➼ joohyun's home

Personal residence!
This room is strictly for Bae Joohyun so please do not post without their permission.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 4 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun's heart raced as she retreated into her room, the echo of her giggles filling the space. The touch of Soohyuk's lips lingered, leaving her cheeks flushed with a mixture of excitement and shyness. Behind the closed door, she replayed the sweet moment, savoring the enchanting surprise she had mustered the courage to initiate.

Curiosity tugged at her, and with a shy smile, Joohyun couldn't resist peeking through her slightly ajar door as Soohyuk knocked. "What is it, oppa?" she asked, her voice a delicate whisper, eyes sparkling with the afterglow of their shared secret kiss.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 4 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Soohyuk stood there, momentarily dumbfounded, his mind processing the sweet surprise that just occurred. A soft smile slowly spread across his face as he glanced towards Joohyun's closed door. After a moment of reflection, Soohyuk decided to discreetly leave the house, leaving the three kids happily engaged in their play. He took his time, enjoying a brief excursion that added an air of mystery to his actions.

Upon Soohyuk's return, he concealed something behind his back. The children, who had just realized his departure and reappearance, were on the verge of speaking when he delicately pressed a finger to his lips, signaling them to remain silent. Observing in hushed curiosity, they witnessed Soohyuk approach Joohyun's door, giving it a gentle knock. Without uttering a word, he patiently awaited her response, demonstrating a quiet anticipation for her to open the door.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. "Pft," Joohyun shook her head in response to Minjun's antics, chuckling at his playful demeanor. When Soohyuk took her hand, she looked up to meet his gaze, wondering why these small actions brought her so much comfort, a feeling she couldn't find with anyone else. Perhaps, she realized, she had fallen for him first. Soohyuk might be unaware, but Joohyun had secretly harbored a crush on him since their childhood days, flooded with memories.

Her rosy cheeks revealed a subtle red hue as she playfully brought Soohyuk's hand to her lips, pretending to bite them before giggling and planting a quick peck on the back of his hand. Their eyes met again, and she smiled, lips tinted like cherries. "Can I be bold right now?" she whispered, stealing glances at the kids engrossed in watching television. Turning back to Soohyuk, she grabbed his collar with her free hand, pulling him down slightly to leave a quick peck on his lips. Covering her face, she hastily ran away, seeking refuge in her room.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. With Joohyun's words, the four of them looked at her direction with Iseul extending her arms towards her direction. "We'll give you a hug, Mommy!" She declared and with her statement, Soohyuk moved towards her, easily carrying the twins in his arms as he headed towards Joohyun's direction. "Group hug!" The twins then said as they gathered around Joohyun and hugged her. Soohyuk had placed Iseul down from his shoulder, hugging her mother and Soohyuk followed suit, playfully sandwiching the girl in between. They were huddled together just spreading the warmth and joy of a makeshift family.

It didn't take long before Minjun spoke up, reaching his limit. "Alright. Enough." He pulled away, grabbing Nari and Iseul away too. "You two continue hugging, We're out." He declared, pulling the other two along with him and heading towards the living room to continue what they were doing earlier. Soohyuk could only look at Minjun in disbelief, shaking his head with a small smile before looking at Joohyun. "Kids.." He said, chuckling before casually reaching for Joohyun's hand, holding it in his.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun stood there, momentarily stunned by the unexpected praise. It was as if the roles had reversed, and the playful tease she initiated had turned into a genuinely flattering remark. Her initial attempt to maintain composure failed, and a subtle blush painted her cheeks as Soohyuk's words hung in the air. "(So he thinks I am pretty.)" The realization sparked a warmth within her, making her struggle to contain the growing smile threatening to spread across her face.

The lively chaos that ensued with the children, driven by a simple hug, drew her attention away from her own thoughts. Their laughter echoed through the room, creating a joyful symphony that Joohyun found herself laughing along with. The mischievous antics of the trio, Soohyuk's playful retort, and the subsequent chase for hugs all blended into a scene of delightful pandemonium.

Joohyun playfully makes her sulking face, and open her arms. "then who will hug me then?"
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. "Please. You're already pretty. No effort needed." He casually complimented her, momentarilly forgetting about her comment regarding the tea.

Having her in his embrace, he smiled softly as he gently patted the back of her head. "Im still thankful no matter what." he insisted. When the children came, he didn't really moved from the hug not until Joohyun did and he could only shake his head at the mischevious trio. He briefly glanced at Joohyun and couldn't help chuckle at her and gently nudged her. "Well you three are just jelous." He retorted, wrapping an arm around Joohyun's shoulder, pulling her close to him quite confidently. "If you want a hug too you could just say so." He said with a nod, to which Iseul quickly ran over for one. "Me! Me! I want a hug too!" The girl jumped up and down with arms up towards Soohyuk and the older gladly obliged, picking up the little girl and giving her a tight hug. The twins on the other hand protested knowing what will come next and started to run away from the kitchen. "No hugs for us!" Minjun was the first one to say and ran with Nari nodding along and quickly walking away from the kitchent.

Chuckling, Soohyuk sat Iseul on his shoulders and looked up at her. "Should we go give them hugs too?" He asked with a boyish smile of hiw own and Iseul quickly nodded in agreement. "Hugs for everyone, Daddy!" She cheered, raising a hand in excitement and Soohyuk nodded. "As my Princess commands." He said before going after the twins. It was an amusing sight, Soohyuk running after the twins, catching Nari first and quickly locking her into a hug with one arm and without letting go, he would go after Minjun who was more elusive but soon ended up getting the dreaded hug in the end. All the the while, Iseul was enjoying their play, giggling and cheering as she sat comfortable and securely on Soohyuk's shoulders.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. "Hey, if it's my wedding, aren't I supposed to look pretty instead of making tea? I can't believe you. Am I your tea maker or something instead of your soon-to-be wife?" She rambled about it, playfully laughing right after.

Joohyun jutted out her lips in response to Soohyuk's promises and his comforting words. She gently smacked his chest, the sound muffled by their shared laughter. Chuckling, she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head on his chest as he pulled her into a warm embrace. "Don't thank me for that. It just feels right to stay with you when you've helped me a lot."

Just as they enjoyed the intimate moment, Minjun, Nari, and Iseul suddenly appeared, causing a burst of laughter. Minjun, with a mischievous grin, teased, "Well, well, what do we have here? The lovebirds lost in their world." Nari and Iseul joined in with playful giggles.

Joohyun with her cheeks reddened, quickly pulls away from the hug. oh, how she already missed his warm embraces. "what? It's just a hug..." joohyun still feeling shy over this, hence she couldn't brace to look at the kids' faces at the time.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 5 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Soohyuk hummed softly in response. "A grand wedding does sound tempting, especially with your tea on the menu." He replied with a small smile as he briefly thought about their "wedding".

Her words made him blink, wondering what she was about to say, her next statement only made him smile as he nodded. "I think I already made that promise the day I saw Iseul." He nodded a bit as he carefully reached for her hand, taking it in his. "I told myself I'd do anything for you two.." He trailed off, remembering Iseul's birth and how that moment somehow brought him a new sense of purpose and unconsciously took on the role of being her father figure without even meaning to. "I'll love her and you as long as I can and I am allowed to." He said with a slight nod as he d the back of her hand with his thumb and looked at her with affectionate eyes. "I don't think I've ever said this to you but thank you. Thank you for sticking by my side when you don't really have to." He said, breaking into a soft smile as he gently tugged her towards him. He then wrapped his arms around her smaller frame and hugged her close.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun felt her heart flutter at Soohyuk's words, the warmth spreading beyond the playful banter. His sincerity caught her off guard, and she couldn't deny the fondness that had been growing within her. She looked at him, her cheeks lightly tinted with a blush.

"Maybe Minjun had a point," Joohyun teased back, a shy smile playing on her lips. "A grand wedding, huh? I suppose that wouldn't be too bad." She chuckled, trying to mask the butterflies dancing in her stomach. His gentle admission had cracked open a door she hadn't realized was closed.

As Soohyuk leaned in, his low, gentle voice sent shivers down her spine. The mention of planning more than just a wedding lingered in the air, and Joohyun found herself considering the possibilities.

When Soohyuk finished his tea, Joohyun mirrored his more serious expression. "It's never too late for anything, oppa," she replied, her eyes meeting his with a mix of playfulness and sincerity. "if we're going to work on this, I want you to promise me something." Joo-Hyun approached the man slowly and heaved as she looked down. "Promise me to stay with me and iseul till the end. Love us as much as you can as I will do the same to you and your siblings."
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. As Joohyun nudged his shoulder, Soohyuk couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through him. Perhaps he had always been more than fond of her but hadn't looked at her in that way since he was too focused on taking care of his siblings and just trying his best for them. What started as a harmless teasing now had him reconsidering his feelings. He glanced at her with a soft smile, his tone sincere yet playful. "Who knows, maybe Minjun was onto something with his nosiness. I wouldn't mind planning a grand wedding with you." he said, his eyes holding a hint of affection.

The mumbled comment didn't go unnoticed, and Soohyuk leaned in slightly, his voice low and gentle. "Well, whether it started as a joke or not, I'm enjoying every moment of it. And who knows, maybe we'll find ourselves planning more than just a wedding," he said, nodding slowly, with a subtle yet genuine expression of his feelings for Joohyun, finally acknowledging them.

With that said, he finished his cup of tea, drinking the rest with one go before placing the cup on the counter and looking at Joohyun with a more serious expression. "It's not too late for us to try, Is it?" He then asked.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun blushed slightly at Soohyuk's playful banter, her gaze shifting away as she tried to hide her growing embarrassment. "Oh, hush. Minjun is just being nosy," she replied her tone a mix of defensiveness and amusement. As Soohyuk praised her tea, she couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of pride. "Well, I'm glad you like it. Maybe I'll include it in the wedding package," she teased back, a shy giggle escaping her lips.

When Soohyuk playfully patted her head, Joohyun's cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink. "Ahjumma, huh? Watch it, or I might reconsider that marriage proposal," she retorted with a mock stern expression, but her eyes betrayed a hint of bashfulness. At that moment, the playful banter had stirred a gentle flutter in her heart, making her acutely aware of the closeness they shared.

As they continued to exchange teasing remarks, Joohyun found herself playfully nudging Soohyuk's shoulder, a subtle way of reciprocating the affectionate gestures. "Guess we'll need to plan a grand wedding then, right?" she quipped, her words carrying a lighthearted tone but also a genuine excitement. "Heh. I can't even tell whether this was just a joke or not," mumbled her softly with her juts out lips.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Soohyuk feigned a hurt expression at Joohyun's "retaliation." He scrunched his nose slightly with a low grunt. "I should be calling you nibbling Joohyun. You always like to do that. Tsk." He clicked his tongue playfully, simply letting the other lead him to the sink and washed his hands. Not that he minded her biting his finger. With a nod, he grabbed the hand towel from earlier and dried his hands, putting it aside soon after as he accepted the cup of tea she made for him. "Thank you." He mouthed and was about to take a sip when Minjun spoke.

Glancing at the retreating figure of Minjun, Soohyuk raised an eyebrow. "Looks like we've got an unofficial matchmaker in the house." Soohyuk casually commented, chuckling a bit as he finally take a careful sip of the tea, savoring the warmth and the flavor she expertly crafted. "Well, Joohyun, if the tea is any indication, I'd say it's a solid 11 out of 10. Extra points for the unexpected marriage proposal," he teased with a small smile, looking at her direction.

Taking another sip he then added, "But hey, if this tea is part of the marriage package, I'm all in. Who am I to argue with the kids nowadays?" Soohyuk flashed her a playful grin, appreciating the blend of mischief and genuine affection that defined their relationship. "Guess we'll have to start planning the wedding, Ahjumma," he teased, stressing on the latter word and reached towards her with his free hand to pat her head playfully.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun playfully shot Soohyuk a teasing glare in response to his playful ribbing about her vitamin intake. Without missing a beat, she seized his hand, playfully biting his fingers and punctuating the moment with a rosy-cheeked poke. A mischievous giggle escaped her lips as she laughed off his reaction. "Serves you right, oppa," she declared, sticking out her tongue in jest and continuing to revel in the lighthearted banter.

Amidst the laughter, she quipped, "And for your information, I am indeed diligently consuming my vitamins. Unfortunately, the receipt didn't specify anything about gaining height. Does it hurt?" Joohyun inquired with a chuckle, pointing to the fingers she had playfully nibbled moments before. Their comfortable camaraderie allowed for such affectionate gestures, reminiscent of their carefree childhood days.

With a playful yet caring demeanor, she took charge, leading him to the sink to wash his hands. "Let's wash your hand," she insisted, guiding his hand under the flowing water. After the impromptu handwashing session, she instructed, "Dry it yourself. I'm going to make your tea, ahjussi," punctuating her words with a light laugh.

In the kitchen, Joohyun set about preparing a steaming cup of tea for Soohyuk. The comforting aroma filled the air as she skillfully brewed the beverage, infusing it with a touch of warmth that mirrored their relationship. Returning to him, she handed over the cup with a playful flourish. "Please give me ratings," she teased, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of playfulness and genuine affection.

In that moment, Joohyun somehow became aware that one of the twins was quietly observing their playful exchange with an amused expression. Caught off guard, she turned to find Minjun, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "This is why we're asking you two to get married," he remarked casually, his tone carrying a hint of mischief as he nonchalantly washed his hands at the sink. With a teasing glint in his eyes, he strolled away as though his comment was the most ordinary thing in the world, leaving Joohyun and Soohyuk momentarily stunned by the unexpected proclamation. Joohyun clear and chuckles nervously. "kids nowadays...."
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Lost in his own thoughts, Soohyuk didn't even notice the shift in the air, the chatting of the kids sometimes making him snap back into the conversation and just nod or hum in response when randomly asked by the twins or Iseul about something he didn't really pay attention too. Once dinner was done, they had sort of had this arrangement that the adults would do the dishes while the kids are allowed to play or do what they want since they already helped out with setting the table earlier.

With Joohyun already washing the dishes, Soohyuk dried the plates and placed them on the rack once done. "Still the same." he shrugged slightly, unable to share anything new about his job since it always has been the same routine for him. He'd go to work, finish his shift, take a break, or go home then prepare for another shift at a different job. He's just fortunate that today he didn't have to take his night gig at the club and only had the cafe shift from earlier. He placed the last of the plate on the rack and dried his hands, neatly folding the towel he used and putting it aside, thanking Joohyun for her offer. "Tea would be lovely, thank you."

He watched the other reach for the tea bag only to let out a soft chuckle. "Sorry about that." He said before moving beside her and easily reaching up for the tea bag. He helped her out immediately, although it was very tempting to let her try longer and see her struggle just to see her cute reactions. "Just put it down here on the counter once you're done, so that you can easily reach it the next time." He added as he playfully patted her head out of habit, then continued his affectionate teasing of the other. "Perhaps you should drink more vitamins to grow taller. Are you even drinking your vitamins?" He added, poking her cheeks this time. If it was other people, he wouldn't be too comfortable being physical or touchy with them, but with Joohyun, he doesn't even think twice about it and just natrually does it.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun couldn't shake the feeling of unease as she continued with the dishes, stealing occasional glances at Soohyuk. The air between them felt heavy with unspoken words, and she couldn't help but wonder if her jokes had crossed a line. The clinking of the dishes seemed to echo her racing thoughts until, finally, they finished dinner.

With Minjun and Nari occupied with Iseul in front of the television, the adults were left alone in the quiet aftermath of the meal. Seizing the moment, Joohyun decided to break the tension by asking about Soohyuk's day.

"How was your work, oppa?" she inquired, casting a brief look at him while diligently washing the dishes. "It must be tiring. I'll prepare your tea this time since you've been relying on coffee too often lately."

As she dried her hands, Joohyun moved towards the cupboard to fetch a tea bag, only to discover it inconveniently placed on a higher shelf. She playfully tiptoed, grumbling about the impracticality of the arrangement. "Ah, why do you always put this in a higher place?" she teased, reaching for the elusive tea bag. "It's my house, but can we compromise and store it somewhere more accessible after this? Grrr," she added, unintentionally adding a touch of cuteness to her frustration.
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. He at least expected the female to get back at him for the teasing but hearing those words from her sort of took him aback. He simply let out a small smile as he shook his head at the female, watching her leave the kitchen and to the dining table. He followed silently, carrying the rest of the food and placing it down, taking the seat across from her and beside the twins.

Soohyuk suddenly found himself thinking about something that had been lingering on the edges of his consciousness for years - Marriage. The mere thought brought a mix of warmth and anxiety that played out on his face as he furrowed his brow and sighed. He has a demanding responsibility that requires multiple jobs, and the weight of financial obligations to add on that. The steady cycle of him working, getting paid, paying debts, and working again had become the soundtrack of his life, leaving little room for personal pursuits.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't yearn for companionship and stability. The idea of building a life together with someone, creating a home filled with love and laughter, sparked a warmth in his heart. Yet, on the other hand, the cold reality of his responsibilities, and the constant juggling act of daily life just make it seem impossible.

He looked at Joohyun, Iseul, and the twins chatting happily as they share a warm meal, their smiling faces just filled with joy. It was already a picture of what one may call a perfect family. The image stirred a mix of longing and doubt. His eyes shifted towards Joohyun once more. Would he be able to give her the time and attention she deserved? Even if what she says is true, about her even considering him for marriage, he honestly thinks she deserves someone better. She's young, smart, and beautiful. He's sure she would meet someone who could love her and Iseul as much as he could and provide for the two of them. The last thing he would want is to share his burden with her or with anyone at that.

Smiling lightly, Soohyuk picked up his fork and started eating in silence just basking in the sound of their voices. Right now, he's just contended being with them, knowing that at the end of the day, he has the twins, Joohyun, and Iseul.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun could feel the warmth creeping up her cheeks, a telltale sign of her embarrassment, as Soohyuk's teasing words danced in the air. Her eyes widened, and a gentle nudge accompanied her soft laughter, a feeble attempt to playfully protest his playful banter. "Stop teasing me like that, oppa," she said, her tone a mix of bashfulness and amusement. The air between them hung with a sweet tension, her laughter echoing the underlying emotions.

With a boldness that surprised even herself, Joohyun continued, "Do you think I can't tease you the same? When are you going to propose to me then? Maybe, I'm not joking that I'll take you for consideration to be my husband you know. " Her words hung in the air, a blend of jest and curiosity, wrapped in a veil of boldness that disguised the subtle shyness beneath. Her laughter, though confident, carried a note of uncertainty, acknowledging the playful nature of her inquiry.

Deep down, Joohyun knew the boundaries of their relationship, understanding that she couldn't take undue advantage of Soohyuk's kindness towards her and Iseul. Marriage is such a big word for them and the awareness that he might have someone else in his heart lingered, adding a layer of complexity to the lighthearted banter. Yet, in that moment, she allowed herself to playfully flirt with the idea, her shyness peeking through the façade of boldness as she navigated the delicate balance of their connection.

Joo-Hyun playfully stuck out her tongue towards Soohyuk with laughter and brought the food over to the table, leaving him in the kitchen.
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♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Soohyuk's brow quirked slightly at what Iseul said, his eyes immediately shifting to Joohyun. He couldn't help smile at Joohyun's predicament having been cornered by the mischievous children. "Is that so?" He played along and picked up Iseul in his arms, walking towards the rest of the group then. "You guys should go set the table now." Shaking his head at the kids, he put Iseul down and threw the twins a certain look, knowing they could have been the very reason why the teasing even started. The pair quickly looked away as if guilty and grabbed their plates, taking Iseul with them as they proceeded to settle down the dining table instead. "I swear they're gonna be the death of me one way or another." Soohyuk commented jokingly, referring how the twins are becoming a handful for him.

"So... when are you going to propose to me, Ms. Bae?" He asked, nudging the female playfully as he helped her out with the food. He couldn't help teasing the female himself seeing how she's always been candid with her reaction. He glanced at her with a sly smile wondering how the other would react this time.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun's cheeks warmed with a faint blush as Soohyuk playfully about being the adorable little kid who used to follow him around. The memories of their childhood friendship brought a nostalgic smile to her lips, and she couldn't help but chuckle along with him.

When Soohyuk excused himself to use the bathroom, Joohyun found herself surrounded by the mischievous twins, Minjun and Nari, as well as her own daughter, Iseul. Their playful grins hinted at their mischievous intentions. "Hey, noona, when are you and Soohyuk oppa getting married?" Nari teased with a twinkle in her eyes, causing laughter to erupt in the room.

Caught off guard, Joohyun felt her cheeks flush even more. "Oh, come on, you two!" she replied, trying to play it off with a laugh. "We're just good friends." The twins, undeterred by her response, continued their playful banter, insisting on the possibility of a wedding. Joohyun, unable to contain her laughter, joined in. "Alright, alright, we'll consider it when you all grow up," she teased, her eyes meeting Soohyuk when he emerged from the bathroom.

Iseul chimed in happily when Soohyuk allowed her to call him daddy. "Of course, Mommy allowed me to do this! That's why I'm asking, hehe." she said in a cute way. "Yes, I'm going to be Daddy's princess, yay!! Also, Mommy just said earlier that she wants to marry you, Daddy."

Joohyun's eyes widened at the brutally honest confession from her daughter, causing her to panic and shake her head at Soohyuk eagerly. "That's not what I'm saying! I did not say a thing about it... hhhh..." Minjun and Nari burst into laughter at Joohyun's panicked state. "Ayee, but you just said you'll consider our oppa," teased Minjun.

At this moment, Joohyun wanted to bury herself underground as deep as possible.
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♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. "Whatever you say, Joohyun. You're still that adorable little kid who kept following me around." He continued to tease, chuckling softly at the other's adorable reaction. He had always been fond of her even when they were still children. Before the twins came, Joohyun was like the little sister he never had. Despite him treating her indifferently when they were younger, he had always looked out for her in his own ways. He excused himself for a moment to use the bathroom and made sure to tell the children to be careful to not be so rowdy when they all came running excitedly to the kitchen for dinner.

Thinking back, It was like around middle school when Soohyuk first met Joohyun. She was just as adorable as Iseul. If the young Joohyun and Iseul would meet now, there would be no difference. They acted the same and was just as smart and undeniably cute.

Soohyuk was playing with his peers at the park when young Joohyun came to him. She gently tugged on Soohyuk's sleeve, looking up at him with teary eyes, holding up her ruined teddy bear. Soohyuk was confused at first but soon realized the younger was asking him to fix the teddy bear she was holding. Of course, Soohyuk was annoyed at first having the younger interrupt his play and brushed her off the first time. "Where's your mommy huh? You should go back to her. now go." He shooed the young girl away, waving his hand and ran back to his friends and continued to play. After a while, the ball they were playing with went out of bounds and Soohyuk had to come get it and found the young Joohyun still at the spot she was earlier. Seeing the look on the young girl's face, he could only sigh in defeat and threw back the ball to his friends telling them to continue without him. His friends watched in bewilderment as he approached the young girl once more but this time, Soohyuk sat her at a nearby bench and carefully took the bear from her. "What happened little one?" He asked, talking to the bear but glanced at the young Joohyun for any response. Without waiting for the younger's response, Soohyuk made efforts to fix the bear, cleaning and dusting it off first with his white handkerchief. He didn't have the necessary things with him but he was able to at least fixed the bear in some way, tying up the white handkerchief around its arm like it was some kind of bandage and carefully handed the bear back to Joohyun. "Im sorry. This is all I can do. He'll heal and get better soon, okay? Don't worry." He assured the younger, gently patting her head as he did.
A woman then came, frantically coming over to Joohyun. "My God ive been looking around for you!" The woman said, checking on Joohyun then looked at Soohyuk. Not wanting to get into trouble, Soohyuk immediately explained what had happened and fortunately the woman did not react over the top. Soon he found out it was Joohyun's mother. He bid them goodbye, waving to them as they left and the young Joohyun would smile cutely for the first time to him. Eventually, It came a natural scene for Soohyuk and the young Joohyun to hang out at the park with Soohyuk acting a lot like Joohyun's older brother. They would always hang out until Soohyuk had to move away after his parent's untimely death. He didn't really think they would meet each other again not until they did and Joohyun needed all the help she could get. And just like how he helped her when they first met, Soohyuk did her best to help her out this time around too.

When Soohyuk came back from the bathroom he noticed how the twins, Iseul and Joohyun were looking at him. "Is something wrong?" He asked, blinking as he approached them and joined them in the kitchen. Iseul, being comfortable around Soohyuk immediately went to him and hugged his legs as she looked up cutely to the male. "Uncle! Can I call you daddy please?" She asked with no hesitation what so ever. Of course, Soohyuk was taken a back for a moment but he eventually broke into a soft smile as he bent down to the level of the girl and held her tiny hands in his. "Of course, Love. You can but is Mommy okay with that?" He asked the younger, looking briefly over to Joohyun. He doesn't mind Iseul calling him Daddy but he didn't want it to complicate things if ever Iseul's real father shows up. He also doesn't want to overstep his place in their lives. He returned his gaze to the younger and gently pinched her cheeks. "And if you're gonna call me Daddy, I would have to call you Princess then. Is that alright?" he added with an affectionate smile.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. "Don't worry, Noona. I'll make sure Iseul is safe!" Minjun's enthusiastic assurance brought a smile to Joohyun's face, and Nari's wise words resonated with the depth of their sibling bond. As they treated Iseul like a sister, Joohyun couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude for their presence in her daughter's life.

Soohyuk, ever the comforting figure, gently patted Joohyun's head, a gesture reminiscent of their childhood days. His words, spoken with sincerity, reminded her of the unwavering support they've shared over the years. " oh please, I'm not a child anymore oppa grrr. " joohyun grumbles in disagreement with her juts out lips before she laughs it off.

However, as the children excitedly prepared for dinner, Joohyun noticed a change in Iseul's demeanor. The little one tugged at Joohyun's sleeve, eyes glistening with innocence and vulnerability. "Mommy, why don't I have a daddy like others?" Iseul's question was accompanied by a quiet complaint about kids at daycare teasing her for not having a father. Joohyun's heart sank, and she knelt down, embracing Iseul in a reassuring hug. "Sweetheart, you have me, and I love you more than anything. We're a team, just you and me. Don't let what others say bother you."

As Iseul's eyes searched for comfort, Joohyun cast a grateful glance towards Soohyuk, silently appreciating the presence of their extended family. "Can I call uncle as my daddy?" asked iseul as joohyun choked on her saliva. Minjun and Nari already smiling to each others. "Well, that... you'll have to ask uncle....but doesn't it the same?" Iseul quickly shaking her head with her cute pout. "No."
♡﹕ lee soohyuk. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ bae joohyun. Once the door opened, the everyone just fell silent as they looked towards Joohyun with a warm smile, the trio siblings watching as the mother and daughter tandem had their moment. Despite's Joohyun's composure, Soohyuk could still see her worry and he understood it well. He felt the same with the twins when they were younger, always worrying about them.

"Don't worry, Noona. I'll make sure Iseul is safe!" Minjun replied enthusiastically, placing a hand on his chest as if swearing on his heart that he'd do just that. Nari simply shook his head at her brother, knowing the younger is being overly dramatic but the'd do just about anything for Iseul if needed. "Oppa did the same for us, Unnie so we're just doing what older siblings should be doing." She added, being more older and mature of the twins. They really treat Iseul like their own sister.

Seeing the female shed tears, Soohyuk could only shake his head with a gentle smile, placing a hand on her head and gently patted her, like he always do since they were kids. "You're thanking me like Im some kind of stranger. You know I'd do anything for them, especially this young lady right here." He said, glancing at Iseul then, who quickly beamed at her favorite uncle. "Now, go put your bags away guys. We wouldn't want to make the food waiting now, shall we?" He gestured the children to go on in and get ready for dinner before turning to the female. "And you. You worry too much. But then again, you're still a child yourself." He added the last bit in a teasing manner, gently pinching the female's cheeks.
♡﹕ bae joohyun. 6 months ago
@♡﹕ lee soohyuk. Joohyun, anxiously awaiting their arrival, constantly checks her phone for any updates. When Soohyuk's message finally comes through, she reads it with a mix of relief and concern. His words ease her worries, knowing that everyone is safe.

She heads to the kitchen and starts preparing a dinner that she knows Soohyuk and the kids would enjoy – perhaps his favorite dish or their comfort food that brings back fond memories. As the aroma fills her home, she reflects on the unique family they've become, connected by more than just blood.

As she continues to wait, Joohyun can't help but replay various scenarios in her mind. The doorbell finally rings, and she rushes to answer, greeted by Soohyuk, Iseul, and the twins. A wave of emotions floods over her – relief, gratitude, and a touch of worry for what might have transpired during the day. "Welcome back, everyone," Joohyun says with a tight smile, trying to hide her concern before she looks at her daughter and extends her arms so she can hold her. "I already made your favorite noodles; we can eat together with Uncle and the twins, okay?" assured Joohyun while patting her daughter's back.

She then turns to look up at Soohyuk and smiles, gesturing for him and the twins to step inside the house before closing the door behind. "Come and have dinner here, oppa. I already made something for us. As usual, make yourself at home. Ah, Minjun and Nari, before anything else, I do want to thank you guys for protecting Iseul. Please know that I'm very thankful and appreciate everything you guys have done for her. Your brother really does a good job in raising you both," she says with a smile beaming on her lips, along with her teary eyes. "I'm sorry; I just can't help but feel touched," she quickly wipes the visible tears from the corner of her eyes with small chuckles. "Eomma, please don't cry..."

Joohyun shaking her head at iseul with smiles. "I'm not crying, baby. It's just a dust got into my eyes." she look at soohyuk and chuckled. "and oppa, thank you for taking care of them today. I can't express how much it means to me." Her eyes convey both gratitude and a silent acknowledgment of the challenges they navigate as an unconventional family.


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pickles 5 months ago
omg the layout is so pretty
preciosa 5 months ago
imsosorry I went inactive- is it possible to get kazuha back and cc the fc? ;;
zerose 6 months ago
zerobaseone sung hanbin is ready to be yours truly!
hyperstellar 6 months ago
Actress Han Sohee is ready to be yours truly!
smolishpotats 6 months ago
Twice’s minatozaki sana is ready to be yours truly!
seunghan 6 months ago
nct lee donghyuck is ready to be yours truly!
_PrimRose_ 6 months ago
everglow wang yiren is ready to be yours truly!
creamsoda 6 months ago
exo park chanyeol is ready to be yours truely
AlexCross 7 months ago
Actor Lee Soohyuk is ready to be yours truly!
naevis 7 months ago
fromis 9’s lee chaeyoung is ready to be yours truly!
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