⫶ mingyu & shotaro

a personal rp room created exclusively for: mingyu and taro. please knock before entering.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu clings around your like a koala bear and wiggles us
heh, hi there <3
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro flops against you
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu makes grabby hands
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu i mith u
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu no
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro I mith u
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu you are quite honestly the cutest person i have ever met in my life - how'd i get lucky with you ~
cmere so i can kiss the heck outta your handsome face <3
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu i blink up at you wide eyed as you made me feel utterly small beneath your caged hold on me — yet completely safe at the same time, both in good ways. capturing my bottom lip between my pearled whites i listen closely, making an ‘o’ at your explanation. feeling my cheeks turn pink from a mix of embarrassment and amusement at your nature. sitting up to lean against the headboard as you walk away, i close my eyes and blindly grab a nearby pillow to hug to my chest, calling out.
waiting baby ~!
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro lifts myself up a bit, leaning in to steal a kiss from your lips, using my arms to cage you in on top of the bed with a playful simper on my lips. lifts an eyebrow at your questions and forms a line with my lips, chuckling at your train of thought and leans in to whisper.
I was making a naughty joke, baby--but I do have something for you though. Close your eyes! I'll tell you when to open them.
Mutters, quickly getting up and rushing over to the closet to pull out a present.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu being spread like butter and easily molding myself to your hold, i wrap my legs around your core, closing my eyes as i raise my hands to comb through your dark locks, pressing a soft peck to your temple. stopping short at your explanation i clear my throat—
a a bigger present? do i even get a hint? when do i get it hyung? soon right?
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro shuffles up to you completely, pressing my knees against you before leaning in, spreading your thighs and laying down, resting my head onto your chest, one hand resting on your side, and the other tucked underneath you.
Is that right? So you've been both naughty and nice this year...that checks out. Whatta shame...if you were a good, nice boy, you would have gotten a big present. Since you were naughty though, you'll have to get the bigger one. Not right now though. That's reserved for later.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu watching you with a certain look in my eyes, i pretend to think it over while pulling my legs to my chest, resting my chin on my knees.
let’s say i’ve dipped into the pools of both sugar and spice mister clause… being a /little/ naughty never hurt no one..
quirks an eyebrow at the last part, tilting my head at you as i then turn to see what bottles you brought
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro wiggles my way towards the bed and slides onto it, kneeling at the end of the bed with the bottles still in my hands.
Oh, have you been a nice boy this year? Or have you been naughty? Don't lie to me--Santa always knows the truth.
Grins at you and leans over to secure the bottles onto the nightstand before shuffling closer to you on my knees, leaning back and resting my weight on the back of my heels.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu humming a simple note at your departure, i slip off for just a moment to get changed into a pair of silk pajamas - a simple short sleeve and shorts. hopping back on i wait whilst scrolling through my phone.
mh, im sure it ha— oh hyung.
looking up and quickly tossing my phone to the side, i gape a bit at the presentation of yourself and the bottles and force myself to pick myself together as i beckon you over with a inching finger.
c’mere santa, i want a present or two from you.
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro smirks as you jump in and leans against the doorway, looking at you with pure adoration.
Oh? Well good thing I've been acquiring quite a few bottles of wine for such an occasion. One moment.
slips out of the bedroom momentarily, returning a few minutes later with a bottle of chilled wine in each hand, shirtless with a pair of grey sweats on my lower half, and a santa hat on top of my head.
Looks like Christmas came early for a certain handsome man.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu bumping your hip in return, i step forward a bit faster, wanting to beat you to the room as i rocket launch myself towards the bed to climb in.
how about white wine /and/ rose hm? that’d make for a fun night ~
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu pressing in to each one, i place my own sweetened kiss before tugging you along to the kitchen, leaving your side to grab a tray of brownies, placing them on the counter before you.
i made these! and i have vanilla ice cream and strawberries too if you want, thought it'd be a nice surprise after a long day at work ~
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro lightly squeezes your hands and leans in to press a kiss to your cheeks--one a piece, before placing one upon your lips. forms an "o" with my lips and nods my head eagerly.
Yes I'd love to see!
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu mimicking your squeeze to my waist with the action of gently pinching your cheeks, i shrug my shoulders as i move my hands down to remove yours from my waist into their grasp.
mh kind of! had a busy schedule in the morning to afternoon, buuut i still had time to make a little something sweet for you... wanna see hyung?
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro beams down at you, resting my hands on your hips, giving them a gentle squeeze underneath the thick fabric of my sweatshirt.
Of course I did, baby boy. Did you have a good day today?
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu busying myself with tossing my dirty clothes in the laundry basket, i gasp as i feel your arms encircle me despite hearing your arrival. turning around in your hold i look up and take your cheeks in the palms of my hands.
oh you scared me somehow… but- yes i missed you, did you miss me?
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro [ text to: sassy boyfriend who owns my soul ]
- I always save room for y-
- I mean your dishes :D

Sends the text, going through my activities of the day before entering into our shared home with a content “honey, I’m home!” and snaking my arms around you in my sweatshirt.
Missed me?
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu [ text to - boyfriend with the soul crushing muscles ]
— hope you have an appetite!

giggling at my text, i set aside the sweet dish i made to go change into one of your sweatshirts until you get home.
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro [ text to: sassy boyfriend who owns my soul ]
- oh? I’m on my way right now.
- say less.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu [ text to - boyfriend with the soul crushing muscles ]
— psst psst... i got something for you when you come home baby
— something... sweet :D
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu makes an 'o' with my mouth, nodding as i take one last bite before grabbing the tray and setting it to the side table again.
right... my hardworking babys gotta rest.
running a hand down your chest, i gently push you down back onto the bed, trying to move the sheets up from under your body.
let's get you to sleepy town then, hm?
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro A corgi would be so cute with their little wiggly butts.
Leans over to smooch your red cheeks and grins, laughing at your reaction.
Right right—can’t start something when I’m about to fall asleep unfortunately.
Lifts my spoon to put some soup into your mouth before releasing a yawn.
Mmmgetting sleepy, baby.
osaki shotaro 1 year ago
@kim mingyu oh a corgi baby- i'd love to have one one day, or something furry with pretty hair!
following your eyes as i connect your words to the glance, i look up slowly before covering my cheeks that are about as red as the tomato soup.
now you- you stop it or else i'll... i'll- do something! yeahhh that's right.
opens my mouth, silently requesting for a spoonful of your soup.
kim mingyu 1 year ago
@osaki shotaro I’m definitely a fan of smaller dogs like a chihuahua or weenie dog. Maybe even a corgi.
Chuckles at your reaction and leans over to begin eating my soup, glancing down at your lap playfully before speaking again.
I love your meat, baby. Just like you love mine. Heh.


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hyperstellar 1 year ago
itoshirin 1 year ago
Is lee felix available?
Cutaepie 1 year ago
Can I get Lee Felix added please?
levanter 1 year ago
popping in to say hi mwuah <3 (old felix)
liminal 1 year ago
hello narco •́ε•̀)ฅ
may i have my eric back?
Unholy 1 year ago
Hi, can I come home please? Is Yongguk's profile deactivated somewhere or do I need to get a new one?
megaverse 1 year ago
hmm,, bang chan or lee felix?
pickles 1 year ago
a&r ahn hyoseop pls
pickles 1 year ago

dubulge 1 year ago
choi beomgyu please
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