
hangshui• RATED M
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ () fin?
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Baekhyun eyed the other's changed expressions. It was almost funny how the other seemed so disappointed by his rejection --- they had only met for a few hours, after all. Seeing that the wolf made no attempt to harm him, Baekhyun slowly lowered his crossed arm, keeping the blade by his side yet not sheathing it yet. "Baekhyun," he stated simply as he moved to the side. He hovered near the seats, watching over the alpha who packed up. He chewed on his lips. "Goodbye. Perhaps we'll meet again." Baekhyun sheathed his sai and walked off without another glance.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ he blinked as the other suddenly pulled out his weapon, his alpha instincts making him step back before anything could happen. when the other told him that they were not friends, he looked at the other like a kicked puppy. he looked down and nod head, before his mood flipped 180 degrees and he smiled at the other. 'understood! I am hyunjin by the way!'he waved at the other rather friendly. 'learn how to do high five and shake hands next time, mister!' he playfully joked about the other and reached to grab his bag, putting his stuff inside of the backpack.
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ "A high...what?" He looked on, puzzled by the other's raised palm. It seemed like the other wanted him to stop and say "five" in a high voice for reasons beyond his comprehension. Baekhyun was not one to play into others' sick fantasies. "Five," he growled lowly. "Now will you bowl?" The game came to an end; as expected, Baekhyun lost, although he didn't care about that. He had fun with the other. What was initially a sport that left him frustrated became a good stress-reliving session. He was about to turn to leave when the wolf unexpectedly stretched out his arm. Baekhyun snatched his sai out from underneath his coat, drawing his arm across his body in a defensive position, while stepping back to put some distance between them. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked in a hard voice, flitting his orbs towards the outstretched arm and back to the wolf's eyes. "And no, we are not friends. We are merely acquaintances."
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ he looked up at the score board and kept a note of their scores. it was so much fun. he hadn't experienced so much fun in a while. he had managed to get more strikes and smiled. he genuinely was happy that the other improved. when it came to last few rounds, he wished they would actually play more. he noticed the other had an expression, closer to the smile. it was one of the emotions he managed to bring out of the other. he felt like they are getting closer. when the other managed to get something close to a strike, barely missing a pin, the alpha held his hand out for the other to high five. 'give me a high five ! good job, buddy!' he cheered for the other and took the ball, doing his last strike. of course, hyunjin won, but he did not feel like a winner. 'so...friends?' he held his hand out for the other to shake.
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Baekhyun headed off to the seats, passing by the alpha who had came up with his prize. Friends, he had said. Baekhyun glanced at him wordlessly, showing neither an assent nor a denial to the prospect of them being friends; instead, he nodded to the lane with his head, murmuring, "It's your turn." He watched as the other got a strike. He nodded in admiration, taking in the stance of the other, trying to improve on his playing. "Good job," Baekhyun said. He couldn't help but make the tiniest curl at the edge of his lips in formation of the faintest smile when the alpha taunted him. He grabbed his ball. The game went on as both took their turns. It was down to the last couple rounds and Baekhyun glanced at the scoreboard, noting his own scores. A few gutter balls, a couple high scores --- Baekhyun was satisfied that he had even gotten a 9 once. He called out to the wolf whose name he still did not know. "Our last couple of rounds. It all comes down to these."
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ he looked at the other, as the other had seemingly drowned into his own world. he waved his hand in front of his face and blinked as the other came back to time. when he had mentioned about the prize, he wanted the other to mention his own as well. hyunjin looked away and let his lower lip jolt out in a cute pout. when the other asked about his wish, the alpha seemingly bloomed, smiling at the other. 'friendship. let's be friends!' he nod head eagerly. jin was always the friendliest and cheerful one, it is what always got him into the trouble. he reached for the ball and let his eyes focus on the lane. after the other managed to score something, the alpha cracked his knuckles and moved in his place. he swung the ball and threw it, easily getting a strike. when he turned to look at the other, he let out a playful smirk. 'let's get it on!'
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ "Yeah, we can share a lane." Baekhyun flicked a glare at the other when his shoulder was bumped, moving towards the console for his lane. He contemplated on the alpha's question. A prize... He toyed with the options in his mind. Baekhyun recalled seeing a recent surge in demand for wolf paws on the black market. Supposedly, they were useful to researchers for their little experiments. The claws could also be used as a decoration or a fashion accessory, fetching high prices on the market. An alpha's paw was the highest valued for reasons Baekhyun did not know; he supposed it had something to do with the scent and status of an alpha, what with them normally being hard to kill, although there were always the few outliers. He automatically typed in P1 and P2 in the game system as he pondered upon this. Pressing enter, Baekhyun looked up to the male and eyed him blankly. "I don't need a prize. I suppose you want one from me though, so name it. I'll bowl first in the meantime." He grabbed his ball and bowled, not focusing on the score but just doing his best and having a relaxing time.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ he genuinely had fun. the human seemed harmless and he felt genuinely happy that the other was improving. he wanted to say those words, but they would be way too creepy as they met only recently. blame it on hyunjin's friendly nature and his teacher self. when the other kept throwing the balls, the latter did the same. his eyes creeped to look at the lane next to his, cheering on the inside with each strike the other did. he, himself, flawlessly managed to take all of the pins down. he did not try to show off, it was just one of his skills. he had practiced a lot, seeing the human fail from time to time, reminded him of his own past. when the other left, the alpha managed to get one last strike, beating the high score of the bowling alley. when the human, who's name he still did not know, returned, he looked down and paid the attention to the other. he was surprised that the other actually took his challenge and went to rent another lane. 'I mean one is okay? did you tell them that we are both playing?' he rubbed his sore fingers and even cracked them. 'so we got...' he looked up and squinted to count. '12 rounds? so 12 tries each.' when the other looked too serious, he playfully bumped his shoulder against the other's. 'hey! you managed to get a strike, what if I end up losing? what is the prize?' a childish glint tingled in his eyes as he talked about the prize.
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Baekhyun looked weirdly at the male, unsure how to react to the cheerful outburst. He gave a short grunt in response, indicating his gratitude once again. Now that he had actually learnt the proper position and all, he realised that bowling was not as difficult as it seemed. Baekhyun looked on as the alpha went back to his own lane to knock down all pins. "Good job," he said softly. Baekhyun then started back to the seating area to retrieve his bowling ball, when he heard the male calling for a friendly competition, which elicited a raise of his brow. He knew of the other's skills; he had seen him in action. He thought if the other just wanted to stoke his own ego, but he nodded. Anything to release his stress from the past week's failure. "Sounds good." He got his ball and continued with the rest of the turns, improving slowly but surely, even managing to hit a strike once. Seeing the game come to an end, he excused himself to buy another game before heading back to his lane. He approached the alpha, "So, are we bowling on our own lanes or on just one lane? I bought another game, so my lane is open."
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ his alpha instinct suddenly appeared. he felt the tingles to protect himself, like he was in danger. he always had it when the danger was near, it was one of the abilities the alpha kinda possessed - the natural instinct to predict the incident before it happened. he looked around and shook head, he was probably nervous being so far away from home. tho, he felt a pair of dark orbs on his body. he hoped that the human did not notice his strange behaviour. he tried hard not to use his strength when it came to the game, as he did back in home.
when the other managed to get 7 pins down and he couldn't help, but cheer. hyunjin was known for his overly excited and energetic nature. he jumped up, as if he had done it and smiled widely. 'told you ! you could do it! ' he clapped his hands and smiled. 'oh? yes! it is one of my hobbies. I am kinda good at it.' the other flashed him a toothy grin and focused on his own lane. he managed to get another strike. 'I think, after few practices, we could go one on one? what do you think?'
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Baekhyun nodded when the older spoke. He had felt something off about the male --- caught a whiff of it --- before he realised that the male had the same distinctive scent that all alphas carried. Although faintly present, it was there all the same. Baekhyun's fingers twitched towards the kunai concealed on his body. He wondered if the other had come to fight him but quickly pushed those thoughts aside. This was neutral ground; every creature was welcomed. Besides, the male seemed harmless... for now. Baekhyun came out of his thoughts and watched intensely as the male demonstrated, scoffing internally when he heard that the lane was tilted. No wonder he couldn't get high scores; the game had been rigged since the beginning! He nodded as the other encouraged him to try again. Adjusting his grip on the ball, Baekhyun stepped up to the line. This time, he went more towards the right. He bowled, his ball curving to the left once again, though it managed to keep straight after and hit 7 pins. Baekhyun's eyes gleamed in satisfaction. Although not a strike, this was a major improvement in his play. He turned back to the male and gave a small tug of his head in gratitude. "Thank you for the advice. Do you bowl often?" He tilted his head slightly, tracing the male's visage.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ he chuckled as he noticed the red ears and he thought it was cute. when the other missed for the nth time, he took a pity on the human and hoped he wouldn't notice his weird, alpha scent. he took his yellow ball and gently caressed it. 'the thing is. if you want it to go to the middle, do not try to move it in the middle of the lane. no ball will ever go straight.' he chuckled. 'instead, try from one side and move it diagonally. like..draw an imaginary line from the place you will throw the ball to the place where you want it to land, aka in the middle between the pins. right?' he moved back to his lane and showed right how he explained. he chuckled as the ball hit another strike. 'you see. the lane looks straight. but it is a bit tilted, so when you use the middle of the lane as your starting point, the ball will use the edge of the lane as the ending point and you will get a gutter.' the alpha smiled softly and waited for his ball to appear. 'try it!' he gestured with his hand towards the lane.
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Baekhyun lined up the 2nd shot of the 7th turn, getting frustrated by each play, for none of them was even close to being called a good roll. Baekhyun didn't know what he did incorrectly. Pick a ball; go to the center of the line; aim straight to get all pins --- he followed the instructions down to a T, yet could only throw gutter balls or hit at most 3 pins. As straight as he could, Baekhyun swung his right arm and released the bowling ball. He held his breath as the ball tumbled down the lane, watching in eager anticipation as the ball rolled straight, only to curve left at the 3/4 mark. Another gutter ball. He rolled his eyes in defeat and headed back for the seats, downing his water angrily in frustration. Baekhyun sat in his misery, not even bothering to watch the screen as the scores for that turn displayed. He flicked his eyes at the next lane's screen, which obviously displayed a higher score than his. Wanting to observe closer, he got his ball when it appeared, and stepped onto the platform, though not yet rolling the ball. He stared at the next lane's player unabashedly as he swung the ball, hitting yet another strike. Baekhyun looked forward to line up his shot and mimicked the player's actions as best as he could, though that only resulted in a wobbly stance. He cringed when he heard the other player coming closer and turned around swiftly while cradling the ball in his palms. "Oh, uh. Hi," he mumbled. Baekhyun felt his ears becoming red; damn it, he knew the other player saw his amateurish shots and lousy score. Yet, he gave the other a short nod, looking straight at him. "....yeah, sure. I can't seem to hit above 3 pins, and i'm not sure what the problem is."
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@人┊byun baekhyun ʰ hyunjin was a loner. he loved to wander around on his own, exploring the new places. he didn't even notice how his own legs had managed to carry him to the worst city for the wolves - the hangshui city. he got inside the huge mall and explored it. the alpha was amazed by the shops - they indeed had the latest trends. he had saved money for this occasion and had bought gifts for lixie as well. when he noticed the rather appealing sign 'bowling alley' he couldn't help himself. among the jiang wolves he was one of the best player. jin had rented the shoes and lane walking there. he tied his shoes, they perfectly clung around his feet. placing his backpack on the nearest couches, the young alpha got closer to the lane. he took one of the balls and rubbed it, his fingers perfectly sliding inside the holes of the ball. he stretched his legs a bit before aiming for the pins and rolled the ball down the lane. when the ball hit all of the targets, he smirked proudly. 'yes!' the alpha cheered and felt a stare on himself. he peeked to see a shorter male struggling with his playing. hyunjin was rather a soft guy, he wanted to help everyone, he wanted to save the world. so he didn't think twice and moved closer to the occupied lane. 'do you want me...to help you?' he asked rather calmly and sweetly.
人┊byun baekhyun ʰ [gotohellu] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ Baekhyun let out a breath, as he stood outside the building. He hesitated on entering and wondered if he was making the right choice. He didn't know how to bowl; why did he choose this place? He sighed to himself. Last week had been especially straining on him; he had followed a cold trail, the suspect already gone before he arrived. Hence, he wanted to take his mind off things by doing a senseless activity; bowling was the first thing that appeared in his mind, as he passed by the building every day. He finally entered the building and rented a lane, getting the necessities. Baekhyun went to his lane and sat on the chairs, glancing at the next lane which was already occupied. He observed the guy, taking in how he grasped the bowling ball and aimed for the pins. Baekhyun nodded to himself. It seemed to be an easy process, and he stood, following the man's actions.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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