Personal Message

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire; it is time for home.
—Edith Sitwell
My R
KurageP (ENG Cover by Lollia)
lan yeri.
played by prinzessin
updated on 00.00
full name
lan yeri
date of birth
march 5 (24)
gusu lan
head of animal rescue
love interest
a certain jin wolf
about me
updated on 00.00
Ever since the omega parent had died giving birth to the twin siblings. Born first on one of the twins, Yeri had always been bubbly and energetic girl together with her twin brother, Yibo. The twins used to be inseparable when they were kids along with their older brother whom Yeri always looked up to. However, she was not meant to be an alpha like her twin nor their elder brother, she turns out to be a beta and cannot lead their pack because of it. The elders had disregarded Yeri's existence as she is a beta and they had thought that she was incapable of doing anything as a former Lan leader's child, this scarred the young Yeri.
One day, when the young girl ran off to the woods to look for Yibo and Sehun, she saw a dying dove in front of her. She went into it and looked at its condition, Yeri felt sad as the eyes of the dove became empty as it died in her hands. But when she sighed, her breath made the dove came back to life and this was witnessed by her alpha parent and told Yeri she inherited her omega parent's ability to bring the dead back to life, and that Yeri never told anyone about her ability unless she could really trusts anyone around her.
Her twin brother has more talents than she has and that made her insecure where she used to leave the household and got lost in the forest for three days before their alpha parent found her unconscious in the snow and brought her back to their house. In her young age, she already got scars from the encounters of wolves and other animals in the forest.
Their older brother, Sehun is the heir as the next leader of Lan pack but when he slipped his tongue about what happened to their omega parent, Yibo became more and more colder towards Yeri and Sehun. She understood easily how hard for their omega parent if she was in his shoe, sacrificing his life for her twin brother's is the greatest gift that he received, but that only made Yeri jealous more but despite all that she understands that everything has their reason.
Out of all siblings, Yeri has been left behind by her other siblings since she's a beta. But when she had enough, she starts to work hard for her own. She even trained herself only to figure out her power to construct objects from air, she used this to get herself to be more agile and swift. When Lan Qiren, their alpha parent, found out where Yeri always had gone off he witnessed how the Lan beta trained hard to level her brothers' strengths and he eventually trained Yeri where she leans her strength.
Aerokinetic Construct. Yeri was a late bloomer when she unlocks her second ability, she can create objects made out of air, took her a few years to master this ability.
Life Air Manipulation. The ability to give life or bring back to life any living things with just a breath. The first ability she discovered when she was 6 years old and she kept it a secret and the only ones who knows about it was Lan Qiren, Sehun and those she trusted most.
Yeri studied in Fenrir Academy along with Yibo but they don't talk much during their time in the academy because things had changed between the twins. She maintained her bubbly and energetic personality towards people in the academy and studied hard until she graduated. When she had graduated, she established an animal rescue center where people can volunteer to rescue any domestic animals and take a good care of them, she is also a head veterinarian in their workplace. Currently, she became a model for some products she got a sponsor from.
updated on 00.00
—10k notes
updated on 00.00
my likes

snowdrops, cats and dogs, books, writing new stories, shopping, good foods and drinks.

my dislikes

knowing her secrets, book monsters, wasting her money, hunters, hurting others.

my hobbies

reading books in the park, writing new stories, shopping for new clothes and accessories, meeting someone in neutral grounds, doing pilates at home.

my goals

what Yeri wanted is to bring back the way her family used to be even though they're only just the three of them to carry the responsibilities of their pack.

updated on 00.00
— Lan Sehun
her older brother.
— Lan yibo
twin brother.
— Lan Minjeong
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
updated on 00.00
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim.
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