⤷ the royal office

room for the pyrolith kingdom’s officials to do their administrative duty.
♤ lee dongwook ᵈᵘᵏᵉ 1 week ago
@♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ With each syllable of his name spoken by Gayoung, Dongwook felt the atmosphere electrify, sending a tingle down his spine. It was a silent pact between them, an unspoken understanding that his name was reserved for the most intimate of moments, a whispered invocation of desire.

As Gayoung's words wrapped around his name, Dongwook felt desire surge within him, a primal fire ignited by her proximity. She was tempting him, teasing the boundaries of his self-control with every touch and every word.

Her hand on his collar drew him closer, the heat of her breath sending a shiver of anticipation through him. Gayoung's allure was undeniable, whether in the courtly halls or the intimate confines of their private encounters. Her words, though laden with reason, only served to stoke the flames of their desire further.

"Lapdog or not," he murmured in a stern tone, "just for one short-lived moment, we lose the leverage we have and that could push us back from the much progress that we had already made."

Their gazes locked, and Dongwook found himself astray in the depths of her eyes, a sly smile playing on her lips. With practiced ease, her fingers undid the buttons of his shirt, each movement sending a jolt of anticipation coursing through him. Her delicate touch sent shivers down his spine as her fingertips glided over the fabric, making quick work of ing his shirt. Each release felt like a gentle surrender, as if his defenses were slowly being stripped away along with the clothing. His breath grew ragged, quickening in response to her tender touch. His chest rising and falling rapidly with each breath.

Unable to resist the urge to touch her, Dongwook's fingers gently traced the contours of her jaw, a mixture of tenderness and claiming in his touch. As he delicately tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear, he felt her lean into his caress, her desire mirrored by his own.

When their lips met, the world fell away, leaving only the heat of their passion burning as they were consumed by the inferno of their shared passion. Dongwook's lips worshipped her, exploring every inch of her pair of plush, pouty lips, coated in a vibrant shade of red. The paint of red traces their contours, enhancing their natural fullness and lending a seductive allure. Intense and captivating, as if it's whispering secrets only meant to be shared in the most intimate moments.

In that intimate moment, Dongwook's lips slowly parted from their passionate encounter with Gayoung's plump lips, leaving a trail of crimson marks in their wake. With tender precision, he trailed kisses along the delicate curve of her angled jawline, following the path downwards towards her neck.

As his lips caressed her skin, an exquisite sensation bloomed, igniting a cascade of pleasurable shivers through Gayoung's body. Each press of his lips onto her jawline was a gentle declaration of his desire, his affectionate exploration leaving a mark that revealed the intensity of their connection.

Moving lower, his lips found the space where her jaw meets her neck, a sensitive spot teeming with anticipation. With a soft bite, teasing and affectionate, he left his mark on her delicate skin, a sign of their shared passion.

And then came the gentle , a tender yet compelling action that drew a gasp of pleasure from Gayoung's lips. As their breathing mingled in the heated exchange, the boundaries between them blurred, their desires merging into a harmonious dance.

Lifting her onto the table, Dongwook's hands caressed her curves, their bodies moving together in a dance of desire and longing. In that moment, they were consumed by the flames of their passion, their clandestine rendezvous a testament to the undeniable allure of their forbidden love. He cared not for the lack of their usual luxurious comforts—no plush pillows or silk threads to cradle them. In this moment of raw desire, the austerity of their surroundings mattered little compared to the intensity of their shared passion.

"I guess I'm not the only one yearning for something."
♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ 2 weeks ago
@♤ lee dongwook ᵈᵘᵏᵉ The atmosphere in the room was tense. Not in the way that it was tense earlier when the Queen surveyed every pretentious advisor who dare not question this outlandish decision of hers, but in the way that was familiar whenever only the Queen and the Duke occupied a space. Perhaps its the familiarity in knowing that they've been in the same circumstance for far too many times now but the Duke never failed to pique her interest and distract her from whatever it was she had just been pondering about. For now, her attention was all on him--his chiseled features, high cheekbones, and sharp jawline. A stark difference from the softness of her own features. And when he drew near, it was as if autumn itself had materialized in front of her. His fragrance intertwined with hers in a way that was dizzying in all the right fronts.

"Do not look at me like that, Your Majesty." Despite the setting behind closed doors, his courteous demeanor remained intact. It would have been endearing if not for the subtle admonishment in his tone.

"Like what, Dongwook?" Gayoung's smile widened as she kept her gaze fixed on the Duke. She was well aware of his reputation—a distaste for others using his name—but the Queen delighted in pressing his buttons, knowing it would always yield her pleasurable results. Today was no exception.

He knew what he was doing, and she knew the games that he played. Afterall, she was a willing participant in whatever this.. arrangement they had going on between them.

With a disapproving click of her tongue, the Queen tilts her head to the side. As if assessing her prey. Gayoung sits up, mocking propriety as she leaned closer to him, her hands reaches up to his collars to pull him lower--closer to her eye level and when he relents, a low chuckle bubbles from .

"I have traded more only to receive far less. I want the lapdog." Was her only answer to the reprimand that she expected.

"Besides, I do not care if its fleeting. You know how awfully boring court is this time of the year. I could use the distraction....So you can you." Her fingers make quick work of the first few buttons of his shirt. It was always amusing seeing him uptight whenever he was at court, a departure from his rakish ways outside the castle walls.

The Queen drew him nearer, their faces now mere inches apart, her gaze challenging him to see who would yield first. Many sought her bed, yet Gayoung always preferred the most complex conquests—finding the challenge exhilarating. When he didn't back down, she closed the gap herself, her lips meeting his. He tasted exquisite, and her tense shoulders eased as she melted into the kiss. It was like coaxing a slow ember, stoking the remnants of a hearth until it blazed once more. The kisses grew more urgent as her desire intensified. This wouldn't be their first time defiling such a space with their clandestine rendezvous.
♤ lee dongwook ᵈᵘᵏᵉ 3 weeks ago
@♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ Dongwook’s mind churned with a mixture of relief and frustration as he remained in the royal office. The weight of the stifling council meeting hung heavy on his shoulders, the air thick with unspoken dissent and hidden agendas. He knew all too well the whispered murmurs that circulated among the councilors, their veiled critiques of the queen's decisions echoing like distant thunder in his mind.

Yet, as the Duke of Autumn, Dongwook understood the delicate balance he must maintain. It was his duty to remain neutral in such gatherings, to tread carefully lest his words or actions incite further discord among the ranks. The memory of the tumultuous events that had led to Gayoung's ascension to the throne still lingered fresh in his mind, a stark reminder of the fragility of their newfound stability.

When Gayoung's gaze singled him out amidst the sea of departing officials, Dongwook sensed the gravity of their impending conversation or perhaps something more. He held his ground as the others filed out, leaving only the two of them in the grandeur of the royal office. Despite the intimate setting, Dongwook was keenly aware of the boundaries that separated them – the line between monarch and advisor, duty and desire.

"Do not look at me like that, Your Majesty," Dongwook cautioned, his voice tinged with a hint of admonition. Gayoung's piercing stare right into his own, her voice a stark difference from when she was at the podium. Though they stood in relative privacy, the weight of their respective positions loomed large between them, a silent reminder of the expectations that governed their interactions.

Dongwook's words hung in the air, charged with the weight of his conviction and the underlying tension that crackled between them. As he approached Gayoung, his movements deliberate and purposeful, he couldn't help but notice the subtle shift in her demeanor – a flicker of uncertainty beneath the regal facade, a vulnerability that drew him closer, like a moth to flame. His senses were heightened, acutely aware of every nuance of her presence – the soft curve of her lips, the faint scent of her perfume lingering in the air. He towered over her, his imposing figure casting a shadow over her seated form, their eyes locked in a silent dance of desire and restraint.

"In war, sacrifices must be made," Dongwook continued, his voice lowered, a mere whisper in the hushed confines of the royal office. His face leaning in close to her, as he continued, "But to trade away pawns for the fleeting favor to meet a foreign personnel? it is a risk we should not be taking."
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♤ kim gayoung ᵠᵘᵉᵉⁿ 3 weeks ago
@♤ lee dongwook ᵈᵘᵏᵉ [Present day 1450]

In the aftermath of yet another lengthy council meeting, the resounding echoes of hushed voices within the majestic confines of the royal office only intensified the relentless migraine that had plagued the Pyrolith Queen since the break of dawn. Each passing minute spent deliberating with her advisors seemed to deepen the chasm between her perspective and the collective consensus of her council.

As the meeting drew to a close, Gayoung couldn't help but notice the unified stance of her advisors, all in apparent agreement with her proposed course of action. However, despite the outward consensus, a gnawing discomfort brewed within her—she longed for more than mere compliance. Her eyes fall on a certain duke-- her personal advisor.

"Duke Lee, you may stay," Gayoung's tone carried a hint of playfulness underlying its curt directive. As she singled out the Duke of Autumn, a few officials discreetly turned their heads, their curiosity piqued by the lingering presence of both the Queen and the seated duke. The air in the room seemed to thicken with unspoken tension, as if awaiting the next move in this subtle exchange between monarch and advisor.

"I said only Duke Lee can remain. The rest of you, leave at once," Gayoung reiterated firmly, her irritation palpable in her voice as she dismissed the officials from her presence. She had grown weary of the insipid agreement and lack of genuine discourse from these men who seemed content to echo her every word, regardless of its merit.
Stepping down from the podium where she had stood, Gayoung took deliberate strides toward where the Duke of Autumn sat. Halting in front of him, she deftly pulled a chair closer, positioning herself just across the ornate oak desk that separated them. Resting her elbows on the desk, she cradled her chin in her hands, her gaze fixed intently on the duke.

In this intimate setting, with only the desk between them, the Queen's demeanor softened slightly. "Duke Lee," she began, her voice now laced with a blend of curiosity and determination, "I value your counsel more than the hollow echoes of those who merely nod in agreement. What do you truly think about the matters we discussed today?" The weight of her question hung in the air, her eyes searching his for a spark of genuine opinion amidst the sea of compliance.

"Well.. lets hear it, your reprimand about me borrowing Geonova's military lapdog from Kiyong." She says, a small smile played upon her lips as she looked up at Duke Lee. She knew, that out of all the officials present that if there was one person who would not dare sugarcoat anything, it would be him. That's why she trusted him and that's also why she keeps him close.


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RoseThornArchive 6 days ago
Hello, can i please reserve park jimin as a Marshall in pyrolith?
SongOfAchilles 6 days ago
Can I reserve Park Jinyoung as a lord in Pyrolith?^^
nemoli 1 week ago
can i reserve kim sojeong (sowon) as a townsfolk?
xmaestrogene 2 weeks ago
could i please reserve kwon sooyoung aka hoshi from svt for the aerion kingdom, im not sure what role yet but yeah!
onezys 3 weeks ago
could I please reserve baek songmin as a princess of aerion?
TheHermit 3 weeks ago
Could I please reserve Zhang Linghe as a Prince in hydrosia?
emptyhead [A] 3 weeks ago
♛ C H E C K E D ♛

- check the ranks for open positions
- reservations last 72 hours

- geonova civilians :: 12
- hydrosia civilians :: 10
- pyrolith civilians :: 17 [ closed for the time being ]
- aerion civilians :: 11
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Kagune 3 weeks ago
ooo this looks like fun!
Midnight_Muse 4 weeks ago
hello, can I reserve Min Sunye as a duchess ?
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