㈤ art gallery

jiashi • RATED M
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ she chuckled, it did feel rather nice. it was a peaceful day. the sun was shining before the clouds turned into dark cover and it began to pour. the female loved the rain, it was very beautiful at her farm as it was raining. yet her eyes suddenly widened. 'I forgot to do some work at home! and it is raining!.' the female took out her phone and checked the weather in lanling. 'oh no! poor sheep! I need to get back home.' she immediately started to pack. the leader was ready to give her a ride, ryujin was rather thankful as she would not get in time and she had to get there as soon as possible. two of them left the cafe after paying for the food.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Seulgi looked at her and shook her head, "Oh no, it's fine, I want you to compile it when time comes you became one of the famous artist." she told her as she takes one big bite against the burger. She really wanted to see her some time again, she wanted to be with her more. Seulgi never have had a friend who has the same interest as her, she was a loner, but the hybrid hoped to get to know more of her soon enough. After they eat dinner, they walked out of the restaurant and she stretched her arms a bit, "Hmm! I really missed eating burger as a dinner." She told her with a smile.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the other kept looking at the phone, she thought that she was being too boring for the leader. ryujin became very quiet, munching on her food. when the other suddenly mentioned another meeting, a small smile appeared on ryujin's lips. she nod head eagerly. 'I can make a whole list of impressions and my thoughts about the art pieces we have seen..if you'd like.' she smiled politely as she finished her food.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She smiled and they eat the burgers they ordered, Seulgi then eventually heard her phone vibrates as she got a message from her hunters. She checked her phone and read that they are watching over her and the wolf, Seulgi frowns and put her phone down before she continues to eat. "We should meet up like these, I do like your perception on arts, as well as your thoughts about anything from the gallery." She told Ryujin and smiles.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the other talked about single fathers, she did agree and did not at the same time. 'depends on the father.' she smiled. 'some fathers can dump their kids and make them grow up on their own.' she added and took the notebook. her fingers slid over the burnt edges before she placed them back down. the female was so into the smoothie that she did not even notice what the other was drawing. ryujin thanked the waitress, her face lightening up at the mention and smell of the food. 'eat well!' she smiled and started to eat.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ The hybrid smiles and nodded as she agreed to her, "Single fathers are the best, would you agree?" she told her before looking the sketch she made before she handed the notebook back to her with ryujin's face sketch up with butterflies. "I'm..." Seulgi was about to unravel the truth on Ryujin when their orders came and smiles when they served them the burgers, she looked at her and gets her food. "Eat up... you've been hungry since earlier."
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the leader began to speak about her mother, ryujin could relate . she was mostly raised by her father as well. she listened well and felt guilty. she had so many great memories about her mother. ryujin stopped sipping her drink and looked up. 'I can relate to that. my mom died when I was little.' it was a sad memory, but at least she had any memories. 'my dad raised me up as well. he took the parental role and substituted also a mother. I am forever thankful to him. I bet you are too.' she smiled softly up at the other.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi looked at her and feels guilty a bit when seeing the her getting the notebook with an aching expression. She wanted to make her feel better, she gently takes the burnt notebook and she gently makes a sketch from the back of the pages. She makes a quick sketch on Ryujin and makes some butterfly as an effect around the drawing. "I never met my mother, I was... adopted." She smiles sadly before looking back at her to get some features in her sketch, "I never felt being hugged by my own mother nor tastes her cooking, but my father did all of that just to make me feel complete."
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the other suddenly asked about her notebook, her heart began to ache. it was so painful, knowing that she might never draw in it again. her hands slowly moved to the vintage style backpack of hers as she got out the burnt book. her lip quivered and she was about to cry, yet handled it to the leader anyways. she proceed to drink the smoothie, as the waitress had brought their drinks before hand. 'my mom..she was a human.' the female smiled at the memory.' she worked as a dressmaker in the hanfu shop. she was an excellent sketcher and it inspired me to do it as well. she taught me how to draw.'
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi chuckles at the other as she have the same taste before she orders their foods and appetizers as well, she looked at the beta as she remembers the burnt notebook she kept closely to her. "Ryujin, do you remember the notebook that got burned?" she asked before taking out her graphite pencil, "Would you mind borrowing it for a bit while we wait?" she said softly as she looked at her. "I forgot to ask, when did you start to draw?"
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ the beta immediately imagined how little Seulgi would probably whine to her father about constant meat with vegetables. as the other chuckled, a soft giggle left ryujin's lips as well. when the other suddenly left the art gallery and walked down the street, the female followed close. she was a bit underdressed and shivered in cold. the female kept constantly pulling down her tiny shorts, sighing in the relief as they got to the place. the beta bowed to the waitress as they arrived and followed to the corner seat. ryujin took her place in front of the other and looked down at the menu. so many tasty things to choose from. she had decided to choose the one with a chicken patty and thanked the waitress. when the leader talked about stuff she liked, ryujin chuckled. 'I like the one with bacon and ham as well, but today I have a chicken vibe.'
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi slowly stopped singing when the other asked her if she likes to eat burgers, she hummed and thinks about it. "I do like burgers but since my father is a strict parent, he always give me meat with vegetables." She chuckles as she remembers her time with her father before she sees a glimpse of the place, she picks up her pace as they were near in the area before they walked inside and went to the corner seat. "I do like cheese burger, with bacon and ham." She ordered and smiles at her, "What about you?" Seulgi asked as she stared at her doe eyes.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the other began to sing a song and held her hand, it reminded her of the good old days at the farm. it was back then when the sun was warm and the life was easy. she was a careless child without responsibilities. her reminiscing came to an end when the other gently squeezed her hand. there was not a major difference in the size of their hands, yet her smaller one felt safe in seulgi’s hold. at her question about the burger place, she nod head. despite burgers being bad for the health, she was addicted to them. she had tasted them when she was a young child, being one of the rare wolves to taste the treasures of the human world. she suddenly wondered, ‘unnie? do you like burgers ?’
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She looked at the other when she finally spoke to her, the hybrid chuckled and nodded. "Okay, there is one famous burger restaurant nearby." Then she holds the beta's hand as they walked to the place where Seulgi said, she felt the hand of the beta, so soft and flawless. She hummed a song and subconsciously starts singing softly while they were walking to their destination, she used to sing a song for her father before but not anymore.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ ryujin was suddenly pulled out of her daydream as soon as the leader started to pay attention to her once more. the little beta was so lost in her own thoughts, she had almost bumped into seulgi’s back. her eyes slowly looked up, those sparkly doe eyes staring into the leader’s dark orbs. she needed to change the subject and chase the awkwardness away, so she nod head. as the other smiled, her chubby cheeks mushed up and she nod head once more .’ can we go eat some burgers?’ the beta suddenly asked.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi looked at the sculptures and eventually noticed the other's silence, the hybrid looked over to the Jin beta with an intimate look, "You alright? Are you hungry now?" She asked before looking at the time. It's almost dinner time. The hybrid looked back at Ryujin and holds her shoulder gently, "Let's go, it's almost dinner time." She said softly. She never treated any wolf like this. Seulgi was confused, why is she letting herself to get carried away with the wolf's innocence? She's a leader of the hunters who killed wolves like her. Is it because she has feelings towards her? She shook her head a bit before she leads the beta out of the gallery and look for a fine restaurant for them. "What would you like to eat for dinner?" She asked her with a smile on her face.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ when the other offered to come with the female, she slowly turned her head to look at the other. the female was lost in thought, was she ready to bring anyone to the sacred place? the one she and her mother used as a mini studio. when ryujin was younger, she believed that kind of intimacy - bringing someone to the special place - was only between the partners. lovers. so when the other was ready to go to her special place, her cheeks turned into a bright red hue. she immediately looked down, feeling something churn in her stomach. as the other changed the subject, she nod head obediently and sighed in relief. the whole time the beta was being quiet, which was unusual, yet her mind was louder than ever. foreign feelings.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She looked at the masterpieces that Ryujin is seeing, she looked at her admiringly at the joy that the beta is feeling. Seulgi looked at her more when the beta starts to reminisce the past. "Well, would you want to go back there with me the next time we meet again?" She offered and smiled before they moved to the Baroque sculptures. "You might find some inspirations here too." The hybrid points at the sculptures with more detailed features.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ she nod head in excitement at the dinner and at the baroque section. the female beta skipped behind the leader, being close to the leader. she looked around with wide eyes and admired the paintings. this time she acted more carefully, being aware of her surroundings. the beta stopped for few minutes in front of the each painting, her big doe eyes gazing at the masterpieces. 'one day I want to draw like them.' she smiled and looked at her. 'I have this one place in Meilan..' she looked down and smiled widely as she got a flashback. 'it was an abandoned art studio. some people used it for a storage room, but I always snook inside to draw.'
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi smiles and fixes her blazer before she looked at the time, "There is still time for us to look around before dinner, are you still not hungry?" She looked at the Jin beta with a bit of concern as she gently touch her shoulder. "Shall we proceed to the Baroque section? There are a lot of inspiration there, especially Caravaggio's masterpieces." Then she lead the way where there are tons of Baroque paintings hanging on the walls.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ the beta was so immersed into the art pieces. she admired and described a bit from everything - how she liked the unique brush of the Picasso or the minimalism of Agnes Martin and her admiration towards the female painter. the kids were playing around, bumping into the beta. the female almost lost the footing, thankfully the older female actually caught her in her arms. they were being close, the distance was being close to none. how her curve pressed against seulgi's. she looked up and made a surprised face. when the other pulled away, she fixed her tiny shorts and chuckled. 'what would I do without you, unnie!' the female dedicated her a toothy grin, eyes taking shapes of two crescents.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi couldn't help but to look at the younger beta, her pink strawberry hair and the scent of her signature bubblegum scent. Yes, Seulgi can smell every wolf packs depending on what they can do, for Jin, the scent is like scented candles. But towards Ryujin it was different, a sweet scent of bubblegum. This was new to her, she never smelled a wolf with such a unique scent. The hybrid had know every wolves she had killed or encountered, but nothing would smell like this. She followed the beta as she feels better after what had happened in the lounge earlier, when she spun around, Seulgi caught a glimpse of two kids ready to bump into her as they were running towards her. The hybrid quickly side stepped and caught the beta just in time when she grabbed her arm and leaned her body into her, she felt a soothing comfort when she was with her, then she felt her heart keeping up the pace than usual, then she looked at the other's eyes and locked into their place. Then in a few moments, she slowly pulled away and awkwardly rubbed her nape. "Be careful, Ryujin. You might break an expensive piece." Then chuckles.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ ryujin widened her eyes, this was amazing! the real painting was here. this was a very impressive art gallery, she thought. the female kept looking around, walking in front of the leader. her hair was tied up in two buns, rest of her hair floating against her back. the nice pink strawberry hue to match her sweet bubblegum scent. ryujin admired the paintings and looked at the other. her eyes took shapes of two crescents and she chuckled, 'thank you, unnie! this is amazing.' the female spread her arms like a butterfly and began to spin around, looking at the glass ceiling, noticing the beautiful, white clouds flowing above them.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She walked towards the painting of Raphael and smiled at its features, when she was about to look at Donatello's sculpture, she was dragged by the younger beta and pointed at the portrait of the famous painting of all time, Mona Lisa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci. She chuckled at the other's fascination over it, even though the 'real' Mona Lisa is kept in a very air-tight vault and this is just a replica of it. "Yes, it is. I wonder how the gallery loaned for it." The hybrid rubbed her chin as she looked at the missing features of the replica painting, she knows every bits of details in the real painting.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ she tried to catch up with the other. her tiny steps following the intimidating leader, ryujin somehow felt safe around the humans. she was born from a human mother, yet all of the stories told by her father, made her wary of any humans. Seulgi was nice, or so the beta thought. she followed the older woman as she walked around the artistic pieces - from paintings to sculptures. the younger artist couldn't stop gasping and looking at everything wide eyed. it was such an overwhelming experience. she unknowingly to herself, tugged on Seulgi's hand as she happily chirped, her finger pointed at the infamous painting. 'is that Mona Lisa, unnie?!'
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ Seulgi accompanies the beta into the art gallery and showed her membership card in the guard before looking back at Ryujin with a sincere smile, "Let's go." Then the two went inside the place and saw many paintings and sculptures inside the gallery, when she heard the other complimented her, she couldn't help but to feel flustered, making her eyes curved and she has a habit of biting her lip when she feels flustered, "Oh, I'm not really a true artist. I'm just a mere painter." She chuckles and they went to the first section as they had seen the old renaissance paintings by the famous artists, but of course, the other would definitely look at it. Seulgi smiled at the younger woman fascinated by the paintings hanging on each wall.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ the female kept staring down the whole time, she was just so embarrassed. ryujin let out a soft chuckle and nod head, the drive there was quite short. her eyes peeked up to look at the gallery. she had been there many times, yet the staff managed to change the concept and the decorations, making the building look even better with each time. ryujin stepped outside after unbuckling her belt and held onto her backpack. she waited for the leader to come closer to her, following the lady inside. 'you are a true artist.' the beta muttered as she looked at seulgi's back as she moved in front of her, guiding inside.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She smiled and still driving the car, she heard the grumbling stomach of the beta and tilts her head a bit. "Are you sure? We can grab a bite now." Seulgi looked at the other with a bit of concerning expression, but the she refused and insist to go to the art gallery. "Okay but after that we can have a lunch wherever you like." She smiled at the other as she gave her the freedom to choose where they could eat for later. Once they were there, she parked the car in the driveway and removed the buckle from her before she gets out of the car and waited for the other to come out. "We're here." Seulgi points the direction of the art gallery they are supposed to walk in.
✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@混血┊kang seulgi ʰ she sat inside and buckled her belt. ryujin had never been inside of a fancy car like this, being scared that she might stain something and anger the other. her eyes sparkled, it was amazing. how the engine roared almost like a kitten, how fast the vehicle moved on the lane. when the other talked about the membership, her doe eyes slightly widened, how exactly rich the other was. her eyes moved back on the road, feeling her stomach suddenly growl. embarrassed, the beta felt her cheeks become bright red and whispered a soft, 'sorry.' a soft giggle left her lips as she tried to explain herself.'let's go to the gallery first ! I am not that hungry.' yet her stomach made a sound once more, her wrapping arms and covering her tummy in ultimate embarrassment, her face being as red as a beet.
混血┊kang seulgi ʰ 2 years ago
@✸┊jin ryujin ᵇ She smiled as the other liked the car, she waited for her to get in before she steps on the gas and they drive their way to Jiashi. While driving, Seulgi turns on the music for them to enjoy on the way, "Don't worry about the entrance fee, I got a platinum membership." She chuckled as she told the younger one of her being a platinum member that is a pretty expensive membership in the art gallery. "Maybe after this, we can go grab a bite, we'll be hungry after exploring the art gallery." She looked at the road while stirring the wheel as they go to the place.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ᴘᴜʀᴇʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ ! ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴀʟғ-ʙʟᴏᴏᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀᴇʟᴇss!

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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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