WinYang School


Dong Sicheng [A] 13 hours ago
@Liu Yangyang Sicheng may have been the one who initiated the kiss, but he felt like he was the one being thrown in a for a loop. He had steeled his nerves, preparing himself to be pushed off or slapped as the result of being so invasive towards Yangyang, who was technically here as Sicheng's /student/ right now. Instead of all that, he was kissed so had that he felt like his tongue was almost being pulled out his mouth, and his lips were suctioned tightly against Yangyang with no way of escaping. His brows scrunched together as he tried to keep up with the younger's kiss, and he tried to process all of the emotions that went into their aggressive lip lock. Yangyang had gone about his crush in a very different way, but perhaps it was because of his unique approach that it really clung to Sicheng, and he started to wonder when and where along the way had Yangyang really already made a place for himself in Sicheng's heart already.
Liu Yangyang [A] 19 hours ago
@Dong Sicheng "You what?" Yangyang deadpanned. Did Sicheng think he could use the same trick Yangyang was using? Stupid. Yangyang got up to leave, only to find his path to the door blocked by Sicheng. Before he could do anything—yell, push, struggle—Sicheng held him in place and their lips met in a firm kiss. Yangyang only allowed himself a split second of confusion before he grabbed at Sicheng's face, cupping Sicheng's smooth cheeks against Yangyang's palms, and kissed him back just as hard, if not harder. His tongue danced against Sicheng's lips before pushing past them forcefully, pulling Sicheng against him. He liked Sicheng for real, probably. He wanted to kiss Sicheng more often outside of the kissing booth and when he was trying to mess with Sicheng's mind.
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 day ago
@Liu Yangyang In front of most people, Sicheng kept his cool pretty well. He was level-headed and spoke his mind without needing to add his emotions into it. Yangyang was a different story though. As he sat there, listening to the barrage of insults that were thrown his way, Sicheng thought that his mouth had sealed itself shut. Had he really ruined Yangyang's life beyond repair? And the last thing he wanted to do was gloat, but somehow the younger was fixated on that. "Wait-" he said, seeing the script that was basically just a piece of trash now. "I know this is a lot to process right now, but I've been thinking about what you said before." Sicheng had never confessed before, and he felt like his heart was going come up and out of his throat as he reveled in his feelings towards Yangyang. "You did all those things because you liked me. I was thinking about...and I think I...feel the same way too." Was he groveling now? That's what it sounded like. But, Yangyang didn't look the least bit moved by it. So, Sicheng acted out of desperation. He got up out of his chair and closed the distance between them. Before anything else could stop his guts, he pressed his lips against Yangyang's and kissed him hard and square.
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 day ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang eyed the cup of coffee before him. Sicheng definitely poisoned it. Yangyang wasn't stupid, especially not when Sicheng made a scathing comment like that. He left the cup untouched, leaned back in his chair, and crossed his arms tight over his chest. "Talk about what?" he demanded, his voice hard as his stare. "Dong Sicheng, there is nothing I want to talk to you about. I don't want anything to do with you. From this moment on, we're nothing more than strangers. I'm going to request to change my tutorial section after this. You've ruined my life enough, and now you want to gloat?" Rummaging in his bag, Yangyang pulled out Sicheng's script. He had been keeping it with him for a few weeks now, although he wasn't sure why. It was such a waste of space in his bag, and now tormenting Sicheng didn't hold the same appeal as it used to. He stood up and slammed the script onto the desk. "Take it back. Now we're even, so stop bothering me."
Dong Sicheng [A] 2 days ago
@Liu Yangyang Sicheng was starting to get in and over his head with worry about whether or not Yangyang would actually show up. Maybe the last chance he thought he had didn't really exist after all. And if Yangyang /did/ show up, what exactly had Sicheng planned to say to him? He thought he should just treat this as another scene in his script and act like he normally would as the main character. Perhaps dramatizing it would make the whole situation less awkward for Sicheng.

Yangyang did eventually show up, though it wasn't the encounter that Sicheng had hoped for. "Oh," Sicheng said, trying to process which assignment was talking about. He shook his head, pulling out the chair that was next to him. "It's not about your assignment. I wanted to talk to you," he said, pushing a small cup of coffee forward. "This is for you," Sicheng murmured, "The same caramel machiatto you took from me last time..." He was half expecting Yangyang to just dump it in the trashcan like last time, but it was worth a shot. "Can you stay for a while? Let'"
Liu Yangyang [A] 2 days ago
@Dong Sicheng Office hours with Sicheng? Yangyang nearly crushed his phone reading the email on the screen. Once, office hours with that boy was the highlight of Yangyang's week, where he would torment Sicheng to his heart's content. Now, that place was going to become Yangyang's personal hell, being trapped in there with Sicheng. He considered skipping, but that demon would probably mess with his grades if Yangyang didn't show up. So, Friday afternoon, he begrudgingly slinked to Sicheng's office. He was half expecting to see Kim Minjeong already there, but to his unpleasant surprise, she wasn't, meaning there was no one to take the brunt of Sicheng's attention from him. Yangyang sat across the table with a heavy sigh. "What?" were the first words out of his mouth. "What do you want? Did my last assignment not go through? I downloaded the receipt from the submission drop box, so I'll just show you and we'll both be on our ways."
Dong Sicheng [A] 3 days ago
@Liu Yangyang Yangyang didn't seem the least bit interested in having an extra pair of hands to help. Sicheng stayed anyways. He continued to ruminate about what he could say to Yangyang, but every time he turned his head to say something, the somber expression on Yangyang's face reminded him that he welcome here to begin with. It was rather shocking really, since Yangyang had been so adamant that he liked Sicheng, but it seemed like a switch had been turned off overnight. When they finished, Sicheng thought about asking for what was left of his mangled script back from the younger, but Yangyang had stormed off before he could even get in a word of good-bye.

With nothing else up his sleeve, Sicheng had to resort to using his position of power. He sent an email to Yangyang, requesting him to drop by during his next Office Hours so they could discuss some matters. Leaving it vague, Sicheng hoped that it would give him some leeway to bring up some personal matters between them. Since he wanted to have this conversation with Yangyang alone, he sent an email informing the rest of his section that he would not be available for that particular day's Office Hours, and would be holding a makeup section at a different time in the following week.
Liu Yangyang [A] 3 days ago
@Dong Sicheng Just what the on earth was Sicheng up to now? Yangyang didn't think he'd be brave enough to shred costumes beneath Yangyang and the security camera's eyes, yet he insisted on staying. It was suspicious through and through. "Whatever," Yangyang muttered, making sure to keep Sicheng in his peripherals. "If you up my costumes, I'll kill you myself." Whatever the reason was, there was just no conceivable way Sicheng was doing this out of the goodness of his heart. Yangyang did not trust him one bit. He kept silent the entire time they cleaned the costumes, and when they were done he forced Sicheng to leave with him, making sure to lock the door behind him. With only a glare, he was off, desperate to put the weird experience behind him.
Dong Sicheng [A] 4 days ago
@Liu Yangyang Yangyang had always been slick with his tongue. Sharp, too. Sicheng naturally averted the other's gaze as he was reminded of the time that he had very shamefully sabotaged Yangyang's costume. In the moment, he had been overcome with anger that he acted without thinking. The poor freshmen that he sabotaged would never know that he was the mastermind behind it all, and they'd have to live with that performance down in their acting histories. Sicheng didn't like that feeling of being so turned away so drastically, and he almost caved to Yangyang's bidding, but he stopped after stepping back two paces. "I'm not here to try anything," Sicheng said, taking note of what Yangyang was working on. He looked around the room, hoping to locate another brush. Luckily, there was one on the countertop in front of him. "You've been working late these past few nights. What can I do to help? You can just tell me what to do, and I won't get in your way."
Liu Yangyang [A] 4 days ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang could be an actor, too. As soon as he heard the voice, he made sure Sicheng was greeted with a grimace. "Oh, it's you," he said. "Your idea of 'help' is probably going to cut my costume to shreds again, so no thanks. And yeah, I'm here by myself, but don't forget Kun-ge set up a security camera to catch the costume-sabotager, so don't even think of trying anything funny." With a scoff, his nose upturned, Yangyang continued to brush at the arm of the suede jacket he held. Although he had been ruminating revenge, the sight of Sicheng filled his heart with ache. Why did Sicheng have to reject his fake-confession so cruelly? "I think you've ruined my life enough, so just leave me alone. You got what you wanted, didn't you? I don't even want to see your stupid face again."
Dong Sicheng [A] 5 days ago
@Liu Yangyang After coming to his realization at the Speed Dating mixer, Sicheng had the weekend to think over his emotions. He supposed that liking Yangyang wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, since the younger had clearly just latched onto him like glue. Perhaps, if he thought about it from the perspective of being liked by an underclassman who didn't know how else to get his attention, then the itch powder, the incessant office hour visits, and the attempt to learn his coffee order...were not too bad. Joohyuk must've been some kind of master at love, because not only did he start the relationship that he said he would, he was correct about Sicheng and Yangyang's too.

So, after coming to that understanding, Sicheng figured he could try and make things clear with Yangyang at their next office hours. He'd explain to Yangyang how he understood the situation, and that he'd be willing to let bygones be bygones. The only thing wrong with his plan, other than the fact that he'd never confessed to anyone before, was that Yangyang didn't show up to his office hours. Not the first time, and not the second time too. Sicheng didn't quite understand, since the younger /always/ came, since the start of the term. He came to class, but promptly disappeared when the professor finished the lecture. Sicheng thought he caught sight of Yangyang working closely with the costume design team at the theater club room, but the younger had not even turned his head to give Sicheng a chance to catch his attention.

With all of those anomalies present, Sicheng started to wonder if he was ever going to get the chance to have the conversation with Yangyang. Once more, he found himself doing the unusual - he sought Yangyang out himself. Last he heard, Yangyang was really keeping his promise to Kun to work hard in preparing the costumes. Sicheng knew that he was working on the newest set after his classes, so he decided to pop in after his script-writing meeting. He caught sight of Yangyang first, and hesitated to actually move forward, but he froze in his steps when the younger caught him without even turning his head. Sicheng swallowed the lump in his throat, straightened himself up, and stepped further into the room, smelling the faint dusty scent of costume fabrics around him. "Hey," he greeted, "You're here by yourself? Would you like some help?"
Liu Yangyang [A] 5 days ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang had enough of Dong Sicheng's bull for the time being, he decided. He had midterms coming up, an entire new set of costumes to recreate after the last ones were torn to shreds, and he had to help Dejun navigate his new relationship, which had taken off after the Speed Dating event. He rarely saw Sicheng anymore outside of class and club rehearsals—he had even completely abandoned the idea of harassing Sicheng at his office hours. It was pointless, and seeing Kim Minjeong's face filled Yangyang with rage for inexplicable reasons. He was better off spending his time maintaining the costumes in the club's storage room, so no one could accuse him of being a fake again. It was one of those costume cleaning evenings, after a long rehearsal, that cursed man appeared again. Yangyang was brushing a coat when he heard a noise from behind the rack. "Who's there?" he called out, wary. No one would usually be around the costumes but him... him or some costume-sabotaging son of a . "Don't hide, I heard you."
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang Sicheng's mind was running in circles as he debated on if he should try to start up another conversation with Yangyang before. That alone, was enough for him to start questioning whether or not something was wrong with him. In the past, Sicheng never had the thought of talking to someone else like this, and especially not if they had treated him the way Yangyang did. When the time was up, he still had not opened his mouth though, and he stood up to rotate. Clearly it was Yangyang who was the problem though, since Sicheng didn't experience any such turbulence with his emotions for anyone else that he was matched up with.

At the end of the night, he and Joohyuk were so separated that Sicheng could only hope that his friend was able to connect with the one he was interested in. He had pretty much given up on looking for Joohyuk too, and was going to head out after a text. The flower that had been given to him at the beginning was still in his hand though, and he thought he'd just give it to Yangyang. If anything, it might help him answer some of the questions in his head. Sicheng had made it to just about ten paces away from Yangyang before he watched Yangyang hand off his flower. It was to some other guy whose face Sicheng had not seen before, nor would he have noticed easily. Quickly, he hid his rose behind his back and dipped away, his heart beating in double time. As he escaped the building to catch a breath of fresh air, Sicheng finally seemed to come to his senses. He...liked Liu Yangyang.
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang rolled his eyes when Sicheng was actually shut up by a few words. He still needed to enact his revenge on the older, but for now and for the next few weeks, Yangyang needed to calm down and recollect himself. Sicheng's rejection meant nothing, he told himself. When the buzzer rang, Yangyang kept his eyes on the next person approaching his table, rather than watch Sicheng leave. He hated how bothered he felt. He had been so kind to Sicheng for the past few weeks, and he was repaid with scorn. him. Yangyang focused on his last partner—a fellow freshman named Lee Donghyuk, who was petite and friendly.

Once the last round of the meet-and-greet was over, it was time for the rose giving. In true Bachelor style, Yangyang figured only half of them should have roses, but Dejun's crush's friend, who was apparently club leader, had the stupid idea to give /everyone/ roses. Although he wasn't interested in Donghyuk at all, Yangyang figured he would give his rose to him, since he was the only one Yangyang could hold a somewhat decent conversation with. If Sicheng hadn't pissed him off so much, especially since the last tutorial section, Yangyang would've graced Sicheng with his attention instead.
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang As a person, Sicheng was unbothered by most things. He lived life without thinking too much into what other people thought or said. As an actor, he was high strung when it came to comments about his appearance or voice. After all, he relied on those things to make it big. Yangyang's jab at his voice made him feel rather uncomfortable, but Sicheng didn't want to play into the younger's web of trickery. He'd ultimately regret trying to make conversation with Yangyang, whether the younger actually liked him or not. Sicheng sighed as he leaned back in his seat, staring at the rose in Yangyang's hand. He wasn't sure if he should feel nervous of the guy who would ultimately win that rose that night, or if he should feel something else entirely.
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng Was Sicheng actually trying to speak to him? Yangyang's scowl deepened. He didn't want Sicheng to think he was desperate enough to look for a partner at a speed dating event, but he didn't want Sicheng to know about Dejun's plan, either, in case he tried to ruin it out of spite. "What's it to you?" he snapped, crossing his arms and looking to the side. Sicheng really had the nerve after he said such hateful things to Yangyang, who poured his heart out to him. Granted, it was pretend, but Sicheng had been ruthless. "Just be quiet. I don't want to hear your ugly voice."
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang How Joohyuk had oh-so conveniently forgotten to mention that the actual speed dating activity would require them to be separated was beyond Sicheng. He was ushered towards the middle floor where tables had been set up for two individuals to sit across from each other. Little did he know it then, but the conversations were only going to get a whole lot more uncomfortable as he was lined up to begin the rotations. As the MC for the evening began the rotations timer, Sicheng found himself meeting new people who were all too eager to exchange contact information with him. His gaze kept wandering though, wondering why Joohyuk had ended up somewhere halfway across the room from him. As he was moved from table to table listlessly, he suddenly sat down in front of a very familiar face. It made his heart drop.

Yangyang was sitting right across from him. Sicheng's first thought was to think that this was yet another one of the younger's tricks where he'd be up to no good to make a fool out of him again. But then, the confession (if that's what it could be called) from yesterday also played itself in Sicheng's mind once more. He was at a loss for words, but it seemed Yangyang was too. Were they expected to sit here for ten minutes in silence then? For once, Sicheng cleared his throat and asked first, "Didn't expect to see you here. Are you having any luck?"
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng Who did Sicheng think he was, anyway? Yangyang kept an eye on him as he milled about, but there was no way he was going to approach Sicheng first. Soon, the actual Speed Date itself started, and Yangyang was placed on the stationary side of the table while Sicheng was placed on the rotating side. That meant eventually, they would be seated together. Knowing this, Yangyang didn't have it in him to get to know his partners, keeping his conversations quite dry. He needed to save his breath to rip into Sicheng if he dared even look at him the wrong way. Partner after partner they rotated, until Sicheng was finally sitting in the chair in front of Yangyang. Yangyang shot him a glare, then looked down at his lap to play with the plastic rose he was assigned. He had all these words prepared, but all of a sudden, none of them wanted to come out.
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang This type of social gathering attracted many types of people, and they were all very attractive in their own ways. Objectively, there wasn't an ugly person in the mix to Sicheng. But, he didn't feel any sort of special connection with any of the people he had been trying to make conversation with. And while he was kind enough to politely reject the people who asked to exchange contact information with him, his disengagement didn't seem to deter other new people from trying to approach him. Sicheng didn't consider himself to be extremely handsome or anything, and was here mainly to support Joohyuk, but as more people started showing up to the mixer, and there seemed to be no sign of the guy that Joohyuk was looking for, Sicheng got more antsy. As he fielded a few general questions from the man named Yuta about his theater major, Sicheng glanced around, absentmindedly replaying the confession that Yangyang had given him yesterday. Weird as it was, love and hate seemed to be emotions that could easily be confused for each other. When he thought about the huffy tone in Yangyang's voice, coupled with the way the younger had stormed off, a part of Sicheng wondered what he would do if he and Yangyang had met in different circumstances. If they were to come across each other at a speed dating night like this, would his heart still make that same fluttery beat like yesterday?
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng "Easy," Yangyang said, even though the last thing he wanted to do was talk to Sicheng at the time. Yet, he wasn't pleased that Sicheng was actually talking to others at the mixer. "Don't worry," he said to Dejun. "I got this. You focus on that man." He didn't exactly agree that Dejun wanted to go after Dong Sicheng's friend, because any friend of Dong Sicheng was bound to be an , too. "Go talk to him before the speed dating event starts, or someone else will catch his eye," Yangyang said. In the meantime, he lingered close to Dong Sicheng, picking up a drink from the refreshment table and striking up a conversation with another freshman he vaguely knew from Mandarin class.
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang Sicheng didn't think much of the mixer, since he wasn't the one trying to score that night anyways. All he knew was that Joohyuk wanted him to stick around close so that if there were any girls who approached them, it'd be easier to help each other out of the situation when Joohyuk 'inevitably' had to help Sicheng with a problem. Clearly, they were only here for one person, but Sicheng didn't know exactly who it was. So, the best he could do was try to be cordial and calm his nerves as Joohyuk talked his way through the bumbling crowd. At some point, Joohyuk had pushed him forward to have a conversation with two men who seemed interested in chatting, so Sicheng awkwardly made conversation with them, doing more listening than talking.

Dejun, on the other hand, had eyes as sharp as a hawk. Only minutes after entering the building, he had already located Joohyuk's tall stature amongst the rest of the crowd, and Dejun didn't want to waste a moment to get over to Joohyuk's side so that things could move forward between them. The only problem was, Joohyuk was nearby to none other that Dong Sicheng himself! How was Dejun going to make his move when Dong Sicheng was known to ruin all the good things for himself and Yangyang? There could only be one plan of attack, so Dejun pulled Yangyang in by his arm, and pointed a finger to Joohyuk, "That's the guy," he whispered to his friend, "But...he and that Dong Sicheng guy are always walking near each other...we have to separate them somehow!"
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng Joohyuk couldn't hold back his excitement. "You're the best," he said, reaching over the desk to ruffle Sicheng's hair affectionately. "Alright, alright. You can leave as soon as I get him. But you're welcome to stay too, you know," Joohyuk said with a shrug. "Who knows? Maybe you'll meet your special someone there." In the four years he had known Sicheng, the younger was always so immersed in his studies that he never showed anyone interest. "Now tell me what Yangyang did again."

"Oh!" Yangyang stood up in his seat, his chair scraping back and attracting the attention of the patrons in the cafe. "Yes! If anyone looks in that guy's direction, I'm gonna harass them or seduce them out of the way! That guy belongs to you, I promise." The rest of the evening was spent picking their outfits for the speed dating event, which was the light activity Yangyang needed rather than venting about that prick Dong Sicheng. He helped Dejun curate the perfectly coy and attractive outfit for his moment, and the next night after dinner together in the dining hall, they were off.

The social night was as Yangyang expected — bustling and full, with lots of attractive young men and women. The only thing he did not expect was to see Dong Sicheng there, conversing with two other men. Yangyang scowled, gripping Dejun's arm. "That stupid motherer is here. I'm going to have to keep an eye on him... to make sure he doesn't ruin your night."
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang Office hours just needed to be over today. Sicheng sat in his chair and turned towards the door, praying with all his heart to the heavens above that no one else would walk into the room asking for his help today. He could barely help himself at this point, so helping others was even more beyond his mental capacity. Only when Joohyuk came did he groan in relief and push out a chair for his friend to take. It was rare for Joohyuk to look so antsy, so all the worries of Yangyang flew out of his mind as he listened to his friend's request. "You need me to come to your mixer?" he asked, "You can't do speed dating on your own?" Sicheng asked, a little confused. He was never the type to go to these social settings since Joohyuk, of all people, knew just how anxious he could get when he was with large crowds. However, seeing the hopeful look in his friend's eyes, Sicheng found himself nodding his head in agreement. Clearly Joohyuk needed him, so what kind of friend would he be if he didn't support his friend during his time of need, no matter how uncomfortable it sounded to Sicheng. "I'll go for you, but the get your guy, or whatever, I'm going to leave. Got it? You can't make me stay there by myself." he warned the older.

Dejun had successfully gotten his friend to agree to coming, but of course, explaining the actual situation was a little unusual. "No...he didn't ask me out...yet!" He took a deep breath and pulled out his phone, showing the phone number that he'd gotten today from the handsome guy. "He asked me to go to a speed dating event. And he said he'll be there...that means I /have/ to shoot my shot right?" he asked. "When we go, I just want to make sure no one else is staring at him! Since he asked me to go...I'm going to make sure all of his attention is on me tomorrow night! And you'll help me, right bro?"
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng "See you," Joohyuk said, not hiding how his eyes followed Dejun all the way across the street, until Dejun entered the student centre building. He continued to Sicheng's office himself, a dreamy smile on his face the entire time. "Hey," he said, sinking into the seat across from Sicheng. "Before you tell me about what that guy did, can I ask you a favour?" he said. Without giving Sicheng a chance to respond, Joohyuk continued, "So I asked out that guy... I mean, I didn't ask him directly but I invited him to Jisoo's mixer night. And I'm... I need your help. Can you please, please come with me?"

Yangyang opened his arms for Dejun instinctively, despite his bad mood. As much as he wanted to vent and yell his frustrations about Sicheng, he was always happy to hear Dejun out first, especially since he rarely got excited over a man like this, if ever. Dejun had helped him out so many times, so it was only right Yangyang step up for his friend when he needed to. "Of course I'll help," he said. "Where? Did he ask you to dinner? Do you want me to sit at a table nearby in case he gets weird?"
Dong Sicheng [A] 1 week ago
@Liu Yangyang Dejun thought that fate must be on his side as he began to walk away from Joohyuk, breaking out into a grin all too soon. Gosh, the moment he looked up and saw Joohyuk's face full on, Dejun's heart had stuttered again. What a breath-takingly handsome guy. It wasn't every day that someone would catch his eye. And when they did? It was even more unlikely that they'd make the first move, showing a sign of interest. Suddenly, he was called back. /"Hm, what a sensible cutie,"/ Dejun thought to himself, /"He even offered up his own name first."/ After engraining Joohyuk's name into his head, Dejun swallowed and tried to say in his coolest, most nonchalant voice, "You can call me Dejun," he said, "Or if that's too hard...Xiao Jun is fine too." Waving a hand in the air, he tried to be cool as he said, "I'll see you there then."

Of course, Dejun was NOT going to a Speed Dating event alone. Yangyang /had/ to come with him! "Yangyang!" he squealed as he threw himself against his friend when they met up at the cafe, "Big emergency! I know you have to deal with that stupid Dong Sicheng, but I also need you to clear up your schedule tomorrow night! There's a hottie on campus who I /need/ to snag there!"
Liu Yangyang [A] 1 week ago
@Dong Sicheng Joohyuk's grin widened when the younger boy accepted. He called him back immediately, hoping his interest was clear through his eagerness. "Yeah, I'm going to be there," he reassured the younger. "I'm helping my friend run the Speed Dating rounds, but... I might join in," he said, leaving out an unsaid 'If you come'. Once Dejun had his number, Joohyuk almost turned to leave, since he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold himself together in front of such a beautiful boy, but he remembered last minute to ask, "I don't think I got your name. I'm Joohyuk. Nam Joohyuk."
Dong Sicheng [A] 2 weeks ago
@Liu Yangyang Seeing just how shallow Yangyang's "like" towards him was, Sicheng knew better than to trust Yangyang. Once the younger stormed off, he returned to the office and texted Joohyuk about his crazy prediction actually coming true. His friend had offered to come see him, so instead of just ending office hours early, he sat there, waiting. As he had some time to collect the scattered thoughts in his mind, a sudden part of him wondered what it'd be like...if he actually did like Yangyang? Right, right, that was ridiculous.

Xiao Dejun was a loyal friend. So, when he heard that Yangyang wanted to meet up, he was heading over to their usual cafe. He had even decided to do a mobile order of Yangyang's new favorite drink, a caramel macchiato, so that they could just sit down when they got to the cafe, and get down to business. He didn't expect to hear a deep voice right in front of him, stopping him in his tracks as he looked up at his phone. His eyes widened as he saw a very familiar face! This was the hottie that always hung around the stupid headache named Dong Sicheng. "Ahm, yeah..." he said, a little taken aback that someone so breathtakingly handsome was suddenly talking to him, even asking him to go somewhere. Sure, it wasn't like a one on one situation, but Dejun just had to ask, "Are you going to be there?" That had to be just about the most desperate thing he could say in response, but he only held his phone out for Joohyuk to put his number in once he confirmed his own attendance. "I'll call you, so you have my number," Dejun said, a blush creeping onto his face.
Liu Yangyang [A] 2 weeks ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang thought his 'confession' would give Sicheng the courage to at least say 'Me too', or something along those lines, but instead, the stupid motherer doubled down on it. " you too, then," Yangyang said, for once not having the patience to argue with Sicheng until the older broke down. How dare a low-life like Sicheng even think to turn him down? Yangyang was the best Sicheng was ever going to get. "I hope Kim Minjeong gives you herpes."

It seemed like Sicheng was having another Yangyang-disaster. Since Joohyuk was free, he made his way across campus to Sicheng's office, where he was currently holding office hours, but a bright blond head caught his attention as he was crossing the street. He didn't hesitate to chase after him, even if he had no idea what to say, even if Sicheng was waiting for him. "Hey," he called out, jogging up to the freshman. It was definitely him, with the pretty big eyes and milky white skin. "Hey, you're Yangyang's friend, right? We met at Banana Cafe." Maybe 'met' was the wrong word, but even with the young freshman's fiery attitude, Joohyuk hadn't been able to stop thinking about him, at all. He knew he was hopeless, but he continued, coming up with the script on the spot, "You know... My friend's club is hosting a Campus Speed Date tomorrow night. You look like the kind of person he'd want at the social. If you're interested, I'll text you the details."
Dong Sicheng [A] 2 weeks ago
@Liu Yangyang "You like me?" Sicheng repeated, his face and body frozen over with shock. It couldn't be that Joohyuk had actually been right on the money about why Yangyang had been pestering him all along. "That's not possible." Sicheng answered, his face scrunching up as he saw how Yangyang was saying this so brazenly to him after everything that he had put Sicheng through. "You put itch powder in my costume, burned my script, and you have done everything in your power to make my life as your TA a living hell. How could you possibly call that liking me?" he asked. He shook his head, "That's just not possible." The more he thought about it, the more he had to smile and laugh it off. This was just absurd, and his brain was struggling hard to process this overwhelming yet unwarranted confession.
Liu Yangyang [A] 2 weeks ago
@Dong Sicheng Yangyang stopped in his tracks, then stomped back to where Sicheng was standing. "I like you," he said. Of course, he did not /actually/ like Sicheng, but he had to get Sicheng to feel a little less shy about opening up his repressed feelings. "Dong Sicheng, I like you. Don't you like me? Why would I ever poison your coffee? You know, it hurts me that you would think that way of me." Yangyang steeled his expression, the muscles in his face tense as he attempted to squeeze a few tears out for dramatic effect.


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unevenstars 3 months ago
Dang! 2019!!
you guys are doing amazing!! keep it up!
052128d15b1b425d58da 1 year ago
Since 2019 dang
Just popping in to give you both appreciation and hope to see this go on for many more years
Unholy 1 year ago
You know, I see this and I'm just straight up jealous. This takes so much time and commitment and energy and genuine to the core interest in someone's writing. Oh, it's just /rom com sighs/ so romantic and I want that for me so much. I just think of my favorite writer and then i see this and think.. maybe it's possible? (◕‿◕✿) Love this, and hope you guys are still rping somewhere.
minjoo 1 year ago
4a877ba8cf9623b4ba0c 2 years ago
You guys open o:
sparklygayassglitter 3 years ago
I just want to say.....
I support this ship.
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