㈣ mountain

● back mountain
● back mountain
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ When she was about to move another step when she heard that it was lan chengcheng was sehun's lover. She stopped right away when the sword yeri was holding was starting to shake and the power it brings is starting to get more and more intense, she clenched more against the handle before she turns back as she swinged the sword sideways. The beta lets out a loud grunt as she unleashed the sword's huge wind blades through the trees cutting them to pieces just like what their father did when she witnessed how he swinged the sword with a huge amount of force to create hundreds of wind blades in one swing. The attack almost went directly to sehun's direction, her eyes widen and ran back to him. "I-i'm sorry oppa! I didn't mean to attack you! I concentrated to much force i'm so sorry!" she apologized.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the air suddenly started to change, he shrugged. his eyes moved over the female. 'besides. it is a lan omega. the council would approve. but..' he looked down as he felt guilty towards his female alpha leader. it was not Irene's fault that she was forced to be with someone as him. they both were birds trapped inside of the cage. 'it is cheng.' he suddenly said and waited for reaction. 'you knew this whole time that he was the one whom I loved, right? the council would have approved, but I was too dumb back then.' he whispered the last part, his eyes moving over something in the distance.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ her eyes widen at the news that her brother had told her, instead of being overjoyed, she felt more thorn added to her inside. sehun. having a baby. having a family. yeri couldn't contain surge of emotions inside her that she clench the sword all of a sudden, "i... i couldn't say anything... but congratulations." the beta told him with a very small smile and she starts to move her legs, trying to walk away from him. she had done what he wanted, she had broken up with her wen lover because family comes first but now sehun having a baby with someone she doesn't know really made her feel a bit inferior towards them. her eyes slowly colored into a steel blue hues as the atmosphere gets colder.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he looked down and then moved at the beta. 'cheng is pregnant. he is having my child, meaning that I am finally having my own family,' yeri was the first one he had told after receiving the news. 'I have a whole pack on my shoulders and my family - you and yibo, zhan and yuan.' he looked up at the sky once more. 'dependent or not, yeri. as harsh as it sounds, we have to take care of ourselves of our family. any emotional bond is stronger than blood and you know it. that is the main purpose of mating.' he looked at his sister once more. 'we are related by blood but not by emotional bond, yeri. it is not her fault and her life is unfortunate. we can help her financially, find a home in gusu, but I cannot assure the mental help,'
[post deleted by owner]
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ she looked at sehun with a lonely look before getting up from the rock, "if i could meet uncle feihong before the tragedy that befall on them, i could have known him a bit. but minjeong told me that he was headstrong, prideful and always wanting to take over the main pack, he did trained her to lead the pack when all is lost but she didn't want to be what he wanted." yeri sighs and looks at the sky. "she never had a proper childhood, she's still dependent on us too." the beta muttered.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when she spoke about the sad past of the pack, the story they all tried to forget, his eyes softened. it was true, his father should not have exiled his own brother, but feihong was a treat to the pack. he left on his own, he tried to rebel against the council and the royal line itself. sehun nod head, he was in an age, where he understood everything. he was already in school, following his father's path and being trained as the future leader. 'it was unfortunate, it was a tragedy. but...' he said as he looked down. 'uncle feihong did not like our mother, yeri. our father was heels over our umma, but his brother...he was against it...I guess it also added the fuel to the fire.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ "she's living with my house since she's still studying, i didn't know she's in a gaming team with yibo." she told him before looking down at her sword, "but just now she became a bit distant on anyone else, she feels different... and she smells-- different." she said before her expression slowly turns to a worried look. "we know our father and lan feihong used to be brothers-in-arms, what happened to them in the past were tragic. you have seen it, right? he exiled him." yeri knows that sehun had seen what happened when they were still toddlers, "i can feel the burden of her seeing her own family died to protect her." she muttered.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he chuckled as she suddenly said that and hummed. it was both a blessing and a curse. his thoughts naturally wandered to his brother. what was yibo up to? 'I guess this is the true form of Ying and yang.' he furrowed his eyebrows. 'or something like that. you - the one with the light and him - the one with the darkness. I guess Fenrir really was like - lets' throw some meta powers and see how this is going to get solved.' he acted like he actually threw something and chuckled. sehun leaned back, resting on his palms and looked up. 'minjeong? our cousin?' he hummed. 'I have seen her twice. she was in the same gaming team as yibo when they were kids. other than that, her family chose to grow distant, so it is kinda a habit. I mean it is unreversable. '
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [h] she panted and lean against the tree before looking at her brother, "i used a wrong power to channel through, it carrying an important energy of the pack." she joked before looking up at the sky. "i guess i wasn't too late after all." then she looked back at sehun, then she starts to think of their cousin. "oppa, i know you seemed to be busy at times, but what are your thoughts about minjeong?" she asked.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he blinked as she suddenly whimpered in pain, moving closer. yet as soon as she picked herself up, which made him very proud, the wind floated around them. the wind played with his clothes and he had to place his hand in front of his eyes, to protect them from the flying dust and dirt caused by the whirlpool of wind. 'good job!' sehun yelled out loudly and moved closer. 'lets' have a rest' he smiled and pointed at the nearest rocks. he sat down and expected the other to sit down as well. he wished they had brought the water yet they did not. the leader peeked at his sister and hummed, being worried. 'what was that? the whimper? what is up with your core?'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [h] her eyes widen as she saw how her brother did it, she looked at her sword and nodded as she was going to try to channel her powers to the sword. she closed her eyes to concentrate, sending her power to the sword, then she slowly opened her eyes to see the sword glowing, stream of air hurdled around the blade. then she swings the sword just like last time before she hold it with two hands. when she was about to cut the air horizontally, a small crack was made from her core, she winced in pain and drops the sword on the ground. yeri didn't meant to channel the other power she had, she cannot use the breath of life on something like this. she slowly picks up the sword and tries again, but this time channeling the power she often use, she hold the sword with both hands again and cuts the air horizontally, a gust of sharp wind slashed through the trees in front of them.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he hummed. she was getting there. the male ached to take out his own sword. his shuoyue has not been used in a while. sehun preferred to use his powers instead of using the sacred weapon. usually, he left it at home as shuoyue wielded a massive power, the power of a leader. when she gracefully moved her sword once more he hummed in approval. she was getting better and better with each swing of her sword. 'good job. you are ready for the next part.' he stood in front of her and finally pulled his own sword out. he lifted it up and gently moved, his whole body moving along. he cut the air with his sword, his own sword starting to glow bright blue. sehun held the handle with both arms and used his own strength to cut the air vertically and as soon as he did it, a stream of air split the ground in half. the wave of air was so strong, it sliced everything in half , everything that was in the way of it. he pulled sword back and moved around himself as the previous ray of air came back and hit against him yet when he moved the sword he activated his supportive ability, protecting himself. as the air spread evenly he hummed. 'channeling your powers through your sword can create a powerful weapon.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [h] yeri did a successful swing of the sword that made the tree fell down, this impressed her older brother and told her that it is just the beginning of her real swordsmanship. she was asked to do it again with a more gentle way to swing it, like dancing with the wind. "okay, i'll try." she told him before taking a deep breath as she concentrated her energy through the sword, taming the beast once again as she did to any beasts in the wild. she unsheathes the sword again, swinging it as the core inside their father's sword assisted the beta with her movements. the bingxin has that power and his movements are stiff and hard like a solid wind, yeri's movement is agile and flexible, it is a perfect combination of life and power. the beta feet weren't staying in one ground, changing its position with a light feet is a perfect way to balance the swing of her sword. she dances gracefully as her movements depends on where the wind blows as she became wind itself as she swings bingxin.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ the male stepped down. the concentration and even meditation was an important step in taming the beast within the soul weapon. he reminisced about his own struggles with his sword. yeri was right, sehun and yibo was trained since birth. they were the only alphas in the leader's family and they would naturally take the highest ranks. sehun was born as a leader, so ever since he was a child, he had to master everything - from education to material arts. tho out of them all, sehun had a better skills when it came to self tame and concentration, even yibo, who was more mature and serious, was hot headed and impatient when it came to him and the conflict with his untamable wolf. when his sister managed to pass the first stage, channel the bond and use the basic ability, he clapped. he was being proud and he was sure - their parents' would be too. 'good! good! now try again. this time more gently. hard and harsh movements are easier to control than softer and gentle ones. imagine this as an artistic dance or performance. move with grace.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] the beta closed her eyes once again before she transfers her energy into the sword, she starts to think straight. she had to tame the beast of their father's sword, bingxin. yeri needs to focus on taming the beast, just like she always do in her life. when taming it, she must have a steady soul, the patience she had to lengthen, reaching out to it slowly until her fingers touched his core. 'it's okay... i'm here, i won't do anything bad.' she uttered softly as the bingxin's core slowly holds on to her hand and when the beta opened her eyes, her steel blue hues glowed and finally unsheathes the sword gracefully and swings the sword against one tree before she hit it again and it cut through the wood before the tree fell down.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the other suddenly talked about being a late bloomer, sehun shook head in a disapproval. 'there is not a thing as a late bloomer.' he explained. 'everyone comes at their own time. we get to learn new things at different ages. just because you started now, doesn't mean you can't do it, or doesn't mean that you have to give up.' when his sister suddenly focused more on the sword, he smiled. she was slowly getting closer to what he explained to her. sehun stepped back and hummed as the jade enlightened. last time he saw it was when his own dad used the sword. 'that's more like it.' he pointed at the tree. 'try hitting it once and then hitting it right in the same place. focus on your aim.' the leader explained, his own sword laying in his hand.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] yeri sighed as she wiped her tears, "i think i'm too late to learn... i tried many times but i always fail..." then she looked at the sword before she takes it gently. the beta starts to remember the name of her father's sword from a flashback, he used his sword before and demonstrated it, a single swing can cut down dozens of trees, a wild wind they say but it is true. "bingxin..." she uttered his name as she looked at the sword, it is still sheathed and she haven't pulled the blade since he was stubborn and like what sehun said, sleeping. the white jade in the center of scabbard glows up, listening to her call. "maybe you're right... i should communicate with him." she told sehun and smiles.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ when the other suddenly made a blast, sehun made a bubble aura to keep the energy inside yet the sword still electrocuted the female and she flew back. sehun was too slow to actually catch her yet he still moved closer to the sister and helped her sit up. 'this is because you are being impatient. ' when she kicked the sword, he leaned to take it and sighed. the sword did not like being touched by sehun and he felt it. it was like a little brat, somehow reminding him of yibo. he chuckled. 'this is why you and yibo do not get along. ' he held it out for her to take. 'he is untameable. you need to have a conversation with him. it is a he.' he smiled. 'he has been sleeping ever since and now he is awake, he is grumpy and does not like being touched. you need to start a conversation with him.' the leader leaned to pat his back. 'yibo's bichen used to electrocute him every time he stepped near the sword. the sword constantly moved out of his hands and it took him a year to establish a bond. it won't happen in a month, yeri.' he smiled. 'the sword we get on our birthday is our companion. so treat it like a companion, like a being and you will achieve good things'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] yeri looked at the other as he pushed her sword down to the ground, "i know! but it's almost a month already, i can't go through the basics." the beta grunted. she listened to him and sighs. "i can't... but i'll try." told him before she close her eyes and does the basic movements again, she let her energy flows through the sword, however the energy from the sword clashes to her own, making a vision of her facing lan qiren's wolf form, yeri looked through his eyes again, but just like the other times, he growled and roared. the energy snapped and made a small blast of it, making the beta flew against the trees and groans. "goddammit!" yeri snapped and went over to her father's sword and kicks it out of frustration. but when her anger dies down, she sat on the ground and hugged her knees, "i think i'll never inherit my father's sword at this point..." she muttered.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ he chuckled and used his sword to push down her sword, facing the ground. 'it is like hopping from high school to a phd degree already.' he teased the other and looked around. 'to get to the advanced level it takes weeks, yeri. you are just a beginner. swordsmanship is an art. you are an artist of material arts.' he smiled. 'it is elegance and violence at the same time. ' sehun rather smoothly moved his sword in the air. 'you need to become one with your sword, it can be an untameble beast, you need to tame it. let the energy flow and then you can use its' full potential. it takes lots of work on yourself and creating this bond. ' he smiled and stood up straight. 'show me what you have achieved during these past weeks.'
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] yeri wanted to advanced from the basics but she couldn't focused on controlling her core into the sword, she lets the practice sword to sway its own as she tries to control its direction. she starts to muster up a bit of her energy to control the swing of the sword, then she saw her brother coming in. the beta pouted and he swung along his sword just like her, "when am i going to advance to another level? it's been a few weeks and i already get the basics, oppa." she whines as she kept swinging her sword based on the basics she had learned from her older brother.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ the male has been very busy. with the stuff of the pack. since his own child was on the way, sehun was working hard to ensure the upmost safety of the pack. he had not told irene the news yet. he felt like a jerk, but somehow he also felt fulfilled that the person he loved was carrying his child. it put the alpha in a wonderful mood. he had practiced with his sister as well. he became her mentor when it came to the swordsmanship as he and his brother were the only ones from the family who got the training ever since they were pups. as he went to their discussed location, the male let out a chuckle. his sister looked rather cute, trying to swing their father's sword. 'I mean it is better than last time.' the male joked as he moved closer, his own sword swinging by his side.
☁┊ lan yeri ᵇ 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [sh ³ ⁿᵒᵛ] it has been a few weeks since she had called sehun to start training her in mastering swordsmanship, he had demonstrated the basic moves for yeri to learn until she is ready for the next moves. they have been training for weeks and yeri is still not moving on from basic movements, she has been struggling to control her energy. they usually train on top of the mountain to feel the coldness of the air, yeri swings her practice sword as she cannot wield their father' jian yet. she already get the basic movements but she is still stuck with it until she control her energy from her core.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@人┊choi yeonjun [h] the human tried to be intimidating, yet sehun wasn’t having it. he was not scared of a mere human. he did know if the one he saved was a hunter or no, he surely was not a hybrid. hybrids always had this weird scent - almost like half-bloods, but more human. his hands clutched onto the documents, his hard grip creating dents into the covers. the alpha was angry. the humans dared to spy on them, dared to collect the information and then use against them. for a brief moment, the leader wondered, whenever he had a spy in his own pack. Someone who dared to pass the information around.

‘answer me first. if you want to live’ it was against the Gusu lan’s rules to hurt another, it was against sehun’s ideology and mindset as well, but he was ready to overstep that if it meant that his pack was safe.
人┊choi yeonjun[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ by the time yeonjun's eyes were searching for the documents, lord behold, it was on the hand of the person who sat nearby him. the lan files. one of the files that he could retrieve and his work was assigned to the particular wolf clan. he put down his feet on the ground and held his hand out in the air towards the male. "give me that," he said while his brown eyes pierced through the male's blue eyes.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@人┊choi yeonjun [h] when the other stirred awake and looked for something, the alpha suddenly sat up straight. his hand still clenched the documents, his blood boiling. who was this man and why did he have such important documents? he needed the answers and he would get them whatever it would take him. the lan leader leaned to the front and rested his elbows on his thighs, looking at the other. his hand suddenly lifted up with the documents in it and he hummed. 'looking for this?' his voice was rather cold and stern. 'how long would you all hide this from us? scared we would find the truth?' sehun spoke rather calmly, ignoring the raging storm of emotions inside of him.
人┊choi yeonjun[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ at the corner of his eyes, he saw a male, young one, and his stern voice. gusu lan? his brain was still tired from the faint. how can he end up in gusu lan, a wolf territory? he cannot help but pondered as he tried to sit up. he felt pain in his rib.

"how can I be here?" he said with his quiet voice and suddenly he remembered about his bag. the papers!

yeonjun widened his eyes before he turned his head side-to-side, in searching for his bag. not that he cared about his bag in particular but the papers. the confidential papers about the virus. the lan papers and with slight bad fortune, he was in gusu lan out of any place that he could be.
☁┊lan sehun ᵃ [A] 2 years ago
@人┊choi yeonjun [h] the male reeked of humans. he could feel how the other was not of their kind. as he had brought him to the physician, Sehun had stepped away to clean himself and dress up. he knew he was not in the right mind to treat the person himself. he was being led by the emotions of self hatred and surprise, so he had decided to let the other one do it. he had some time to think in the shower, debating whatever he should do, what step he should take to benefit them.

when the other moved back, the human was still asleep. he found the backpack on the ground, yet he did not dare to go through it. he was about to leave before one of his officials brought inside a package of documents. the male wanted to dismiss them, sitting comfortably in the club house. yet, the name on the package said 'lan'. his curiosity made him open the hard covers and his eyes widened . then they moved back to the other, closing the package.

the human started to move, yet Sehun did not move an inch from his previous position. he leaned closer as soon as the human observed his surroundings. 'you are in gusu lan.' his cold and stern voice pierced the quiet space.
人┊choi yeonjun[mononoaware] 2 years ago
@☁┊lan sehun ᵃ by the time the unknown male took his backpack, he fainted minutes after another group of wolves came into the scene. what he knew, his ear kept ringing and he saw nothing but pitch black of consciousness. his body is rescued by another unknown man.

fast forward to one day and a half of consciousness, yeonjun woke up in middle of an unknown place. he slowly opened his eyes and the first time he saw was the unfamiliar design of the ceiling. instead of concrete, it was a wooden ceiling. rather textured one. he can sense people walking around the room which he notices in the corner of his eyes.


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huniverse [A] 2 years ago
Hi babies ❤️
-jewel 2 years ago
I have a weird question for any of the admins
keyboardsmash 2 years ago
leaving lan cheng cheng,
thanks for having me
c1790eab18ec0f9c7162 2 years ago
Wonder if you're accepting any wolves?
schnuggldiwuppdich 2 years ago
~peeks~ 0v0
[comment deleted by owner]
Harlequin2021 2 years ago
hey, is it possible to request jin meixin, thanks :)
huniverse [A] 2 years ago
☽ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ sᴛᴀᴛs ☾
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W-WHIPLASH 2 years ago
kim jungwoo please
mononoaware 2 years ago
Jaewook will have to take hiatus for a month due to personal reason.
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