welcome to tournaments! a fun competetive nonau that allows you to compete against others for the championship!
deceased, problematic, or married idols, idols that wish not to be rped. any idols under the age of 20
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favoriting is a must, upvoting is optional but highly appreciated. (mandatory for a second chara)
48 hours to apply for your character once reserved, we ask that you comment the full name + stage name and their group/occupation below to reserve them! all orientations and nationalities are welcome here!
you are allowed up to 5 alts, your first is free you get a 2nd with an upvote, your 3rd with 200 points on all previous characters and a blog post, your 4th 400 posts with all previous characters and your 5th 600 posts with all precious characters. only take what you can handle and don't hog. you are allowed to have 2 members of the same group if the group has 7+ members.
we ask that you refrain from user/face chasing pls! be kind to everyone! move in couples are not allowed here, and there is a 100 point dating ban! we ask that you try to get to know other charas and what not before coupling up. do not bubble rp!
the inactivity limit is set to 9 days, thats a little over a week to be active. you will receive a 48 hour warning if you fall inactive. if you are inactive twice in a row you are immediately removed without warning, if you are removed from inactivity, you have a 48 hour hold period before you can reapply.
please refrain from breaking the fourth wall in the ic chats, meaning no talking about alts character changes or other things in the main chats! we suggest to refrain from using rpr and other terms in general and everyones work is considered 'schedules' since you are playing as idols. if you want to use any of the talk above you may do so in the ooc room.
please be nice and friendly to everyone! we hope that you enjoy your time here and if you decide to leave please pm the admins to let them know! the password is two rules revised (can't be the first rule)
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