Personal Message

✩ wenjun b。 2 minutes ago Reply
i literally just got here and zeren is already digging himself into a hole
✩ xukun c。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
that's the ding zeren way
✩ xukun c。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
oh wait i'm sorry
✩ xukun c。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
dig zeren
✩ xukun c。 [A] 57 seconds ago Reply
the dig zeren way
✩ xukun c。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
✩ zeren d。 56 seconds ago Reply 
hey guys i wanna Dig
✩ xukun c。 [A] 11 seconds ago Reply
/sighs and kisses the tips of his fingers before slapping them to the spot zeren injured.
✦ linong c。 1 minute ago Reply
aw, z kinda looks like a lil baddie in his dp i dig it

✩ wenjun b。 1 minute ago Reply
i can’t believe we just let zeren and mr. zhu just be in the same room and not calculate any of the potential repercussions
✩ ariana g。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
✩ zeren d。2:56:52 PMReply
i’m a toaster so

when the toast is done it goes ding! 
get it 
his last name is 
★ yuqi s。 1 minute ago Reply
zeren: chaotic good
✩ wenjun b。 25 seconds ago Reply
i can’t believe how dead i am, i feel like zeren
✩ xukun c。 [A] 5 seconds ago Reply
i love you more than there are grains of dirt in your holes, dig zeren

★ wendy s。 [A] 20 seconds ago Reply
✩ ariana g。 [A] 24 seconds ago Reply
hi ze ♡
✩ ariana g。 [A] 27 seconds ago Reply
ily ze ♡♡♡
✩ ariana g。 [A] 23 seconds ago Reply
nothing but love & support for my boyfriends boyfriend
✩ xukun c。 [A] 16 seconds ago Reply
ari is my absolute best friend
and zeren is my best boyfriend

✩ wenjun b。 1 minute ago Reply
i’m friends with china’s national idiot
✩ xukun c。 [A] 1 minute ago Reply
my boyfriend is china's national idiot
✩ wenjun b。 1 minute ago Reply
he’s also china’s shortest idiot
★ tom h。 11 seconds ago Reply
thank you for singlehandedly saving this school zeren



name: dig zeren.
year: junior.
credits: 300.



dirty laundry
scroll down
"I should have stayed at home. 'Cause right now I see all these people that love me, but I still feel alone can't help but check my phone. I should have made you mine. but no, it wasn't meant to be. And, see, I wasn't made for you and you weren't made for me, though it seems so easy."
best friend. roc.
glitter. ttc.
small. cm.
this is home. ct.
section : background
At age 11, Ding Zeren's life fell apart completely. And by that, he means that his mother who had raised him ever since he was a baby had remarried. As a kid who only ever knew his mother, he felt protective of her whenever a new guy popped up into her life. He had always been successful at doing something that caused a man to leave her, but he swear he only ever did it so that she wouldn't have to go through what she did with his father ever again.

But his mother was so in love with one particular man that even Zeren couldn't do anything about it. So, the Zhu's became a part of his "family"—or at least as family as it was going to get. Zeren slowly got used to having two other men in the house. His new step brother, Zhengting, was older than him by many, many years, but he was the caring type and he fed him food, so he didn't really mind.

At the age of 14, Zeren was kicked out of the house. once again, that's not actually what happened, but at the time of being a little, angry teenager, that's sure as hell what it seemed like, even if he did make the decision to move to Korea with Zhengting himself. Zhengting had gotten a job offering to teach students like him Chinese in a Korean high school, and for good measure, Zeren's mom and his step-father asked him is he wanted to go too. Zeren didn't want to, he really didn't. But when he saw how much his mother was so deeply in love with Zhu, he decided that maybe it was better to leave them alone for a few years.

When Zeren moved to Korea with Zhengting, they spent a lot more time together. They had to, since neither of them spoke very good Korean. They studied the language together whenever they could, and Zhengting always brought lunch for him during his class so he could eat it the next period. But Zeren didn't want to ride on the coattails of his step-brother for money, even though he knew Zhengting would let him.

So he worked in a laundromat. Every day after school, he would go over to the laundromat a few blocks down from Memory High and he would work shifts there. His shifts go until pretty late, since it was a 24-hour type laundromat and apparently someone had to make sure no one was stealing detergent from behind the counter. But he doesn't really mind, so long as no one disrupts the peace.
section : lover
name here
insert here
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
section : fast facts
— has a thing for calling people cowards. if you haven't seen it yet, don't worry, you will.

— he has this deep rooted love for crocs. they're really comfortable, don't judge him.

— he's actually quite a good dancer and has been dancing since he was 6.

— when he was a freshman, he represented his class in a pep rally and had to coreograph a dance. he choreographed a 3 minute dance in approximately 40 hours.

— cai xukun is his best friend.

— pretty much grew up with kim jiho and chen linong.

— he doesn't have quickies in wendy's. don't believe the gossip blog, they're filled with lies.

— did cheerleading on impulse.

— can't cook for .

— hates seeing anyone from school at the laundromat, which because it's right by the school and he's there literally all hours of the day if he's not in his clubs.
section : personality
There's something about Zeren that people don't really get. There's the things he says about wanting people to step on his throat, or for someone to bury himself in the "holes that he digs," or whatever. To the people around him, he seems like the kid that's just, you know, a total idiot. He's the kid in the room that just needs to stay stupid to get attention, and some people like him for it, and some people don't.

when you're looking a little deeper at zeren, though, at the people he feels like he's known since the end of time, he's a really caring guy. he's affectionate and clingy, and he really just wants a hug, but he brushes everything off with an "i guess," and leaves it at that. he thinks he's rather annoying, so sometimes, he just shuts up and doesn't say anything else. he's the type of person that wallows in his thoughts and waits to self destruct.
section : plots/tracker
coming soon!
section : friends
full name
ding zeren
date of birth
november 19th. age 17.
Fluid, I guess.
student. part time laundromat worker.
writing style
there’s a lot of paragraphs sometimes. that says something, right?
preffered pov
3rd or 1st detailed.
additional info
i’m always dead. don’t trust the online sign. expect really late replies.