𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐇 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐓𝐔𝐓𝐄ㅤ┆ㅤ❛ 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 ❜ ㅤ ⸻ ㅤ superpower au. ㅤㅤopen, accepting, and hiring an admin.

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Last post 6 months ago
Tags aurp   auroleplay   superpower  
26 November 2023
Created the rp thread and started working on it. Pasted a lot of the information needed.
27 November 2023
Took the rp off draft and opened it to the public for roleplaying.
06 JANUARY 2024
Took the roleplay off draft again and tried to do a round two with running the roleplay.
27 November 2023
Update text goes right here. This section scrolls so type as much as you need to, I guess.
created by himbos
○ ○ ○   Welcome . . .
Welcome to the Flourish Institute—a home for all those with supernatural abilities!

Up among the stars and clouds is the Flourish Institute, a school built from an ancient alien ship that encourages the growth of individuals to be who they were meant to be—no matter if that's a hero, villain, or something in between. Here at the institute, we help students (and sometimes even staff) learn how to better process what it means to have powers and how to better use them in our ever changing world.

The school's founder, Dr. Jameson Lockhart, discovered the alien tech while on an excursion and unleashed a bright gold wave over the planet, unlocking hidden innate supernatural abilities in people all across the globe. After this event, he decided to make it his mission to uncover the mysteries of the world and this ancient alien tech. In the process of this, he decided to found and open the Flourish Institute in hopes to aid those struggling with their new powers and lead a new generation of ability users to becoming the best versions of themselves.

Whether good, bad, or neutral, the Flourish Institute has it's doors open to all ability users to find a home and find themselves. Are you ready to find yourself?
Flourish Institute RP is an OC superpower AU with a unique take on the powers of heroes, villains, and everything in between! Check out our FAQ and our Guide pages for more info! You won't need to read every little thing right away, but everything is there to give you an idea of the world and how it operates. This RP was loosely based on and takes elements from Sky High, My Hero Academia, and X-Men.
• • •   all about the rp.
○ ○ ○   laws of the land . . .
BEFORE RESERVING ⬙   Make sure you read the GUIDE tab and read all of these rules.

DISCLAIMER ⬙   Absolutely no OOC drama though IC drama is fine with the consent of those involved and in threads (more on that later). We are an easy-going RP filled with laid-back people who wish to only vibe. If you cause trouble to the point where I have to step in, I will take action how I see fit. Whether that means you get a warning or get removed depends on what you did.

IC & OOC BONDING ⬙   I will kick you out if you bubble RP or chat. If you don't get along with someone else here or know they don't get along with you, you don't have to write with them, but at least be civil in public spaces. Don't make everyone uncomfortable and please be mature. Also do your best to make everyone feel welcome.

MATURE CONTENT & IC DRAMA ⬙   Do not try to talk or send explicit photos in chats, save that for PMs, walls, or anywhere else where prying eyes aren't. The safe phrase is "not feeling so beautiful." Also know that I will allow in character drama and mature content that isn't ual (like violence, for example) and such. Just be sure you a) make sure to include trigger/content warnings for things when appropriate, b) have the consent of all involved parties, and c) keep it out of public spheres if you wouldn't feel comfortable writing it in a class or text to your parents.

PROFILES & INFO ⬙   You must set up a DP, set up the OOC portion of your profile, and respond to the welcome message your first 24 hours or I'll kick you out. You also have a week from when you're tagged in the welcome room to have at least the basics of a profile up, but I'm not going to strictly enforce that. It's more so people have an easier time plotting.

IC & OOC ⬙   Keep OOC and IC separate. If the conversation is OOC, keep it OOC. If it is IC, keep it IC. You will be expected to use brackets any time you post OOC in IC RP spaces. Please also don't RP in the OOC room... I've noticed some people do that for some reason, so this is your only warning. I will kick you out if you consistently keep mixing IC and OOC.

LEAVING & BEING KICKED ⬙   If leaving, PM the ADMIN character and only the ADMIN character with a reason why you're leaving. If you PM any non-admin characters, I will ban you and delete your character. I will also delete your character and ban you if I have to remove you for anything other than inactivity. Make sure you save everything you find important.
INACTIVITY ⬙   Inactivity is set to 15 days and starts after you are welcomed. You probably won't get kicked for having the inactive sign up as long as you communicate with the rest of us why it's there. If you ghost and go MIA without some kind of message or warning, though, I'll kick you out. You can always come back.

NOTE ⬙   All points are automatically off unless in IC rooms. This is so you can see how active you actually are as you write.
FACECLAIMS ⬙   Face claims must be 20 and older internationally. When reserving them, please comment with their name, group/job, full date of birth, and their codename for the RP. There is a list of already taken face claims located in the guide tab. All reservations last for 24 hours. The following are things to note when requesting a face claim:
  • Your FC must be 20+ internationally.
  • Your FC must not have publicly stated they do not want to be RPed.
  • Your FC must not be involved in any significant scandals/crimes.
  • I don't care what ethnicity your FC is.
  • Also not against FCs that are some kind of influencer or content creator, but they must have at least 1m followers or whatever term applies.
  • You must comment with the name, group/job, full date of birth, and codename of your FC. If you don't know one of these, you cannot reserve.
  • If you know your FC is going to be hard to look up, please provide a link to where I can find who you're talking about.
NAMING MUSES ⬙   This RP is an OC (Original Character) RP. In addition to codenames, muses in this roleplay are to be given OC names that are not alternate versions of their name or stage names (i.e. "Olivia Hye" instead of Son Hyejoo, "Jennifer Huh" instead of Heo Yunjin, or "RM" instead of Kim Namjoon). OC names must be unrelated to the IRL face claim.
• • •   rules & guidelines.
○ ○ ○   how to join us . . .
mun information
✱ ooc age
ex: 45!
✱ time zone
ex: gmt-10 !
✱ Anything else
if applicable !
face claim information
✱ name
ex: sam corlett !
✱ claim to fame
ex: actor !
✱ date of birth
ex: 24 April 1996 !
muse information
✱ oc name
ex: leif erikson !
✱ OC age
ex: 27 !
✱ species
alien or human !
✱ power
see claims and faq !
✱ major
applicable to students only !
✱ occupation
student/staff; if staff, specify !
✱ brief backstory
3-10 sentences !
• • •   application form.


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mugiwara 6 months ago
the layout is beautiful omg
cthuwu 7 months ago
Could I reserve
Momoko Gumi, ex-BiSH, current writer and singer, September 4 1994
Codename: Screech
begone_thot 7 months ago
ᴸᴼᴬᴰᴵᴺᴳ • • •
⸺   Iɴғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀᴠᴀɪʟᴀʙʟᴇ﹕
⨳ FC﹕ Yᴜɴᴀ Kᴀʀɪᴍᴏᴠᴀ
⨳ CODENAME﹕ Aʀᴀᴄʜɴɪᴅ
⨳ GROUP﹕ Mᴏᴅᴇʟ
⨳ JOB﹕ Tʀᴀɪɴᴇʀ
⨳ DATE OF BIRTH﹕ ₂₇ Jᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ ₂₀₀₃
himbos [A] 7 months ago
⨳ ғʟᴏᴜʀɪsʜ ɪɴsᴛɪᴛᴜᴛᴇ  ⤳  ɴᴏᴛᴇs!
⸺   comment with your fc name, group/job, full date of birth, and codename!
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