↷ wayne manor

wayne manor
home of the waynes and batfamily alike.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent We are very high up, yeah. I'd be really, really dead.
/shakes my head and chuckles softly, turning to look at you, stepping closer to you to wrap my arms around you slowly.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne If I drop you, I might lose you- you realize how high up we are? You live in the biggest home in Gotham.
´chuckles and helps you through the window, following after you, stumbling slightly´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent /looks at you and lets out a soft laugh, shaking my head.
I don't know, you could say you won't drop me and then still do it.
/chuckles and looks around as we float around the manor until you stop in front of a window, climbing into the window carefully and glances back at you.
Come on, get in.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne ´Grins, squeezing your waist´
Where's the fun in that? I'm not going to drop you, demon, don't worry.
´starts on my path around the manner, eventually stopping in front of a specific window, moving one arm away from you to nudge it open carefully´
In you go.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent /glances down at the ground as we're suddenly floating together, holding onto you somewhat tighter.
Can't you give like a little warning? You better not drop me though..
/snickers at my little comment and looks at you.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne ´Rolls my eyes and sinks my other arm around you to pull you closer, floating higher off the ground´
No, Dami-
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent /looks up at you and takes your hand, pulling myself up.
My bedroom?
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne Why don't we go to your favorite place in the manor..?
´smiles as i stand up, extending my hand to you as my feet are already a little off the ground´
Come on.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent And what does your idea consist of?
I'm up for about anything.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne I don't mind where we go.
´brightens up slightly and grins´
Actually- I have an idea.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent I don't know..somewhere else?
/shrugs and looks over at you, chewing on my bottom lip.
Unless you want to stay here?
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne I guess that wouldn't be so bad.. but.. where are we moving to?
´shifts to sit up straight and stretches my arms´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent And what if I carry you on my back? That would only require me to move.
/nods at you and grins as I start packing up a few things we didn't eat as much as I can.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne but that involves moving..
´groans softly, tightening my hold around you´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent Mmm..come on, we should get going.
This was nice, wasn't it?
⋫ jason todd 4 years ago
@⋫ bruce wayne Insanity was something Jason could claim easily if he let himself dwell on things; the past, his training, his childhood, his death and so on. He had enough elements that if left long enough, he could find himself locked up in Arkham just like the rest of the bad guys that roamed the streets of Gotham. When Bruce had found him outside of the city, he said he wouldn't go back - he didn't want to go back. He'd finally given up his home and he didn't want to go back, but the longer he let the new information set in, the more he felt he needed to return.

Wayne Manor wasn't his ideal stop but looking up at the massive residence, he found that memories poured in quite quickly. He recalled his days of being Robin and couldn't help but chuckle, steering his bike around the curved driveway to park. He grimaced at the idea of his older 'brother' finding out that he was running home and got off the vehicle, ascending the front steps. For the first time in a very, very long time, he felt comfortable upon rapping his knuckles against the wooden door, despite what had happened only a while ago. He deserved getting the beat down he got but to go looking for the man who had done it was something that shocked even him.

The raven wasn't surprised when Alfred answered the door looking delighted at his presence and with a quick greeting, he was making his way along the path to Bruce's study - a place he was never allowed to go when he was younger. His eyes looked over the photos kept, wondering what it would be like if everyone was normal. If they were just kids lucky enough to be adopted by a billionaire who just wants /kids/; he wouldn't have died, maybe he'd understand what it meant to have a family.. maybe his best friend's death wouldn't be the reason he was home. With those thoughts and more in mind, he sank to sit down with a low sigh, rubbing his face as he waited.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne Somedays.
´chuckles and ducks my head to hide back against your collar´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent Oh, you do?
What a surprise?
/chuckles at you and leans back a bit.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne ´wrinkles my nose up´
I love you, too.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent I do.
/smiles and taps your nose.
Of course I do.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne hm, do you?
´peeks up at you, a faint smile showing´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent ...You know I love you anyways.
/mutters out softly and looks at you with a fond look in my eyes.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne Hmph.
´noses softly at your collar, humming in delight under the attention·
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent That is very reasonable, now shut up, you.
/laughs softly and runs my fingers through your hair slowly, kissing the top of your head gently.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne ending a whole date because i made you feel something? i dont think thats reasonable.
´sinks into you, closing my eyes´
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent I'm being very reasonable, actually.
/pulls you into my arms and wraps them around you slowly, giving you a soft squeeze.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne ´rolls my eyes and lightly tugs your arms apart so I can tuck myself between them´
Stop being dramatic~
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent Okay, this date is over.
Pack up everything.
/huffs and crosses my arms, looking away with a small smile.
⋫ jonathan kent 4 years ago
@⋫ damian wayne The Damian Wayne getting shy..?
´grins, raising a hand to softly poke your cheek´
I didn't know it was possible.
⋫ damian wayne 4 years ago
@⋫ jonathan kent /chuckles shyly and pushes your shoulder playfully, humming out softly.
Shut up. You're making me shy..


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pixels 4 years ago
cyborg, huntress, or deadshot?
9a9095eec05ba68325b4 4 years ago
Lex Luthor for one, please.
lassitude 4 years ago
zatanna zatara please ♡
Ghosty 4 years ago

*whispers again*
Everme29 4 years ago
I’m gonna have Elle Fanning as my faceclaim but does she look like Supergirl (Kara Kent) or Powergirl (Karen Starr)? I can’t decide... orz
erigom 4 years ago

can i get diana (prince?) as a second plseu ;u;
-valentino 4 years ago
May I please have Oswald cobblepot aka the penguin?
-firstoption- 4 years ago
bruce wayne pls
glizzy_mcguire 4 years ago
Okay Starfire or Black Canary
hyperstellar 4 years ago
Do you guys allow move ins?
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