn’t judging, never judge a book by it’s cover, it can get you in a lot of trouble, he knew better than anyone.

“Do you really think you are the best looking person on earth? Do you really think you are perfect?” Seokjin asked rather sarcastically before he let out a scuff. “Life does not revolve around people like you, oh no you’re just a little spec of dirty dust in this world. You are nowhere near being perfect.” Seokjin spat. “You can sure dream, but it’s never going to happen should be my line.”
♥ sanghyuk h。 6 years ago
@♥ seokjin k。 (just, you know cause it shet lol TT^TT)

There was pros and cons to falling, but being cursed to forever remain in his most perfect state had truly been the best pro to this whole thing. He could never return to his place in the heavens, but the resentment he had held for that hadn’t even lasted the length of a decade. His beauty had forever been there as the planet developed.

Just like he hadn’t cared about joining the God nor Hades & Lucifers side, he didn’t care about joining the other fallen in coping with their misfortune or plans to find a way back into the heavens or hell. Neither benefited him, so he’d turned his attentions to follow his own will.

He wasn’t entirely sure why this strange man was talking to him at the least, but whatever he was hoping to achieve by flattery—which sounded like nothing but the truth to him—was completely useless. It was like he said, there was no way he would ever allow someone touch him or even come near him unless he wanted it.

Hearing him say he wasn’t worthy was also the truth in Sanghyuk’s mind. “Right again,” he said with a grin as he half motioned with his fingers towards the other, “Not even close to being near my standards.” He wasn’t entirely sure but he was starting to get the feeling that this man was being far too professional for someone looking to ‘hook up’. His whole demeanor was so different from the others who tried to pick him up.

Normally, someone would have taken offense by now. Especially with his lack of filter of being humble to the unfortunate beings who wished to be as perfect as he. They wouldn’t be pushing on a conversation in the same loop with no end. Even he knew that. It was definitely his queue to go. “You can sure dream, but it’s never going to happen.” He said with a grin as he stood up and said, “My drink’s on him.” He waved at the bartender as he started walking away before the other could follow.
♥ seokjin k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 ( XDD WHY?? ITS GOOD)

At the moment the other did not break contact with the mirror he knew it was going to be way harder than he expected. Seokjin did not care he would do anything to be able to die and be able to get what he really wanted. Seeing how the other was so in love with himself only made him a little irritated, he just had no idea why people liked being so handsome or pretty everything was just temporary, well for them at least. He was stuck looking like a twenty plus year old for the rest of his life, literary.

The words the other spat were in deed mean, but for Seokjin they were just words, nothing more nothing less, just what they were. Seokjin had been a beautiful angel once, he was indeed beautiful, one of the most beautiful angels anyone had laid eyes on, but that was not something he ever cared for, at the same time his face was a curse from heaven.

The thought of picking the other up not once did it cross his mind, he had given up on even touching someone else in his whole life. The last time he had ever ‘picked’ someone up had ended him with the life he had right now, and after that day one he had bowed to never fall for someone, pick up, or even share any interest in them. To him people were just people who grew up, died and just disappeared, like the cycle of life.

Seokjin went ahead and put on the smile that he had perfected since the day of his death. “Don’t worry, I don’t think I am even up to your standards to even get near you. Actually I feel like I am a little too close to be near someone as perfect as you.” He then paused thanking the bartender as he drank the new drink in front of him. “You are just perfect and there are no words to describe how you look compared too all of us peasants, you look better than an angel.” Seokjin wasn’t necessarily lying, Sanghyuk was indeed one of the best looking people he had seen in a long time. He had a good face, well perfect, and his aura spit confidence, which would be a huge win for someone else, but not for Seokjin. “If I can’t reach your perfection, maybe I can at least be second don’t you think?” He asked. “Why not look at me? Are you scared of seeing maybe that I am better?” He mocked almost letting his tongue slip a little.
♥ sanghyuk h。 6 years ago
@♥ seokjin k。 (I am so sorry TT^TT)

As time dragged on people came and went. Not everyone shared the luxury of letting their night drag on, nor the option of staying. For people who’d taken their alcohol too lightly and prematurely gotten drunk before it even past 1 were sent off in a taxi before their damage was irreparable. While others drank and gossiped like the ‘women’ they so reprimanded for ‘gossiping too much’. Other’s simple enjoyed the chase of underaged women slipping past the security of the bar, while others busied talking someone up for a cheap night.

Not that Sanghyuk cared about keeping tabs on every single person in the room. They weren’t as important as the beautiful creature reflected in the back wall mirror on the bar display. As irrelevant as everything was around him, he wasn’t completely blinded to it. It was difficult not to notice things that fell out of the ordinary. But it still was just in the back of his mind sending odd little flags of warning.

Hardly anyone dared sit next to him as close as the new comer had, but still it hadn’t been enough to completely remove his eyes from where they were currently admiring himself. There couldn’t be a more perfect and beautiful creature out there than him. Mirrors sure had been man’s most divine invention yet.

The words from the other hadn’t even broken his contact with the mirror, “Of course it does, and there wasn’t even a question about it.” He said slightly turning his nose up in the air and a corner of his lip tugging upwards. He had to admit the man had a keen eye to have noticed ‘perfection’ in a dump like this.
The man’s next words really did have him breaking from the mirror and looking towards him. The man wasn’t entirely unfortunately looking, but there was only one being that had been graced with perfection. And that was him alone. He couldn’t help but laugh at it, “Just give up, perfection like this can’t be achieved in your life time.” He said turning back around in his seat to look at himself, but before his eyes could settle back on his perfect self, he’d twirled back around and looked down at the empty seat between them as if trying to prove that he was straight and not just chatting up another man for simple conversation.

“If you’re trying to pick me up, leave. There is no way I’ll let someone like you come anywhere near this perfect body of mine,” he said embracing himself. He only belonged to himself, and no one else was going to get near him.
♥ seokjin k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 As Seokjin watched the other he drank some of the drink he had order, nothing too strong, he did not like the smell or taste of any alcoholic drink. Looking at the other he came to realize a few things, and one of those things was what he feared the most. The other carried with him something like a shield, something that might make it extremely hard on him to even get close to him, but he also noticed another thing and that was that he loved looking at himself, which could be something that would make him be able to get slightly close to him.

As the night grew old, leaving him behind, he decided to take he courage and decided to maybe at least get the other to speak a few words to him, even the leave me alone, or the get away, would be enough for him, that gave him a small window to be able to get to talk to him, or even just interact with him. Being that he was also a psychologist he knew what to look for in someone like him, maybe it was hard, but in the end he would always break the person whom he was in charge of him. Not break mentally or emotionally, oh no he would break through the wall the person had created. It was something that it seemed almost natural for him. Since he had no attachment to them watching them suffer did nothing to him and telling them their truths while they slowly twisted in pain and misery was something he did not care about not the last bit, but that just made his job a lot easier.

Dragging the small cup of alcohol to the end of the bar table he walked towards Sanghyuk, and he was not going to lie he looked better, compared to the picture this time he looked like he was more mature and not just another kid he had to deal with. Placing the cup down on the top of the bar table where Sanghyuk had been sitting, before he himself took a seat next to him, but not too close, just far enough to make it seem like he just sat there to order something.

Seokjin did not speak for a while; all he did was drink the drink he had ordered. He did not know what to say in all honesty, but at the same time he just waited patiently he had lived long enough to know that talking to others out of nowhere might seem a little creepy to some. Seokjin drinking the last drop of his drink looked over at Sanghyuk before he spoke to him. “The mirror sure makes you look good.” He then looked at the bartender “I’ll have what he is having.” He then waited for the other to either speak or ignore him, either way he would I find a way to get close to the other, even if meant getting a ‘hurt.’

“Mind telling me your secret on how to look so good?” He asked. Seokjin wasn’t bad himself if he could say so himself, but he wasn’t someone who would just out right fall in love with his reflection like the person next to him. Oh no, he was tired of looking at his face, it had been a little too long seeing the same face for the past years. He was tired of it, he wanted to grow old and wrinkly just like any other person, and that added to the reason he hated humans, they had a lot of things he wanted for his own.
♥ sanghyuk h。 6 years ago
@♥ seokjin k。 As the world aged, there were some things that the earth couldn’t seem to grow out of. Malice, Greed, & Self-righteousness. Three things that have kept the world evolving in the same cycle throughout the entirety of its lifetime.

Someone as old as him should know, he’s seen it loop time and time again. But unlike everyone else he’s not interested in joining an unwinnable battle that would bring him nothing. What could they offer him that he didn’t already have?

There was no use in stepping in a one of these ‘tantrums’ the mortals insisted on fighting. It was much more entertaining watching them from the sidelines and filling his own pockets with things they’ve left behind and that he deserved. It wasn’t like he had a choice but to enjoy what was forced upon him.

Malice, Greed & Self-righteousness, wasn’t all that bad. And it was this very thinking that had gained him several enemies throughout his life time. He’s never been good at making ‘friends’. They took too much time away from himself. And why would he ever want to give himself less time to dedicate it to himself? Especially with selfish beings becoming more self-centered as the centuries rolled by.
He really enjoyed watching them evolve, though. They hadn’t started becoming interesting until they started building their own mechanisms to kill themselves. Booze, being one of his favorite methods. Unfortunately, the liquor had only effects on the mortal.

“Would you like another?” The bartender had come to stand in the perfect place that blocked him from the beauty reflected in the mirror.

“Yes, now move away you are blocking my view,” Hyuk had said swatting the bartender away, ignoring the unimportant slurs sent his way.

He had lived a long life, and it’d been long enough to get use to the stench the mortals poisoned the earth with. So the chaos around him took time from his moment at staring at the mirror behind the several clear bottles of liquor.

He wasn’t particularly fond of the place at first, but when he’d decided to venture into it to see what it could offer him, he’d had just happened to sit in the perfect place in the room. He’d immediately been enamored with how his reflection looked in the mirror with all the lights in the room. So this had become a regular part of his routine every now and then.
“Here you are, let me know if I can get you something else,” The bartender said returning with his new glass.

“Yeah, yeah, now go away,” he said shooing him away again.

"what a weirdo.."
♥ seokjin k。 6 years ago
@♥ sanghyuk h。 It had been a really long day, he had just finished he late shift in the night hospital and dealing with patients was not something he had signed up for. Letting out a soft sigh he took a seat on the chair to his apartment. He did not have a lot, a bed and a couch, with a lamp in the middle of the room and clothes everywhere. Compared to his outside persona, people would have never thought that was the kind of person he was, a person who just did not care about anything.

Seokjin reached down his pocket feeling the vibration to his cellphone, a rather new one. He looked at the caller ID and said unknown, which he assumed could just be a prank, something that had been going on around for a while now. With a sigh he answered the called with a simple “Who is this?”

He was answered with a silence making him check to see if the call had ended and the moment he took his ear away from the phone on the other side of a line a male voice said to him. “We can give you what you want, all you have to do is a job for us.” Seokjin made a face before he said himself. “Is this a joke? This is stupid.”

When he was about to hand up the male voice said. “We can kill you and you can go back to her.” Seokjin froze at the sound of those words ringing in his ear. “All you have to do is a small job.” The voice said. “Take it or leave it Kim Seokjin, or should I say Elias Weighheart.”

At the sound of his real name, his first name, Seokjin stood up. “who is this? What do you want?” He asked.

“All we want is to give you what you want, all you have to do is take the job. Seokjin decided do you take it or leave it?” The voice asked.

Seokjin had dreamed of death since the first day he knew he was cursed with living forever. He hesitated before he took a deep breath and said “Yes, I accept, but you have to kill me by the time I finish the job.”

“Good choice, the information will be delivered to you shortly.” The voice said before the call ended. As soon as the call ended, a white envelope fell to the floor of his apartment making Seokjin turn his head around as fast as he heard the thud.

Seokjin then walked over to it, picked it up and looked inside only to find a picture of a rather handsome boy, his name and the words KILL HIM in big red letters on the back of the picture. “Han Sanghyuk.” Seokjin read letting the envelope drop on the floor to his apartment.

“Who the hell did you piss off?” Seokjin thought before going to his clothes and picking up some clothes to put on before he headed out to ask around and find out who he was and what he needed to do to kill him. Which he actually did not care about, killing was just something that he had learned to do through out the years, since well he was in war and needed it to survive. Seokjin knew the right people and some pretty bad ones, and that is how he found out where he could find Sanghyuk that night.

Walking inside the bar, Seokjin looked around. The smell of liquor and sweat made Seokjin cover his nose before he walked in further bumping to a few people until he was at the bar. Sitting down Seokjin took of his coat and looked around until he spotted Sanghyuk all on his own. His first mission was to get close to him, close enough to befriend him and then kill him.
♥ joohyun b。 6 years ago
@♥ chaeeun l。 the bar seemed like it was going to burst with the sheer amount of people and the level to which the noise had reached. unmoved, she casts a bored glance to the score board and wondered again why she had the urge to throw herself into human pleasures? no longer was she hunting humans or crib snatching for sapor, and, ever since she had joined sweet tooth, the need to hunt had diminished.
a presence sits to her left and taps her on the shoulder, joohyun looks over and amusement grazes her lips at the familiar presence. she tils her beer up once more to finish the drink, then leaning in to the woman’s ear, “bingo, bingo, and wow- you’re a winner!” sarcasm and humor blend together playfully as she sits back and offers her fries to chaeeun, a familiar face she didn’t think she would have ever seen after falling, “don’t tell me you forgot me, chaeeun? how hard di you have to hit your head for that mm?” her hand, cold from holding the beer, reaches out to tuck a piece of hair behind chaeeun’s ear and grazes her cheek, cheekily.
♥ chaeeun l。 6 years ago
@♥ joohyun b。 Chaeeun made her way into the bar. She was off tonight once again and lucky for her it was sports night. She smiled to herself as she saw all the sweaty men cheering for their favorite teams. Seeing humans do such foolish things amused her greatly. Looking around for an empty seat, she sat down next to a woman with long black hair. She was really pretty... almost too pretty. Strangely enough, she couldn’t sense that the woman was a human. This was very intriguing indeed. Ordering herself a shot of tequila, she then smiled a bit and tapped the woman on the shoulder. “Hi! I couldn’t help but notice a couple of things about you. First off, you seem familiar. Second off you look bored as Hell. Third, you’re not human are you?” Chaeeun asked as she knocked back her shot before getting a refill.
♥ joohyun b。 6 years ago
@♥ chaeeun l。 swirling the drink in hand, her gaze sweeps across the bar from her booth seat in the corner. a plate if fries sits in front of her and joohyun lazily pops another morsel into . the tribal nature of sports abd sports fans never failed to amaze her: it reminded her so much of the church and the religious convocation. they all rallied around people they don’t know and sing praises to the name of a team they will never know personally. a crescendo in voices marked yet another win for the local team and joohyun continued to chew on the fry she had in hand, almost dropping it in her pensive state. from her seat, she had a full view of the bar and the men and women tightly packed for the games and alcohol. she swirls the drink around once more, then taking a swig of the bitter beer, losing interest at a startingly rate.
♥ brittenelle f。 6 years ago
@♥ mary c。 Having her palm clawing at a mortal's throat wasn't how Brit had intended to spend the evening. The blonde had been seated peacefully by the bar, supping her glass of liquor, when a raven-haired stunner took the vacant spot next to her, martini freshly refilled. 'Do you come here often?' wasn't even necessary; for the girl had made the move first, hastily surging to press a rather rushed kiss onto the angel's lips. Sure, it knocked the air out of her lungs but it wasn't exactly an unpleasant surprise. Not until some bull grabbed her by the collar and collided his tightly clenched fist with her cheekbones. and It went downhill from there. She really couldn't understand why he couldn't hit his girlfriend instead. after all, she's the one cheating. However, a tiny part of her just thanked satan for such low life she could pour her anger on. "You better have the funeral fees on you." A scoff had resonated from whilst she collected herself, getting to her feet rather quickly to mirror the punch she had received. Only not allowing him to recover for she grasped a hold of his neck, lifting him off of the floor enough to have him writhe like a fish out of water. Truth be told, his desperation for breath has pleased her beyond belief. Eyes burning with emptiness and malice whilst he gasped for air with ragged breaths. It was then that she realized, claiming souls was one thing and taking lives was another. this felt empowering and lord, was she hungry.


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Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
Pls don't steal the content based here, gracias.
Vivaldi [A] 5 years ago
[comment deleted by owner]
hobbit 6 years ago
requesting a week hiatus for sebastian and dacre
yxgurt 6 years ago
the featured graphic is prEtTy
kingkobra 6 years ago
I’m not going to have internet till the 31st or later so please put Alex on hiatus for me please? Thank you
oracle 6 years ago
pls hit naoki up with a semi ;;
Panda_PrinceJae 6 years ago
Can you add and reserve Hyuk from VIXX pleasu?
guccipotaetes 6 years ago
Add and reserve Cha Eunwoo please
-dreamingofyou- 6 years ago
Chuando Tanhe please ♡♡
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