㈢ camping

● camp site
● camp site
jiashi • RATED M
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ [] really sorry! I must have missed out on this reply!! I really thought i replied><

Yanjun wrote down the name once again and read it out slowly under his breath, as a way to remember her name better, Jiang Jiyoo, from Yunmeng Jiang, married a Qishan Wen wolf and gave birth to Karina and her brother. He nods and immediately started to draw out the little family to note the number of people in the family. "Yunmeng City.." He wrote it down beside Jiang Jiyoo name, drawing a little arrow before labelling, 'place she often go to'. He looked up at Karina, "It is a new lead. Do you want to come with me to Yunmeng City?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ The alpha looked at the male beta as she heard about his investigatiom about her mother, she pulls herself from leaning against the couch before sighing. "Maybe... Search her name? Jiang Jiyoo is my mother's name." She asked him before looking down, "We used to go around Yunmeng before, she was buying some clothes and art materials at one store--" then she paused when she found something before whipping her head towards him. "That's it! There's one store in Yunmeng city where my mother used to buy things."
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun stood at the side and looked at Karina, he sat down at the table before taking out his notebook. "I have not found news about what you asked me to find." He looked at the notes that he wrote down previously about Karina talking about her parent. "Do you have any new info for me?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Karina hummed as she is thinking if she could get other things but she only sighs and shakes her head. "I think that's all." She responded and leans more on the couch, "What should I do right now?" She asked again begore looking at the things around the safe house.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun stared at her and nodded, he took out his phone and picked up the phone before calling his colleague, taking his phone, he then mumbled to the phone. "Order a set of a burger meal together with orange juice. and get some snacks, you may choose snacks that a lady will like." he hung up the phone before looking at Karina resting at the couch. "Is there any other things that you like?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Karina looked at the beta before humming as she thinks, "The burgers here in Jiashi is so good, I have eaten it almost everyday here." She smiled a bit before sitting on a couch. "Can you also buy me orange juice and some snacks?" The alpha added as she looked at the newspapers on the center table.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ He stares at the other, knowing that she had fully given in. He nods at the question asked, "Of course." No matter what, Karina is definitely not a criminal, maybe he could do a little favour for the other. "What would you like to eat?I will get them." This definitely draws the line between a criminal and also a witness, he could ask his colleague to help to get them while he stay guard.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ The alpha looked inside and she could see that there's no possible sharp objects inside the place, maybe this is definitely a safe house after all. She sighed and looked at the red button that was placed under the center table, "Yeah." She nodded as she understand that Yanjun was just protecting her, Karina is the sole survivor or the witness yet in this gruesome murders. Before he goes out, she told him, "You'll bring me foods, right?" She asked him.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun looked at her before closing up the door, walking in to introduce the place to the Wen Alpha. "You may use anything you want in this place, but there is no sharp object or anything that can harm people. Other than that, if you need anything, press the red button and we will come to you. Understand?" he asked coldly before taking out his phone to send a message to his superior before going to the door. "You may have your own time in this space now. my colleagues will be outside."
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Karina clicked her tongue and sighs before shaking her head, "Fine." She doesn't have a choice. The Wen alpha obliged to go inside the door as this is the best solution yet for her, she grumbles under her breath as she goes inside. So far, Karina is the primary witness upon the serial killings that had surfaced in Jiashi. "So... What should I do now?" She asked.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ "A prisoner is when you lost every single right. You do not lose them, so you are not." He ignored her complaints and got out of the car, he then goes to open her door, "We are here." he got her out of the car before leading her to the door. "Do you want to go in or you do not want to? If not, I can put you with the prisoners as well if you want to be like one."
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ She whipped her head in front of him, not wanting to lock up in a 'safe room' he's talking about. "Locked? I thought it's a safe room? That would make me feel like a prisoner there." She retorted and sighs, "I feel like a hostage inside the room, is that what you're doing when you see witnesses in this city?" Karina asked him with a stern look.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun just dropped the tissue at her lap, not caring that she said no, he could definitely see the tears but maybe the other does not want to use it in front of him. He looked at Karina and nodded. "It's a location non-trackable on the map. The room is locked and there is no one that can open it, except for me and my officers, with my card." He looked at her before continuing. "I will have my officers around the place too, there is an emergency button, for you to press if you are in danger. "
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ "No, I-I'm fine." Karina refused to take the tissue and wipes her tears and looked at him, "I hope this is more safer than the tent I was sleeping." She told him as she went back to look at the window. She is more scared that she will be killed by the monster in a few murders, how did she get herself into trouble. She couldn't fight off the killer with her bare hands, she feels weak, useless, just like what her father told her. Even though she's an alpha she is still weak inside, her Jiang blood is fighting off the monster in her, protecting on what's left of her humanity.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ "There is no one that can hurt you there." He mumbles coldly as he continued to drive towards the safe house, he looked at her from the side mirrors to make sure that she is okay and to see if there are any things that he might miss out on. He reached out a gave her a pack of tissue. "In case you need it." He didnt saw any other people around just now, where would the murderer go to?
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ [h ²⁵ ⁿᵒᵛ] Karina nodded at him and quietly staring at the window as they have been driving for a few minutes, she tries to remember what had happened before she fell unconscious. She could see its eye staring into her soul, reflecting what is within Karina that had been trying to free herself from these chains. "I'm scared... for the first time in my life..." she bit her lip and tries to hold back her tears.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ [] No worriess!!

"To be safe." Yanjun stared at the Wen Alpha. He knew that if this is back at Qishan Wen, he will be in deep trouble. Karina is an alpha although she is a female. Qishan Wen is all about ranks, he might be a beta and a scholar but the other is an alpha and she is definitely higher than him. Not to mention that she is the sister of the general. "You should, it's for your safety." However, he is at Jiashi right now and he is the officer in charge of this case.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ [h ²⁵ ⁿᵒᵛ] () I'm sorry I almost missed this! ;;;

"Safe house? Why?" She asked him as the other told her as they started the car and drives away from the scene, she looked down and sighs, trying to think of what is the next thing she will do when she goes back to Qishan. "I can't tell it to him and my father, not now, at least. I don't want a single of them scolding me, it's irritating." Karina crossed her arms and leans more against her seat as she look through the window. But staying in the 'safe house' would bore an eagerly adventurous Wen to death, "What should I do while I'm staying in the safe house?" She asked him.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun stared at her and nodded. Karina is an adult so there is no need for him to report to a guardian. However, the rest would find out about this soon. When that happens, it's Karina's responsibility to take care of the next steps."You will be staying in a safe house for 3 days." He nods and got into the car, he then looked to the front as he started to drive the car. "You might want to tell them, I don't want General Wen to come after me." he continued, not sure if Karina found out about his identity, if she had not, she would have spotted it now.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Few moments later, the officer's colleagues came in and starts investigating what happened. The other accompanied the female alpha to the car and gave her a water bottle to drink and trying to ease up the tension she witnessed, "Thank you." She often becomes sincere to people who helped her when she's pretty scared but right now, she is terrified that the monster will hunt her next. Karina sees Yanjun coming to the car and looked at her on the car mirror, when she was asked by the other if she wants to inform her family, she shakes her head. "N-No, I don't want my father and my big brother to know anything about this. Let it stay here in this city, please." She begged.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun didn't see the monster, he was not sure what it was. Hearing that the monster spoke to Karina before she fainted, it's definitely a really dangerous sign. The murderer saw her face. He checked his phone and he could hear the footsteps from afar. "My colleagues are coming. I will drive you to the house, you can calm down and tell me what else you see." He got up and looked at his colleagues who came into the crime scene a couple of minutes later. "Wen Karina, witness to the case. Quite shaken up, I will bring her to the safe house. We will take her statement after. Suspect, a monster with a red eye." He gave his instructions and saw a police woman, supporting Karina up. "Bring her to the car." He gave his instructions before giving more instructions to the other officers who just arrived. The lady opened the car for Karina and take a little bottle of warm water for her.

"Office Yanjun will take care of this. Don't worry."

Yanjun walked back to the car and put his phone aside after he called someone, he got into the car and checked on Karina with the car mirror. "We will be going. Do you want to inform your family?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ The alpha looked at the officer when she was given a coat and a sunglasses for her, she was confused on why the other gave her his things but before she could ask about it she listened to him and heard that the monster might still in the vicinity, Karina looked at the dead body again and as much to her horror she recognized how the dead body got tangled up on his flesh. The man's body was left almost no blood from his system. Then she was asked by the officer if she's okay with staying in the house, Karina nodded instantly as she cannot stay here now since it is already a crime scene. She clutched on her coat and looked at Yanjun, "O-Officer, the monster spoke to me before I blacked out." she whispered to him.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun frowned as he saw Karina's reaction, he immediately put her down and take out a pair of sunglasses and put it on Karina, he removed his outerwear, a simple black jacket as it's nighttime to also fit in with the humans around. He put that on Karina and immediately ran to take a black cloth and came back with his bright red eyes, revealing his identity as a Qishan Wen Pack's wolf. He took out his phone and make a report. "Dead Body. Location sent. Send reinforcement." He looked at Karina after hanging up, "You saw the killer with one red eye? They might still be around. Would you like to stay in a safe house today?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Karina slowly wakes up as the officer gently shakes her, she gasped for air and coughs before she starts to realized what had happened. "Officer-- I saw something." She told him as she starts to feel the fear of dying by the unknown entity, even Karina couldn't described the killer as it was dead of night and she could only see its red glowing eye. "It killed the man over there, I-I saw its eye... only one red eye!" she told him as her hands can't stop shaking from fear. The man's body is in grotesque manner, its skin was twisted as if the blood stiffened and twists his muscles all over, the blood was sprayed all over the ground. The scene is too much for Karina, she's a Wen wolf but there are things she cannot handle to see still.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun went back to the office and he was staring at his computer the whole day. On-screen, it was showing the dead body that he saw back in the woods. According to the data, the victim is a human, a human that went on a hike, but the way it was killed, he wasn't sure if it is a human or a wolf. He stared at the witness statements, and got up, immediately writing down some notes on his own whiteboard, trying to spot the link. The victim was seen with 3 people and one of them is Karina. Karina slept early but she is alone. He took a different marker colour and wrote it there. He then had a little whiteboard, and started to write about Karina's mother case.

There is no mother that will leave their daughter like this and no one will ever hate their child and use that reason to leave the child. He is sure that there are some other reasons to that. He took another marker and did more pointers, writing other possibilities that might happen to the lady. He should start with those first to use the elimination process. He totally forgot about lunch but that is usually common for him, he does not eat much. He doesn't think there is a need to. He went back to the forest and immediately started to sprint when he heard a loud painful scream by a man, reaching within minutes, one of his eyes turning into a bright red, showing his real identity as a Wen Wolf.

He immediately ran to Karina, seeing her lying on the floor, he gently put his hand on her wrist before he gently shake Karina.

"Can you hear me? It's Officer Yanjun."
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ While taking a stroll in a small park, Karina had to keep her aggressive and impulsive side into her as she is in a different place, she can't show her Wen side to anyone in this city even though she had met fellow Wen wolves here. She buys three burgers from the stall as her breakfast before she went to the tent where the officer left a calling card on her tent, she read it as she starts to eat her food. She starts to think that officer seems to raise suspicions on her as she found that there is a crime scene not very far from where she is.

She took a walk all day around Jiashi, she had seen people wearing various clothing and shops that are so many compared to their city. When night falls, Karina went back to the camp where she stayed her tent in there, for once it was good that she doesn't need to hunt and enjoyed the life in Jiashi. She prepares her sleeping back when she suddenly feel sleepy, she sighed and looked at the time, it was only 7:45, but maybe it was because of her feet walking around the city without resting. Karina shook her head before she lie down on the sleeping bag before she closed her eyes.

Another nightmare had came in, she was standing in the middle of a misty wood, Karina have no idea how did she got here. She heard a rustle among the bushes, her dread starts to kick in just like the last time. But her body has a mind of its own, she starts running, fast! She tried to look back but because of the adrenaline, she had to get away from the monster before she got grabbed and got bit on her jugular.

Karina jolted up from her bed as she gasped for air, then she heard a scream outside, the Wen alpha went got out of the tent and saw a man dead with his own blood. Then a shadow appeared in front of her and strangled her, she tried to get away from it but it was as if it is an invincible entity with one red glowing eye, she's suffocating and she couldn't do a thing until it whispered to her. "Not yet. I'm not done yet." Then it only made her unconscious, Karina falls to the ground, the monster left a strangle marks on her neck before it disappeared for the night.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun stared at Karina and nods when she walked away to grab away from the tent, most likely to grab some food to eat. He quickly wrote down the notes of what the other said. He definitely got to find out more from her brother, General Linghe, but it seems like the other might not be as comfortable. 'She left because she doesn't love me'. That statement kept playing in his head, there is no way, a parent would leave their child all of a sudden without any proper reason, he is sure that is just a facade, a move that he is very familiar with.

He took out his name card and put it on the tent, making sure that it does not fall, then put a note that says, "Contact me.". There is definitely more meet up, regarding the case of her missing mother and also the killing case.
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ Karina starts to think about her big brother and her father when the other asked about them knowing that they will just answer the same. "Big brother told me that she left because she doesn't love me, my father too said that the same way..." She told her before looking down then she felt her stomach growling. The alpha gulped and looked up at the officer, "I umm... I need to get some breakfast." Then she bows at him before she turns away to get some foods back to the streets.
☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen karina ᵃ Yanjun was furiously writing in his notebook, it was a weird vanished. However, the other was a kid when it happened, maybe the adult went off when the kids are sleeping. He remembered how his mother was tortured by the Wen Alphas when he was sleeping. A mother will never leave their child just like that, he is sure that there is other reasons too. "I don't think, she did that. Im sure she has her reasons. Does your brother know anything? Should I ask him too?"
☼┊wen karina ᵃ 2 years ago
@☼┊wen yanjun ᵇ She sighed and shook her head a bit, as she doesn't know what happened to her as when she woke up that day she's gone. "I don't have any idea how she disappeared, when I woke up from our home, there are no traces or whereabouts left and she just... vanish." Then when he asked about what happened before her disappearance, she looked down. "Before she disappeared, she started having doubts with me when she discovered that I am an alpha and my Wen genes starts to showing up, she was still telling me how to be a good wolf but I don't want to think about it but... I think she left me because I was starting to become a Wen." She told him as she clenched her chest a bit.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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