Diego's Bedroom

Willaim [A] 5 years ago
@Diego "Does it matter if you're gay or not? is ," Venom chuckled, another tentacle like slithering up to slide into his open mouth, forcing the human to be quiet while he prepared him. "Don't worry, you'll love it after a while." he said, the tentacles wrapping around Diego's limbs and lifting him up into the air, Venom's tongue sticking out and trading with the long slender muscle that had been jerking Diego off. "Mmm...so tasty...you're already leaking precum.." he mused, sliding up and down and flicking his tongue over the tip of the human's head, jerking up and down as he did so. If he wasn't gay before, Diego would be turning gay for Venom, especially after tonight. "Now then, I want to feel your insides.." he mused, his erect slithering out of his crotch and moving to Diego's hole, sliding inside without trouble and nestling itself against his prostate, beginning to of his hole. "There...oh so nice...you're even better than I thought you'd be..." he moaned, removing the from Diego's mouth as he raised him to look him in the eye. "You're going to be my little tonight, and if anyone comes to that door...you'll tell them you fell off the bed and you're fine." he warned, picking up his speed a bit.
Diego 5 years ago
@Willaim “Venom.. what the , what are you, some poison of sort? I mean, , you look like you drank some horse- and got cancer or whatever,” Diego rambled, his heart constricting a little in fear. What on earth was he supposed to do? This.. man, demon, whatever, was supposedly the one who had been terrorizing him all his childhood and now suddenly wanted to get back at him? Diego shifted backwards further, but his thighs were flush against the edge of the bed. This creature — man he claimed but Diego wasn’t believing it — was creeping the out of him; he just wanted a good night’s rest damnit. “Listen, buddy, I don’t know what you want but I suggest you—“ he began, but was pinned to the bed out of nowhere. He moved to scream, noise be damned, but pure terror and confusion took over him when those tentacles slithered all around his body. He shuddered feeling the wetness all over him, but Diego did shout when his underwear was ripped off. “G-get the off of me— , you— I’m not gay!!!” he yelled as he tried to struggle, but damnit, Vanom had strength in his tentacles things. Despite the fear coursing through him, then, why the could he feel rushing to his ? “Oh my god just leave me the alone—“ he struggled some more, but it was futile. Diego even tried to close his legs, face flushed with embarrassment and anger, but to no avail.
Willaim [A] 5 years ago
@Diego "The name's Venom...I have another name, but that isn't important right now," the demon replied, over his lips again and chuckling deeply. Oh...that frightened look...it had Venom grinning in delight as he moved closer to Diego, making sure he would be angled toward the bed as he moved. "I missed you, Diego. I've been living under your bed scaring you for years...when you went away to college I was lonely," he growled, moving closer to Diego's face. "I'm very much a man...but I'm also a demon...the very demon that terrorized you as a child." the push made him frown a bit, but Venom knew it was because he was scare less an looked confused. None the less, he moved over to him again, this time pinning the young male down on the bed, his tentacles slithering over is clothed crotch. "I wouldn't scream if I were you," he said, leaning down and over Diego's neck and chest. "Mm...salty...you're sweating...and scared...perfect." Without warning, Venom ripped Diego's underwear off, a tentacle wrapping around his as he begin to him, the others spreading his legs and slithering around over his hole to get it wet. "I think I'll take you as my little slave, seeing as you left me alone for so long." he said.
Diego 5 years ago
@Willaim The ? The random- noises were back, making Diego furrow his brows. As a kid, he had always believed that he had been super imaginative and it was all in his head. Certainly now that wasn't true, especially when he heard a growl. But the last straw when he felt /something/ grab his ankle. "!!" he cursed under his breath vehemently, sitting up straight in bed, confused and a little worried. This was /not/ how he had wanted to spend his night. Glancing around his room, he slowly got up, about to investigate when he heard something behind him. When Diego turned around, what greeted him had not been expected at all – the young man jumped, eyes widened. "The fuc– Who the hell are you?!" he hissed under his breath, as everyone in the house was probably asleep by now. His face scrunched up at the to his face, thoroughly disgusted. The male eyed the tentacles warily, backing up a little towards the bed. This was really not something he wanted to deal with. "Wait.. missed.. what? You make no sense, what the , man. Are you even a man? What the hell /are/ you? And keep your ing hands – or whatever the these are – to yourself, !" he growled out, pushing the creature away, expletives tumbling from his lips because he was really confused.
Willaim [A] 5 years ago
@Diego It seemed that sleep wasn't coming as easily as it had to Diego when he was a kid, the demon grinning at the thought of attempting to scare the out of him again like old times. Slowly, Venom let a few tentacles slither out from under the bed before pulling them back, making sure Diego heard the noise. He even let a low growl out, grinning as stirring was heard atop the covers. It was even better that he was laying there in his underwear, the demon letting another growl out as a tentacle slithered up to his ankle, gently wrapping around it before letting go. It was in the blink of an eye, Venom's body raced under the shadows, hiding before looking at Diego as the man curiously looked for what grabbed him, walking up behind him. And as soon as he turned around the demon let loose a toothy grin, his tongue coming out to along Diego's face. "Hello, Diego..." he cooed, running the long tongue across his face. "Long time no see...you've grown up..." he chuckled, his tentacles slithering around the male's body and up his back, bringing him closer to his figure. "I've missed you...seems I can't scare you anymore though, so I thought I'd have you another way." he mused, his long finger running across his chest. "What do you say? For old times sake?"
Diego 5 years ago
@Willaim It had been so long, Diego didn’t even remember how his room had looked like for a moment. Four years didn’t seem like a lot, but with everything that had happened in those years — it seemed like forever, stepping into the room. Everything had clearly been left untouched, judging from the light layer of dust on his belongings. Diego surveyed the room, flashbacks of times at night where he’d dreamt of monsters under his bed. Shaking his head at the odd memories, he unpacked his stuff and then head downstairs, not eager to meet all the family that had visited his family’s house specifically to spend time with him. Only much later at night was he finally able to retreat into his room. Letting out a quiet yawn, Diego shucked off his jeans and tugged his t-shirt off, eager to slide into the familiar comforter. Once he had brushed his teeth, he slid into bed, splaying his long body along the length of the bed and folding his arms behind his back. Sleep was elusive for him on a good day, so he stared at the ceiling, eyes drooping but unable to completely submit to the unconsciousness.
Willaim [A] 5 years ago
@Diego No one ever thinks monsters are real till you see one, a common reaction of denial that has most humans reacting in a way that their heart stops beating in their chest. For years, demons an spirits have terrorized the lives of young children under their beds, but a long time ago William's child grew up and...well, he left for college. He was lonely, trying to scare other children, but in this day and age people had become so desensitized that he just wasn't as scary as he use to be. Sighing, he was about to give up hope and slither off to the underworld again to retire when the door to the boy's bedroom opened again...but instead, a grown up more manly version of him entered. William, or Venom as he was known in the underworld, watched as Diego, the not so little boy he use to scare walked into the room. It seemed he was an older college student now, home for the weekend...an frankly, Venom was a little by his looks. He was gorgeous, so gorgeous in fact that Venom couldn't bare to scare him..but his was begging to him. In fact, that seemed like the perfect plan, the demon deciding he would act as soon as night fell, waiting for the right moment to strike.


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