The Retreat of Kyunghun

/waggles eyebrows

Channie [A] 9 years ago
Kyungsoo; /huffs stubbornly, playing with Soomi's fingers
/slides backwards with a short wince, leaning up against the head of his bed, still with Soomi
I'm sorry if I worried you Sehun.... Passing out suddenly and all...
[post deleted by owner]
Tre [A] 9 years ago
Sehun; Fine, but you get 10 minutes before you need to lie back down. The nurses will have a fit..
*moves over to pick up Jaesun, chuckling lightly as he squirms around a bit*
Channie [A] 9 years ago
Kyungsoo; Sorry.. /chuckles half heartedly before sitting up a little to peer after Sehun before following
Mm I need to come and look at them properly, now I know they're okay... /smiles softly
Tre [A] 9 years ago
Sehun; You're going to turn me into a worrywort, though. But fine, you can stay up a little longer.
*kisses the other's cheek, going over to the carts to check on Kyungmi and Jaesun, smiling at the babies*
Channie [A] 9 years ago
Kyungsoo; /nods a little, still holding Soomi close
I'm not sure I can. /gives a tired smile
I'm much to hyped up now. /chuckles
Tre [A] 9 years ago
Sehun; *smiles warmly at Kyunsoo, enveloping him into a hug* Neh.. All three are finally here. Safe and sound, too. But you should rest, Kyungsoo, it's not good to be up right now.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: @xH_Oh Sehun (/sends word vomit)

"S-Sehun... Sehun stop..." Croaking as Kyungsoo made his best attempt to fling his limbs out of Sehun's grasp and continue on his desperate search for Soomi. "Checking on her? W-why? I didn't hurt her right, she's so small.... She's not ready to be born yet Hunnie"

Post maternal stress was seeming to be a big factor in Kyungsoo's system right now, humans and hybrids alike were not designed to wake up and suddenly not be carrying their children, it wasn't natural and it tended to _____ a mother over for awhile. And he did not want to be taken back to where he was if his daughter was in trouble somewhere.

Kyungsoo cried, tearing up as he practically hid behind Sehun cause where the _____ was he why were so many people in his room. Why was he even in this room. "Will you all just go away!!" He had screeched at one point, hoping to file them quicker out the door because Kyungsoo was nervous. He was not a social person he did not like big crowds and he hated doctors. His head hurt and they could all just leave him alone. Maybe then he could calm down and face whatever facts may be looming about Soomi.

But then Sehun brought up the fact she was in ICU, and Kyungsoo exploded again. "Why is she in the ICU?! I didn't hurt her right, Soo baby I'm so sorry.... U-umma is sorry... I needed to carry her longer aish."

Kyungsoo's head was spinning and by the second time he'd managed to calm himself down to the occasional sniffle. Soomi was in his arms and everything seemed to fall into place.

"S-sunny, Mimi, Soo.... They're all here.." And with that weight of his chest, Kyungsoo finally took a breath, curling himself around the tiny Soomi as he leant on Sehun. "They're okay.... They're okay... They're all here. They're okay..."
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Any day now, Sehun would tell himself each day he walked to and from Baekhyun's dorm to see Kyungsoo. Any day their children would have to come out despite the bunny's wishes. Sehun and Baekhyun were both aware that Kyungsoo could never make full term with them, especially since one of the children was a large caracal kitten. Kyungsoo would die.. But he was stubborn about the situation and there was only so much Baekhyun could do.

So, really, the last thing Sehun ever wanted to hear was that Kyungsoo was rushed to the infirmary on campus after falling unconscious suddenly. Weren't they watching him?! How could they let that happen? Sehun's nerves were going haywire as he hissed and scratched his way out of the adoption center and towards the infirmary. The only thoughts running through the cat's mind was about Kyungsoo and their children. Was he okay? What about their babies? Scenarios of all types flooded the backs of Sehun's eyelids with each agonizing blink and, as he waited to be updated on the bunny's status, Sehun nearly went on a rampage.


They had eventually calmed Sehun down with the threat of a sedative and being sent back to the center to be put on temporary lockdown. Sehun only gave in because he wanted to be there in the room with Kyungsoo and their kids. But Sehun was like the calm before the storm because as soon as he was informed about one of the three being carted off to the ICU, he panicked and went into offensive mode against the nurse escorting him to Kyungsoo's room.

"What's wrong with my daughter? Why is she there?!" Sehun hissed, causing the nurse to jump back in alarm before reassuring him the youngest baby, Soomi, was going to be okay. With the help of another nearby nurse, they managed to get Sehun into Kyungsoo's room without any casualties and closed the door. The cat could only growl in his throat towards the door just before he turned around.

"Hyung.." Sehun sighed, walking over to the bed where the bunny was sleeping. There were two carts beside the bed with a bundle of blankets in each one and after Sehun checked over Kyungsoo, he went to examine each cart. Upon seeing his son wiggling around uncomfortably in his human form, Sehun witnessed him shift and curl up under the blanket. The cat smiled and petted his son gently before moving on to his daughter, noticing she was awake but quiet.

"Jaesun, Kyungmi.. I hope your sister is okay.. No, I know she is. Come here.." Sehun picked his daughter up, kissing her forehead as he made his way over to a chair near Kyungsoo. "They're here, Soo.. No more pain or anything for you now. I guess they're born knowing how to change. Jaesun shifted.." Sehun rambled on to the slumbering Kyungsoo and to Kyungmi, eventually falling asleep with her.

He was awakened upon hearing a strange noise, refusing to actually open his eyes until he heard a familiar voice.. "Hyung..?" Sehun yawned, wiping at his eyes as they opened and nearly had a heart attack at seeing Kyungsoo up and trying to walk. "Hyung, don't!" The cat scrambled to put his daughter in her cart safely before catching up to Kyungsoo, pulling him back into the room.

"Hyung, Kyungsoo.. Soomi's going to be okay, don't do this. Please, you need to be resting." Sehun whined, nuzzling and purring against Kyungsoo's neck as he led them back towards the bed. "She's okay, she's okay.. They're just checking her.." Sehun attempted to soothe Kyungsoo, even if he didn't really know what was happening. But because of Kyungsoo's little outbreak, doctors and nurses began filing in the room to see what the commotion was all about.

"He got worried about our second daughter. Soomi, she's in the ICU." Sehun relayed, setting Kyungsoo down on the bed with him as they began to check his monitors. Just as they were leaving out, another nurse came in pushing a cart rather delicately with a smile, telling both Kyungsoo and Sehun that Soomi was now stabilized. She was the weakest and smallest of the three and they had feared the worst when she didn't respond properly after her removal, so they took her to the ICU to be safe.

"See hyung? She's all right." Sehun smiled, quickly kissing Kyungsoo before going over to retrieve Soomi for him and putting the small baby in his arms. Kyungmi was asleep by this time and Jaesun had shifted again upon waking up, so Sehun picked him up and went to sit beside Kyungsoo with a soft smile. "I think they're all beautiful." Sehun said, playing with his son's small hands gently. "Thank you."
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: As the days started to wear one, it was becoming more and more obvious just how sick he was getting. He grew paler, his legs would continuously give out under him and he became so stick thing it looked like he'd been slowly drained away by the growing bulge of his stomach. Some days much to Kyungsoo's annoyance, Baekhyun made him stay in bed, locked the door because there was no way the other should be pottering around cooking and cleaning as he usually did. Kyungsoo really needed to go to the infirmary, the children were slowly killing him, draining him from the inside out. But he didnt want to hurt them so he refused to have them least not more than they'd already planned.

That all changed when he fell unconcious one days, thud straight to the ground with a batch of cake batter still sitting on the kitchen bench. Someone was thankfully there of course and Kyungsoo was whisked away.

One operation, a nail bitten Baekhyun and a practically exploded Sehun later. Kyungsoo was asleep, Kyungmi and Jaesun were sitting in little beds with their appa to guard them and Soomi was down the hall in ICU.
(Sets the scene, opens with Kyungsoo lol)

Kyungsoo's eyes fluttered open lazily and he was met with a set of white walls with such an uneven paint job in almost killed him with OCD. He sat up lightly, glancing around the room to try and establish where he was an what he was doing here. There was a Sehun asleep in the corner, an array of medical devices....and...and.
Where we the pups?!
Eyes widening in abosolute terror Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around his now flat stomach and struggled out of bed, his gaze flew around the room and so did his legs because Kyungsoo was very dizzy. He didnt know why but he was.

After a few steps, Kyungsoo grew so distraughtly dizzy that he had to grab on the nearest item to stop himself from toppling. He tried to gather his jelly like legs and he quickly wiped his eyes. But then he realised what he was leaning on. Curled up under a little blanket was a caracal pup Kyungsoo would have been _____ed to not recognise, he whimpered sofftly reaching a hand out to shakily pet the pup before he hald sobbed half whispered his question. "J-Jaesun.... Jaesun baby where are you sisters....wh-where..." The pup didnt awaken but he did stir when Kyungsoo touched him which solidifed the fact that Kyungsoo's pup was alive and well.

Kyungsoo then moved to shakily search the room, he felt sick to the stomach but he eventually settled a little when he found Kyungmi, curled up in her beautiful human form in Sehun's sleeping arms.

Soomi however, Soomi was missing.

"Soomi!" Practically screaming as he found no evidence of her in the room, Kyungsoo stumbled weakly to the door way, propelling humself down the hallways in a desperate search.
Soomi... his little Soomi had to be somewhere, she had to be. Kyungsoo wasnt stopping until he found her.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: Nodding gently, Kyungsoo contently bounded into Sehun's arms, burrowing down into them with a contented sneak. "Not as bad in this form...." and it was easier to hide or scamper away as well...cause right now he was feeling rather shy again.

"She was somewhat, creepy... I'm actually kind of glad she's not here" huffing, Kyungsoo lapped at Sehun's finger gently, eyes darting up over his arm to gaze at anyone who may come near. "Thank you or carrying me."
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: "Yah, I wasn't strange.." Sehun knitted his brows before mehronging Kyungsoo. He pulled the door and looked out, frowning upon seeing the empty hallway; no sign of the breeder. Sehun looked back to tell Kyungsoo but stopped midway when he didn't immediately see him. "Hyung?"

Sehun looked down after a few moments and sighed softly, gently scooping Kyungsoo into his arms. "Does your hurt that bad? I'm sorry, I'll carry you back, okay?" Sehun smiled and nuzzled the bunny, slipping out of the room and into the hallway afterwards. Even as he neared the entrance to the facility, Sehun didn't spot the breeder anywhere. "Guess she's not on shift? Not like we need her, anyway.." Sehun huffed, gently tickling Kyungsoo's belly with a few fingers as he left the building with him.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: Chuckling lightly, Kyungsoo nodded. "Neh, it just somewhat scared me more...a strange cat me~" he cooed the last bit teasingly, glancing around the room with a clearing vision. His stomach was beginning to feel rather unsettled by the flowers now.

"A-Ani...I think one is fine. I'm sore enough for one day." nodding a bit shyly as it came through what they'd done, Kyungsoo blinked sleepily and wrapped the sheet around him like a hood. He struggled into his clothes with a quiet thank you before moving to shuffle off the bed, but he merely ended up sitting with his legs hanging off the edge and wincing cause his hurt. It was all rather slimy down the as well and he shivered.

So instead he shifted and hopped slowly over to the door and Sehun.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: (Baekhyun's not going to be too happy about this, I think..)

Sehun pouted a little, nipping Kyungsoo's ear gently. "I couldn't help it. I wanted to show you I'd never hurt you, but I guess you wasn't exactly the best way.." Sehun nuzzled into Kyungsoo's hair more, moving a hand up to lightly rub the other's back. He looked at the petals and cringed a little, shuffling a bit under the sheets.

"No, not unless you want a second round.." Sehun mumbled, sitting up afterwards with a yawn. He stretched for a moment before shifting, slinking off of the bed to retrieve his clothes, slipping under the bed after doing so. Sehun emerged crawling out, standing up to buckle his pants and fix his shirt. He then went to grab Kyungsoo's clothes and handed them to him, turning away to go open the door
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: @xH_Oh Sehun Finger absentmindedly flicking over the edge of the sheet, Kyungsoo chuckled gently at the memory that filled his mind, his eyes crinkling into half moons. "Well you did kinda shock me a bit, I'd never been one for touching or skinship, and then suddenly, you're me." he giggled gently, resting his head against the other chest.

"Hunnie, should we stay in here when there's all these petals? Or is that not a good idea..." the bunny pouted gently.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun purred as he wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo, nuzzling his nose into the silky locks of the other's hair. He let out a soft mew in response to Kyungsoo's purr and the answer, smiling. It meant he didn't do anything wrong for his first time, and it made Sehun happy. He cuddled closer to Kyungsoo and lightly at one of his ears, grooming him like he usually did while they were in their animal forms.

"Hey, Soo? Remember how freaked out you were when I first groomed you?" Sehun chuckled, remembering how awkward that day was.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: To be honest, Kyungsoo was still spinning enough to not know how he felt. He was sore, he knew that much as his was somewhat throbbing. But he didn't feel /bad/. Quite nice actually. His eyelids remained fluttered sleepy closed, and still tingly and sticky he shuffled over gently, curling up and nuzzling into Sehun's side. He reached to gently push his ear out his eyes before answering.

He didn't answer with words at first however, as he didn't know which to use. So instead he used a rabbits version of a purr. It was somewhat of a hum really, but easily recognised as being a contested sound. He cuddled closer into the others side. "I feel good." that was the only word Kyungsoo could find to describe himself, and he hoped it sufficed.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun breathed shakily after Kyungsoo came, not minding the sticky substance on his hands. His eyes slowly opened and he leaned down to gently peck Kyungsoo's lips, his nose afterwards, before he slowly pulled out of him with an audible pop. Sehun immediately flopped next to Kyungsoo on his back, letting out a strangled sigh as his heat diminished to flickering embers, having been the bucket of water.

"That.. That was amazing." Sehun spoke softly after everything stopped spinning and his body stopped feeling sensitive and light. He reached down for the nearby clean sheets, fluffing it out to get rid of the petals, and laid it over both of their bodies. Sehun looked over at Kyungsoo, ears twitching. "Uh.. How, how do you feel, Soo?"
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: as he was rocked into the mattress, Kyungsoo just felt heat, everywhere. Running over him like a sweaty shield, and he let out another crumpled, whimper of pleasure as the other kept slamming into the spot that had him seeing stars. Before he knew it however, Sehun was releasing and Kyungsoo moaned, the sound long and guttural.

Now desperate for his own release, Kyungsoo clung tightly to Sehun, his toes curling as his own was finally gaining attention. He wasn't far off though, not with the session they had just encountered and soon he was shuddering, his own seed shooting over the others hands.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun moaned into Kyungsoo's mouth, hastily over his gums, teeth, on his tongue and lapping everywhere inside the wet cavern. His hips began to stutter as the ball tightened and coiled within his stomach, dropping down lower with each . Sehun slammed in harder, deeper and faster than before, growling against Kyungsoo's lips.

His tail flicked a few times before it curled, Sehun forcing himself in as deep as possible one last time. He broke the kiss and made a sound that consisted of a mixture between a mewl and a hiss as he came deep inside of Kyungsoo. Sehun rode out his , panting heavily, and reached down to quickly pump Kyungsoo's neglected .
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: Kyungsoo removed one hand gently from the others shoulder, panting gently as his wrapped it in the others dampened hair. The other remained where it was , patched to the others back as he scratched with each pleasuring act. As the other re-angled however, Kyungsoo had to bite down a scream; his back arching a little and a groan spilling from his bruised lips.

He angled his hips down to meet Sehun's every , letting out a rather contented bunny hum as everything kept showering him with tingles. He couldn't think straight enough for words, so his mind had just reverted back to animal instincts as it always did when he was unsure. He however moved to use his second solution, instead pressing his lips against Sehun once more.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: @nH_Do Kyungsoo Sehun's eyes snapped open from the squeak and he looked down at Kyungsoo for a moment. He unwrapped his arms from around the other and placed his hands on his hips, raising them up and stilling his own. Sehun his lips as he rotated his hips, re-angling himself before pushing in, slamming back into the inviting heat. Sehun mewled loudly, nearly growling out a small roar, before he dropped his head.

"H-hyung.." Sehun whimpered, hips on autopilot as his eyes clamped shut again. There was a tightening in his stomach that was deliciously hot that grew with each , each plunge into the steamy abyss. "!" Sehun cursed, biting his lip afterwards as his claws dug into the soft skin of Kyungsoo's hips, leaving small marks as proof.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: "D-Don't stop, Sehun. Ah..." whining gently as the other pounded deeper, that was all the Kyungsoo could seem to muster, that and a panting moan. He couldn't see much, just stars and the imprint of Sehun's face behind his lashes, ad he whimpered again, pleasure coating him.

Occasionally when he mustered up the coherency, and more do the confidence, Kyungsoo would grind his hips down against Sehun's movements, a sharp groan escaping him as he recovered for the next attempt. One particular time though, as Kyungsoo's stomach began to tighten he grounded down until his walls met a different spot then usual and he squeaked loudly, his fingers digging into the others shoulder blades, "O-oh my god. S-Sehun..." loudly he ground down on that spot again, mouth flitting into a spread of mewls, whines and moans as they together found his "spot."
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo possessively, hissing as he moved faster, ed deeper and harder. Everything was a haze, everything was hot, everything was squeezing him. Kyungsoo's name spilled from his lips after every flick of his tongue, the syllables dancing into the drugged petals, into the sheets. Sehun nuzzled into Kyungsoo's neck as he panted lightly, his hips beginning to snap into the other's.

Sehun flattened his ears with a hiss, something inside of him began to churn, tighten, and it egged him to move faster, so he did. The pleasure heightened in return and Sehun let out a guttural moan in response, mewling at the same time.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Park Chanyeol {HIATUS}: As Sehun finally started to move, Kyungsoo's moans only began to grow. He shuffled his hips a bit so everything flow a bit better. His back hit petals and his arms wrapped around Sehun's shoulders, lips parted errotically as he tried to discover how he was supposed to think and breathe coherently. It just wasn't working, not with the intoxicating flowers filling the air and threading through his system; his mind was clouded.

He moaned again as the other slowly started to speed up, writhing and breathing Sehun's name as everything flowed together and pleasure travelled down his thighs.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun purred against Kyungsoo's cheek in response, hands still on Kyungsoo's hips. He groaned softly at Kyungsoo's movement and lightly bucked his hips in return, sighing from the rewarding feeling afterwards. It was hot and tight inside and Sehun couldn't hold himself back much, but he did prevent himself from slamming in and out.

"Kyungsoo.." He breathed out, his hips rotating as he pulled out a few inches just to slowly drive back in. "God, you feel so good." Sehun hissed, leaning down to kiss the corners of Kyungsoo's mouth, the pace of his s gradually increasing over time.
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: It hurt, quite a fair bit really. And Kyungsoo's teeth dug into his lip to hold in a whimper, before he burried himself in the crook of Sehun's neck. It hurt, but it was pleasuring. He was stretched, but contently filled. It was weird but he liked it....

Kyungsoo didn't know what to think.

Panting lightly it took him a few moment to relax around the other before he twitched his hips gently, mewling breathily in response to the feeling he got. "S-Sehun, ah...
Channie [A] 10 years ago
xH_Oh Sehun: Sehun was hesitant for a moment, sharp teeth biting into his lip and nearly breaking the skin. His fingers danced and played on the other's hip bones, tracing and racing along the outline. He whimpered softly as Kyungsoo's arms wrapped around him. Sehun leaned down to gently press their foreheads together, purring softly and nuzzling Kyungsoo's nose as he edged his own hips forehead.

Sehun closed his eyes as the bulbous head of his pressed against the ring of muscles before sliding in, the immediate heat and tightness ripping a groan from the feline. Sehun continued to slide in, holding Kyungsoo's hips up with a slight angle. He went slowly, which agonized him since he could barely hold himself back from slamming in, flipping Kyungsoo over and just proceeding to him into the flowery mattress. But Sehun did, and he was and purring once he was fully sheathed in the tight glove of Kyungsoo's hot entrance. ".."
Channie [A] 10 years ago
nH_Do Kyungsoo {HIATUS}: Kyungsoo whimpered, whined and panted, different sounds spewing through the spectrum and settling themselves in the crook of Sehun's neck. He was getting used to relaxing around the increasing size and although the third finger hurt, he settled around it soon enough. He was and grinding down once again.

He let out an breath, whining as the other pulled out but taking it as a moment to catch his breath, he leant backand closed his eyes, in breaths through his swollen lips. He nodded blindly, confirming his preperation and he wrapped his arms around the others shoulder, looping them around the other. "S-sehun...just do it already"


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