㈥ meadow

● meadow
● meadow
yunmeng jiang PACK • RATED M
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he smiled and wrapped an arm around his mate. he allowed Felix to lay comfortably in his embrace. hyunjin's face turned to leave a small kiss against his temple. the omega was so close to his chest, to his heart. he was sure he could hear his heart beat. his heart was doing it only for Felix. his eyes moved over the scenery as he whispered. 'favourite place with the favourite person. perfect.' the alpha grinned.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix giggled and nodded helping hyu jin clean his eyes he kept his eyes on the other. He gently took the glass and nodded.his smile brighten more "yes~ to us~" he clicked the glass against the other and took a sip he happily sat next the other. Snuggling close
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he smiled and leaned to kiss his lips once more. he pulled his sleeves to make sure to clean his eyes and smiled softly. 'baby.' he cooed and leaned to gently bump his forehead against his. 'don't cry. I will cry too.' he let out a pout. the male reached for the untouched glasses and handed one to the male. 'to our future together?' he clicked his glass against Felix's and smiled. 'to us.'
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ Felix blinked but chuckles as they land on the blanket him ontop of the other. He looks looks at his lover his fiance. "Sooooooo muuch~" he said happily his eyes again brim with happy tears "I be yours forever and ever even beyond this life~" he said and looked at the other kissing his palm.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ [h ¹² ⁿᵒᵛ] when the other suddenly jumped on him and kept chanting 'iloveyous', hyunjin felt the relief. he had slid the ring on his finger and gasped when the omega suddenly glomped him down. his back met with the blanket and the beautiful being on top of him, hyunjin felt his heart being full. he leaned to peck his lips and smiled, his arms naturally wrapping around his frame. 'I love you too, so much. even more than life.' he took his hand in his and gently brushed lips against his knuckles, kissing his palm.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[h] Felix watched the other really not sure what to expect. And god did he not expect the other to move on one knee. He had seen this many times. It wasn't really wolf like but even wolves started to copy it from humans because it was damn romantic. Felix felt his breath shorten and he eyes the other back in shock. "T-this is...." he eyed the beautiful ring. He never seen such a beautiful ring before. He slowly felt tears roll down his face. But he chuckled at the story the other told about all the things. Now he had the flashbacks of all those loving moments he cherishes so much. He smiled and rubbed his cheeks but more tears came he couldn't help but laugh as the other said he had a romantic speech but didn't know anymore. He didn't care. Felix didn't care one bit. Everything of this. He loved it.
He nodded in reply. Remembering his grandpa's bedtime stories. The feeling of finding the one. Your soulmate, your friend lover and everything in one. The person who is you're whole world. That was what they where for each other. And even tho felix needed some time to realise that deep down he already knew. He knew hyunjij was his all and he couldn't live without. "You... you're never losing me" he sobbed and nodded rapidly then jumped from his sitting position up.he wrapped his arms around the others neck hugging the other tight as he just let the tears go. "Yes~ yes yes.....yeeeessss~ ill marry you and be your mate" he slowly let go and looked the other in the eyes. His own eyes screaming love and happiness. "I love you~" he replied and placed a loving kiss on the others lips.
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago

@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] at first, he took out a small speaker and put on their song for the mood. the lyrics were about them, or so the alpha thought. Felix brought out in him all the foreign emotions. it was funny, how a long time ago he was scared to even approach someone. as he was getting the box out, his eyes lingered on the omega. he felt their life together flashing in front of his eyes. from the first meeting at the orphanage, to their first kiss as curious teenagers. from the mornings in the daycare and even the horrible event. to the arranged marriage and Hyunjin's disappearance. lots of things had happened between them, but it made them stronger than before.

hyunjin smiled. this was his person. he remembered how the grandpa told them stories about the imprinting. it is a non existent thing in the modern world, but back then, when the gods ruled the world, it was a sacred thing. it is when you see the right person - the whole world stops and that person becomes the world. it is not the gravity that keeps you on the ground, it is that person. it is not the air, you are craving, it is that person. in your mind, in your veins and your soul. he felt like that with Felix. he had never laid his eyes on anyone else. ever since the beginning he knew that it was his person.

hyunjin got out the velvet box from the basket. he was sweaty and nervous, what if it was too early. but hyunjin knew they had all the time in this world and they had their own pace. the alpha stood on one knee and opened the box. it contained a beautiful purple ring - the colours of Yunmeng. he looked up and chuckled. 'just right now I had a flashback - from the first meeting to every morning in our bed. from the fights and curiosity to the adulthood and realisation. 'he looked down and chuckled. ' , I had a whole romantic speech prepared, but now when you are actually in front of me, I have forgotten it all.' his eyes moved up, twinkling with love and happiness. 'remember the stories about the gods? the Fenrir and his mate? the imprint and bonding? lets say, I can relate to those stories when I met you. it was suddenly you who made my world colourful. it was your who ignited the spark of hope, of happiness and expectations. it was you who replaced my sun in the mornings. it is you who filled all of me - my veins and my head and I cannot get you out. it is you who makes my whole body tingle, damn, those butterflies.' the alpha whispered. 'every day we spent together was the most wonderful time of my life, finally, I can go to sleep and be excited for tomorrow, knowing that I will see you. for the first time, the world around us was better than any dream I ever had.' he spoke softly. 'it is you, Felix. my whole world, my stars and my sun. my oxygen and my everything. I love you.' the last words went out of his mouth like a whisper. 'and. I do not want to make any mistake again. the only thing I am scared of is losing you. I do not want to live without you. life without you is not life. so...will you give me that honour and will you marry me? will you become my mate?' he asked nervously.

❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix couldn't help smile into the kiss he chuckled as there braclets separate and he eyes his alpha he chuckles and nods excited sitting up more happily "yes~ I'm ready~ I'm ready~"
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] he placed the bracelet on the wrist and smiled. as he clasped the magnets together and they got locked together, he couldn’t help but smiled widely. as soon as he god kissed, he reached fo press lips against his once more. as it was his turn to give a gift, he unwillingly undid the bracelets and crawled to the basket. he smirked naughtily. ‘Are you ready for the gift ?’
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix smiled as he eyed his lovers face to see his reaction. He smiled more seeing the other had the reaction he was hoping for. "They are, aren't they?" Felix smiled lovingly as he godxa kiss on his cheek. "You like it?" He looks down and nodded hiding his right hand out to the other. He smiles as he got the light one on. He then took the black one from hyunjin and moved it on hyunjins left wrist he chuckles as the two magnets snap together making them connect "I love you" the omega mumbled and leaned to the other to give a loving peck on the lips
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] he looked down at the gifts as soon as he opened them. it looked very wonderful. how one was light and other one was dark - reminding him of them. how hyunjin was dark and the one filled with sorrow, how Felix was the light one - a literal sunshine. he looked up, waiting for approval before taking them into his arms. ‘This looks wonderful!’ he smiled widely as he admired the gift and leaned to kiss his cheek. ‘Thank you. May I?’ he reached for his hand.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago

@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix smiles and nods he then held his present for the other to unwrap. He smiles "I hm... heard that humans have these like couple things.. and hm... I found this.. open it" he smiled excited looking at his lover. Hoping the other would like the bracelets that can conect by a Magnet.

❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] he sipped his drink and looked curiously at the box as soon as he opened it. the small velvet box was laying in the basket, ready to be revealed. the alpha took the glass away from him and settled down, making sure that they are not spilling. he chuckled and sat up straight. ‘ show yours first. mine will take long time to be presented.’ he chuckled softly
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] felix smiled seeing his love turn red. he smiles"oh this isn't the main suprise? you know you didn't have too right" he smiles and takes the glas and nods "yes~ many more... Jinnie... i have a present too" smiles and places the glass down after taking a sip. looks into his bag and takes out a box
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] when the other suddenly kissed his cheek, he felt his own cheek become bright red. the male cleared his throat and looked away, trying to avoid his gaze. the male rubbed his cheek and muttered, 'the main surprise is yet to come.' he smiled at the other and opened the bottle, pouring the strawberry cider into the plastic cups. he handed one to the male and clicked his glass against Felix's. 'to one anniversary and many more !'
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix chuckles and sits down happily with the other he looks excited at the delicious looking things the other takes out the basket he blinks "wait..? did you make these things yourself? Jinnie the look amazing.. wait..? " He chuckles and playfully hits the others shoulder "did you steal my cooking book? I thought I lost it" he smiles and moves up to peck the others cheek "thank you"
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] he nod head and gently tugged on his arm. the alpha made him sit down and sat next to him. hyunjin opened the basket and took out the snacks and treats. there was a box filled with Felix's-wannabe-brownies made by himself. he smiled proudly as he settled it down. he took out a tray of cupcakes and sandwiches. the alpha took out the bottle of cider and glasses. 'yes. but this time we are celebrating us being together.'
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix quickened his steps to get into the other males arms. He smiles and looked lovingly up at the other. He wrapped his arms around the others waist "'happy anniversary to you too~" felix whispered back in the same tone. He looked at the blanket the other pointed. "Are we going back in time?" He chuckles and smiles more
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] he placed everything down and undid the blanket. the alpha made sure everything was down and perfect. when he felt the familiar citrus scent, he turned around and smiled. his babe was looking cute as per usual. when Felix stepped closer, he wrapped arms around him, leaving a chaste kiss on his forehead. 'happy anniversary.' the male whispered and pointed at the blanket. 'we went back to the start?'
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ[sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] Felix was excited for today. He left before hyunjin had woken up this morning. The omega had am early but luckily short class. After it he went trough the human city looking for the perfect gift. He had learned humand did something radar cute so he wanted to do it too. He looks down at the ring on his necklace and smiles. He blinks as his phone give him a message. His smile went even brighter seeing it. "Oke going there now.. Will take half am hour be there as soon as I can.
He quickly went to there house to fresh up before leaving to the meadow. He smiles sniffing the air smelling his lover. He walks to the direction and smiles more seeing the alpha "hi jinnie~"
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ[sh ²⁴ ᵒᶜᵗ] it was their first anniversary. hyunjin was rather excited for it. he had prepared a gift. he wanted to go back to the place where it all started. recreate what they did back them. hyunjin prepared a basket filled with random snacks and a fruity wine as well. he got the blanket as well and texted his babe. the text was short and simple. 'let's meet at our place.'
☼┊wen fan ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [h] Wen Fan held still and squeezed his eyes shut as the other wolf dragged his tongue over his fur, over the wound. Every now and then he twitched at the friction. He was laying back on his side now, eyes open, looking at the grey wolf as he lapped at the blood and cleaned the deep tears in his skin. What was he doing? Patience was not Wen Fan's strong suit, but he held back until the dried blood had been cleared and only fresh blood pooled in the depth of the pink gashes tearing through black fur. Deep bite marks were on his shoulder, deep enough to expose the white of bone amidst the fresh blood. His side had long scratches from claws, but that wound was not as deep. Wen Fan couldn't wait any longer. He couldn't risk being turned away now, not when the rogues surely still patrolled the woods waiting for their chance. Using his legs and his less hurt arm, he dragged himself closer to the alpha and pulled himself over him, so he lay across his back. Wen Fan let out a fearful whimper, a soft but urgent request to take him away.
❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [@wolfiecat] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen fan ᵒ With the position of a warrior, a protector of his people, it was not Ciel’s job to know the art of healing. So when it came to situations where it might’ve been useful, he was pretty much useless. But that wasn’t for him to worry about for the time being. Cleaning up the smaller wolf would be a priority, and by the looks of it he wasn’t going to get a snapping at for now. Carefully, so as to not step over too many boundaries between the strangers that they were, the alpha moved to lap at the wounded shoulder, the one the omega could no longer put weight on. If he could see the wound past the swiftly clotting blood, it might be easier to see the severity of the Wen wolf’s wounds. For all his whimpering and dramatics, it was easy to lull the alpha into a pitying sense, sympathetic enough to give the bloodied areas more care.
☼┊wen fan ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [h] Wen Fan whimpered when the other wolf nudged, more dramatically than he naturally would have. The small black wolf, fur clotting in drying blood, sniffed the alpha and across his fur in gratitude once more, brief though it was. He tried to shimmy closer to the grey wolf as if to hide. Wen Fan was hurt, yes, and badly enough that he would not be able to return to Wen - or anywhere - by his own strength. Wen Fan could also heal himself. In what felt like a past life he had been a healer in his pack, a rank he had fought for and lost far too easily. He could heal himself but the Jiang did not know that, and he wasn't going to find out. Wen Fan whined softly, wordlessly asking for help. He was shaking, perhaps from shock, perhaps from pain, perhaps it was just an act.
❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [@wolfiecat] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen fan ᵒ The smaller wolf looked more beaten up than he’d first thought. The clumsy limping through the bushes made it a miracle that the attacking wolves hadn’t pounced on him and beaten him up further. But something like that happening in the Jiang territory wouldn’t do - not when he could help prevent it by intervening. His sense of justice would be hurt if he shied away from those in need. Who knows how far the attacking creatures would’ve gone before they got bored and left the black wolf to bleed to death. Ciel shook out his shaggy grey coat as he settled, paws neatly in front of himself as he slid into a laying position. He’d figure out the extent of the wounds and figure out what to do then. Having a Wen wolf there didn’t necessarily mean something bad - it could simply be that he was running from attackers, rather than testing boundaries or intentionally intruding. If they weren’t too bad, he could send the omega on his way after staying with him for a rest period. If not.. Ciel would return him to Wen on his back if he had to. If the black wolf was really, really unwell, well the only thing to do would be to bring him to a healing specialised person within Jiang. The alpha wasn’t cruel - as much as he was cautious of newcomers, the Wen wolf certainly couldn’t do much harm in his current state. So Ciel nudged again, obsessing and sniffing at the wounds before he drew back. He gaze wasn’t cold, but was inquisitive, very clearly leaving the silent question open to the black wolf. Would he accept the Jiang alpha’s help if he gave it? Ciel did not very much want a nipping for trying to push assistance on the wolf, who clearly wouldn’t be going anywhere by himself anytime soon.
☼┊wen fan ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [h] Wen Fan turned to his side and snapped at the attacking beta, ignoring how the claws shredded his flesh. He was pinned down and the wolf's teeth sunk deep into his shoulder. Wen Fan whimpered at the pain and his front leg went numb. As he had hoped and expected, the Jiang alpha jumped the beta. His attacker's attention shifted from him to the alpha and the black wolf crawled, dragged himself a few feet away. His dark fur was sticky with blood and flooded the meadow around him. The delicate grass, the weeds and the odd flower soaked in bright red. He heard the scuffle behind him and squeezed his eyes shut, forcing himself to relax. Pain always brought adrenaline, and adrenaline paired with blood loss made him delirious. He could smell the alpha's sense of accomplishment fill the air and watched him approach with half-lidded eyes. How lucky that he had been in Jiang. He couldn't count on such gallant assistance in Wen, not that he was one to judge. It's not like he would help someone in danger for no reason. Ah well, the Jiang's were soft and definitely not the brightest. Truth be told, he was embarrassed he even needed help in the first place. He wanted to growl at alpha as he sat down beside him, but that would be such a wasted opportunity. Wen Fan was still lying fairly still on his side, his front paw of the shoulder that had been bitten quivering. When the Jiang wolf leaned in, Wen Fan shifted just enough to the alpha's fur. He attempted to push himself but his front legs gave in. He had been limping on one already and now he couldn't put any weight on the other one. Silently, he wondered what the Jiang would think of a Wen wolf on their pack territory. Hopefully, he could get away with the fact that Wen neighboured Jiang.
❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [@wolfiecat] 2 years ago
@☼┊wen fan ᵒ The night had an aura of restlessness as the Jiang wolf paced from tree stump to tree stump, his ears pricked, catching every sound in the dense undergrowth. Perhaps he’d been brought out under the moonlight purely to clear his head. The grey fur on the back of his neck prickled with discomfort. It felt like something should be happening. It was quiet - too quiet. Suddenly, the alpha’s senses swam into focus on a certain noise. Paws, making no effort to hide their presence. Uneven, choppy steps, as though the leading member of this group of intruders was injured. With the scent carried by the light nighttime breeze - a Wen wolf, followed by muddled scents, whose pack he could not confirm, if they belonged to any. His dark purple eyes scanned the tree-line, judging for disturbances. Usually, Jiang Ciel would attempt to keep to himself. It was a more peaceful existence, to do his job well and stay on his feet. He was protecting people, and that kept him happy.

Taking a loping stride in the direction of the disturbances, the howl that wretched out from the attacked wolf was what made him quicken. He burst from the bushes, his claws and teeth finding the first prey that they could, the beta. Naturally, he was larger than the both of them, though not by much when it came with tackling the beta. His jaws snapped around thin air once or twice as he tore the rouge creature off of the Wen wolf’s back. His lips were curled back into a deep snarl, threatening real wounds if the real intruders didn’t make a run for it while they still could. Despite the values of his homeland, it took tasting the metallic tang of blood after sinking his teeth into the omega’s leg to have them begin to move off. It was exhilarating - made his heart beat faster in his chest, his body tingle with the adrenaline coursing through his veins. Ciel was not hurt badly - there were a few patches of fur missing, his underbelly stung with what he thought might be an annoying cut to clean later on. But after waiting a few moments, silent, a little ragged fur from the beta that he’d pulled out still clenched in his jaw, the alpha was satisfied that they’d made their departure. He’d tell someone about the incident so that it could be taken in to account later on. Sides heaving as he settled, the alpha turned his back on the disturbed bushes they’d ran through, giving the wounded creature in front of him his attention. He approached slowly, fixing a cautious gaze upon him, wondering how close he could get to take a look at the wounds before the smaller wolf snapped at him. As though testing whether he was injured enough to be laying dying, the alpha took a seat, giving the shoulder a small nudge with his snout, slow and careful.
☼┊wen fan ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang ciel ᵃ [h] Night had fallen on Jiang and everything was deathly silent. Not even the slightest breeze of wind rustled the grass or the trees. The silence held, weighing heavy on everything and everyone - until it broke. A fully grown but small wolf, black as darkness, and hard to spot but with eyes as red as blood, stumbled out of the forest onto the meadow. The sound of its panting filled the silence. It was limping and was moving too fast for its wounded leg to carry it. It fell, almost, but picked itself up and ran further as fast as it could. The reason for its haste revealed itself quickly: two rogue wolves, omega and beta, were following it.

So- what was Wen Fan, in wolf form no less, doing so far from home? He wasn't allowed to leave the premises of his house, let alone the Wen clan territory, without a guard but here he was all alone. Well, Wen Fan wasn't the type to obediently follow rules. He had had business elsewhere, business a wolf might kill him for if they found out. No one was supposed to know he had ever left his mansion, but Fenrir laughed at his plans. He was not going to reach home by sunrise, but he had no time to fear the consequences, not when his life was immediately at risk. The black wolf stared far off in one direction and started running there. He could smell an alpha. It was probably a Jiang. Since this was a clan of push-overs, Wen Fan was counting on the person to help him - or at least scare off the rogues following him. He heard them nearing and pushed himself to run faster, but the black wolf couldn't outrun them. He had been born weak, barely strong enough to survive shifting into his wolf form. Over the years it had gotten a little better and now, in his wolf form, he was fitter than in human form, but relative to others he was still frail. It was a fate he had learned to accept. The alpha. His scent was strong. Wen Fan howled for help just as the beta pounced on him. Claws ripped through his flesh and he fell to the ground.
❀┊jiang felix ᵒ 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ He looks at the bunnies and smiles liking it "us~" he smiked and started to stare at his love
❀┊jiang hyunjin ᵃ [bunniverse] [A] 2 years ago
@❀┊jiang felix ᵒ he chuckled as another bunny jumped closer. he held onto his hand protectively. 'because here is me.' he smiled as two bunnies sniffed each other and snuggled closer. 'see . those are us.'


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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ᴘᴜʀᴇʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʀᴇ ᴄʟᴏsᴇᴅ ! ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴀʟғ-ʙʟᴏᴏᴅs ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏʀᴇʟᴇss!

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ʟᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʜᴜɴᴛᴇʀs!
W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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