
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy [hi dear, sorry i dipped, hope you still want to continue<3]

Excitement bubbled up inside of Rebecca at the thought of being wed, nodding to his words and stealing another kiss of her own. Nothing could ruin this moment, and even if her father never accepted her back, she knew she would be happy with Andy for the rest of her life. "Tomorrow then...I'll start working on the dress immediately." Rebecca replied, moving to cover herself once again. She was grateful when her new ladies in waiting whisked her away, taking her to the guest room to prepare her dress. The following day couldn't arrive soon enough, Rebecca finishing her dress shortly before it was time to leave. She pulled her hair back into a braided half up pony, a small bouquet of white roses being held in her hands as she made her way to the lagoon where Andy would greet her, eagerly bouncing on her heels. Tonight, she would no longer be a young lady, but a woman. A married woman. And that itself was enough to have her rushing to her groom.
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca It was all too fast, it who could blame them, they’re two supernatural beings and lust and wants and needs was in their DNA, and her taking off the very last piece of fabric she had didn’t help him one bit to hold himself back. Being pushed , the male still leaps in to get one last kiss before finally breathing hard as their forehead met in comfort. “ it is to me too. “. Biting his lips he nodded “ tomorrow night then , it is after all a full moon, we’ll have the ceremony at the lagoon itself. “ he said with words of excitement, his eyes smiling and his lips were speaking more of love then of lust, first after a very long time
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy It was like Rebecca was suffocating under the clothing she wore, not liking it one bit as she scrambled to remove the outer jacket, shivering as her met the table. It didn't matter, Rebecca didn't care where they were, but one thing was certain in the back of her mind, and that was their union and marriage, the wolf coming to her senses and pushing her palms flat against his chest. "Wait," she managed to get out, panting softly as she rested her head against his, looking deeply into his eyes. "Not here, not like this...I want our first time to be special," Rebecca insisted, stroking his face and groaning softly. "I would love nothing more than to give you myself now, but I'm a . I want to save it for our wedding night, for the lagoon...I want to give you me as a present, not in a fit of lust." she told him, cupping his face in her hands and stroking the skin with her thumbs. "How soon can you have a wedding here?" She asked, looking him dead in the eye. "I can make a simple dress in a day, we can be wed as soon as possible."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Parting her lips, he let his warm wet muscle explored her cavern. His hand instantly grabbed her by her thighs and settled on her perfect firm bubble as she hooked herself on him. It was as if they read each other’s mind, no words were exchanged or orders given but their body and soul know what they both wanted. Pressing himself on her, Andy almost forgot that she was , underneath his jacket that he offered her, she had nothing on but her confidence of a body and why wouldn’t she, she was undeniably beautiful in all ways possible. Pushing himself forward, he got her petite body on the table as he leaned close, his lips slowly forming a smirk, showing his fangs as he pressed himself more against her, rubbing her in all the right spot as they fit perfectly like two puzzle pieces coming together
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy The world stopped, time itself standing still as she waited for a word or an action from the elder, a soft moan slipping past her lips when his own pillows met hers. Rebecca's breath caught in , the young woman slowly moving her lips back against Andy's, her hands rubbing over his chest as she did so. She was glad he was able to catch what she wanted, still standing on her tip toes to make herself taller for him. She was only five foot one, an since Andy was so tall she didn't want him to break his back leaning down to her. Maybe she could wear heels... The young woman parted her lips for the vampire, tasting his sweet lips and tongue, her arms sliding up around his neck an bringing herself closer. Nothing else mattered anymore, the young wolf wanting to devote herself to Andrew for the rest of her life, and to bring peace back to the land by their union. "Andy..." She whispered, pulling back a moment and staring up into his eyes, looking between them an waiting for a sign to push forward. Once she got it, Rebecca took a jump off the floor, wrapping her legs around his waist and as she captured his lips, opening once more for him to enter.
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Looking into the windows of her soul, he saw that she meant every word. How the thoughts of war and family dispute were thrown out the window and they were left there standing as two beings, an untold story and a new awaken feeling being said and display for the heavens to witness. Taking her closer to him, his hand gently raised up as the back of his fingers trailed her coloured cheeks and his eyes followed through, the scent of her moist lingered the air as her heartbeat raised for him like drums of the wedding announcement itself. Shaking his head to acknowledge her request he kept silent and leaned in to capture her lips in his, actions speaks louder then words and he believe this one spoke volumes. His other hand gently pulled her by her waist, pressing their bodies together into one he leaned more into her. Humming and softly into her cavern as his warm wet muscle flick to part her lips begging for an entry
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy Rebecca was at a loss for words, her eyes gazing up into her fiance's the longer he spoke. She couldn't hide the blush on her face as he spoke about seeing him , clearing when he took her hand and tugged her closer. This man was a god, towering over her smaller frame, but Rebecca didn't feel small next to him, no she felt safe, stepping even closer till she was all but pressed to his chest. "Then don't let me," The princess replied softly, her hand moving to rest on his chest. Truly, Rebecca knew she couldn't leave him now, Andy being the one she wanted to stay with for the rest of her life. "I don't wish to leave you..." She replied, chuckling as he and shaking her head slowly. Of course he would , grinning up at him and feeling her heart stop when he leaned closer. "Then don't let me go." She replied, standing on her tip toes as she tried to reach his mouth.
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca And I won’t let him, besides, I got a beautiful woman to marry, a child to have with, to protect my future family and end the war, and probably save the world “ the male said in a confident and yet teasing manner with a sly smile forming across of his lips. Taking her hand in his again, he nodded “ I can’t let such a lady to go home this late now can I ? What kind of man would I be then “ he look at her with an eye smile in place “ what information would that be hmm? If you wanna see me just asked “ he kept his smirk in place as he tease. “ I think it’s a little too late for that no ? Because I’d risk smelling of you even before your Father “ his words were true, his feelings grew with each passing moment he spend with her as if they’re destined to be with each other to begin with. “ I only have an eternity to spend with you, and yet I don’t wanna waste one second without you by my side “ he said in a soft Whisper as he lean closer to her
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy The way Andrew gazed at Rebecca had the young wolf shivering in response, watching him closely as he moved even closer to her. There was something under the surface, something that was not meant to be found just yet, the young wolf clearing and smiling at her now fiance. "I don't think that would be a good idea, he'd murder you on the spot." She giggled, shaking her head and moving to stand up. "Do you think I could stay here for a bit? Maybe just the night before I head back? I want to find out more information before we wed, that way I don't have to go back undercover and risk father smelling a vampire on me," The young wolf said, looking at Andrew with fond gaze. "Or are you eager to wed me this night?" Rebecca asked, the biting of his lip calling to a deeper part of her. With heat season near, she was already becoming aroused, the girl squeezing her thighs together to keep herself from falling apart. "I must admit, I'm eager myself."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Far from it, princess “ he smiled and look at her, calling her by the title bestowed to her. It was the first time he actually address it out loud but it did had a funny ring to it. He had met princesses around the world, but with her, it was just different. Was it because he had a thing for her from the first encounter they had? Or was it just because they were gonna be bonded by both law and traditions and even blood after the ceremony is done. “ to have a world without you, I won’t think of the future, because as of today, you are my future, Rebecca “ he leaned closer and whispered to the latter and smiled softly with his eyes. “ and here I thought you’d want your father to attend the ceremony, didn’t take the princess to be such a rebel. Or well maybe I did “ he continued in whispers with a cheeky tone hidden around it as he then bite his bottom lip a little, looking at her as his dark orbs trailed upon her beautiful features, with each part he gaze upon, he admired her more and more
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy The way his name rolled off her tongue seemed like second nature, it had Rebecca's heart stopping momentarily at the thought. Had it always been this simple between them? Thought, his cough made her giggle, shaking her head softly in response to his little scene. "I'm sorry, Andrew, am I too brazen for you?" the wolf asked, a gentle smile gracing her features. His explanation was...well, a bit morbid, but if it meant she would be his bride, then she would be willing to trust him, to give herself over to him and belong to him fully. It was the least she could do. "Then, I will trust you. I have faith you won't kill me." she replied, grinning over her glass as she took another sip and hummed, a deep sigh gracing her features. "Father was going to wait til after heat season to attack, which starts in two weeks. That gives us roughly a month and a half to be wed and to...well...give you a crack at use having a child." she said, clearing her own throat. The baby part was what worried her, but...if her father knew she was pregnant, then he wouldn't attack so soon. It was a big jump, but it would be worth it if the succeeded.
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Andy was delighted to hear that, he didn’t want his marriage to be something more of a one sided scenario where she wasn’t happy to be with him, but as days goes by, he would want to learn about the latter more, of her likes and dislikes, do’s and don’t. After all it’s only gonna be forever. “ I’d appreciate it, Rebecca. “ he said with an eye smile, the sound of her name just send little tingles upon his lips when he calls for her. It has always been those pet names that he used upon her, but to actually say her name out loud. It gave him a pleasure of its own. Taking another sip, that’s when he heard of her explaining the rituals and a minor cough he had. He didn’t think that she would blurt out like that, but she showed him that she truly are as grown up as she said to be. “ well we vampires too are more then just bites , love. One has to give herself freely to her groom, to surrender body and soul, to trust the partner as he takes her blood, to not be addicted enough to kill , to drained all the blood. I saw wedding rituals end up over in a day due to blood lost “ he chuckled and look at her. Eye smiling he nodded “ your wish I my command, ma’lady. And when will we be helding the ceremony? “
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy "The way I see it, I am choosing my husband." Rebecca replied, watching as he took her hand in his, smiling softly at the peck. He was a gentleman, true to his word, and it made the young wolf grateful she'd chosen someone respectable as her husband. "And I you. I pledge the same, to serve you as a loyal wife." She said. The wolf nodded in taking the glass, smiling and sipping it slowly with Andrew's chatter. It was funny to see him speak, the woman setting her glass down as she looked at him. "We hold a wedding ceremony. Afterward, to consummate the marriage it's custom to obvious to have , but it's more than that. We put our seal on each other, would take my seal which is that of the moon since I was born in the water under the moonlight, and I would take yours. It's done through biting, much like vampires do, and it appears as a branded mark wherever I bite." She explained, nodding her head. "It's quite simple actually. And...if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be at the same waterfall where I was born. It's on the edge of the forest, it's beautiful. And it would be the perfect place to give you my mark as the water is charged with lunar energy."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca I’ve never lied to you ever since we met, I’ve no reason to, besides it’s not my nature “ Andy said it with confidence and calmness. His words or gesture were always calm and collective. She did linger in his mind from time to time before but words remained unspoken as they were born enemies, but now that she had come to him, he had his heart speaking like there isn’t a tomorrow, with the war happening, it might very well be. “ well it is the 21st century, “ he chuckled and shook his head. “ I’m sorry that you didn’t get to choose your Husband or rather to be with the one you love, but as my Wife, I’ll respect you and honor you , on that I give you my word. “ he nodded and took her hand, gently he peck the back of it and look at her with an eye smile. “ I believe so, I wouldn’t dare did what you did, I mean, you Father has no tolerance for vampire in your compound after all. “ he a little to clear the air around them before handing her the wine glass “ how can I send you away, to see you sad, I’d think the whole world will be a little darker then it already is “ his words were soft and husky as he swirled his glass and hums as he takes a sip. “ so how do we do this then ? I mean, how do we wed, do you wolves have a ritual or something, or rather do we get someone to bless us or ? “ he chuckled out of awkwardness of the whole topic and shook his head again
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy His words...they took her back, the wolf princess listening and feeling her heart beat faster in her chest. Andrew wasn't that much older than her, but she'd always seen him as her elder. Now, it seemed as if she could see him in an entirely different light. "Do you mean that?" She asked softly, looking at Andrew with gratitude in her gaze. The longer he spoke, the more Rebecca felt herself falling for the prince in a way, a smile gracing her lips as she nodded in response. "I thought it strange for a woman to ask a man for his hand in marriage, but desperate times call for desperate measures." a soft chuckle left her lips. Despite the earlier conversation, Rebecca had full faith in Andrew to protect her, a soft smile gracing her lips at the thought of becoming his wife. "Thank you. It took a lot for me to come here, I'll be honest. I was nervous. I was nervous you'd either kill me or send me away...I'm more than grateful for your kindness in listening to me and accepting my offer."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca I’m not, love, I’m just merely saying that it is known that wolves are rather hot blooded and always going on with who’s alpha and who’s beneath and beta and such, I on the other hand have always respected you, not as a young wolve, she mean nothing to me, but you as a woman, as a princess, as a queen. “ he said his thoughts out loud, one that he had kept hidden all those years after knowing her, even in fights, he would admire her bravery. “ I too am serious, it does need to stop, I lost my Father, and I don’t want you to lose yours. Nor your pack for that matter. But I respect your decision in coming here, a bold and wise choice I must commend you on that . “ then I believe you Rebecca, I’d accept you, to be my Wife. History will be made, our kinds have always wave war upon one another and this time it’ll end. And I’ll protect you with every bit of me, even from your Father if the time comes. From this night and the nights to come, there will be no harm to befall upon you, love. “ he spoke out his heart to her, his word is his bond for love is a learning process, he will indeed take each day to gain knowledge of how to please her and make her happy
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy "Would you stop referring to me as if I'm beneath you? Just because I'm young and I'm a woman, dose not mean you're above me, Andrew." Said Rebecca, her gaze firm. "I'm serious about this. This war needs to stop, and I seem to be the only one willing to make an effort from my side." a deep sigh left the wolf's lips as she listened to him, knowing full well where the conversation was headed. Of course he wouldn't do it, Rebecca beginning to loose hope...that is, until he offered her a question. Her gaze locked with the prince once more, making sure he knew her intentions well. This was not a game to Rebecca. "I would choose my husband," The wolf spoke firmly. "For it is to him that I would pledge my loyalty, to protect and end the war. No matter the cost. There is no other choice." Rebecca said, her words gentle at the last bit. "I'm not a child, Andrew. Don't speak to me as such. I know my place, I know what I want, and I would gladly choose my husband if it meant saving my people. Which in turn, would become our people. I would take vampires as my own to protect them."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Listening to her, Andy led her to the halls, where a long table made known in the center and chairs, leathered chairs place on each side to conquer it. The lights dim and the halls filled with paintings and old antics that he had collected from around the world throughout the era.” Typical, lycan “ he chuckled as she finished the first bit and then he listen to her intently, giving her the chance to explain herself and her little plan. “ I thought your Father was mad, you’re even crazier, to think he wanted my head then, now he would love to put it on a spike and place target practice. “ he chuckled at the absurdity that the latter blabbered before he poured both of them a glass of wine as he thought of it all. “ we vampires are curse to not have generations of our own, I was the only miracle I’ve heard off, how my parents made pact with the devil himself to my coming, I don’t see how it will work, but I have read about you lycans. Just how fertile you are, maybe it might work. “ he said, “ and what if your Father hates it, and you are my wife, who will you choose then Becky, your Husband or your Father, that is my question to you “ he tilted his head and brought the wine glass to her, as if the last question was an ultimatum for her to achieve her little wish
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy Oh how Rebecca wanted to slap that smug smile off his face...the young wolf's eye twitching as he finally stopped his useless chatter and offered to hear her out. That was all she wanted, at the very least. "Thank you." She replied, trailing after the prince into the castle. She wasn't so sure how he would react...she knew what her father would do if she were to go through with it, and that's what Rebecca feared most, a deep sigh leaving her lips as they walked along. "My father wishes to marry me off after the war, to whomever is the strongest left," Rebecca began, her hands by her side as the walked. "I do not wish for this. Frankly, I don't want to marry anyone at all...but I know he won't stop till he has a war or something to knock some sense into him...something like a marriage, or even...a child." She looked directly at Andrew when she spoke the last bit, a deep sigh leaving her lips. "It's not what I want, but if it means bringing peace to both of our lands then I'm willing to go through with it. My proposition to you is a marriage, and if possible a child. I know my father will come to his senses and end this madness, and then, our forces can join together to defend ourselves against the humans." She paused, her yes holding concern for her people. "Andy, we can't let this senseless blood shed continue, it's madness. And if my father won't see reason any other way, then what I'm offering you may be our only hope. He won't listen to words, he only listens to actions. He's preparing another attack soon, and I don't want to see more children loose their fathers, from yours or my people."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca And I’m not just any vampire, clearly you’re here meant I mean something, and yet another clearly you being here alone meant that you just are that foolish, little pup “ his words trail from his lips once again as calm as the winter breeze. “ tsk tsk tsk, lycans, always boiling with rage and you seem to be no differ, the reason I’m offering you the jacket is because I’m a man, I do appreciate a woman and her body. Sure I can be all wolf like and be ragged and rather alpha like if you’d call it and stare at just how beautiful you are, but making you uncomfortable was the least on my mind, love “ he called her sweetly as he was pretty handy with the English tongue. Making his accent rather foreign like and much more ancient, it always had a certain charm to it.” You’re not that foolish after all. To admit that the war is beyond our kind takes a lot, especially for a wolf, know that you have my respects, princess. “ he added as he tilt his head and gently took her hand and pecks the back of it “ it’s finally a pleasure to meet you Becky, all this while we weren’t able to have such a friendly get together with our fangs out and wolf form and such “ he chuckled a little to before nodding “ I’m all ears, would you like to come in then “ he tilted his head and offered her sanctuary in his castle
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy "I'm not just any wolf," Rebecca replied, glaring slightly at the comment about the fur. Of course he would make a little dig like that at her, eyes narrowing as she stepped closer and looked the vampire in the eye, unscathed by his warning. "Just because you're older does not negate that you are wiser or more mature than I am," her words were sharp, eyes filled with fire as she gazed at Andrew, disregarding the jacket and moving it aside with her hand. "If you cannot control yourself to look me in the eye, that's your own problem. I mean what I said, I do come in peace. My father wishes to destroy you, and you're right, that's exactly what the humans want. They want us to kill each other so they can have control of the land, but I'm not so willing to give that up." she replied. "I came to discuss business," Her eyes cut to the jacket before taking it and wrapping it around herself, stepping even closer till she was nose to chest with him, looking up into his eyes with determination. "And if you'd be willing to stop behaving as a child and discuss this like adults, I have a proposition for you. It's not exactly the greatest idea, but I believe it would be in our favor and would stop this nonsense between our kinds."
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca Listening to her heartbeat and shivering body, he could tell that behind the clear voice, she was afraid, to his deduction, it only meant she came here alone on her own accord “ said the last wolf who cross this path, and let’s just say, the fur kept us comfy “ he snickers, as cold as he may sound, that wasn’t nearly the case, it was a mere scare tactic, sure his Father was a bloodthirsty madman, but Andy was more human like then any of his kind. Sure born royalty , but he took traits of compassion after his mom and lessons from his father’s mistakes only showed him a better route for his kind. “ and I’m decades older then you, ergo, pup “ he said as he came out of the shadow and into her presence. Wearing a tux, he had all the makings of a gentlemen. Some would even call him weak, because he wore like the mortal and acted like one, but deep down, he knew he was blood thirsty and have all the weakness his dad had and in his very veins he fought everyday to be the opposite. Taking off his jacket he look the other way and held it out to the wolf. “ wear it, it’s the best I can offer so far, I’m sorry I don’t carry spares for visitors, mine usually come clothe. “ he said calmly and scoffed at how she called him by his real name “ did the pup thing hit a spot, Rebecca ? “ he cocked a brow . “ and yes, Father would have taken you hostage or even worst kill you, sadly, he is not with us anymore. “ he said in a rather low tone , the war had cost his Father his own life as he took wounds from his last encounter that even blood wasn’t quick enough to recover the severe wounds.
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy Rebecca knew what she needed to do, she needed to find a way to get into the palace and try to speak with Andrew or his father. Maybe, if she put herself out there that they would call a truce and end this foolish war. The young wold would gladly admonish that she was frightened, but Rebecca knew in her heart of hearts that all this would do would bring more blood shed to both their people. They'd already lost so many wolves, women without husbands, children without their was pointless, and she didn't see the good in any of it. Rebecca was nearly into the thicket of the forest when she heard the whispering of the voice out of the corner of her ear, the thick and deep sounding vibrato making her shiver. Of course she had no shame as she stood in her form, being that of a wolf, it didn't really matter. "I come in peace," she said, her voice speaking out clearly as she looked around for the voice. "And I'd thank you kindly not to refer to me as a pup, I'm twenty one." Rebecca looked around over her shoulder, sniffing the air and catching the scent of the royal vampire...knowing that either the king or the prince had entered her presence. "To whom do I owe the pleasure of speaking with from the palace? Surely the king would have had me killed on the spot," She spoke, looking. "Am I wrong, Andrew?"
Andy 5 years ago
@Rebecca () it’s alrihht

The raging war, between the warm blooded and the cold. Something Andy thought pointless, unnecessary bloodshed when humans are the ones that are the real enemy, after all in some ways, the lycans and vampires are alike. Both are something beyond the understanding of mere meat sack living their ordinary life. Andy, born royalty, he was the successor of his line, now with only a small army left, he wanted to have a deplomatic solution, a meeting was supposed to be scheduled with the alpha as his messenger rides out to make it happen but he was far from hopeful. The hot blooded alpha had pride stuck up so far up his that he forgotten that such a war is exactly what the humans wanted.
Standing in his tall tower, he watch from the window, in the shadow comfort of his castle he watch the woods, the battle lines that torn their two worlds apart. Walking behind him, his followers was gonna report to him of an unwanted visitor “ sire” the guard was gonna fill him in when he replied instantly “ I know “ he sighed and close his eyes with a glass of wine in his hand before he took the last of it down the hatch, and jump from the window down, sky diving from his tallest tower down and gracefully landing as soon as he was about to hit ground. Walking to the entrance of the forest, Andy was stealthy as he knew every branch, every surrounding like the back of his hand. Leaning on a huge tree, he waited for the latter to come close, he got her scent, it was indeed a wolf, a royalty at that. It could well be his advantage to have her in his custody but knowing Andy and his traits of a fair gentlemen, he was never one to put a lady in harms way, even if to win a war that could save his kind.
What’s a young pup doing in this parts ? “ he spoke calmly and confidently as his body hid behind the shadows of the tall tree.
Rebecca [A] 5 years ago
@Andy { Hello dear, so sorry it took me so long to get this up for you}

The wind felt brisk against Rebecca's skin, the young wolf looking out over the horizon of the land into the far east. A war was beginning to brew in the distance, knowing that both the species would be at war for control of the land in between...something Rebecca was not looking forward to. In the neighboring town lived the king of vampires, and his son Andrew Black. She being the daughter of the alpha wolf of her pack, classified her as a princess, but she wasn't one...she was merely a young Beta, fighting along side her father despite her small stature. Deep down, she couldn't help thinking that this whole fight between them, was...well, stupid. And in her spirit, the young wolf made a choice to scope out the vampire lands, staying in her human form as she began to make her way to the border. She didn't know someone was watching her, unaware that things were going to be changing for her so soon.


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