Sorry guys, I shall be going on hiatus till my neck gets well.
I was lifting something heavy and dropped it then I end up straining a muscle in my neck and It hurts so freaking badly ;;
I can't sit at the laptop, it's just too much
Just omg, it's so much pain~ I can't even turn my head.
The little twit from the next door party kept making fun of me too calling me 'stiff neck' T______T I shall destroy him in his sleep, I've had enough of him
Hopefully I can have a fast recovery
My mom is like being such a meanie to me too T___T why? It's not my fault I strained my neck and I can't work outside in the garden.
>.> And the ed bug from last night I never saw him again
So hopefully he went in a corner and died.
Or come haunt me tonight, then I will really end up in the hospital
Bye, gonna miss you lovely peeps.
It was just about to be my RPR and AFF 1 year annivesary too~
Was gonna do something like a give away~ X___X
Buh Bye
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