↷ gotham

just what the title says
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Harley hummed a reply, deep in her thoughts. Come to think of it, robbing a bank wasn't /that/ hard, unless you have got the superheroes involved. But maybe this time it wasn't that good of an idea. "You know, if they see the both of us doing that together, words could get back to Mr J pretty quick." She said, taking a swig of her drink. She wasn't sure whether the clown prince of crime would even care seeing her and the red hood together, but it might ruin his mighty plan of revenge." Or maybe we can try stealing something to sell. It's up to you, really. I'm going with whatever ya say." She said, grinning and shrugging a shoulder. It was his plan anyway, she was only hoping to have some fun following along.
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel 'Just might be your lucky day.' In the back of his mind, he was most likely arguing with himself but as long as it wasn't directly by his hand, he would be in the clear. Jason had long left his need for bloodshed behind but when you have to bargain with criminals, things happen. The raven snorted at her enthusiasm, not having doubted it for a moment; 'Robbing a bank?' He looked at his glass before humming in thought, 'I've got some people that could help with that if you're up for some running,' he offered.
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@⋫ bruce wayne Harley let out a grunt of pain and surprise as her back was slammed to the wall. She reached for her bat again, and ignoring the pain she felt in her back, she was up on her feet again in no time. "Always the big talk, Bratman!" She kicked out at him again, her foot knocking him off his balance as he fell down with his back to the ground. Wasting no time to flung herself on top of him, she straddled him as she used her basebat bat to choke his neck again. It wouldn't kill him, and she wasn't planning on killing the Gotham's favourite superhero. He could probably easily just overthrow her again, but She just felt like doing it, and plus it seemed cool when she watched it from movies. "How do ya know I'm any different huh? And not too late for what?" Harley snickered as she leaned her face closer to his,staring into his eyes and she almost thought she could see her own reflection. The crazy clown girl with a crazy grin on her face. It kinda felt like deja vu for her; it wasn't the first time she had had a fight with him where he would tell her the same thing, that she was different. And she had always find it annoying that he would act like he knew her better than anyone else. "You don't know me, Batsy."
⋫ dinah lance 4 years ago
@timothy drake Dinah lets out a sigh of annoyance , mentally cursing all the gods to have ever existed as she barely misses a bullet while taking cover. She had promised herself the night off, attempting to take the advice of her dear friends that constantly lectured her to no end. Tonight had truly been the night she was going to listen, she was going to head home and give herself some spa treatment. However, curiosity and a certain eighteen year old by the name of Timothy Drake happen to ruin such luxuries. There she is, back firmly pressed against the wall as she tries to take cover from bullet. She had nothing with her besides her switchblade and a small hand gun for instances like these, however , her small hand is out matched against the machine guns aiming to take her life.

She looks up to the heavens, closing her eyes “god, I swear if you let me die deprived and single, there will be hell to pay.” Opening her eyes she quickly assessed the situation. She was leaning against an apartment building, oh god how must those family must be scare- wait a minute. A lightbulb goes off in her head and she hastily springs into action. Finding some leverage, she hoists herself up to begin scaling the side of the apartment building. This kid definitely bit off more than he could chew, he probably hadn’t expected such a turn out and for them to be this well armed. Dinah throws her leg over the ledge, stepping onto the roof. One thing The Black Canary will always have in her arsenal that no one else does.. she looms over the edge glowering down at the large group of men firing aimlessly for their target..... the canary cry. She opens wide sending out a high pitch supersonic cry that hits the men full force, ears instantaneously bleeding as they fall to the ground. If the boy didn’t know of her presence before, he sure as hell knows now.
[post deleted by owner]
⋫ bruce wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel Bruce brushed aside the sarcasm and stood firm on his ground to ready for Harley's advancement, which he had expected from the get go. As always, the woman would never let anyone get away from ruining her fun; but sadly, tonight, her party pooper was no other than Batman and he will make sure to ingrain fear (or at most, spark change) in her heart by the end of this night, if not soon. "I give no chances to your likes, Harley; but, I know you are different. It's not too late," he staggered for a while as his hands pushed away her weapon of choice. After another second, Bruce then came up with a plan and he intentionally crashed his back against the concrete walls. And like that a chance for escape came when the bat against his neck loosened. Not taking the momentary slip up for granted, he instantly held onto the metal and roughly threw it off along with Harley to the ground.
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd A smile grew on Harley's features. "Something tells me we are about to kill a lot of people," She said, grinning at just the mere thought. Some would say she was crazy, but she wasn't the psycho serial killer for no reason, right? Nodding absent-mindedly, she chewed on the inside of her cheek as she thought over her options of gathering explosives. "Oooo you're right, I do love explosives." She cooed, as she took another sip of her drink and wincing at the burn. "I have some places and contacts, but I'm gonna need money for that. Say, what if we rob a bank for that?" She joked, except she was half serious. Robbing a bank for money was something that she had always done, perhaps this time the male next to her would be interested too, she thought.
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel Under oath not to kill anyone, Jason had to go above and beyond to make sure he wasn't going to be directly responsible for it if it happened; he really didn't need to be getting thrown out of Gotham again. His eyebrow went up at her agreement, a little surprised to find she wasn't automatically running out to rat him out to her boss and.. lover? He was never really sure where they stood most of the time and didn't care to ask. 'How about this? I won't tell if you don't? Nobody has to know it was us doing the killing, right?' he grinned faintly, downing his own drink with a low hiss. 'I've spent all my favors, sadly, so I need someone who can gather a few.. weapons? explosives- I know how much you seem to love those. Think you can help with that?'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@⋫ bruce wayne Harley was pissed that when her shot missed, because of the batarang that seemed to fly out of nowhere and striked her hand, drawing blood as well as knocking the gun out of her hand. And she was even more annoyed when Batman had arrived. She should had expected this, but still, it didn't make her feeling of annoyance fade any lesser. Ignoring her bleeding hand, she gripped her baseball bat tight in her hands as she watched the men she had brought along firing at Batman, before they too ended up on the floor soon after. "Welcome to the party, Batsy. Always have to ruin the fun don't you, Batsy?" Her tone was filled with sarcasm as she glared at the masked man covered in black costume from head to toe. Shaking her head, she began to charge towards him. She never was one to back down from a fight, despite him telling her to do so. "I would say nice to meet you-" Jumping up onto a table, she jumped again to the air and spun once in the air before landing with her sitting on his shoulders, "But it's really /not/ nice to meet you." She complaint, as she used her baseball bat to choke him around his neck, while trying to stay on top of him despite him starting to move and struggle. "I was hoping to have a fun night!"
⋫ bruce wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel “Batman. I received a tip that there is a robbery presently going on at the National Bank. You should check it out,” Oracle briefly informed via the communicator on his cowl. Heist, is it? In the middle of the night? Truly, Gotham never rests. And he should have known better than assume this would be a peaceful night due his month long streak of catching criminals (which only broke in the first place because he had graver matters to attend to out of town). With the aid of his grappling gun, he quickly reached the bank yet perched at a vantage point to scout the scene first instead of barrelling in.

Ah— there she was, his burglar, Harleen Quinzel; and albeit there were no signs of Joker, his infared vision featured three armed men huddled up in the back of the bank, which he assumed to be the vault. Gazing back at Harley, who had moved from her stakeout at the entrance, he witnessed her pull a gun straight on a kneeling person. Wait, was that a civilian? Bruce freely fell from his spot and threw a batarang right on time to save the man before shooting out a cable from his grappling gun and propelling his body to break through the window. His ears then perked up at the skidding of the gun though more than that, the heavy yet rushed set of footsteps gained his attention— “It’s Batman!”

Instinctively, he rolled sideways and avoided the men’s onslaught of open fire. That wasn’t too good of an entrance now, was it. Bruce kept on with his evasion whilst subtly nearing the trio and to his luck, just in time he reduced the distance among them by a few meters, they ran out of bullets. Left to resort with melee tactics, it was no doubt Bruce came out a victor in no time. “It’s over, Harley. Surrender now,” he told the woman as he freed and let the civilian escaped from the scene.
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Taking a sip from her new drink, Harley silently thought over his answers. She knew he must had had a well-thought plan for this revenge of his, and she was sure he knew just how dangerous and crazy Joker could be, but she wondered why she was feeling tempted to just say yes and join him on his little revenge party. Joker would probably kill her if he knew about this, but it wasn't like he was keeping tabs on her all the time. Plus, she would get to see him at some point. So this was a win-win situation, sort of. For both her and Jason at least. "Alright, I'm in. But it'd be extra fun if we get to kill someone." She said, pretending to pout before taking another sip again and feeling the alcohol burn in . "Tell me what you want me to do, pretty boy."
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel 'Who said I wanted it to be easy? Of course he does.. Thats why I plan on eliminating those little ways,' he grinned, using a single finger to push the newly sat down glass towards her. Jason's eyes flickered as he searched the ones before his own, amusement etched into his features. 'Now, you know I don't kill anymore, sweetheart. Explosives are always part of the plan, however. I'll just need a pretty little someone nice enough to help me out with those.'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@⋫ bruce wayne "Go, go, go! Boys! Take everything and.. I guess you can kill everyone else," Harley laughed as she called out to the three other men inside the bank, who were busy emptying the contents in the safe and into the bags that they brought. She didn't have a specific reason for robbing the bank, and killing the two security guards who were currently lying lifelessly on the ground. But she just felt like doing it. Plus, she was bored and she /hated/ being bored. She wished the joker could have join her on her little playtime, but the man had been busy doing his own shady stuff, and busy ignoring her. So she figured she would do this on her own then, by bringing along few of the men who had worked for the Joker.

She hummed a soft melody underneath her breath as she paced along the bank with a hand holding , while glancing at the entrance. It wasn't like she was worried that the Bat would show up, but she would rather not worth the trouble of having to fight. Glancing at the bank manager who had been unlucky to choose this particular night to work overtime, she walked towards the tied man who was sitting on the floor. "And dont you worry there, your death will be pretty and fun!" She grinned, as she pulled out her gun and pointed it towards the man's temple, all the while enjoying the fear in the man's eyes. And she fired,the gunshot ringing through the empty place.
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Harley hummed thoughtfully as she thought over his plans. "Hm, it wouldn't be easy trying to get him back there. He has his ways of getting out of the asylum." She said, grinning. She was the perfect example, after all. Leaning her face closer to his, she stared into his eyes, her grin playing across her lips. "Sounds interesting. Does it involve explosives? Or any killing?"
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel A chuckle sounded as he raised his hands to pull the red helmet off, setting it on the counter as he ruffled out black locks. 'Didn't think you'd say no,' he grinned, turning his attention to the bartender to order two of the strongest drinks they offered. 'Well, you weren't holding the crowbar, nor detonating the bomb, so unless you plan on trying something right now, you're not on my list,' he answered with a lazy shrug, resting his arms against the surface. 'Mm.. just planting a few things, getting him back in Arkham. Maybe not giving him the chance of getting out.'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd A smile grew on Harley's face. "Well you know I never say no when someone offers me a drink." Her eyes met his as she listened to what he had said. "Well you'd be surprised how many people come to me everyday thinking I'm involved in all the things he does." She might not had been directly involved in whatever Joker did to him, but she had been watching from the sidelines all along. "But anyway, that's not important. So tell me pretty boy, how exactly are you planning out your sweet revenge?"
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel 'Not going back to Arkham..? Not getting a bullet put in that pretty temple of yours?' He suggested, reaching a hand out to tap his fingertip against the female's temple, 'How about I buy you a drink and we have a little discussion?' Jason wasn't surprised at the words as he shifted his tall frame to sit down, shaking his head, as she'd never been directly involved. 'You weren't involved in what happened to me, Harls. I have no problems with you.'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Harley blinked, and went silent for a moment after she heard his question. "And what do I get in return for that, pretty boy?" She said, the mischevious glint obvious in her eyes. She had some idea she knew why he was looking for Mr J, for revenge most probably. It wasn't a good idea, but she knew the male in front of her was probably planning for his revenge for quite some time. After all, what she and The Joker- especially The Joker, did to him was quite unforgettable after all. "Are you gonna come for me next as well? For your revenge?" She drawled, though not a bit worried. She could handle herself, and she doubted he would do anything to her before he knew of Joker's location.
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel 'Figured you'd be around here if you weren't locked up again,' he sighed, glancing around at the other patrons of the bar, taking pride in the fact he could hear his name among the whispers. Jason shifted his weight to lean against the bar, clicking his tongue; 'You wouldn't happen to be in a mood to tell me where that freako boss of yours is, would you, sweetheart?'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Harley was surprised, when she heard her real name. No one except only a few that she would dare to call friends would call her with her real name. Whirling around, her eyes widened in surprise as she recognized the ever so familiar male. She hadn't seen him around in a long time, and she thought he had probably just drop dead somewhere. "It's not fun if it's easy," She said as a grin started to form on her petite and pale face. Looks like tonight would be fun after all. "How can I be of your service, Red Hood?"
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel He started with checking a few locations he'd remembered from long ago only to come up empty handed- the longer he looked, the more frustrated he got. It was no secret that the red helmet adorned male had a temper that usually ended with bloodshed, so he needed to keep his calm.

Stepping into one of the more beat down bars of the strip, Jason looked around through his helmet, only to feel a weight lift off his shoulders at the sight of a familiar blonde. 'Harleen Quinzel,' he called, taking slow steps towards her, 'you're quite a hard girl to find nowadays.'
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
@jason todd Harley was bored, and she wished something fun would happen right there and then. And it would probably be better if it involved killing, or any illegal activities to be honest. Though she wondered what Mr J was up to, she knew better than to just go knocking at his front door. Not that she couldn't, but he wouldn't be any happy if she was to disturb him doing whatever it was that he was doing. So here she was, alone in some bar in downtown Gotham. It was a boring night, and she hated being bored. Deciding to just leave and go wander around the streets, she left the bar throught the backdoor and to the alley, where she habitually looked up to the dark night sky. You never knew when the Batman or his followers would come knocking you down from the sky. And she went on her way, to the direction of another bar where she usually hung out with the joker, all the while hoping that she would /finally/ get to see some familiar faces there.
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ harleen quinzel Not quite sure when he'd decided to come back to Gotham, Jason peered down at the city in thoughtful disgust. It was a terrible place to be and anyone could tell, but it was home to him to say the least. His thoughts had brought him back in hopes of making Joker's life a bit more miserable, if the clown even knew what misery was, but he'd lost that trail a mile back. His sights were set on the only person that could guarantee information for him, he just hoped she'd be a little willing to cooperate with him.

Dropping down by the docks, the raven thought back to the last time they'd met - an unfortunate run-in at Belle Reve - and wondered just where she may be now. It usually wasn't a hard task to locate Harley, but that would be Jason's luck.
⋫ harleen quinzel 4 years ago
/wanders around with my arms spread wide and a grin on my face/
the queen of gotham is back


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pixels 4 years ago
cyborg, huntress, or deadshot?
9a9095eec05ba68325b4 4 years ago
Lex Luthor for one, please.
lassitude 4 years ago
zatanna zatara please ♡
Ghosty 4 years ago

*whispers again*
Everme29 4 years ago
I’m gonna have Elle Fanning as my faceclaim but does she look like Supergirl (Kara Kent) or Powergirl (Karen Starr)? I can’t decide... orz
erigom 4 years ago

can i get diana (prince?) as a second plseu ;u;
-valentino 4 years ago
May I please have Oswald cobblepot aka the penguin?
-firstoption- 4 years ago
bruce wayne pls
glizzy_mcguire 4 years ago
Okay Starfire or Black Canary
hyperstellar 4 years ago
Do you guys allow move ins?
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