Text 07 Online Dating


Nam Joohyuk [A] 51 minutes ago
@Xiao Dejun Joohyuk chuckled. Dejun’s jealousy was so cute that Joohyuk figured even after he ended things with the other guy, he wouldn’t be so quick to tell Dejun. “You’re so confident—” Joohyuk laughed, enjoying Dejun’s trust. “—That I don’t do that with him.” His hands travelled further down to cup Dejun’s bottom, giving it a full and proper squeeze. He didn’t bother with the niceties, as usual, choosing to pull Dejun’s pants and underwear off at once in one swift motion. “Give me a kiss,” Joohyuk whispered, challenging Dejun to do his worst. “Show me how much you want me to you into oblivion tonight.”
Xiao Dejun [A] 18 hours ago
@Nam Joohyuk Joohyuk was saying all of those sappy and domineering things that Dejun could only wish to hear when they first met. It was enough to make him melt against the older with a smitten look in his eyes when the older pulled away from the kiss. "Mm," he agreed, even dipping his head to show his understanding. Dejun could only hope that this wasn't a dream of sorts, and that the man of his dreams was truly here to stay this time. His gaze became a little more clouded as he paid attention to Joohyuk's roaming hands, unconsciously tensing up his body in hopes of luring the older even more. "Do with me what you don't do with the other guy," Dejun requested, batting his eyelashes again wistfully.
Nam Joohyuk [A] 22 hours ago
@Xiao Dejun Joohyuk kissed Dejun back languidly, completely unhurried, as he d Dejun's waist, his hands hovering dangerously close to his bottom. He wanted to grab at it and Dejun in his hole until he was screaming and crying, begging Dejun never to let go. Dejun's lip between his own, chewing on it as if it were a tasty morsel. "Then you're all mine from now on," Joohyuk murmured, drawing away and leaving Dejun's lips coated in saliva. "You're only going to listen to me, and even if I'm away, you can only think of wanting me. You understand that?"
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 day ago
@Nam Joohyuk With each confessional word from Joohyuk's lips, Dejun could sense the doubt and worries he had about accepting the older melt away. Sure, they had gotten off to a rough start and Joohyuk didn't seem to be all that attracted to him, but things had eventually worked out in his favor, didn't they? Now that he could hear Joohyuk say the sappy words that Dejun had wanted to hear since the beginning, he was willing to work through all the other obstacles in their way together. "Eo...I do," he confessed back, smiling brightly as he decided to take charge and close the distance between them. Joohyuk probably had no clue how he had just set himself up to be kissed, but Dejun would take full advantage without letting him know. He leaned in and pressed their lips together, throwing an arm around Joohyuk's neck as he kept their bodies flush against each other as well.
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 day ago
@Xiao Dejun When Dejun snuggled up, Joohyuk closed his arms to trap the younger against him. "I like you," Joohyuk confessed obediently. He was close enough to count each fluffy, individual lash on Dejun's eyes. "I want to be with you so badly... I want you to be mine, and mine alone." Caressing Dejun's waist, Joohyuk leaned in ever so closely, still without touching Dejun's lips. He wanted Dejun to kiss him of his own volition, to flesh out his desperation so he would eventually fully depend on Joohyuk, and only need Joohyuk. "You want to be mine, baby?"
Xiao Dejun [A] 2 days ago
@Nam Joohyuk Since Joohyuk was the one beckoning him, Dejun didn't feel shy at all to plant himself on the older's thighs, settling back so that he was nestled against the curve of Joohyuk's body. "Good," Dejun murmured, ignoring the curling tendrils of steam wafting upwards from the teapot, "Then stay tonight." He turned so that he could get a good look at Joohyuk's face. His eyelashes flickered up and down as he eyed Joohyuk's lips, then his eyes, a few times back and forth. Finally, he sighed, and he said what he had been holding in his heart all this time, "What you said over text last time...about liking me, and wanting me...tell me again in person. I want to hear it."
Nam Joohyuk [A] 2 days ago
@Xiao Dejun Joohyuk smirked, even if Dejun couldn't see, and detached from the younger to fetch cups. Once they took a seat, waiting for their tea to cool, Dejun finally asked the question Joohyuk was waiting for. "I've got time," Joohyuk said. He was sitting deep against the couch, his legs spread slight, his posture relaxed, welcoming. If Joohyuk kept waiting for Dejun to make a move, he'd be waiting all night. "Come here," Joohyuk said with a beckoning finger. "You're sitting so far, baby."
Xiao Dejun [A] 3 days ago
@Nam Joohyuk Truly, Dejun felt that it was unfair for a man to be as good looking as Joohyuk was /and/ have the skills to be so smooth in winning him over. He tensed up as the older inhaled his scent, even feeling a little self-conscious in that moment. "I've been sweating all day-" he tried to defend himself, though he wasn't even sure if he sounded that believable. "Uhmm...how about you get two cups? They're in the cupboard right above us," Dejun said, finding it quite convenient that he wouldn't have to reach too high in this case. Once the water boiled, he added it to the tea leaves and let them expand and change the water's color. He gestured for Joohyuk to follow him over to the living room space, and set their cups down on the coffee table. "You have to go home right away tonight?" Dejun asked, feeling bolder when he was the one calling the shots, "Will you stay?"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 3 days ago
@Xiao Dejun Although he was dismissed, Joohyuk wound his arms around Dejun's waist. Dejun was the perfect height for Joohyuk to rest his chin over his shoulder, the tip of his nose brushing against Dejun's earlobe. "I don't know... that feels a little rude of me, making you toil while I wait for tea." He leaned in, as if he was going to kiss Dejun, but all he did was inhale his scent deeply, closing his eyes to catch little hints of jasmine and musk from the younger. "Tell me how I can help."
Xiao Dejun [A] 4 days ago
@Nam Joohyuk Dejun brewed tea all the time, since that was his Baba's favorite drink. He didn't think there'd ever be a time when his hands would feel so incompetent as he fumbled with the tea leaves and almost missed his mark when pouring them into the little teapot. Joohyuk's presence didn't often unravel him, but maybe it was the special circumstances of which they were trying to establish what their relationship actually was that threw Dejun off the slightest. "Oh-" he gasped, blinking rapidly and swallowing hard as he /felt/ Joohyuk's tall presence looming from behind him. "No...just...go sit over there!" he exclaimed, flicking his chin towards the couch. It was his inner morality fighting with his selfish desires. He wanted Joohyuk to be all his, but could he really lay his claim on the older when he knew there was a third party in all of this too?
Nam Joohyuk [A] 5 days ago
@Xiao Dejun Joohyuk's lips crooked up further on one side when Dejun admitted he didn't want Joohyuk to leave yet. He had always been bold, but tonight was special, and he knew Dejun felt it too. "Sure," Joohyuk said, pushing off the doorframe. He left his shoes at the entrance and followed Dejun into the kitchen, standing close behind him as he set up a teapot. Besides innocent touches all day, they hadn't done all the wild things they usually partook in right away, as if they didn't want to waste any time. "Need any help?" he asked lowly, his lips right by Dejun's ear.
Xiao Dejun [A] 5 days ago
@Nam Joohyuk Dejun had gone on a few dates with older men before, but he had to admit, Joohyuk was truly the first one to make him crave more and more as the night went on. He didn't want them to go their separate ways, so he took his time eating dinner and he walked extra slowly as he held onto Joohyuk's arm. Nevermind the fact that there was someone else that Joohyuk was supposed to be committed to, Dejun truly couldn't imagine himself with anyone else. Once they arrived at his apartment though, his hands were still gripping onto Joohyuk's jacket sleeve. "Mm," he answered, swaying side to side sheepishly, "I did...but not enough fun yet," he said, batting his eyelashes at the older. When he saw the look on Joohyuk's face that told him the older wouldn't leave yet, Dejun mumbled, "Come in...I'll make you tea."
Nam Joohyuk [A] 5 days ago
@Xiao Dejun "Ah, I know a guy," Joohyuk said casually with a wave of his hand. "I'm glad you liked it." By the time they finished walking around the zoo, the sun had mostly set. Joohyuk took Dejun to a nicer restaurant—nothing too luxurious, but something nicer than the casual eateries they frequented. If he was going to make it official tonight, it had to be special to mark the occasion. Dinner was a success with Dejun as well, but Joohyuk knew the night was just beginning as he took Dejun home. He walked Dejun all the way up to his apartment, knowing he would be invited in even if he didn't ask. "Did you have fun today?" he asked, standing at the doorway to wait for his invite.
Xiao Dejun [A] 6 days ago
@Nam Joohyuk Joohyuk was so forward! They were not even an official couple yet and the older was already asking for them to have a picture together. Secretly, Dejun was quite impressed by the move. He posed with Jangsoon in the back, and then resumed feeding her the last few leaves until it was time to go. Waving good bye towards the giraffe enclosure, Dejun had a little spring in his step as he waited for Joohyuk to analyze where on the map they would visit next. "It was so fun!" he recounted, pulling out his phone to view the pictures and video once they got a chance to wash their hands. "How did you get us up there to feed her though?"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 6 days ago
@Xiao Dejun "I got it," Joohyuk said, double checking the footage before he returned the phone to Dejun. He split his leaf pile to give half to the younger, leaving himself only a few leaves. Dejun was right—Jangsoon was very soft, if not a little grimy as well. On their last leaf, Joohyuk asked the keeper to take a photo of them together with the giraffe. Once they were done petting the beast, Joohyuk had Dejun bid her farewell, and they walked out of the giraffe pavilion to finish their day at the zoo. "That tongue was crazy," Joohyuk said, picking Dejun's hand up again. "If it touched my hand, I might have died."
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk Oh? So Joohyuk knew a thing or two about taking candids? Perhaps this old man that Dejun was interested in could be tech-saavy afterall, the younger jokingly thought in his head. He nodded, turning around to face the pregnant giraffe as he offered her yet another leaf. She was a gentle soul, chewing thoroughly before sticking her tongue out in a silent request for more. As Dejun continued to feed her, he also reached his free hand out to touch her along her snout. The hand that fed Jangsoon then retracted, making for a perfect candid shot. "Wahhh, you're pretty soft," he told Jangsoon, "You like that?" As he finished petting her, he offered another leaf to her, this time addressing Joohyuk, "Did you get it yet?"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun “Sure,” Joohyuk agreed, letting go of Dejun so he could stand on his own for the shot, even adding a leaf from his pile to Dejun’s so he could enjoy it for a little longer. “You want to try to pet him this time?” he encouraged, bringing up the possibility that was mentioned before. He took another step back to get Dejun in the shot—Dejun was extremely photogenic. He was so immortally handsome even through a screen that aside from awe, Joohyuk was a little jealous. “Stop looking over this way, Jangsoon’s about to eat your hand,” Joohyuk teased. “Just act natural. I got you.”
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk Dejun liked animals, he really did. But he had never gotten the chance to be so close to one this big before! He watched with his teeth clenched together as Joohyuk fed Jangsoon a leaf. It looked like she was already used to grabbing the food and leaving the hand untouched. Seeing that it wasn't dangerous, and that Jangsoon could lean im more than he expected, Dejun nodded and picked a leaf from his own pile. "Okay," he muttered, talking to himself, "Okay...I'm coming...Jangsoon-ah, I'm coming!" He extended his arm, though his feet still stayed rooted in place. Jangsoon tilted her head, as if wondering why this human stood so awkwardly near her. After a moment's hesitation, her large tongue lapped up the leaf from Dejun's hand. "Wahh!" Dejun exclaimed, beaming from his success, "Good job Jangsoonie!" Now that he had gotten a feel for the feeding, Dejun wanted more. "It's not so bad!" he exclaimed, "Can you record a video for me?" he asked Joohyuk, taking his phone out to prepare for a recording.
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun "There's nothing to be afraid of," Joohyuk said, finding it quite odd that Dejun, usually so brave, would cower behind him over an innocent giraffe. Oddness aside, it was very endearing, and Joohyuk pressed a little closer to shield Dejun properly. "See?" Joohyuk picked out a leaf and extended it. The giraffes tongue curled around the leaf, and the entire branch was jerked from Joohyuk's hand with a little more force than Joohyuk was expecting. "She's not going to hurt you. You want to try now?"
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk To be so up close and center with the giraffe, Dejun was nervous at first. They were bigger than he expected (and je already did go in with some expectations), and the size of the giraffe's thick, purple tongue made feeding just a /tad/ bit scary. "Eo...hi Jangsoon-ah," he greeted the giraffe, though he made no attempt to touch or feed her yet. Instead, after learning more aboit her pregnancy, Dejun found himself hiding behind Joohyuk, "Hyung you first! I'm scaredd!"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun "Right away, your highness," Joohyuk said, leading Joohyuk to the back entrance of the giraffe building. Although his friend wasn't there, he had left the keeper in charge instructions, and they were brought to the giraffe pens in the back, away from public view. "Her name is Jangsoon," the keeper explained as she prepared bundles of leaves for them, "and she's pregnant with her first calf! A giraffe's gestation period is around fourteen to sixteen months. Jangsoon is about twelve months along, so our zoo will welcome a baby very soon. Here." The keeper passed a bundle to Dejun, and one to Joohyuk. "You can feed these one at a time, and when she's eating you can rub the top of her face."
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk With the map as their guide, Dejun and Joohyuk strategically moved their way around the zoo to see wll the as many of the animals as they could. Maybe it was because Joohyuk had been given a lot to take care of that week, since their relationship was on the line, but he had a lot to say, and seemed much more eager to talk and engage with Dejun this time around. It was all too exciting and picturesque for Dejun, but when Joohyuk led them towards the giraffe enclosure with a special offer to /feed/ the majestic creatures, Dejun's eyes shone brightly and he bounded into Joohyuk's chest, "Yes!! I do! Where? How? Show me!" he demanded.
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun For the next half of the day, Joohyuk took the lead in bringing Dejun around and explaining the wall plaques of information to him. It was more exhausting than he initially thought to play tour guide, but it was actually worth it to see the sweet smile on Dejun's face. Dejun had a very pretty smile, and Joohyuk was enamoured with how bold he was—nothing like the meek and quiet Seunghwan back in Busan. Seeing Dejun's face actually made Joohyuk /want/ to take him around, even if his feet were begging for a rest. They had left the most exciting areas for last, and as they walked up to the giraffe pavilion, Joohyuk said, "I have a surprise for you." He had actually called up the favour with his friend at the very last moment, only days ago when he proposed to Dejun that he would take him on a special date. "Do you want to feed the giraffes?"
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk At this stage of their courtship, it was safe to say that there were multiple roads to Dejun's heart. The moment Joohyuk bravely stepped up to put his body between the cage and Dejun, the younger's heart swooned. He grabbed at Joohyuk dramatically though, as though venom were going to be sprayed at any moment. "No! I don't want it to spit on /you/!" he countered. He latched onto Joohyuk's arm again, smiling two rows of pearly whites at his handsome suitor, "What other animals are in this area? Let's go see them!"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun 'Cool' was probably not the best word to describe the enormous lizard in the middle of the pit in the reptile house. It was lazy and terrifying at the same time, but if Dejun was interested, then Joohyuk was also interested. Since Joohyuk was the local here, he took it upon himself to read the facts for Dejun. "It's a Komodo dragon," Joohyuk reported. "It can run extremely fast and is venomous to humans and other prey. Huh—if it's venomous, why is it in an open pit here?" Joohyuk pulled Dejun back a step, putting his own body between Dejun and the fencing. "I don't want it to spit venom on you."
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk The dinosaur name that Joohyuk gave him sounded too foreign on his tongue, so Dejun just tilted his head and tried to play it cool. "Eo...I'll take it!" he accepted. Since Joohyuk had clearly labeled that brotosausage to be cute, then who was Dejun to refute him? The first animals that they came upon were the typical iguanas and chameleons, all of which were housed in glass displays that had looming tree branches to simulate their actual habitat. Dejun gave them a few glances before moving on, eventually coming across an emerald snake. "This one's pretty cool," he hummed, though the largest exhibit clearly caught his attention. It was the komodo dragon, which looked like it was just sunbathing and drooling. The description that was displayed just outside of the large exhibit to introduce it seemed to be a huge contrast to the seemingly dazed reptile. "Woah! This thing's pretty deadly!" he announced to Joohyuk, though he didn't have the actual patience to read through the whole bulletin. "It's pretty cool looking to me!"
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun Joohyuk blinked. "Is that a compliment or an insult?" he asked. Now that Dejun brought it up, Joohyuk did see the resemblance. High cheekbones, sharp teeth, and an attitude that filled whatever space Dejun occupied. Very dinosaur-like. "Well, if you were a dinosaur, I think you would make a cute brontosaurus." The reptile pavilion was humid, making their connected hands feel quite sticky, but Joohyuk held on still. The reptiles were not like dinosaurs at all, so Joohyuk was beginning to feel like the comment was an insult. "Look at that ugly lizard," Joohyuk pointed out. "I don't like how he's lying down like that."
Xiao Dejun [A] 1 week ago
@Nam Joohyuk The name of their destination alone already sounded promising, so Dejun nodded in approval at Joohyuk's very promising response. Though they had been seeing each other quite often for the past few weeks in a row, Dejun felt that today had a different aura surrounding them. After all, he himself had made it clear that if Joohyuk acted well today, then Dejun would be his boyfriend again. He had been restraining himself for the past few weeks, but as they finished up their breakfast and finally got to the zoo entrance together, he could really lean into the thought of being a happy couple with Joohyuk, with nothing to hold them back. "Let's go!" he exclaimed, raising his thick brows playfully at the older, "My mama said I look like a dinosaur sometimes. Let's go see my relatives!" he joked.
Nam Joohyuk [A] 1 week ago
@Xiao Dejun "Seoul Grand Park, of course," Joohyuk said, tightening his arm to hug Dejun's against his side. It was easy to date a foreigner, since it was unlikely Dejun had been to all the typical date places yet, zoo included. "It's the biggest zoo we have. But, let's get breakfast first. It's going to be a lot of walking." Joohyuk took Dejun for a simple breakfast—sandwiches and a coffee, before they were off again, arriving at the zoo at eleven. Being the weekend, and as Seoul entered the summer months, it was busy, but Joohyuk kept Dejun close with their linked hands. They studied a map first before Joohyuk decided, "Let's go clockwise. Reptile house first."
Xiao Dejun [A] 2 weeks ago
@Nam Joohyuk The flowers that Joohyuk presented to Dejun was a nice, romantic touch that melted the younger's heart even more. He accepted the fresh bouquet with both hands and took a step back, welcoming Joohyuk inside. "Thanks," he chirped, "Just come inside for a bit. I'm almost ready." Dejun had to accessorize with his favorite hat and sunglasses before he could leave the house! After he set the flowers in a mug filled with water, he grabbed his belongings and beckoned for Joohyuk to follow him outside. "I'm ready!" Dejun announced, reaching out to take Joohyuk by the arm once he had locked up behind him. "So! Which zoo are you taking me to?" he asked, wondering if Joohyuk had truly done his research as he promised he would.


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unevenstars 4 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 1 year ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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