■ requests




Hey everyone! So in this room, you can ask us questions or send us requests. If you have a question, direct them towards us in this room. That way we can get to your messages easily. Here are some of the guidelines for requests.

1. If you have a room request that is communal (aka movie theaters, hospital, etc), it is for free.
2. If you have a personal room or living space request (aka homes, apartments, owned businesses, dorms, etc.), it will cost you 100 points.
3. If you want a second character, if will cost you 100 points. If you want any more characters, they will cost a 100 points more than the last purchase. 
4. Please supply us with the pictures wanted for your personal place. 














kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago
@lee jaehwan For personal rooms (homes, dorms, apartments, living spaces, and privately owned businesses), they cost 100 points.
choi yoojin 9 years ago
kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago
@choi yoojin I actually have a place, but never got around to making it haha. Do you have any pictures you want? It might take awhile to do because admin duckie is in charge of the layouts. I only know how to do minimal stuff.
choi yoojin 9 years ago
@kim jongin alright then I'd like to request an apartment for my character

guess everyone else is kinda homeless then^^
kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago
@lee jaehwan Hi! Sorry for the late message, by living area do you mean a dorm?
kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago
@choi yoojin Hi! Sorry for the late response. For personal rooms (which account of things like living spaces, homes, dorms, privately owned businesses, etc), they cost 100 points.
choi yoojin 9 years ago
Can I request an apartment complex?
just realize that we have lots of buildings but actually no place to live
oh sehun [sh] [A] 9 years ago
@park kyungri Done! Sorry if the pictures aren't the best lol Snow will probably change it.
kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 2
kim jongin [h] [A] 9 years ago


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darkfengxi 8 years ago
Sunggyu leaves due to inactivity; thanks for having me!
oceani 8 years ago
rokhyun left
DamnDaehyun 8 years ago
leaving snow o/
S3xySince1995 8 years ago
Baekhyun will take his leave but if you revamped this place please inform me or add me back or something lol i would love to join if this place is active again!
Growing-Pains 8 years ago
please put me on semi haitus for a month
-kang jihyun
tyrannosaurus 8 years ago
jaejoong left, thanks for everything really
molango 9 years ago
Hyorin left, sorry guys.
Growing-Pains 9 years ago
heyy do you guys mind if switch my chara?
i was kwak soojin, but now i wanna play Soyou
puddin 9 years ago
Sorry. hyeri left
hyuniebunny 9 years ago
Sorry Jongdae left
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