Powers Form


Everyone and anyone can have powers - if you so chose it. Don't think that you have to though - You can just be a simple human. Or a robot (which has it's obvious strengths). It's up to you. However, if you do decide that you would like to be 'mutant' here are a list and short description powers and breed that are options to you. You can have up to three strengths - not all of which need to be powers. You can mix and match between things such as martial arts. However, know that some powers are strictly only for certain breeds. You aren't confined to only these either - feel free to make up your own. And if you are a mutt, feel free to mix and match powers. Just don't be a dragon who can breath water. Again, try to be realistic.

Synergies: Power augmentation, power bestowal (Temp.) , Power mimicry.

Vixens: Acid generation, Duplicaton, Sonic Scream. 

Super mutants: Super strength, Super speed, Superhuman endurance.

Dawnstars: Ecological empathy, telekinesis, telepathy. 

Phantoms: Phasing, Disintegration, Animation.

Beasts: Animal Morphing, Elasticity, Sublimation.

Vampires:  Mind mimicry, Immortality, Mediumship.

Werewolves: Shape shifting, night vision, vortex breath.

Please do not feel like you have to be one of these creatures - find your own powers, make your own breeds! Do not feel like you can only be these kinds of creatures. 


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Lithiumion 10 years ago
I'd like to be Nicole Jung from KARA,
Name: Nicole
Age: 22

1) Honest, not someone to lie about something important.
2) Cunning, very sly and sneaky.
3) Loyalty, loyal to the cause she is fighting for or for the people she cares for.

1) Short Tempered, easily set off.
2) Impulsive, very quick to do things without thinking of what will happen.
3) Insubordinate, if she feels that the choice made by the leader is wrong she will act on her own opinions.

Role: Rebellion Fighter (Dawnstar)
Social Status: 0
Etopia 10 years ago
I'd like to be Lee Chaerin from 2NE1.
Name: CL
Age: 22

1. Bends Fire and due to this does not get hurt by fire does hurt eventhough it doesn't do harm.
2. Martial Arts expert and due to this is amazingly good at hand to hand combat.
3. Sword weilding expert and due to this knows how to use them against people very well (this includes daggers too~)

1. Does not trust too easily
2. Follows her morals and heart too much when it comes to her own opinions or decisions.
3. Will blindly follow anything the king or queen says even if it is not right or not to her liking.

Role: One of the ten royal assassins.
Social status: (not sure where I fall in)
rollingflower 10 years ago
Hey can you reserve BTS V for me please?
Skye_511 10 years ago
Can you reserve Hyuna from 4minute please?
lexkagamine 10 years ago
And how much health do we have to start with?
lexkagamine 10 years ago
What does it mean by role?
Skye_511 10 years ago
Hi! Is it okay if I want to apply as a co-admin?
WalkingPhoenix [A] 10 years ago
-will reserve and record after work around 5 pm gmt time
comicsans 10 years ago
Could you please reserve Jongin for me? I'll have an application in soon! ( although, I'm not sure of a faceclaim, yet. )
smokenation 10 years ago
can you reserve Bomi?
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