
Emma 5 years ago
@Evan "Tame me? What am I, your pet?" Emma laughed as she shoved her hands into her pockets and stalked off with Evan behind her. "I know, you're the goody-two-shoes." she said, turning around and walking backwards as she waited for him. "I know exactly who to go to when I need help with homework anyways." she teased. The main dining hall was only two blocks from their dorms, and around this time, it was relatively empty as most students had already eaten during prime lunch time. "Hmm...what do they have today." Emma pondered aloud, her stomach grumbling. She pouted, reaching out to grab her twin by the arm and pulling him, insinuating that he was walking much to slow for her liking, "Slowpoke, hurryyy." she whined, "Let's get food and share!" she suggested, pointing to the salad bar and the sandwich station. "What do you wanna eat, Ev?"
Evan [A] 5 years ago
@Emma "Yeah, I couldn't wake the dead with you, you were sleeping so sound." Evan replied, writing something down as he listened to his sister speak, rolling his eyes slightly. "Honestly, if I tried I don't think it would do any good." he chuckled, looking over at her and sighing as she insisted on them going down to the campus cafeteria. "Alright, alright, I'll give." he said, laying his pen down and grabbing his ID before heading to go with her, shaking his head. "You know I don't like waiting till the last minute to do anything." he said, heading out and locking the door behind them, tucking the keys in his pocket. "Besides, I know how to tame you if you get like that, it's not a big deal." he chuckled.
Emma 5 years ago
@Evan "Like a rock? Excuse me?" Emma laughed, quickly wiping her face to make sure she wasn't drooling or anything. Though she and Evan had their own bedrooms at home, it wasn't the same here, so she best be careful. "I didn't hear you though, seriously! You have to call me louder next time." she insisted as she moved to the edge of her bed and getting up, going over to Evan's side and peeking over his shoulder. "What? You already have to do a project?" she sighed, disappointed since she was hoping to spend time with her twin this afternoon. "Mmm...let's go to the main hall" she suggested, "We have to get used to campus food sometime soon, now don't we?" she joked slightly.

With that, she fixed her hair and put it up into a ponytail, getting her ID card and phone, waiting for her twin at the door, "Let's go Ev!" she grinned, waving at him to hurry up, "Your project can wait, but your sister can't. You know I'll get hangry." she teased, then turning back and going out of the door.
Evan [A] 5 years ago
@Emma Breathing out a sigh of relief, Evan leaned back and put his game face on, standing from the bed as he went to get his homework out of his bag. "You're the one who was sleeping like a rock, I tried shaking you like five times." He said, sitting down at the desk as he looked over the assignment for the week. He always did it early, even when it was due two weeks from the assigned date. "I'm surprised you didn't hear me calling you, anyway, I told you not to fall asleep waiting for me." he chuckled, making a small note before looking at his sister. "Did you want to eat lunch in the main hall, or would you be cool with ordering pizza? I've got some homework I need to start on, plus I have to go meet some people for a group project later.

All the while he spoke, Evan couldn't stop thinking about the fact that he'd just kissed his sister. He had to admit. he'd secretly hoped that she would wake up and know it was him...but maybe it was for the best. And now, since he knew she was a heavy sleeper, he might be able to steal kisses more often from her.
Emma 5 years ago
@Evan Emma didn't think that the college dorm beds could compare with her bed at home, but she was wrong. Maybe she was just good at sleeping anywhere, for that afternoon nap felt refreshing. She thought she had heard something in her subconscious, but that wasn't enough to wake her. Emma's dreams kept her too occupied. In her dreams...Evan was there! But wasn't he supposed to be in class? She waved at him, giving her twin a smile, "How was class?" she asked him, not receiving an answer in reply. Her twin continued to look at her, gaze at her more like. There was that classic smile he had on his face, as if he saw her more than his sister. Confused, Emma wanted to ask him if something was wrong, but the ringing of her phone kept her from doing so.

She rose from her nap, twitching slightly when she heard her phone ringing. As she opened her eyes, she almost screamed, seeing Evan sitting right there in front of her, face red like he had just done something wrong. "Oh Ev, you scared me." she exclaimed, patting her chest and then scrambling to reach her phone, "ugh...these advertisement calls." she frowned in distaste when she saw the unknown number. "Anyways, when did you come back? Why didn't you try to wake me?" she asked with a smile, completely oblivious.
Evan [A] 5 years ago
@Victoria It didn't matter if Emma was smart, Evan thought she was perfect just the way she was. She didn't need a brain, she was clever and cunning, and had her own way of doing things in order to survive and he thought it was wonderful. Once the clock ticked down to the end of class the male made his way to their shared dorm, walking into the room and finding his beloved sister asleep, the male sighing deeply. "Stupid...I told you not to fall asleep." he muttered, going to put his bag down and walking over to Emma, nudging her. "Hey...wake up.." Evan said, sighing again when she didn't stir. "Honestly, you could wake the dead with you." he said, sitting down on the bed next to her and looking over her sleeping figure. She was so beautiful, her smooth skin that was complimented by her aburn blonde hair...Evan couldn't help himself as he d her cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear, leaning down ever so gently. Maybe if she stayed asleep...she's never know. The male leaned closer till he was at her lips, placing a tender peck.
Emma 5 years ago
@Evan She wasn't the smartest in the class, but Emma could definitely hold her own. Upon walking into class, she had made a few new friends, all of whom complimented her style and called her pretty. She wasn't dressed extravagantly, only being decked in her favorite blouse and jeans with a pair of comfortable Converse shoes. She spent the majority of her class period trying to listen to the teacher and deciphering the big words that she didn't understand. Maybe Evan would be able to help her, afterall he was always the one who took challenges eagerly, thus explaining why he was taking the difficult classes at the start of the school year. It's a wonder how they even got into the same college, Emma was sure Evan would have chosen a different university had their parents not insisted on them going together. Still, she tried her best to concentrate, finally finishing this particular class. She had another one, which she hurried to as well. Two o'clock came fast, even lunchtime managed to slip away from her. Emma was so intrigued with her new magic classes, but at the same time already having the feeling that she'd be stressing a lot in the coming few weeks. Her professors were all knowledgeable, but strict graders. She sighed as she finally got back to the dorm, dropping her backpack at the side of her desk and immediately laying in bed, relaxing. Evan had yet to come back, but she had thoughts of eating lunch with him. Though she meant to wait, the wait eventually turned into a mini nap as she dozed off.
Evan [A] 5 years ago
@Victoria "Building four, so I'll be next door. I don't get done till two thirty," Evan replied, a gentle smile on his lips as he waved back at his twin, heading to the other building. He sighed softly as he thought about Emma waiting for him, knowing full well she would possibly fall asleep by the time he made it back to her at the dorm. Then again, he really didn't mind it...watching her sleeping face, that is. He was glad to see she was happy, sighing deeply, the male made his way into the building, ducking in and not even noticing that his sister had looked back at him. Class came all to soon and Evan threw himself into his studies, making sure to take notes and to pay attention. He was in the more intensive classes, so he'd have to be sure that he paid attention to every detail. Evan hadn't even realized class was over till he saw the teacher wiping the notes down, having just finished taking them down. Packing his bag, he made his way back to the dorm, stretching as he did so. Maybe Emma would want to go for lunch, he though to himself.
Emma 5 years ago
@Evan ((You're all good <3 I took equally long to reply too haha))

With her backpack straps sitting snug on her shoulders and a little spring in her steps, Emma made her way towards her new school beside Evan. With a new year meant a new start, especially at college. Emma had a knack for magic, it was something she'd taken interest in since she was young, and their particular college was known to be one of the best if she wanted to make a name for herself someday. She had to admit that the nervous, butterflies-in-her-stomach feeling had been significantly reduced, knowing that she was attending the same college as her twin. "Yeah, building 3." she responded to Evan, smiling at him a little regretfully that they would be parting ways soon for their first class, "Where are you going?" she asked, still having not fully commit his schedule to memory, "I'll be done at two today, so I'll wait for you back in our dorm." she told him, giving a little wave as they got to the fork in their path. She flashed him a smile before turning on her heels and almost adding a little skip in her steps as she went to class. She looked back just once to see where her brother was headed off to, the smile still plastered to her face. Sure Evan was her twin brother, but he was also her best friend, her confidant, so naturally she would be concerned with where he was going.
Evan [A] 5 years ago
@Victoria {hi there dear, so sorry it took me this long to get this posted}

It was a cool summer day, the sun beat down on Evan as he made his way to his first class, having left his dorm earlier in the day. It had been a long process of moving into the school over the summer, the twenty year old excited be in college...though, he would have to admit, he didn't expect to have his sister there. He'd wanted to go farther away for college, to let the both of them have a life and make a path for themselves, but seeing as Evan and his sister were only twenty, their parents still had most of the control. They were paying for the whole thing after all. None the less, Evan was happy to be studying, and even if he had to share a dorm room with his sister, it would be alright. He'd just...have to keep his hands to himself. Yes, for some reason, Evan had eyes for his sister Emma, the beautiful twin he'd loved for many years now in secret, but had never had the guts to admit it openly. It would be a challenge, but he knew he would make it. "Your first class is in building three right?" he asked, having purposely signed up for all of the classes his sister was not going to be taking that semester so that he could keep his thoughts clear.


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