imperial union

this is where rulers congregate to discuss alliances, enemies, and future plans. 

in order to participate, you must tag the main admin and the other ruler you'd like to speak with. When you get the permission to start you use the room to rp a royal meeting. 

only one meeting can occur in here at a time, so you have one week to finish if you don't finish on your own. 

after you complete the union, both parties receive 500 galleons.

current schedule:
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rose_petals 5 years ago
thanks for the stay, nana left!
grandemint 5 years ago
ty for having me, but ari is leaving.
exhales- 5 years ago
wendy dipped ;; thank you for the short stay
29002001ed39359a31dd 5 years ago
im sorry but charice left
optimism 5 years ago
eunwoo left. sorry for the short stay!
exhales- 5 years ago
Wendy please! Thank you.
xGummyPandax 5 years ago
I have Jared and Qian reserved, I'll make sure to apply for them tomorrow after work!
29002001ed39359a31dd 5 years ago
charice hermoso please
the_lovely_bunny 5 years ago
Chou tzuyu pls
ShadowAngel 5 years ago
Add and reserve Kim Jungwoo? Please~
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