♤ Jamie's Bedroom

Jamie's Room cr

Knock before you enter.

Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Not really, not that I can remember anyways... though I might have at one point because I did wake up in a hotel room bed with a woman once... but there were a few men in bed with us too so I can't remember if the bird and I ed or not." I say as my hand squeezes your a bit as my face gets closer to yours before I lean in and kiss you.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmm... I do." I hummed softly, smiling. "Oh? It'd be an honor." My tone clearly teasing but also serious at the same time." Moving closer to you, already feeling a slight arousal in my stomach. "I haven't, actually.... Have you?" Questioning you back with a smile. Tilting my head, my hands on your shoulders.
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Like what you see, love?" I ask with a cheeky grin. "Want a taste? I don't let everyone me down there... you're the exception. C'mere." I say with a wicked look as we get closer. "Ever done it with a woman before?" I ask as I lay my hand on your , gazing at you before I kiss your neck.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmmm... I'm definitely okay with that!" I said, smiling. "Maybe you will forget about it by then!" A soft hum left my lips, watching you for a moment. Trying to keep my gaze up, dropping it for just a second when I notice your legs spread. "Oh? I'd like that." Looking at you with a slightly less intense lustful gaze.
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "I mean, I don't mind having it... but we can share it. You can keep it for a few months... maybe I'll forget about it by then so you can keep it permanently." I say before blushing a bit. "Wanna try it out, love? Seeing you bare has got me riled up." I say with an intense, lust ridden look in my eyes as I sit up on the bed, my legs spread.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page I gave a shrug, humming softly. "Mmmm... We'll see~" I said, smiling a little bit. Laying back on the bed, humming. "I do... But if you'd like to not listen to it... Can I keep it~? I do enjoy it. But I enjoy most things that are to do with you, Jamie." I finished drying my hair and let out sigh. I listened as you read off all the different records that Penelope had left for you, humming softly. Season of the Witch is another one of my favorite records. I love that one. But I didn't want to make it seem like I was obsessed with songs just because you played part in it. Letting my towel on the floor, shaking my head a bit. "Mmmm... Not because I wanted to." I answered, shrugging a bit. Listening to the music droning in the background. "Mmm... I love Season of the Witch..."
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Well, you'll get used to it soon. Pretty soon you'll be ing almost anything that moves. The rock and roll lifestyle will get to you eventually." I say with a smile. "Really? I think the lyrics, the song... everything about it should be forgotten. But, you saying that makes me feel a bit better. I'm glad to know you enjoyed it... I don't enjoy it, but I'm glad you do." I reply with a small smile before taking another swig of Jack before I put the bottle down and start looking at the records with you. "When the levee breaks by Memphis Minnie... that's a good one. We'll have to get the girls to listen to this one with us... we could do a cover of it... put it on the next album. Let's see... Joni Mitchell, Elvis, more blues records... BB King... Link Wray's Rumble, Lesley Gore... Fleetwood Mac... Buddy Holly... Donovan... Someone told me that back when I was a session guitarist that one of the many songs I played guitar in was Donovan's Season of the Witch. I played guitar for so many different songs from so many different artists I couldn't tell you if I played on Season of the Witch or not." I briefly recalled as I looked at the album cover before taking another swig of Jack before I put the Donovan record on. I then go and sit on my bed, taking my towel off and throwing it to the side. "So, you've never kissed a bird before?" I ask as I lay down on my bed, propping myself up on my elbow as Donovan's Season of the Witch drones on in the background.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page Mmmm... I'd rather not get hurt either..." I said quietly. A small wave of relief washes over me as you repeat that you'd never hate me. "Ummm... Yeah... Most of it comes from me... Doing things by myself." I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. "I avoid most of the groupies, aside from giving out a few kisses... Usually I just want to sleep. Or smoke. The really rowdy ones are the ones I avoid." Humming softly, waiting for the record to play, blinking when I hear the song. "Oh... I had this record. I actually didn't hate it..." Watching you get worked up over the record, patting your shoulder gently. "Jamie... I loved this record. I sold it though... To be honest... This could be the record I had..." A soft hum left my lips. "Mmmm... What if I sing it to you? Hmm?" I know the lyrics quite well, actually." A light red color on my cheeks. "I used to go pretend it was written about me. Mostly to make me feel better when I wasn't in a good mood... I'd play the record and sing along with you..." Puffing out my cheeks. "Well... That's... Embarrassing... I don't know why I told you that..."
[post deleted by owner]
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "I just... I don't want to hurt you... because rejection ... believe me, it does. But I don't hate you. I could never hate you." I say with a soft look in my eyes. "Really? Your experience is low? Well... we started out just a few years ago with the band... that'll definitely change soon. Male groupies and female groupies will flock to you way more than they already are, trust me. You'll be getting laid every night." I say before I take a swig from the bottle and put the record on, an eyebrow raised after you neglect to tell me about you and Bonnie's past shenanigans. The room fills with a bouncy yet focused beat and the lyrics "She just satisfies" come from my record player. My eyes widen as I recognize that voice immediately. "..." I blush a bit before bringing my knees up to my chest. Then a rousing harmonica solo plays and I just want to shrink myself. Due to the embarrassment a small scream rips from my throat before I bite my lip. "I can't believe she ing found that record! I wanted those copies destroyed! Oh its so embarrassing! I sound so damn nasal on that bloody record! Gosh, this is why I don't sing now, plus my voice is shot to hell and it's definitely not as good as your voice." I pass you the completely blank white album cover that only has the song credits on the back, confirming that I did indeed sing and write the song "She Just Satisfies" back in 1966 and played all of the instruments in the song including the harmonica, the guitar and the tambourine with the exception of the drums that an old friend of mine played. "I was still in The Yardbirds when I made this song... this song that I'd like to forget." I said before groaning after hearing the song after not hearing it for so many years.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page I sat on your bed quietly, waiting for you to suddenly be grossed out when you realize I'm not teasing. But it doesn't come, leaving me relieved. "That's why I didn't want to tell you... If I didn't tell you... I don't get hurt..." I said quietly. "I know... We're always busy... Especially you..." Noticing your smile, bringing a small one to my lips. "Mmmm... I haven't even done that... I've barely been with blokes since we started... Some of the times I said I was I wasn't. It's fair to say my experience is pretty low..." Laughing quietly, shaking my head. "I'm sure we'll last that long, Jamie~" I looked over at you, puffing my cheeks out and exhaling. "That... We just... Uh... Nothing really worth talking about~..." Shifting as you pull up the box of records, waiting for you to read what the note says. Consufed by it. "Hmm? I'd like to see what she considers a blast from your past... Let's listen to it now." Taking another drink before handing the bottle to you.
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Your feelings for me... look, I'd never hate you... it's just that... I don't want you to get hurt if I never return those feelings for you, okay? Like I said, I just need time, I'm all over the place. We've got another album to record in some months... I'm just as busy as the rest of the band... if not busier." I explain before smiling. "Yeah, but be patient with me... I've only ever had with a couple of female groupies so I'm not too experienced. Let's try to do it with no feelings attached. I'd like to keep the band going until at least hmmm... when did we start? 1968? 1969? And it's 1971 so I'd like for Led Zepparella to at least be together until 1980... or until we get sick of each other and try to kill each other." I say before chuckling. I dry my hair off before putting the towel around me before I raise a brow. "Run from police because of what? What the bloody hell did you both get up to?" I ask before I shake my head. I then pull out the records that Penelope gave me. "Here's the records Penelope gave me and..." I see the one with no album cover but a handwritten note is on it. "Gosh, she actually wrote me a note... it says: 'Dear Jamjim, I know you hate discussing this record but I thought it would be nice to humiliate you for a change. Enjoy this blast from your past you bloody . Sincerely, Penelope." I read the note out loud and wondered what the hell that old bat meant by blast from my past. "Wanna listen to it now or look through the others?" I ask as I gaze at you, my hand gesturing towards the Jack Daniels bottle so I could take a swig.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmm... Alright..." I hummed. The feel of having my back washed by someone else, especially you was different and it felt nice. "What are you talking about, Jamie?" Turning as you turn me, finding myself looking right at you now. Staring at you with wide eyes. "N-No... I... M-Maybe..." Biting my lip as you start washing off my front, trying not to get as the rag moves over my s. "You don't have to know how you feel abut me... Just don't hate me for how I feel..." Falling silent before nodding. "Mmmm... with you..? I could have the opportunity for with THE Jamie Page? How in the world could I possibly pass on that?" Climbing out of the shower, grabbing a towel to dry off with, drying my hair vigorously. Laughing at the question. "Mmmm... A few things we had to run from police because of... But nothing that really stands out. Just dumb , mostly. Moving to sit by you, wrapping the towel around me tightly. "Mmm... Absolutely." Taking the bottle and taking the drink from it.
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Yeah I'm fine... I wasn't wondering anything." I respond with a smile. I raise a brow when I sense a bit of hesitation. "Mmmhmmm... Come on Robbie, I wasn't born yesterday." I say as I start washing myself and turn you around to face me, my heart beating as I gaze at you. "... you like me don't you? I can just sense it... and not just as a friend, right?" I ask as I start washing your chest, the rag rubbing against your s. I grin and shake my head. "I don't like being vulnerable... but... you're... a great bird... but I don't know how I feel about you. I just need time to sort my mind out. But later if you wanna have , I'm down." I tease a bit as I wash you further before rinsing us both off and turning the shower off. I step out first and get you and myself a towel to dry off with before walking to my kitchen and going to the drink cart in the corner where my collection of booze is. "So, what shenanigans did you and Bonnie used to get up to before Zepparella? I'm curious." I ask as I pull out my bottle of Jack Daniels and start drinking a bit straight from the bottle before I go over to where my record collection is and sits criss-cross on the floor with my towel around me as I put my record player on the floor along with my box of vinyl records. I then hold the bottle of Jack Daniels out to you. "Want some?" I offer.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page () No worries~ I can handle that~!

"Mmmm... I see." I hummed softly. Please use those on me... I would actually like that... A little pain never killed anyone... A small laugh left my lips, nodding. "Of course we don't. It's not like I'm not around you all the time anyways, Jamie!" Moving off the bed, stripping my clothes. Shapely s, perky s, and no hair around my crotch; having decided to get it waxed. "Mmmm... Alright~ You do that." Walking in the bathroom a moment later, humming softly. "No? It's alright. Neither have I... So... You'd be the first for me too, Jamie~." Stepping into the shower after you, watching the water slowly uncurl your hair, my eyes immediately moving to your arm when you start wincing. "Mmmm... I see... Are you alright..?" I questioned. Looking up at you. "Wondering what, Jamie?" Moving myself under the water to wet my skin and hair, humming softly. "Oh. Umm... Sure~." Turning my back to you, my chest under the running water, which felt very good. "Tease you? I have no idea what you're talking about~..." I paused for a moment, not wanting to give up the real reason, not wanting you to hate me. "U-Umm... Because it's fun to watch your face when I tease you..."
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant () there's some mention of drug use in this one.

"Sometimes they do and they tell me they want it to hurt... other times I just don't do it because I feel they wouldn't be able to handle it." I explained. "Really? Thanks. Uh, we don't have to... ah it." I say as I throw the nightgowns back in the closet and start taking my jacket, shoes, shirt, trousers, bra and off until I'm completely bare in front of you. I turn around, completely . My s shapely with pink s, a small tuft of hair near my womanhood and my shapely arse currently out of your view. "I'll start running the shower to get the hot water running." I said as I turned and went to my bathroom and started the shower, my mind starting to run wild since we were about to shower together. "I've never showered with a bird before... you're my first, congratulations." I say teasingly before I step into the shower, my curly black hair catching the water droplets. I wince a bit at the water hitting my arms due to the tiny needle holes in them from my heroin use. "Shooting up helps me out... the downside is the pain from the needle punctures when the water hits them." I say as I see you concerned at my previous wincing in pain. "You know... I'm wondering..." I trail off as I slowly start to become aware that I'm showering with my own bandmate. My shyness starts to take over a bit. "Um... I'll wash your back then you can wash mine." I say, desperate to be behind you so I don't have to face you since I can feel myself blushing a bit. I bite my lip as I grab the soap and start to scrub your back with the rag, your huge birthmark on display for me on your lower back. "So golden goddess... tell me, why exactly do you tease me so much? I'm curious." I ask, my anxiety and shyness slowly melting away as I start washing your lower back absentmindedly.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmm... Do they usually want it to hurt?" I questioned. "I hope so... Consent seems to be more and more important as the years go..." A soft laugh left my lips. "Not nearly as bad as you are, Jamie~." She shook her head. "Pft. Like I'm one to judge you, Jamie..." Though maybe you should use them on me instead... "So? I think the briefcase looks serious. A bit scary. Like... Not knowing what's in it at first." Watching you get up, shrugging. "We don't /have/ to wear those..." I sat there, humming softly, smiling. "Mmmm... It does save water. And time."
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Not unless they want it to hurt and ask me to hurt them... it's all consensual." I say as I gaze at you before I chuckle a bit. "Hey, you're full of yourself too... we all are." I sigh a bit before sitting back down on my bed. "I know that... I meant the whole whips thing. I thought you'd call me a... freak or something since I've got whips in a briefcase in my bedroom that I use on blokes arses." I say with a bit of my anxiety eating away at me before I get up and get two nightgowns from my closet. "You can slip into this after the shower by the way. And you did make a point earlier... showering together would save water." I suggested with a smirk.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmm... Maybe we should go to a gallery... Take a look at some art." I hummed. "I'd like to see what catches your attention..." Looking at you when you smirk. "Ummm... Yes~ That's why I asked, silly!" Moving to sit beside you, humming softly. "Really?" My legs criss-cross as I watch you pick up the briefcase. "Whips..." I stared at the whips curiously, not having used one or had one used on me. "Does it hurt them?" I questioned. I looked back at you when you mention wanting to have control, nodding. "Ah... Well... You are one that does like to have control of a situation... I can see that." Laughing softly. "An ego booster. No wonder you're so full of yourself~" My tone, again, very teasing as I smile. Looking at the drawer you tap on. "Oh?" Giving a confused look. "Why would I? It's not like I don't have some of those things in my room, Jamie~"
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "Both, I like classical Renaissance paintings and statues... it's rather classy and authentic." I say with a nod before raising a brow and smirking at you when you ask about my briefcase of secrets. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I say teasingly. "Alright..." I trail off before patting the spot on the bed next to me. "You're probably the only bird I've ever shown this to." I say as I sit criss-cross on the bed and brings the briefcase onto the bed, setting it on my lap as I open it. "I've only ever used these on willing male groupies... and there's definitely a damn good bit of them who are into it." I open the briefcase and pull out two whips. "I don't get off on inflicting pain... at least not much... but the whole point of it is... control. I get off on knowing I have control and power over the blokes I . It's an ego booster if you will." I explain. "I've got some hidden ual things in here too." I say as I get up, setting the briefcase on the bed and tapping the top of my drawer by my bed. "Condoms, lube, toys... stuff like that. So, are you freaked out yet? See me any differently?" I ask with a smile to mask the anxiety I'm feeling regarding your unspoken and current thoughts.
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page "Mmmmm... What kinds of art? Statues or paintings?" I questioned. Climbing out and following you into the motel, humming softly. Listening to the clerk. "Ohh... Hopefully it's easily fixable..." Giving the man a smile and shaking my head. "A few steps never killed anyone~! Have a good night!" Following you up to your room, which is down the hall from mine. "Oh... Jamie!" Laughing at your comment about Penelope. Looking around at all the old looking things but finding it all interesting. "Mmmm... Cute kitchen~. Mine is pretty small and basic." Watching you walk over to the bed, spotting the briefcase immediately. "You read my mind. What's in it? Hmm?"
Jamie Page [A] 3 years ago
@Roberta Plant "If I wasn't a rockstar I'd be an art collector." I said with a smirk. Once the car stopped we got out and walked into the motel. "Sorry girls, the elevator is out of order right now." The motel clerk said. I nodded in understanding before speaking. "For how long?" I asked. "Until late tonight, a guy is coming to fix it. You'll have to use the stairs until then. Sorry about that." He said to us apologetically. "No worries. Have a nice day." I say with a smile as we walk to the stairs and start going up to my room on the third floor. "I hope Penelope's fat arse didn't break the lift." I say as I get my key and open the door to my room, turning the lights on before shutting the door and locking it. "Okay, room tour. This is my little kitchen area, this is my livingroom area, that's my closet, my record player, the paintings are duplicates of Renaissance paintings but they're still really expensive, there's my fireplace, through that door is my bathroom, and in here is my shelf full of books and my boxes of records, and here is my bed." I say before plopping down on my bed, forgetting the briefcase near it. I then gaze down and see it. "You're gonna ask me about the briefcase aren't you?"
Roberta Plant 3 years ago
@Jamie Page My gaze moves back at you at the cheesy, teasing lines leaving your lips. "Oh my god, Jamie." I said, laughing. Knowing damn well that I'd never admit to thinking about taking a shower a certain Page. "Mmmm... Maybe you shouldn't get such priceless things for a bedroom." My tone was still teasing as I suggested it. My gaze went back out the window until we reached the Motel, climbing out once the driver stopped, biting my lip.


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