➼ night club

♡﹕ im changkyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon heejin. seokmin's eyes met heejin's, a mix of surprise and uncertainty flickering across his face. he could sense the layers of doubt in her squinted gaze, the unspoken history hanging between them like a delicate thread. the genuine smile he offered in response aimed to bridge the gap, a silent acknowledgment of the complexity that defined their past.

"I did miss you, heejin," seokmin admitted, his words carrying a sincerity that transcended the casual conversation. he felt the weight of unspoken emotions, the echoes of a relationship that had weathered storms. his eyes, warm and earnest, met hers, silently conveying a longing that time hadn't completely erased.

he took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "things changed, but that doesn't mean the memories vanished. we both had our struggles." seokmin acknowledged the distance that had grown, the wounds that hadn't fully healed. "I want us to be able to talk, honestly, about everything. closure, understanding, whatever it takes."

seokmin's gaze held a mixture of regret and hope, his willingness to address the past evident. the air between them seemed charged with unspoken possibilities as he waited for heejin's response.
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee seokmin. she smiled harder. so widely, that it reached her eyes, turning the pair of brown orbs into smiles of their own. heejin smiled, because she couldn't help it. she couldn't stop smiling at her ex-boyfriend. she jerked her head to the side, eyeing him—squinting at him with doubt. heejin doubted that seokmin missed her. "you missed me?... you can't be saying things like that." seokmin had always had so many people around him, some closer to him than she would have liked. closer to him, farthest from her. 'friends', that he'd claim were just that, and nothing more. but heejin had seen the way they had looked at him, and vice versa. she had seen and heard the way they had interacted.

she had tried to see him eye-to-eye, to come to terms, but in the end, she couldn't—she hadn't been able to. envy and jealousy had festered a malevolent and unhealing wound in her heart, one that had spread quickly, encasing her heart in a skin of resentment. the time and distance between them lengthened, and the silences they exchanged echoed back colder and colder. heejin knew it wasn't his fault, she hadn't been the best girlfriend for him, chasing and prioritizing her career over their relationship, but at the same time, it all still stung.

"suuure, we can talk!" heejin exclaimed, grinning. she then gave a jerk of a nod, gesturing for him to begin his spiel.
♡﹕ lee juyeon. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ yoo jimin. before their night had started, his intentions on asking her out had been for friendlier reasons. now, as he sat facing jimin, juyeon wasn't so sure. he knew she was testing him—throwing tantalizing, almost flirtatious gazes, acting in an air that was borderline seductive. or at least, from his perspective. there was a small and slight chance that he was misreading her, but juyeon doubted it. however, to ensure that he wasn't wrong, he'd question her back.

keeping his coy smile, he doesn't answer right away. instead, with his eyes locked onto hers, juyeon takes another sip. he raises his eyebrow, ever so slightly. when he puts down his glass, the faintest of smirks ghosts his lips. "that depends." he mimics her body language, partially turning his torso to face in her direction as well. juyeon then leans back in his seat, resting his elbow on top of the bar counter. he taps his fingers lightly against his glass, which is just at his fingertips. "what else, do you want."
♡﹕ im changkyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon heejin. seokmin's steps toward heejin were tentative, his gaze a mix of longing and apprehension. he had unexpectedly found her under the vast night sky, a scene reminiscent of moments they once shared. "heejin," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia, as if time had stood still for him.

her giggles in response to his unexpected presence tugged at his heart, the sound echoing the bittersweet memories they once created together. as she questioned his unexpected appearance, seokmin's eyes reflected a complex blend of regret and yearning. "i didn't plan on running into you tonight," he admitted, his words tinged with a vulnerability he couldn't entirely conceal.

he watched her sit up, her movements a testament to the weight of their shared history. the dry laughter at the end of her sentence pierced through him, a painful reminder of the scars they both carried. "i know i'm the last person you expected," he acknowledged, his tone soft but sincere. "but can we talk? there's so much left unsaid, and i've missed you," he confessed, careful not to reveal the depth of emotions that still lingered beneath the surface.

as he spoke, seokmin hesitated, then took a seat beside her. the silent invitation to stay was met with a conflicted gaze, one that held a plea for understanding and a desire for reconciliation, even if unspoken.
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee seokmin. it was just her and the endless night sky, until, she heard her name being spoken. "hmm? i'm not drunk, i'm just a little bit tipsy, hehe.." heejin said, happily giggling at the end. she then rolled her head to the side, to see who had approached her. when she looked, heejin questioned her vision for a few seconds. it was someone she hadn't been expecting to see, ever since they had broken up. "seok..." she said in bewilderment, her eyebrows creasing together in uncertainty, but also in conflict.

heejin sat up slowly, the task proving to be more difficult than she had expected. her limbs felt heavier, denser—awkward even. "what are you doing here? you're like the last person i want to see tonight..." she said, laughing dryly at the end of her sentence. his presence still hurt her, even now. she thought she had been healing, but she wasn't—hadn't. she still felt broken—unwanted, insufficient and lacking. yet, despite how he made her feel, despite what she had just told him, heejin still wanted him to stay—stay, and sit next to her.
♡﹕ im changkyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon heejin. seokmin finished his song, the music lingering in the air as he scanned the room for the usual faces. however, his eyes widened in genuine surprise when he spotted heejin in the hammock, her presence sending a subtle jolt through him. nervous anticipation knotted in his stomach as he couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions seeing her unexpectedly.

he couldn't deny the lingering feelings from their past, and the sight of heejin stirred up a mix of anxiety and longing. taking a moment to steady himself, seokmin carefully made his way through the crowd, his eyes never leaving her. the soft lights of the night club cast a warm glow, accentuating the genuine surprise on his face.

when he reached her, he couldn't help but smile, a mixture of happiness and nerves. "heejin, i didn't expect to see you here," seokmin admitted, his voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "you look... incredible. but wait..." there was a pause, a fleeting moment where the weight of unspoken words hung in the air.

"are you...drunk?" seokmin asked gently, concern flickering in his eyes as he observed her. heejin's state wasn't lost on him, and he wanted to approach the situation with care, aware that emotions and alcohol could create a delicate balance. "can i join you then?" he added, his eyes searching hers, hoping to bridge the gap between them.
♡﹕ yoo jimin. [A] 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee juyeon. his silent admiration of her looks doesn't go unnoticed. from the way his eyes slowly wander from hers to the rest of her face, to the way he seems to be... almost taken aback by how beautiful she knew herself to be. she tries not to let that get to her head though. instead, she shows a full smile this time at his question when he finally chooses to speak again. "not a bad start, no," she begins, taking another sip of her drink and spinning in her stool some to face him. "what else are you planning to offer though?" truth be told, the drinks were enough for her to feel satisfied, but she did feel a little curious what he'd answer with. sure, it was greedy too, but she had to see how much he'd let her get away with.
♡﹕ lee juyeon. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ yoo jimin. her glance over him doesn't go unnoticed. neither does her bump against his shoulder, and the fact that the latter is seemingly pleasant, bubbly and playful, despite his tardiness. juyeon his head to the side in curiosity, watching her take a drink. from afar, jimin was beautiful, up close, she was ethereal—down to the small beauty marks he could spot—only possible at such close proximity. they held an unforeseen charm, a subtle trait, compared to her bold makeup and look. the impression from jimin's profile and messages had followed the demeanor of the prior trait, but in person, she was the latter—hotter, ier. he looks away from her, ordering a drink as well, before returning to look back at her. juyeon smiles. "how's 'all drinks are on me' to start?"
♡﹕ yoo jimin. [A] 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee juyeon. to be honest, she wasn't anticipating him to want to go on a date with her just because of her sudden whim, but she was admittedly more excited for it than she was expecting to be. this made even more apparent by her taking extra care in being on time for the occasion and waiting to order a drink. absently, she checked her phone every so often to keep in mind the time. at least, up until he hit the 15-minute mark and she decided it would be best to just order while she waited.

'where is he?' happens to cross her mind around the twenty-minute mark and now self-conscious thoughts were starting to flood her mind. what if she should have worn extensions instead of her short hair? what if the backless dress and smokey eye makeup was too much to him? sure, he didn't know what she looked like for their date yet, but silly thoughts kept coming up the longer it took. and just as she was getting ready to change her mind about the date, grab her things and text her babysitter that she was going to head home, he finally showed and even earned a giggle and eyeroll from her.

briefly, she glances over his figure, mentally noting that he looked even better in person and shaking her head as a small grin begins to shape her lips. "i was considering it, but then you showed up 20 minutes late," she answers honestly, bumping shoulders with him despite her words, though, and as she takes another sip of her drink. "how do you plan on making it up to me?"
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ byun baekhyun. As the night goes on, one can feel the energy in the club continuing to rise. The dance floor became so busy that it was hard to move without brushing up against someone else. Yet, the crowd loves it. It's was a lively, dynamic, and unforgettable nigh, and the dance floor remains the epicenter of the exhilarating experience.
The club's bar scene was somewhat different on the other hand. Soohyuk worked tirelessly to serve up the club's signature cocktails and drinks, which are a hit. Being paid extra to put on some sort of show every now and then, Soohyuk is known for his impressive flair bartending skills - Which he doesn't showcase as much. He would sometimes flips bottles, created fiery cocktail displays, and dazzled the crowd with his mixology talents. The patrons would cheer and applaud his performances, adding to the electric atmosphere, but he'd stay unfazed and focused, serving the female customer her drink before beckoning to the next customer to tell him his order. "Refreshing, yet bold." He commented, acknowledging the order of whiskey sour and started to make the drink by grabbing a shaker and filling it with ice to chill the cocktail. He then added 2 ounces of the finest bourbon whiskey. Next, he squeezed fresh lemon juice into the shaker, making sure to catch any errant seeds with a practiced hand. And to balance the tartness of the lemon, he added a simple syrup of sugar and water, gently stirring until it dissolved. With all the ingredients in the shaker, Soohyuk snapped it shut and gave it a vigorous shake. The ice inside clinked together, creating a pleasing sound that blended with the music in the background. After a good shake, he strained the Whiskey Sour into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice. The golden-hued liquid glistening in the low light. To finish, he garnished the drink with a slice of lemon, perched on the rim, and a bright red maraschino cherry. Soohyuk slid the cold glass over the bar counter to the patron, his keen eyes was still able to spot the male despite being pushed aside by other patrons. "Excuse us for a moment please." He would carefully yet firmly move aside those in front to beckon the male back in and to the front of the bar. "Whiskey sour, right?" He confirmed, asking the patron and that's when he noticed the phone filming. He had nothing against video filming since they were in a public area, he just naturally feels uncomfortable knowing he's being filmed. He eyes the camera for a moment then looked up to have a proper look of the male as if taking note of what he looked like incase he had to avoid him later if he's still being filmed. "That would be $5, Sir." He informed, holding out a hand towards the other for the payment. The club does enforce pay for each drink policy after all.
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ lee seokmin. drinking, singing, dancing, laughing. all fun and games, until the constant intoxication throughout the evening covertly crept and caught up with heejin. "i'll be right back..." she said to no one in particular, beginning to walk aimlessly in a clumsy slumber. she had no idea where all of her friends had gone to. heejin had steadily drank, veraciously attuning to the liveliness of the halloween party. she had wanted to drink only until she was slightly tipsy, just until she felt like she could sing all of velvet daydream's set list, without a single care in the world. drunk, but not wasted. she needed a little liquid courage to say something—to convey to someone her feelings for them, but she didn't want the alcohol to speak entirely for her. until, she had seen them—the two of them interacting—laughing and smiling, as if nothing else mattered.

looking at them across the room for one more time, heejin raised her glass, and brought it to her lips. drinking as much as she could, she then spun around, walking away. momentarily dizzy from the turn however, heejin stopped, stuttering in her steps. shaking her head lightly to regain her sense of balance, heejin continued to walk. aimlessly, she went wherever the hallways were taking her, only stopping when she felt a breeze. there was a drop in temperature in her vicinity. the feeling of the cool, evening air, prickling her heated skin. it was quieter, her ears only vaguely hearing the distant sound of the band's music.

she found herself in the patio; a yard, small garden, along with various pieces of furniture she could sit or lay down upon. "oh, a hammock!" heejin exclaimed, ambling over to it. setting her half-filled glass on the ground some distance away, she practically fell into the hanging furniture, letting out a small, soft yelp as she did so. laughing at her own physical uncoordination, she properly situated herself into the hammock. sitting in it, she leaned back, and let her legs hang off the edge. heejin looked up, gazing at the night sky, seeing the slightest and smallest of stars. "wow, so pretty..." she mumbled, smiling lazily as she continued to admire them.
♡﹕ byun baekhyun. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Dressed in skinny jeans and a slightly oversized silk top, Baekhyun entered the club, his thinly eyelined orbs roaming the neon-lit structures and the raving crowd on the dancefloor bathed by the strobes of disco lights. Although he had been to clubs before, it was his first time in this particular club. One of the top clubs in the city, apparently. Infamous for its nights and early mornings that often left its patrons still feeling high the day after.
He wondered if he made the right choice to include this part in his vlog. The music was booming in his ears; every hit of the rhythm vibrating throughout his body and hitting his core with intensity. It was deafening. However, he quickly dismissed the thought. The clip-on mic he had was one of the better quality ones.Worse come to worse, he'd put subtitles and keep the club scenes to a minimum. He didn't come here to film himself getting drunk, after all. Merely to show the ambience of this club, perhaps laying out what made patrons keep returning to this club.
Spotting the neon-lit bar, he quickly attached his clip-on mic to his collar and checked himself in his phone camera. Coupled with his eyeliner and his mussed up hair, Baekhyun knew he looked like a treat. He carefully filmed his way to the neon-lit bar. It was quieter than the dance floor, and he could use a drink or two to pump himself up. He sighted the male bartender behind the bar. Despite dressing in uniform, he looked like he was one of the reasons why this club placed among the top. "And now, we see one of the moneymakers for this club," he uttered closely into the mic. Baekhyun was more in awe of his bartending skills, however. He directed the camera at the bartender mixing one of the drinks, tapping on the screen to focus the shot, as he came to a stop at the empty stool in front of the bar. It was slightly to the side of the bartender, but that was fine. The zoom on his phone did its job. "A whiskey sour!" Baekhyun hollered his order when gestured to do so. He continued filming while making starstruck comments, wowing and whooping audibly at every flourish and flick of the bartender's wrist. Soon enough, the crowd thickened. He squinted his eyes in frustration when patrons kept blocking his view either by their outstetched arms or their drinks, his body jerking as he tried to get a clear shot of the male bartender.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ byun baekhyun. Donning a crisp, black button-up shirt with the club's logo, and a black apron, Soohyuk could only sigh as he looked at his reflection on the mirror. "Just like any other night, Bud. Just like any other night." He muttered, mentally conditioning himself for the busy night ahead. It's a Saturday and the club would be sure to be filled.
As expected, when he came out to the Bar, The club is already throbbing with energy as the evening unfolds. Neon lights bathe the bar area, row of colorful bottles illuminated by the neon lights, and the bar counter is lined with stools where patrons are already eagerly waiting to place their orders.
Soohyuk was focused, with a friendly yet professional demeanor. He's been working at this club for almost a year now and knows how to handle the fast pace and high demands of a busy night. As patrons approach the bar, He would greet them with a small nod of acknowledgment and take their orders. He's quick and efficient, mixing and shaking cocktails, pouring beers, and serving shots with finesse. He's a master at multitasking, juggling multiple orders and keeping a mental tally of who's next in line. Despite the frenetic pace and the constant stream of orders, the male bartender remains composed and focused.
♡﹕ lee juyeon. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ yoo jimin. somehow, spontaneously, and all thanks to jimin's kindness, juyeon wasn't going to be spending a weekend night bored out of his mind, alone at home. they had agreed to meet up at a local bar, to grab some drinks together and go from there. other than the particular location they had planned to rendezvous at, juyeon had nothing else planned. whatever jimin felt like doing, he would follow, and hope for the best—that they'd end up enjoying themselves and having fun.

already however, he was off to a bad start, running late for their 'date'. the downtown area of the city had been much more crowded than he had expected it to be, and waiting for an uber driver had been an inconvenient female dog. quickly thanking his driver, juyeon rushed out of the vehicle, closing the door to the car to a shut. he dashed over the curb of the street, entering the bar right before him. jimin had messaged him that she was already there, seated at the bar, waiting for him.

juyeon made his way right to the bar, looking—scanning through faces, for her. it wasn't until towards the end of the lengthy seating arrangement, that he saw her. she seemed unaware of his whereabouts however, her eyes looking at her phone, whilst she casually sipped on a drink. it was as if the bar faded to exist, as if he were watching a real-time beer commercial film or movie in-theater. she was the celebrity, he was the on-looker.

he disappears, not wanting to be seen by her—yet. back towards her, juyeon walks away, but only to detour his approach. he walks towards her, but from the side she's not facing. unseen still, juyeon slides into the empty barstool next to her. "come here often?"
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook. resting the palm of her hand against the bottom of her chin, heejin tilted her head slightly, thinking about his question. "i like the ramen place down the street. oh! also the pho place just a few blocks away. they have such a good broth, mmm. what about you?" she then peered around at her surroundings, taking in the rustic but trendy interiors of the restaurant. "i like the vibe of this place, makes me more excited to try the pizza here now." she was going to further add to their conversation, but stopped momentarily, to thank the server whom had set down her drink before her. then with a coy smile, taking the beer bottle into her hand, heejin reached across, to gently clink her drink against jungkook's. "cheers, to starting out light, but only because i'm gonna be the last one standing." heejin playfully taunted, before squeezing the lime that was on the rim of the bottle, into the beer. she then took a long swig of the beer, putting it back down once she was finished with her sip. "so refreshing."
♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon heejin. jungkook chuckled softly at her compliment and enthusiastic acceptance of his offer. "well, i'm glad you like the scent," he replied, appreciating her straightforwardness and her willingness to enjoy the evening with him. as she settled into her seat and ordered a drink, he couldn't help but admire her simple yet stylish outfit. he nodded towards her choice of a bottle of corona, and said, "starting light is always a good strategy." then, he leaned in a little closer to respond to her question, setting his hands on the table balled into a fist. "yeah it is my first time and well, i had a few friends who came here and brought back some pizza home. tried it and it was pretty good so, i thought it'd be worth a try coming here with a new friend. plus, i'm a pretty big fan of good pizza too." he answers while smiling genuinely afterwards. "any spots in town you consider your favorite btw?"
♡﹕ lee saeon. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ miyawaki sakura. his smile blossomed a little more, turning a little cheeky and playful at her words. "i can't compare to you, but thanks. i know i'm not too bad."saeon hadn't expected how quickly sakura's warmth would surround him, although it definitely felt nice, as if even a little bit of his stress was flying away. despite that, saeon's a little awkward and hesitant at first, but he ends up returning the hug, lightly embracing the other. "i didn't mean for you to go back on your word," he tried to explain himself, his next words coming out more like a mutter than proper enunciation due to his aforementioned shyness that the sudden hug has made him feel, even if he tries to hide it. "i just expected it a little later.." once she pulls away, saeon moves his hands back and looks at her with a soft, almost sentimental gaze. "but regardless, i appreciate it a lot. it's weirdly comforting." at sakura's next words, saeon gives a nod to her, responding back. "yeah, definitely. let's enjoy ourselves." he goes behind the door to open it for her, giving a small gesture for her to go in.
♡﹕ miyawaki sakura. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ lee saeon. [] nooo its perfect <3 we'll work together on this lmao bc same !

sakura wasn't the type to wander into a bar alone, nor would she want to leave someone hanging and fending for themselves in a crowd. so naturally, she beamed when saeon recognized her in return. or at least, she hoped he did, because he smiled and waved in her direction— so she held her breath until he was up close, only releasing the puff of air when he addressed her. "oh... oh, thank you. you're quite the looker yourself." it was fun and playful, the girl giving him a gentle nudge to the side and even a little wink. first meetings were hard, but she wouldnt let that stop her from having a good time. sakura paused for a moment, rocking up on her toes, then back to the heels of her feet, nodding firmly at saeon's question. she wasnt usually that bold, but she tossed her arms up over his shoulders, pulling him in for a warm, welcoming hug, giving a small squeeze to his body. "you said you needed one, and i said i'd provide. i wont go back on my word." but after a moment she pulled away, clearing and definitely trying to ignore the rising warmth to her cheeks. "c'mon, drinks, right? we can forget the ty day and enjoy our night!"
♡﹕ lee saeon. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ miyawaki sakura. () it's good dw!! and yeah starters really do so i get you ;; hopefully my writing isn't too bad though it's been forever since i wrote

saeon had taken a moment or two to get ready, but well, he didn't do much anyways, because he's confident in his looks as is. he really spent most of the time staring at his closet. that closet is filled with only comfy clothing he wears at home or while painting, or full-on suits, so he paced around a bit and debated in his mind about what to wear... before just throwing on the most "casual" suit he could find in his wardrobe with a plain white tee underneath, trying to dress up a bit without looking too stiff. once he finally left home and arrived, he noticed her. saeon hadn't expected to see her outside of the club, nor her rather bright welcoming of him. it naturally brought a smile upon his own face, causing his dimples to appear, as he waved back. "hey, sakura." he paused for a moment, looking at her before continuing. "you look prettier in real life." saeon commented softly, then shaking his head slightly. "nothing to thank me for, i needed it too." his eyebrows raised at sakura's words, then letting out a chuckle. "you're going to start with the hug? i'm a little shy to do that first thing after meeting you.."
♡﹕ miyawaki sakura. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ lee saeon. [] hope this is good >< lmk if you need anything changed, whatever ur comfy with ! i promise posts will get better starters are bleck

sakura double checked the address for the club, then double checked her texts, and then triple checked the time because go figure, she got there... really fast. it wasnt her fault, knowing how to get there quickly, or knowing how to change into a "going out" outfit within a handful of minutes. that, and her hair cooperated. a win-win for everyone. scanning the people going by, she didnt want to enter without her new companion, so she kept an eye out for the man she could recognize via pictures. finally, someone familiar-looking stepped into frame, a bright smile quickly taking over her expression. sakura shot a hand up in the air, getting his attention as she waved her arm excitedly. "saeon! saaaeon, its me!" her cheeks were dusted a soft pink as she did a little hop and a skip over, feeling embarrassed but... oh well, it is what it is. "thanks for a spontaneous trip out. i do believe i owe you something very important, though."
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook. "you smell nice." she softly complimented, just as they parted from their exchanged embraces. "i'm not saying no to free booze." heejin said eagerly to his offer. "thanks, i'll grab the next one." she then added. pulling out her seat, she then took the strap off her shoulder bag off, putting it neatly on the chair. heejin then proceeded to take off her leather blazer, revealing her simple outfit underneath; a cropped tank top and high-waisted jeans. settling into her seat before him, she looked to his partially finished beer. "looks like i have some catching up to do." looking around her for the server, she managed to garner the attention of one, and immediately ordered a drink—a bottle of corona. she'd start light, and eventually increase the intensity over the hours of the night. returning her gaze and attention back to jungkook, she began speaking to him. "is this your first time trying this place? how did you find out that they had good pizza?"
♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon heejin. jungkook found himself in a momentary reverie, quietly sipping his drinking at the bustling bar, entranced by the lively ambiance and rhythmic melodies of distant chatter and music that filled the air. however, it wasn't long until his thoughts were gently interrupted, like ripples on a tranquil pond the moment he heard a voice calling his name from a distance. turning around, his gaze fixed upon the enchanting figure approaching him. heejin, the embodiment of the descriptions they had exchanged through the app, was a vision with her radiant presence. with a warm and welcoming smile, he placed his beer aside and rose from his seat. "hey, it's good to finally meet you in person," he responded, the contours of his smile widening to embrace the joy of the moment as he surrendered to her friendly invitation for a hug, arms enveloping her in a comforting and sincere way. as he gradually withdrew from her, he gestured his hand towards the vacant chair across from him. "thanks for coming out tonight. first round's on me, yeah?"
♡﹕ jeon heejin. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook. the restaurant was busy, lively with dining customers and vibrant music. walking into the establishment, heejin walked up to the hostess. she was about to tell the employee that she needed a seat for two, when she spotted him, off to the side, sitting at a table some distance away. she recognized his long, wavy hair, chiseled facial features, and the tattoos that adorned his forearm. with a polite smile, heejin pointed to the table, gesturing to the hostess that she no longer would need a seat. making her way through the restaurant, she walked up to where he was sitting, approaching the table with an excited, friendly wave. "jungkook? nice to meet you, i'm heejin." smiling softly, she then opened her arms, inviting him in for a hug.


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pickles 6 months ago
omg the layout is so pretty
preciosa 6 months ago
imsosorry I went inactive- is it possible to get kazuha back and cc the fc? ;;
zerose 6 months ago
zerobaseone sung hanbin is ready to be yours truly!
hyperstellar 6 months ago
Actress Han Sohee is ready to be yours truly!
smolishpotats 6 months ago
Twice’s minatozaki sana is ready to be yours truly!
seunghan 7 months ago
nct lee donghyuck is ready to be yours truly!
_PrimRose_ 7 months ago
everglow wang yiren is ready to be yours truly!
creamsoda 7 months ago
exo park chanyeol is ready to be yours truely
AlexCross 7 months ago
Actor Lee Soohyuk is ready to be yours truly!
naevis 7 months ago
fromis 9’s lee chaeyoung is ready to be yours truly!
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