Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa really didn't want to argue with him. There was no point anyway. She knew there was nothing that could make her sleep, so it didn't really matter. "If you say so." She didn't need sleep. Her body was used to it and since she'd seen her parents killed, she had nightmares, so not sleeping was a blessing, Most nights, she'd read or dance or sometimes even write. Wondering if she should tell him about the fact that she's a genius, she decided against it. Most people didn't know how to take it, so it was better kept to herself. As she sipped her latte, she nodded. "Today is fine. I have a really busy day tomorrow, so I won't have time." She had a hectic schedule for the rest of the week. "So, what else do you want to know about me?
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Blinking quite innocently, Mingyu just nodded his head. "Well, you will get some more sleep if you come and live with me though. Willingly or unwillingly." Mingyu shrugged, taking another sip of his drink as he puffed his cheeks afterwards. Mingyu doesn't understand how one does not sleep for days since it was basically what a human needs in their lives. However, he knows that Boa was somehow different so rather than him scolding her for not sleeping well than he did with others, he prefers that he should let it go and probably do something for it afterwards. "We can go later. Unless you want to go tomorrow, that's fine with me."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa just nodded. She didn't understand, but then so what. There were a lot of "normal" things she didn't understand. Even that first sip of her drink had her head spinning, but not in a bad way. Coffee of any kind was one way to get her mind working and whenever she couldn't figure something out, she'd drink it and suddenly it's like her mind would open. Right now, she was finally seeing how to make her dance work better with one of the girls that was having a rough time. With a sigh, she shook her head. "You don't get it. I don't sleep. Like I literally go days without sleep and then I may sleep for a few hours only to do it over when I wake up. I suppose I could exercise or dance." She shrugged. As long as she had a nice kitchen to cook in, she could deal with the rest. "So, can I see your home anytime soon?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu shook his head, kind of disagreeing to what she said. "Being childish is fun, but sometimes it's a little troubling." Mingyu recalls drinking coffee that evening one day, and he couldn't sleep the whole night and it pretty much result in him having to clean the bed or the living room after messing it up the previous night. Mostly the living room since that is where the TV awaits for him. Mingyu took a seat across her, and took a sip of his drink. "There's only one bedroom though. I have two other rooms, but I made one my office room and the other just somewhere I can work out or relax. It's okay. I'm a heavy sleeper so I wouldn't mind if you sleep with me as well."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu "Okay." She ordered his drink and then paid that lady behind the counter. "Coffee doesn't seem to effect me in that way, but I don't sleep much anyway." Somehow she managed to still have flawless skin and none of the normal signs of sleep deprivation. "I agree. What do you want to know about me?" There were things she could divulge and things she couldn't. Seeing he was embarrassed, she smiled. "What kinds of childish things? Being childish can be fun." She mostly did it when she was home alone though. As she received their drinks, she handed him his and went to take a seat by the window. As he joined her, she stared out of the window and sipped her drink. "I don't sleep much, so I'm up most of the night. How many bedrooms do you have, because I would hate to disturb you."
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "Just some ice chocolate. I don't really drink coffee at times like these because I could stay awake and do.. childish things." Mingyu sheepishly smiled, before clearing his throat awkwardly and looked away to her. "We should talk. I want to know you better." Mingyu simply said, his eyes however, traveling elsewhere since he knew it would be slightly awkward to look at her right now with him saying that. Mingyu finally looked back up at her after what seemed seconds and shrugged simply. "Just... things. About you. About me. What are we planning."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She wasn't used to talking to anyone like this, but if he expected them to get married, wouldn't this become normal? "My parents always talked to each other, but if you prefer we don't, that's fine too." She had been alone for so long that she could handle it either way. "Thank you." Walking inside, Boa went to the counter and ordered her latte. Pulling her card out, she looked at him. "What do you want? My treat." It was a rare occurrence, but she was trying to be nice. She then turned to look at him. "I suppose so, but what do we need to sort out exactly?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "You know... I'm not used to.. conversing with girls like this. In a casual way, I mean." Mingyu wet his slightly dry lips, biting down on his lower lip as he opened the door for her as she went inside. Mingyu went in afterwards and followed behind her. "But we're gonna need to actually sort out things before you move in. Don't you think so?" Mingyu tilted his head, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu [That's fine. Thanks.]

Boa didn't feel anything, but that was nothing new to her. After her parents died, she'd lost all emotional feeling. The only thing she ever felt was pain. It was so commonplace in her life that she often wondered what was wrong if she wasn't feeling it. She would admit that he surprised her though. "So, you want me to move in with you?" She wouldn't mind necessarily, but could they live together was the question. She was OCD when it came to cleaning. Her uncles had never understood how she kept the mansion so clean, but it wasn't hart for her. Most of the rooms only required a weekly dusting and the others she cleaned as she used them. As long as he wasn't a total slob though, she could handle it. "Fine. I'll move in with you." She still wasn't giving up her house though. As she got out of the car, she marveled at just how quickly her life had changed. Even so, it still wasn't clear if this was a good or bad change.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa ( i posted here instead since we're switching rooms. c: )

Parking near the Starbucks main door, Mingyu turned off the engine and looked at Boa with an awkward smile. Mingyu was being weird. He has never been this way, he never recalled any moment in his life where he was flustered or nervous or even awkward. Somehow he was and maybe that was because Boa was with him, someone who was different than who he thought would be. "Let's... live together. My dad often makes surprise visits so what should I say when one day he visits and he doesn't see you anywhere? I'm a bad liar when it comes to those kind of things." Mingyu sheepishly admitted, somehow a part of what he said was true because he just really wanted to get to know Boa better. "We're here, though." Mingyu smiled, getting out of the car and rushed his way to open her car door.


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ChoiSansDimples1117 6 years ago
i'm sorry but chen has left. if more people join, i'll think about joining.

thank you for having me. i really liked this rp, and had a lot of fun <3
MasterOfMinds 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Won Bin for me please?
Cheery45 8 years ago
sorry jin left
vanisheddark 8 years ago
Applied for Suzy ^^
dprian 8 years ago
Applied for Krystal.
[comment deleted by owner]
unsilenced 8 years ago
Wendy is leaving because the main admin is inactive sooooo....thats not a very good sign.

I'm so sorry ;-;
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Cheery45 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Jin and Bang Minah? If not just Jin will be fine :)
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