➼ jungkook's home.

Personal residence!
This room is strictly for Jeon Jungkook so please do not post without their permission.
♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook. wonwoo's frustration simmered beneath the surface, a heavy weight settling on his shoulders. the air in the room grew tense as jungkook spoke of rekindling a connection with his ex. "jungkook," wonwoo's voice held a weariness that betrayed the countless conversations they'd had about this very topic, "i can't keep watching you make choices that only bring you pain. it's exhausting to care so much and see you willingly walk back into a situation that hurt you before."

the clatter of cutlery against porcelain seemed to echo the tumult in wonwoo's mind as he continued, "i've tried to help, offered advice, and stood by you, but if you're set on going back to that, i can't keep fighting against your own decisions. it feels like i'm hitting a wall, and i can't bear the thought of witnessing the same heartbreak again."

a heavy sigh escaped him, a mixture of frustration and resignation. "i care about you too much to stand idly by, but i also need to protect myself from the pain of watching it happen again and again." wonwoo pushed back his chair, the scraping sound emphasizing the reluctance in his actions. his gaze lingered on jungkook, a silent plea for understanding.

"i hope, for your sake, that you find the happiness you're searching for," he said, a thread of sadness woven into his words. "but i can't keep being a part of this cycle, jungkook. take care of yourself." with those parting words, wonwoo left the scene, leaving behind a palpable sense of his frustration and a lingering concern for jungkook's well-being.
♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 6 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. he felt the weight of his words settle heavily on his shoulders, each syllable a gentle yet forceful push against the tumultuous sea of emotions within him. the clatter of cutlery against porcelain echoed in the tense silence, mirroring the chaos running in his mind. his gaze, once focused on his bowl of rice, lifted slowly to meet wonwoo's eyes, searching for answers, explanations, and anything that could unravel the knot of conflicting feelings within him. a storm began to brew behind jungkook's usually composed demeanor, a tempest gratitude, frustration, and confusion. the determined set of his cousin's expression and the sincerity in his voice left him grappling with a surge of emotions. there was a part of him that yearned to embrace the concern and care offered so genuinely, a part that whispered, 'maybe he's right, maybe i do need someone who won't break me.' yet, stubborn defiance flickered in his eyes, a spark fueled by the scars of the past and innate desire to make his own choices, even if they led him into the storm once more. his fingers balled into a fist, a silent declaration that he wouldn't let history dictate his future.

"wonwoo," he spoke, his voice a blend of appreciation and defiance, "i appreciate your concern, i really do but i've walked through the fire before, and i won't let fear dictate my choices now. i can't promise it won't be messy, but i need to find my own way, even if it means risking a broken heart again." the room hung suspended in uncertainty, the clash of emotions between the two threatening to shatter the fragile peace. his eyes held a mixture of determination and vulnerability, a silent plea for understanding.
♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook. setting his fork down with a determined expression, wonwoo locked eyes with jungkook. "listen, jungkook," he began, his tone edged with a mix of frustration and care, "I can't stand by and watch you possibly get hurt again. you deserve someone who won't break your heart like before. this isn't about meddling; it's about looking out for you."

as tension thickened in the air, wonwoo's protective instincts took the lead. "I just don't want history to repeat itself for you," he continued, a touch of urgency in his voice. "you're important to me, and I can't stay silent when I feel like you might be heading down a path that leads to heartbreak. please, consider what I'm saying before diving into something that might hurt you all over again."
♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. jungkook savored the dinner he had prepared in his own kitchen, thoroughly enjoying the experience of cooking for his family and guests. cooking was a skill he took pride in, and it had a unique way of bringing people together. while sitting at the table, he couldn't help but chuckle when wonwoo mentioned the dating app, noting that he was using it as well. the cheerful atmosphere prevailed until the conversation took an unexpected turn when his cousin mentioned their past loves, instantly making him set his chopsticks down beside his bowl, clearing his throat.

"excuse me?" he interjected, raising an eyebrow. "well, whatever's going on between us doesn't really concern you. besides, let's not delve into this while we're trying to enjoy our meal, okay? you're ruining my appetite already," he said, hoping to steer the conversation away from a potentially uncomfortable topic.
♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon jungkook.

wonwoo arrived at jungkook's house, ready to spend some quality time together. they decided to enjoy a homemade dinner, catching up on each other's lives. as they savored the food, wonwoo couldn't help but express his gratitude. "you know, what, I'm really glad mingyu introduced me to the 'truly yours' app. it's been tough, especially after losing her to leukemia, but it's helping me navigate through the process of moving on." said him as he heaves a soft sigh at the thought of his past love. he missed her dearly. "by the way, how are things with you and you know who?" wonwoo asked cautiously, his tone betraying a hint of concern. "I've noticed you two spending time together again, heh. talking about old promises, such a bullshi*." there's a few seconds pause before wonwoo added, "I don't trust her, so you shouldn't too."
♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ kim mingyu. @♡﹕ jeon jungkook. . "mingyu's on his own time, always fashionably late," wonwoo teased, sharing a knowing look with his friend. they were a trio with a camaraderie that transcended the need for punctuality. jungkook's enthusiasm for the impending festivities was infectious, and wonwoo found himself nodding in agreement. "let the party begin," he echoed, the prospect of catching up with old friends bringing a warm glow to the evening.

as Jungkook reached for a beer, wonwoo seized the opportunity to lighten the mood. "I've been alright though. finished my portfolio and some editings. ah speaking of parties, have you guys ventured into the world of dating apps recently? 'yours truly' here has been navigating through the wonders of swipes and profiles," he admitted, raising his eyebrows in a playful manner. "any success stories, or are we all just here for good food and good company? mingyu download them for me by the way. I was just curious. that's why I'm asking. you know I'm not really interested." asked him while bringing the beer into his mouth, sipping on it.
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♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ kim mingyu. @♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. before the two grown men had arrived, jungkook had already been hard at work, tending to the grill and preparing the meal. lost in the rhythm of his cooking, he was serenading himself with the lyrics of keshi's "right here," his voice carrying the melody through the room. the moment was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door swinging open, announcing the arrival of none other than wonwoo. jungkook swiveled around in his chair, raising a playful eyebrow in his friend's direction. "i was expecting him to be here before you. wow, you're on time," he remarked with a grin, temporarily pausing his cooking to fetch a few rice bowls and plates.

not long after, the 'giant' – as wonwoo affectionately called him – made his entrance. mingyu, never one to make a fuss about announcing his arrival, entered the room. jungkook, however, brushed it off easily, understanding that they were a tight-knit group who shared a bond akin to blood brothers. "nah, you're just right on time, buddy," he said, greeting mingyu with a warm smile while settling down in a seat right across from wonwoo and next to mingyu. his excitement was palpable as he leaned forward, leaning into the upcoming festivities. "yeah, let's get this party started," he exclaimed, more eager for the drinks than the barbecue itself while reaching for a beer to pour one for everyone. "so, how's everyone been?" he inquired, steering the conversation towards a relaxed and comfortable start, eager to catch up with his friends.
♡﹕ kim mingyu. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. @♡﹕ jeon jungkook. mingyu was already on his way after receiving the texts, reading the last text that wonwoo sent just by the notification since he's driving at the moment. he already grabbed extra drinks from the local store a couple of minutes ago, humming to himself as he carefully park his car on the familiar street. his hand reach out to take a hold of the bag filled with alcohol before slamming the car's door shut walking over to the door.

he casually punch the house password, quickly making his way in only to realize both of them are waiting for him. mingyu laughs nervously as he gives both of them peace sign with his usual grin plastered across his face. "heeeey, i am not that late....right?" he scratches his head after before lifting up the bag he brought. "to be fair, i am late because of this. shh don't nag at me jeon wonwoo." he squints his eyes at the said male already known how wonwoo's reaction gonna be towards him, shuffling over to jungkook's side for protection just in case the other might chase him around from his words.
♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. 7 months ago
@♡﹕ kim mingyu. @♡﹕ jeon jungkook. after wonwoo finished his meeting with clients, his mind already drifting towards the much-anticipated reunion at jungkook's house. after sending a quick text notifying he was on his way, he gracefully navigated through the city traffic, the excitement of the impending gathering keeping his foot light on the gas pedal.

arriving at jungkook's home, wonwoo didn't bother with the formality of knocking. instead, he swiftly entered, punching in the familiar house password. "yaa...my brother ! heh. I'm sorry I'm late. where's that giant?" he called out, a mix of eagerness and apology in his voice. the scent of sizzling BBQ wafted through the air, confirming that jungkook had spared no effort in orchestrating a feast for their reunion.
♡﹕ jeon jungkook. [A] 7 months ago
@♡﹕ kim mingyu. @♡﹕ jeon wonwoo. it had been far too long since the three friends had last enjoyed each other's company. in the past, their gatherings were a regular occurrence, but as the demands of adulthood and their careers took hold, their reunions grew few and far between. however, today was a notable exception as jungkook, the culinary virtuoso of the trio, had taken it upon himself to orchestrate their reunion at his home.

as the sun cast a warm and inviting glow upon the day, his kitchen became a hub of activity while loving preparing a feast of sizzling bbq delights that promised to tantalize their taste buds. and of course, not to be forgotten were the chilled bottles of beers in his fridge that were thoughtfully chosen to cater to their distinct tastes, though he knew the lion's share would likely end up in his own glass, given the occasional times he'd drink. while meticulously arranging the table, his eyes frequently strayed to his phone before his fingers danced in anticipation, awaiting a response, particularly from his cousin, wonwoo. "damn, why are they taking so long?" he mused, his brow furrowing in a mix of impatience and concern. in the living room, not far from the table's inviting spread, he decided to turn on the music to soothe his waiting heart, setting the tone for a reunion that was long overdue.


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pickles 6 months ago
omg the layout is so pretty
preciosa 6 months ago
imsosorry I went inactive- is it possible to get kazuha back and cc the fc? ;;
zerose 6 months ago
zerobaseone sung hanbin is ready to be yours truly!
hyperstellar 6 months ago
Actress Han Sohee is ready to be yours truly!
smolishpotats 6 months ago
Twice’s minatozaki sana is ready to be yours truly!
seunghan 7 months ago
nct lee donghyuck is ready to be yours truly!
_PrimRose_ 7 months ago
everglow wang yiren is ready to be yours truly!
creamsoda 7 months ago
exo park chanyeol is ready to be yours truely
AlexCross 7 months ago
Actor Lee Soohyuk is ready to be yours truly!
naevis 7 months ago
fromis 9’s lee chaeyoung is ready to be yours truly!
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