
● ancestral hall
● ancestral hall
GUSU LAN PACK • Regular rating
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen max ᵃ he let out a soft yawn, all of that noble talk registered as a blabber in his mind. he thought he was better than anyone else, yet max was a dirty alpha like him. it was his nature. his mind might agree to them being equal, but will his alpha? sehun didn't think so. alphas, the real ones, they never saw an omega as an equal, for the alpha on the inside an omega, including yuliang, was nothing more than a pup barriers. it was the beauty of their animalistic side. the loving and understanding side came from the human part of every being with a core inside.
but then again, at the end of the day, the wolf on the inside was stronger than the human part.
the lan alpha let out a soft chuckle. 'how noble of a wen alpha to talk about equality ! before you come and lecture me, let's look at our packs, sol.' he clapped hands once in a mocking manner. 'name me one lan alpha who had disrespected an omega, (TW) or used them? none! why? because they are all dead. as soon as someone lands a hand on an omega they are caput!' his playful expression suddenly changed to a cold stone one. 'what about wen pack? every other omega has gone through hell In your pack. so before you come and lecture me about my choices and my tastes, go and fix your own choices and your pack.' he crossed arms on his chest. 'at the end of the day, you and me are the same. you want to act noble, go on. but will your alpha agree to it? open your eyes, max! it's a wolf. wolf will never act not animalistic way. they will always search for an omega to bend and breed during the rut. why? because it is our ing nature. sure, our human part is all about equality and being a better being than that. but my dear Maxie.' he mocked the other again. 'you are not a human.'
☼┊wen max ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ ↳ ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛ 20, 2026
↳ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: endymion - ursine vulpine

Though he was surrounded, Max was neither intimidated nor afraid. He stood his ground, staring Lan Sehun down. He lifted his chin, prideful to the bitter end, and smiled without mirth. "You think you know a lot about Yuliang and I, don't you," he remarked. Sehun could say what he wanted—could pick and worm and dig his grubby little fingers into what he perceived as weak points all he wanted to—but at the end of the day Max's marriage was between himself and Yuliang, and Sehun didn't know what passed between them.

"I don't think I'm any of those things. I don't have the issue of overconfidence that the Gusu Lan clan constantly reeks of. Your holier-than-thou attitude isn't something I share," Max snorted, because really, Sehun's attempts to get under his skin were derailing again. Sticking on a track about Yuliang was a better way to make Max angry, but insulting the alpha himself slid over his skin like water off of a duck's back. But Sehun's greatest problem was that he presumed all alphas were one and the same, that he thought he could project his self-hatred over onto Max and it would send the Wen alpha into blind fury.

"No," Max laughed, and this time it was amused. "No, Sehun, that's where you're wrong—I'm not his savior. I don't see myself as his savior. I don't have to," and his eyes were glittering, his smile wide, his glee vicious, "because I'm not an alpha like you and I don't see omegas as beneath me. I'm not Yuliang's savior. He doesn't need me to be his savior—because he is his own savior, and I am his /equal/, I am his /husband/, I see him as more than his secondary gender—and I will stand beside him until this ing world /burns/ but I will never, ever, call myself something like his savior, because that would devalue how strong he is, how he has punched and kicked and clawed his way to survive and lead the Wen."

Max's smile is sharp. "We aren't the same, Sehun. We aren't the same because I stand beside my omega, and not in front of him."
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen max ᵃ the guards all around them, dressed up in the white, were ready to attack. they were waiting for the single sign from their leader, whom had turned head to the side, blood dripping down his nose. sehun did not even flinch, he didn't even back away when his fist landed with his cheek. "me?" he stepped back and wiped his nose with back of his palm. ' what about you? ' he chuckled. 'do you think he would choose you? haven't you thought that maybe..perhaps he didn't have any choice? ' he coughed a bit and stood up straight, his alpha's aura spreading. ' he would choose anyone if they were in your position. with a leader like that, with a father like that..' he turned his head to the side, spitting out his hatred for the ex-leader of wen. what they all had in common was the hate for ruohan, who's body was rotting in the ancestral burials back in qishan wen. ' come on, max. you think you are that special? the saviour? the lord himself? ' the alpha couldn't help but continue. ' you are just like me. acting like you are better. you are a wen, max. no matter how much you try to be his saviour, you will be always nothing more than a filthy alpha. like we all are. no matter how good we are raised or no, it is in our ing blood to be like that.' he gritted the last part through his teeth.
he didn't know what yuliang had told him, but after the other had pushed him away when he held out his hand to help him, the alpha let him be. sure, he had some interest in yuliang, but it was nothing more than sehun's own wish to become his saviour. the other had no interest of forcing himself on the other, he had no interest of breaking the family's tradition. no matter how much they saw the bad and brat in him, Lan Sehun respected the consent and respect.
☼┊wen max ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ ↳ ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛ 20, 2026
↳ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: wolf totem - the hu

Max would have said /don't tempt me/ to... literally anyone else, had they been in Sehun's spot, but the truth was that he was beyond wanting Sehun to shut up. Now he wanted to make Sehun eat his own words. If the Lan alpha thought that Max was just going to walk away from him after he'd spent the evening making Yuliang uncomfortable with the same flirting that had bothered the omega so much when they were in school, he was wrong. And if he thought that his verbal jabs were going to make Max reconsider the fight they were steadily hurtling toward, he was wrong again.

"I haven't forgotten where I am," Max spat, "I would much rather be in Qishan Wen right now." At home, with his husband, far from stuck-up Lans who thought they were better than they were and had nothing better to do than harass omegas.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Blood boiling, Max's rage exploded, his fist cracking against the other alpha's cheek. "The /wrong/ alpha?" he snarled. The Wen alpha's anger made the scent of a campfire grow stronger in the Lan ancestral hall, body trembling with adrenaline and with rage. "Don't make me laugh. Yuliang can't even stand to be around you, Lan Sehun. He'd have never chosen an alpha like you, even if it was the only thing that would ensure his very survival."
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen max ᵃ he let out a soft laugh. as soon as the sol stepped closer, his personal guards suddenly surrounded the hall. he dismissed them with one movement of his hand. when max entered his personal space, sehun's cold, blue eyes kept staring at him, he did not even flinch. he could feel the strong alpha pheromones, how max tried to force his alpha dominance on him. sehun had always hated the alpha scent, he hated his own being, he hated how the other alphas was treating the omegas and he hated max.
max had always been for him everything low - from the way he acted from his background. sehun was never the one to judge, his father always taught him to be modest, but something about the wen sol just made him forget about it.
' or what? you are going to punch me? ' he crossed arms on his chest, another smirk appeared on his lips. 'do not forget. you are not at home.' he said, mocking the other with his cocky expression. 'what if you get kicked out? maybe yuliang will finally se e that he had chosen the wrong alpha?' he hummed.
it was out of sehun's character to do this, he would never force himself on the other, if anything, he respected yuliang for his life choices and how he had suffered and gone away from the previous leader. sehun was also not a person to mock someone for his life choices or his background, he was raised with modesty and understanding, that he did not know everyone's backgrounds. but teasing and doing this to max was rather amusing and sehun loved to cross the line.
☼┊wen max ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ ↳ ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛ 20
↳ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: the devil - banks

Now that the carefully locked box of Max's suppressed hatred for the new Gusu Lan leader had been unlocked, it spilled over and the Wen alpha found it a struggle to keep it out of his already aggressive expression—if anyone challenged Max's ability to keep his cool, it would be Sehun. It had always been Sehun.

"You clearly haven't changed either," he retorted. In his head, Max was chanting a mantra of /don't punch the idiot, don't punch the idiot, don't punch the idiot/.

"Oh, I don't think it's from your lack of trying," Max replied, his lips pulled into a strained smile. It was an unpleasant reminder that neither Max nor Yuliang got to choose their life partner. The mantra wasn't working and he was probably going to punch the idiot. "Maybe it's from your lack of desirable qualities."

Max scoffed, and took a step closer, entering the Lan alpha's personal space. His smug attitude? Was Sehun even one who could talk about that? "Glad to know we're on the same page," he growled, "because you piss me off too."
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen max ᵃ he let out a chuckle as the other spat out. he raised his hands up, as if he had been caught by the police and hummed. 'all those years and you still have not changed, wen.' the alpha joked. ' isn't this a normal conversation between old acquittances ?' he chuckled. sehun loved to piss the other off. and he knew that max was also cautious, because it was his land. he stepped closer and let his hands fall down near his sides. ' who knows, maybe back in those days if I tried hard, gusu lan and qishan wen would have been one pack, you know what I mean?' he let out another chuckle and raised up his eyebrows. his expression suddenly became cold and stiff as per usual. he pushed his dark hair away from his face and hummed. ' I won't do anything to yuliang. I was not raised that way. you, however, with your smug wen attitude...you piss me off. ' he spat out and immediately stood up straight, as if he was ready to defend himself from any blow from the other's side.
☼┊wen max ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ ↳ ᴀᴜɢᴜsᴛ 20
↳ ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: poltergeist - banks
↳ ᴍᴀx: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/68/3d/de/683dde9872813aac354dd6057c9c6eb6.jpg

First and foremost, Max did not want to be in Gusu Lan. He had never gotten along with the current leader of the Lan pack, not five years ago and not before that. But Yuliang wanted to visit and Max went along without protest—he didn't see the point in creating conflict with his mate because he disliked Lan Sehun, and the way he used to make Yuliang uncomfortable with his... habits.

And maybe the two alphas had a history of violent altercations, but Max wasn't usually the one who started them, and he had the hope that perhaps they could manage to be civil for the duration of their visit.

But that was too much to ask, clearly.

One who didn't know the mated couple well might think that Max was jealous of the other alpha's flirting, that it was a possessive tendency that brought both alphas to the Lan ancestral hall. But someone who knew them well would have known that Sehun's flirting brought discomfort to Yuliang, and the Wen alpha was protective of his mate. "Isn't it also rude to flirt with another person's mate?" Max snapped back, arms folded over his chest so he wouldn't attack the Lan pack leader. "Especially one who is uncomfortable with your advances?"
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen max ᵃ the guests in their pack was not an unusual thing. what was the most unusual thing in this all visit was the fact that the visitors were no one else, but the qishan wen's alpha couple.
he hadn't seen yuliang since the university, and his sol was never his favourite. even back then, sehun couldn't pass max without throwing a fist fight.
but, he was a leader now, they were his guests and he had to make sure their stay is the best. impressions matter.
he guided them through the cloud recesses, engaged in a talk about politics. sehun was being himself. he loved pissing max off, so he didn't stop flirting with yuliang. when they reached the dinning room, the leader presented posh food for the couple, dismissing it as a small celebration in their honour.
they were about to sit down, when the sol decided to approach the leader and they went outside. they passed the corridor, reaching the enormous ancestral hall. sehun stopped walking as he understood what the other wanted to do. "kinda rude to start a fight in another pack's ancestral hall, max. " he smirked, his smug expression probably pissing the other off.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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