
Last post 5 years ago
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1. All the basics: favorite the rp, no facechasing, no MPREG/FPREG, no ualization. All orientations, genders, and internationals are allowed. No dating ban, no marriage ban, no child ban. (In fact, arranged marriages between princes and princesses and quick marriages are encouraged, along with the procreation of heirs) The duration of pregnancy here is 2 weeks. For every heir produced, you get a sum of 1,000. For every marriage for your prince or princess, a dowry of 10,000 is given to each king or queen.
2. If you're applying as a King or a Queen, please state so on your application. Names and descriptions of each kingdom are below. Only one royal is needed to start of ruling the kingdom, and it is up to them to find themselves a king/queen. 
3. When an heir is born to the King or Queen, they are either a prince or a princess. The parents of the child are allowed to select and change the age of the child as they please. 
4. The PW is how you plan on being successful in your kingdom. No marriages/impregnation/any kind of ualization may occur if the child or faceclaim of the child is below 17.
5. After you reach five thousand activity points (galleons) and four heirs, you may challenge another kingdom. If the other kingdom is conquered, the king and queen decides the fate of those who live there. The name of the conquered land the same, but is marked as a province of the winning kingdom. If you wish to challenge another kingdom, pm an admin. 
6. When challenging another kingdom, the ruler can buy or accept donations from its people to help aid in the conquest. If the royal court possesses at least four ships, they are then allowed to conquer lands that their continent does not touch. Without enough ships, you may only conquer kingdoms that border you by land. For every legion and armory bought, an additional dice roll that increases your chances will be given. 
7. Alliances are encouraged, and pledges of items or galleons can be exchanged. For every Imperial meeting between two rulers, each participant is granted 500 galleons. An imperial meeting includes a discussion of alliances, possible enemies, and future intentions. Once the meeting is completed, they receive their galleons and the Imperial meeting room is opened for other rulers to meet. 
8. Citizens can choose to riot against their ruler. To do so, four members of that kingdom with a combined total of twenty thousand activity points must pm the main admin. The ruler can suspect their citizens of treason before they do this, and if they suspect you they can throw you in prison (which brings your activity points down to 0) This can happen even if you are not guilty.
9. The first ruling King or Queen can have as many consorts as they want, without permission from their spouse or other consorts. Consorts can be let go, and spouses can be divorced. The King or Queen can also obviously also be solely tied to their spouse, without any consorts. 
10. As a royal (king, queen) you are allowed to do nearly anything (just pm the admin for confirmation.) It is your kingdom, after all.
11. Even though there is no marriage ban, you need to buy a ring to propose. They are located in the marketplace

Asphodel - Central Europe  KING PARK JIMIN
The Kingdom of Asphodel is akin to an ever-extending enchanted forest. Magic is said to be very present here, alongside a historical abundance of great philosophers. This kingdom's specialty is their military prowess on the back's of equines. The people are fairly happy here, with poverty being at an all-time low.
Irkalla -  East Europe
The Kingdom of Irkalla is darker than most, with a constant siege of grayish tones breaking through the intense cloud cover. This has hardened the people and their resolve, leading to intense allegiance to their ruler and their kingdom. Their specialty is loyalty and grit. 

Camelot - West Europe KING JARED PADALECKI
The Kingdom of Camelot is the most fruitful of kingdoms in terms of crops and human capital. It is densely populated and ruled very precisely. The ruler here has been apart of a family line of royalty stemming five hundred years into the past. This kingdom's specialty is naval travel, as most of their land borders the sea. 
Aztlán - South of the North American Continent
The Kingdom of Aztlán is incredibly ahead of its time. The ruler encourages enginuity and intelligence, so the people are very well educated; especially in the arts of agriculture and farming. 

Luxor - North Africa KING MIN YOONGI
The Kingdom of Luxor has suffered the least in terms of brain drain. It's people are incredibly intelligent in mathematics, science, and astronomy. Scholars are plentiful in this region, supplying the people and the ruler with ample knowledge worth being kept as secrets to use as pawns. 
Lemuria - Indian subcontinent and South Asia KING MINHYUK
This Kingdom is the most densely populated Kingdom on Urth. Here is where the most peasants live, but loyalty is suprisingly high because the ruler of Lemuria has a reputation for being benevolent and making sure there is enough resources to give to their people. 
Kitezh - Russia
The Kingdom of Kitezh highly regards royalty. The rulers here often throw parades and festivals for themselves, so their people have become quite the partyers. Loyalty is still common, but poverty has seeped into the outskirts of the kingdom due to so many lavish celebrations. 

Quivira - North America
The most wild and untamed kingdom, one without rulers, lords, or princes. Escaped prisoners live here, as do natives with no ties to any other kingdoms. Occasionally Quivira gets scoped out by other kingdoms to see if it is worth traversing and acquiescing into their kingdoms.
Price = 50,000 galleons. 
Zion - East Asia
The least talked about kingdom, but easily the most powerful. The ruler here is known for their tactful decision making, and the land here is known for its fruitful folklore. The court here is ruled by emperors and empresses that have ruled over the land for millenias.

Olmeca - South American Continent
Easily the most vast kingdom, Olmeca spans thousands of miles that is extremely difficult to travel or live in unless you are a native. Extreme changes in the weather make agriculture unpredictable, so the people and the ruler has had to get creative in order to quench demand. 

Agartha - West, South, and East Africa QUEEN YOON BORA
The most resource-rich kingdom is Agartha, with vast mines of gold and jewels scattered amongst desert. Every now and again there are beautiful oasis, in the kingdom who specializes in mining, witchcraft, and irrigation.


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rose_petals 5 years ago
thanks for the stay, nana left!
grandemint 5 years ago
ty for having me, but ari is leaving.
exhales- 5 years ago
wendy dipped ;; thank you for the short stay
29002001ed39359a31dd 5 years ago
im sorry but charice left
optimism 5 years ago
eunwoo left. sorry for the short stay!
exhales- 5 years ago
Wendy please! Thank you.
xGummyPandax 5 years ago
I have Jared and Qian reserved, I'll make sure to apply for them tomorrow after work!
29002001ed39359a31dd 5 years ago
charice hermoso please
the_lovely_bunny 5 years ago
Chou tzuyu pls
ShadowAngel 5 years ago
Add and reserve Kim Jungwoo? Please~
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