Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She smiled warmly at him. "You're welcome." She had never told anyone that story before, not even her uncles. She'd simply let them think what they wanted. When he apologized, she shook her head. "It's okay. I try not to think about them, but at night it's impossible." Her attention returned to outside the window. She didn't want pity or anything like that. It's another reason she'd never told anyone. As she listened to him, Boa nodded in agreement. He was right. They were both young, but she didn't feel like living. "My mom used to tell me and my dad that when something bad happened." She couldn't help but smile. "It did make us stronger, but we clearly have different goals and ideas about life." She didn't want to depress him, but she just didn't feel anything other than loneliness and betrayal. The depression was something she tried to ignore. "So, if we're going to get married, where are we going to live? I don't mind us living apart if you want to do that. It might be safer too." When he wanted her for or anything else, she'd go see him, but he wasn't a bad person and she didn't want him to get hurt because of her. When she saw Starbucks, she smiled in relief.

[Should we switch to the starbucks room?]
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu didn't flinch, didn't look at her weirdly, but Mingyu surely was surprised. No one ever really did hold him, look him in the eye and at least say sorry. Not even his own father, who was someone Mingyu hated so much since he remarried two years after his mom's death. "T-thanks." Mingyu cleared his throat, somehow feeling quite awkward at what was happening at the moment. He thanked the gods that she decided to tell her own story, but somehow Mingyu knew she has been through a lot even when she was only living for around 18 years. She was still young, and to face that kind of incident surely was heartbreaking. "I'm.. sorry." Mingyu finally spoke, after being silent for around 5 minutes after she explained. "You know.. you're young. I'm young as well. We.. we're not the same. But.. I can guarantee you, that worst things can happen. And those worst things are what makes us... us. Everything happens for a reason. And I believe that... everything that happened to both you and me, is just something that makes us stronger."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She felt the change in him even though she wasn't touching or looking at him. His mom was a sore subject and she could understand that. Unable to resist this time, she turned and placed her hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry. That's a terrible thing for anyone to go through, but especially a child." She never talked about her parents. It was easier to leave them buried and focus on what she still had to do for them. "Both of my parents were killed when I was I 10. Someone I didn't recognize that my dad knew came to our house when I was about to go to bed and he shot both my parents. My mom hid me before he killed her, but there was so much blood and I cleaned it all up." Even now, she could see her blood stained hands after she'd finished cleaning.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu felt the energy he regained earlier somehow made it's way out of him, because the second Boa mentioned his mother, Mingyu couldn't help but feel his chest aching. However, he didn't want to show that side to her yet, he didn't want to show Boa that he was vulnerable as well. "It was long ago. When I was 5 or 6 maybe. Cancer, was the reason why she died. She was still young, beautiful and... she was everything I hoped her to be." Mingyu smiled faintly, shaking his head as he was reminded of the little times when he had to hold his mother's hand when she was lying on the hospital bed telling him a spooky story. It was a little memory, but Mingyu cherished it with his life. "What about.. you?"
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She couldn't answer that question right away. It was too painful and she didn't share that part of her life or herself with anyone. As she stared out of the window, Boa chewed on her lip. She sometimes wished that her mom hadn't hidden her and had just let the people kill her too. Surviving all these years, knowing that she had no one to care about or love her had eaten her up inside. She cleared , hoping it would dispel the lump she felt. "Doesn't everybody's past haunt them or at least some part of it? I'm no different. There's no reason to be concerned though. I can't do anything to change it, so I accept it and focus on something else." She unconsciously wrapped her arms around herself. It made her sad that she had no one to hold her or comfort her at night when she cried herself to sleep in that big house, all alone. It was almost creepy at night, because she could hear her parents as they had been and she'd swear she could feel them. "How old were you when your mom died?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu chuckled to himself, somewhat amused on her explanation because she was indeed, different than other people. He knew that Boa would be a different person to get along with, and Mingyu had to get on her good side even though he doesn't know the first thing of being friendly. Mingyu just really wanted the marriage to happen, maybe because somehow he's been waiting for this day. And maybe she was right, why not search for his one true love - it was just that he had trouble with that. He had trouble opening up to people, letting alone trust them. Mingyu's train of thought was soon interrupted by Boa's answer and he shook his head. "I know that. I meant... does your past concern you? Do they... haunt you?"
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa gave the guy an odd look. Then she remembered he didn't know her secret. "I do." She wasn't sure if she should share it with him just yet or maybe not at all. Not everyone could handle it. She'd seen that for herself before. "Not overthinking. My mind just processes things quicker and differently than most people." She'd always been that way, so it was completely normal to her. When people called her weird for the way her mind worked, she'd simply shrug and say she thought the same about them and since there weren't many people in the world like her, she was special. Not weird. At his question, she shook her head. "Not at all. I mean why should it. It's a part of who I am and what makes me me." She turned and stared out the window.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "You seem... to think a lot." Mingyu assumed, once he got into the driver's seat and started the engine. He took a quick glance at her, before letting out one awkward sigh. "I mean, you always have this look in your face that seems like you think about a lot of things. Like, overthinking." Mingyu had had his fair share of overthinking little things, and that he was always left alone in his apartment, thinking of possible things that would happen if his parents weren't such workaholics and were both happy to have him around. "Does it... concern you?" Mingyu asked slowly, somehow careful as he drove onto the streets.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She stopped in front of the car and was surveying it when he opened the door for her. Deciding that it was a nice gesture and that she wasn't really in the mood to argue right now, she smiled. "Thanks." She slid inside as her mind continued to work. It was focused on her dance teacher and the upcoming showcase. She had 3 months to make everything perfect and thankfully her dancers were good. She might be able to do it. Looking up at him, she shook her head. "All my parents own are old cars. They are classics, but I don't drive them. I like walking." She shrugged. She had a bad habit of talking about her parents as if they were still alive, but she couldn't help it. Even after they were killed, she felt them all of the time and she still did.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa It wasn't that far to his car, and when they finally reached it, Mingyu placed all of his bags on the back seat before running towards the passenger's car door to open it. "You can get inside." Mingyu smiled. Indeed he was rich, but somehow he hated being categorized as a rich kid. Which was why he used an old car to come to the park for some basketball game. "It might not be comfortable if you look at the car from the outside. Once you sit down, it's pretty comforting to your surprise." Mingyu sheepishly explained, before clearing his throat. It was true, the only reason why he is using the car was because he was comfortable in it than he was comfortable in his expensive cars at home. "Don't worry." Mingyu smiled, a little awkwardly.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She nodded. "Thank you." At least he didn't push it any further. She wasn't trying to be difficult, but no one touched her bag and it didn't leave her person if she were honest. Well, at dance it was locked away, but otherwise she had it at all times. She let him take her hand and lead her to his car. Although she was silent, her mind was working. It never stopped. It was part of the curse of being a genius, but she usually didn't mind too much. Actually, it usually was handy and it didn't hurt that she slept weird. He would have to get used to that too, but he was the one insistent on them marrying, so it wasn't her problem.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa ( yeah sure- )

"Fine. Suit yourself." Mingyu couldn't really force someone who sincerely didn't need any help. Even though he is a persistent man, sometimes when he gets a no the second time, it really means a no forever. Besides, she really did have a point there. He can be himself, even if people liked it or not. However, old habits die hard. It's a bit weird for him to have someone rejecting his hand of help, but nonetheless, it just made him think that Boa was one of a kind. "This way, though." Mingyu smiled sheepishly, before leading the way towards where he parked his car.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu [Should we switch to the starbucks room?]

She rolled her eyes. He had some things to learn about her and he would find out quickly that she didn't accept help ever. "Well, like I said, I got it." She hiked the bag onto her shoulder and dared him to try to take it from her. She didn't actually think he would, but even still. "Are you really that worried about what people think? Let them think whatever they'd like. They will anyway you know." She had never cared much for other people's opinions. They didn't matter to her or in her life. Hearing that it was her bag or her hand, she inwardly cringed, shook her head. "I'm a big girl. I can carry my own bag." She hated being touched unless it was for dancing purposes, but it was only to the car and she couldn't give him her bag, so she it up and waited.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu shook his head simply, his hand still reaching out for her. "I'm not doing it for you." Mingyu lied, somehow lying seemed to be a better thing to do at the moment since Mingyu can sense that Boa was one stubborn girl. "You see, if I don't carry your bag, people would think I'm an . It already looks kind of heavy and I'm a gentleman. So last chance. I'll carry your bag for you to the car or you'd rather carry it yourself. But if you choose the latter, I'll hold your hand instead." Mingyu raised an eyebrow, smiling cheekily as he held out his hand. "Your choice. Your bag or your hand." He tilted his head slightly.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa shrugged. "Okay." She looked in the direction he indicated and nodded. "Fine with me." She needed to save as much energy as possible for her rehearsal this evening. It would be the entire jazz and hip-hop sections there. She clutched her bag tighter and shook her head. "No thanks. And you don't have to be kind to me. I'm used to doing everything on my own and I don't expect you to do anything for me." She smiled and nodded. Being used to being alone or surrounded by her uncles and clients, she didn't even know how to accept kindness anymore and the fact that he would be her husband made it worse.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "I don't." Mingyu corrected her once again, before heaving out a sigh. "My car is right over there. Why don't we go by car?" Mingyu suggested, somehow tired of jumping around shooting hoops for the whole afternoon. He'd rather sit and press pedals with his feet than make them work. What was the use of a car? Mingyu held out his hand to her, his eyes signalling how she should give him her bag since it might be heavy for her. "I'll carry it for you. Don't reject my kindness. It's pretty rare." Mingyu warned beforehand.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She shrugged. "Don't say I didn't warn you if you get hurt." She wasn't that worried, because she wasn't lovable anymore anyway. He seemed smart and he was kind of cute. He probably had lots of girls, so he'd find someone to love who was free to love him back. Then they could be one big happy family and she could get out of this marriage and quietly fade to obscurity. That made her realize though, when she died, her parents house would no longer be in the possession of her family. It would probably go to some stranger. She sigh at the thought. "Whatever you want to do is fine with me." She generally walked everywhere. Her house had a 12-car garage and each one was full, but she didn't see a need to drive. She did keep them in tip top shape though.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "And I'm telling you. You don't tell me what to do. I can love you, I can like you and I can hate you because it's my choice. I don't even care if it's one-sided, I'm just telling you; if I fall in love with you, nothing can stop me." Mingyu warned, because it was true. He has never felt love before, and if he does, he can never stop himself from doing so. He's stubborn and persistent, which is why nothing can stop him whenever he puts his heart and mind into it. Clearing his throat, Mingyu adjusted his duffel bag strap on his shoulder and nodded his head. "It's quite far though. We can go by my car unless you'd want to walk."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa simply looked off in the distance. She couldn't believe what she was about to say. "I'm telling you, don't get attached, don't love me, don't expect forever with me or any other such nonsense. It won't happen." Yes. She wanted to be loved in the most desperate way, but she knew what loving someone in her life could do. Her whole life had fallen apart when she lost her parents, but she'd managed to be okay somehow. Actually that wasn't quite true. She wasn't okay, but she didn't focus on the pain. That was better saved for the people who did this to her family. Her reason for what she'd said was simple. He would be in danger if he really knew her and she could be killed like her parents were. If that were to happen, she didn't want him or a child to feel the way she'd felt. Especially a child. "Well, since legally I can't buy alcohol, I guess I'll have to wait for that until I get home. How about starbucks?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Mingyu was always known to be one attentive person when he's not walking around hitting on some pretty girls. He was the opposite of what people saw him, really, he's just too scared to show people that he cares, and that sometimes he's just as vulnerable as everyone else. So when he saw the glint on her eyes, Mingyu couldn't help but smile because she reminded him of his old self when he was her age. "Who said there'll be no attachment? I haven't decided to not love you yet. I just don't know you very well." Mingyu raised an eyebrow. He could never guarantee that he will never have any special feelings for Boa, because sometimes feelings change and maybe one day - maybe he'll fall in love. With who, it's still a mystery. He still had to prepare himself for it so making such promises isn't going to do him any better since he is a man of his word. Nodding his head in agreement, Mingyu sighed. Although he did want to go back home and shower to freshen himself up, but somehow he felt thirsty as well. "Fine. Where do you want to go?"
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa listened and had a sudden urge to drop to the ground and pout. In some ways, she was still a child and that wasn't likely to change. She sighed. "I already said I would marry you." The kid thing would take her some time to get used to. It's not that she didn't want one, but she wasn't sure how to raise a child and she didn't know how long she'd be around for him or her child. Asking him why would be pointless at this point. "In my life, only bad things come and you're right. We don't know or love each other, so at least there would be no attachment." She had wished for love for the last 8 years, from anyone, but it wasn't going to happen and she knew that. She had accepted that even though she kept hoping. Knowing fighting any of this was useless, she looked down the street. "I'm thirsty. Wanna go get a drink and we can discuss this some more?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "I want you to say yes." Mingyu simply stated, taking the matter of this marriage seriously because the more he gave thought to it, the more he realized that he has a dream. A dream to become someone better than his father. He wanted to show to his mother and to his father that life isn't always about work, and that he too, could appreciate someone much more than how his father appreciated his own mother. "Marry me. I don't care who you are, what kind of family you're borned into, I want you to marry me." Mingyu was determined, he didn't want to find nobody else because he only had Boa. Because his father put him up with this arranged marriage with her, and Mingyu wanted to see it throughout the end. "I don't care about the consequences, I care about this marriage. Maybe I don't love you or simply know you, I don't care of that either. I want this to happen, because good things come sooner than never."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu Boa sighed. She'd always thought having a parent would be better than not having one, but from his description she might have been wrong. "I'm sorry to hear that. That's not a parent though. Your dad sounds more like a donor than a parent, but believe me having all that you mentioned and then having it all ripped away is worse. I haven't celebrated any holiday including my birthday since I was 10." She felt no need and she had no one to do so with. No one cared about her. No one paid attention and after a while and quite a few broken promises, she'd locked her emotions away and stopped living. She merely existed. Seeing his pain, she started to reach out to hug him, but caught herself. He probably wouldn't appreciate it anyway. His sigh was met with one of her own. "What do you want from me? Even if we marry and I give you a kid, you'll still be a single father for the most part. When I told you I can't have my life interrupted, I meant it. It's a matter of life and death."
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "You're wrong." Mingyu shook his head and looked down on his shoes. "Do you know what it feels like, to be treated like a backup plan? My father may be alive, but not as my father. At least you got love, care, concern even for a short while. But for the 20 years of my life, I was never to spare a look at. Not even when I was born." Mingyu says with experience, somehow the pain in his chest growing more painful than it used to. However, he couldn't spill out every detail to her; she was a stranger. But it gave him more reasons to. Because the memory of having his birthday celebrated alone without his father, having to eat thanksgiving alone with his mother, having to learn to ride a bicycle without his father to congratulate him, and everything was so painful. Painful that he didn't even notice he was daydreaming until he heard her question. He cleared his throat, looking back up at her with a sigh. "And be a single father? That's not my dream."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu She just rolled her eyes. This wasn't going to get her anywhere. She had enough crap in her life to fight about without arguing with him. "Fine. It's your decision." She was trying so hard to think about anything other than her parents. It was no use. That night replayed in her head over and over. Her mother hiding her. Her father struggling with the gunman. The gun going off and her dad falling. Her mom screaming. The thump on the closet door as her mother fell and all the blood. It had been her who had cleaned it and unconsciously, she looked at her hands. For days, she'd cried and slept. Nothing mattered anymore. She was an orphan and all she wanted was her mommy and daddy. Hearing his rant , she scoffed. "You act like you know how that feels. Your father is alive, so at least you aren't alone in the world. I may not know every child's dreams and experiences, but I do know that there is nothing more painful than losing your parents and that it can change everything in a mere second." She wanted to be in her mom's arms right now, but that wasn't possible. "If you want a kid, why not adopt then?"
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "Why not?" Mingyu argued back, sick of how a lot of people would ask the same thing. Why couldn't he marry someone he doesn't know? Why couldn't he just marry someone over paper and have a child that will soon be close to him than he and his father would have ever been? Why not? Mingyu was also confused of himself; why does he choose all the hard choices when there are easy ones. But sometimes his answer was simple; he wanted to work hard to get what he wants. To be happy. All Mingyu ever wanted to do was build a family, a happy and close family. But he doesn't deserve to be. Mingyu soon softened as he heard her words, and for one bried second, Mingyu somehow saw the pain in her eyes. And Mingyu thought how even more painful than it was in her heart. "Bull." Mingyu clenched his jaw, even though he was satisfied that Boa really wanted to try the marriage out, Mingyu somehow still felt angry why Boa would think like that. "You say that like you know every childs' dream and experiences. There are children.. who would die just to be held my their mother's arms before they died. Everyone deserves a mother; no matter how complicated it is." Mingyu would know, he would understand how it feels.
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu "That makes no sense. Why marry someone you don't know?" She didn't understand this guy. She used to dream of falling in love and having a beautiful wedding with her daddy walking her down the aisle. That all changed after she witnessed her parents' murder. How could she do something normal like that and be happy when they weren't there to see it. And a child. Her parents would have loved that. Her eyes took on a haunted look as she thought about them, but she wouldn't cry. She had sworn to herself that she would never cry again. Emotions had no place in her life anymore. Her only purpose now was to finish school as her mom wanted and find her parents' killers. "I love kids, okay? I just can't be a mom. No child deserves that." She felt her resolve at not crying weakening with every passing second, but she held it in check. Realizing she wasn't going to win this argument, she sighed. "Fine. We can try it."
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa "That's why I'm agreeing to this marriage." Mingyu stated, as a matter-of-factly. "Because I don't know you." It was true, Mingyu never really wanted to marry someone he knew. He wanted to marry a stranger because they wouldn't know his imperfections and flaws. Although the thought of marriage didn't really bother him since he believed that he was too young to get married and still had time for his own fun, his father just had to ruin everything. Shutting his eyes for a brief second, Mingyu somehow realized how Boa seemed to be stubborn in some way, and Mingyu knows it would be pretty handful. "Somehow I don't believe you. You may have reasons for your own as to why you think a child would be a liability, and I have mines as well. But there are a million things I wish to do, and one of them is have a kid." Rolling his eyes slightly, Mingyu scratched the back of his head in frustration. "My decision's made. I can't go back on my word."
Kwon Boa [A] 8 years ago
@Mingyu What the hell was she going to do. Her uncles wouldn't relent and this guy seemed hellbent on ruining her life. He used his dad as his excuse and it was really getting on her nerves. "Do you always do what your dad says? Can't you think for yourself? I mean you don't even know me, so how can you want to marry me. For all you know, I could be a killer." She was, but he didn't need to know that and she wouldn't hurt him, so it didn't really matter. Hearing his reason for marrying her, she nearly dropped her bag. "If you're marrying me to give daddy dearest an heir, then find another girl. I don't plan to ever have kids and I'm only 18. I have the rest of my life to think about. A child would be a liability." People could get to her through her child and that wasn't something she was willing to do to herself or a kid. Her parents had hidden her for years, so she was safe and she'd missed out on playing with other kids. That wasn't going to be repeated through her.
Mingyu 8 years ago
@Kwon Boa Letting out an irritated sigh, Mingyu tried to keep calm. Boa surely did know what to say since it nearly drove Mingyu out of control and he really didn't want to be out of control at the moment. "I'm not saying I don't want to do this. I'm saying I do." Surprisingly, Mingyu was actually supposed to say no to her and talk things out and maybe they both can get out of this tangled mess but after meeting her and having to have interest in her demeanor, Mingyu possibly couldn't miss out this chance. Why, he didn't know. Maybe it's something in him that clearly needs to be released, but he's too stubborn to do so. "What do you think we should do? You don't need a husband because you think it's useless, but my dad wants a wife for me so that I can bear a child and keep the Kim surname going in my family." Mingyu had to lie, he had to use his father to be his scapegoat because he surely didn't want to act all wimpy in front of her. "I'm going home, and I'm telling my father that I like you; and you know what happens after that. If you don't want to, fine. Good luck convincing your uncles about it because I'm marrying you."


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ChoiSansDimples1117 6 years ago
i'm sorry but chen has left. if more people join, i'll think about joining.

thank you for having me. i really liked this rp, and had a lot of fun <3
MasterOfMinds 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Won Bin for me please?
Cheery45 8 years ago
sorry jin left
vanisheddark 8 years ago
Applied for Suzy ^^
dprian 8 years ago
Applied for Krystal.
[comment deleted by owner]
unsilenced 8 years ago
Wendy is leaving because the main admin is inactive sooooo....thats not a very good sign.

I'm so sorry ;-;
[comment deleted by owner]
[comment deleted by owner]
Cheery45 8 years ago
Can you add and reserve Jin and Bang Minah? If not just Jin will be fine :)
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