・❥ free pod four.

free pod four
A free 1:1 private session between contestants. Voices of contestants will be altered. Multiple threads are allowed per room, but please be considerate of others using the space as well. Actions are allowed, keeping in mind the other person cannot see you.
shayne: what are you wearing today *twirls ear in novella*
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ had this been a pure simulation, the woman would bet on everything she has to have someone pull her feet back to the ground.

the moment his voice resonates through the room, the vast expanse of her pale skin drowns in his warmth, gently caressing all that she was as though casting an irrevocable spell to plunge herself in his intoxicating damnation further. a single breath turns into two, and in a matter of seconds, the enraptured dove had her hand over her trembling chest—a recurring behavior whenever she was in the presence of the gentleman. "well, i need to keep it professional for extra brownie points, you know?" she casually replies, attempting to mask her quivery voice with a of confidence in this whole play that she started—one that ironically placed her on the losing end for helplessly falling for the man's spontaneity. "oh," she faintly responds, her heart threatening to leap out of her chest at his declaration. with a nervous chuckle that stretched for a few seconds, warm palms pressed themselves on her burning cheeks once more before she hesitantly cleared to ease the bubbling excitement within. "forget i said anything about... professionalism. i missed you more. every passing day without talking to you was agonizing." dove wondered when her heart conquered her mind as she eagerly spilled the thoughts that held her captive. "happy is an understatement to describe my state with you right now."

a suppressed laugh could only be heard from the frantic female, feeling her back shudder at his unexpected remark. he was out for her, and she stood like a deer in headlights. dove knew very well what contract he was talking about and with a string of mental curses, she buried her face in a pillow to muffle an already silent scream. "wait, before that!" the urgency in her voice was apparent as she attempted to take control of the conversation. cheeks blooming with newly bloomed roses. "won't you want a taste of bolognese a la dove first? i got up early to cook for you today. your garlic bread's freshly made, too!" restless hands link themselves together to rest on her lap, the buzzing anticipation and all-consuming nervousness trickling down her feet as they softly tap on the floor. after all, it was the first time she prepared a meal for someone she had budding romantic feelings for.

releasing her hold on her breath before he catches her off-guard once again, dove's tender yet definite voice pierces through the silence hanging in the air. "i missed saying that it's not only bolognese a la dove that's on the table today," a brief pause, gathering the courage within her to return the favor of being breathless, "i hope this glimpse of wife a la dove is to your liking, too." her gaze remains glued to the barrier as she attempts to paint a vivid picture of him possibly smiling to himself at her implied remark about the contract. like a dove, the slightest disturbance within her perimeter may cause her to flee—yet he was the only person capable of making her stay. his presence and influence were inscribed in the bravest and boldest waves that surpassed their limits. no matter how little or how grand his actions were, they all shared one goal: an invitation. always nearing, always threatening, always persuading. the deeper her limbs soak themselves in his essence, light follows in renewing a newfound sense of confidence in her heart. "a penny for your thoughts, handsome?"
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ when missing someone, three days could feel like an eternity. opportunities to explore growth in confidants are stunted, associating their characteristic traits with miscellaneous objects becomes apparent, and reprimanding yourself that you’d never act a particular way because of their effect happens unfortunately anyway. quokka felt all of that in three long days. of course, he interacted with dove in a more public setting but one-on-one time was different. the thought of meeting again made him restless, so when the little bird inquired for a second date, he was over the moon about the impending event.

they talked about her cooking and if he had to make an educated guess, making food was one of her ways of expressing a love language. perhaps quality time and gift-giving, but he’d have to ask about that later. the male arrives at their designated pod on time well aware that she’d be on the other side without a doubt. he enters the room with a journal filled with notes that he jotted down from the preordained days of instant messaging. the squeaky announcement of her voice brings a delighted simper to his face before he sits on the couch. “you sound more formal than usual, miss dovey. i’m here at your service.” the quokka exhales sharply trying to calm down the excitement surging through his veins at how content he felt to be conversating with her once again. “before discussing your raise, i missed you.”

he opens his journal, taking a look at the neatly drawn scribbles about her coy tendencies to stall at how rapidly his heart was beating in his chest. he did not fear being honest, he enjoyed being impulsive once realizing how reactive the woman was. “jog my memory a bit. i remember we talked about a contract but i think i got a bit distracted by how adorable you are when you’re flustered. in a perfect world that the daydreamer curated in his mind, they were alone without cameras, microphones, and heavy lighting to make their unseen visuals stand out. in reality, he’d wait a bit longer to pop the foreseen question everyone is waiting for. the suspense qualms his head, gnawing at his lower brim as he settles for the anonymous figure waiting for him as much as he’s waiting for her.

love was meant to be serious and shouldn’t be taken for granted after all.
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 〘  # ♡ ﹐ ǫᴜᴏᴋᴋᴀ & ᴅᴏᴠᴇ's sᴇᴄᴏɴᴅ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ── 3 ᴅᴀʏs ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ғɪʀsᴛ 〙

all is fair in pursuing love, except when it intentionally disrupts the life you got used to.

three days had passed since that day she felt her soul soared towards cloud nine, and at present, she still could not believe that a second date was in sight. a man who she had not seen her whole life was able to make her say yes to seeing her again—another one of her firsts was claimed so unapologetically. satin sheets and throw pillows bore witness to her endless tossing and turning in bed. her apartment's kitchen which carried a world record for its spotless composition evolved into a battlefield of tried and tested ingredients and scattered recipe books. the woman who once possessed emotions she could count on her fingers was left in a frenzy of desiring more than what she believed she deserved and drowning in a sea of passionate thoughts—all of which point to the only cause: quokka.

arriving an hour and a half early before the agreed shoot schedule, dove pranced around the set as though possessing a restless pair of wings, unable to identify where her limbs should land. it was only after a couple of minutes that she was forced to pull the brakes when one of the staff members presented the plate of her date's favorite dish. her gaze softened at the sight of her morning's hard work, sensing the knots in her chest unfurl at the passing thought of him possibly liking her cooking. how wondrous it was for something so simple to mean something more. with a gesture of approval, dove bows her head to express her gratitude and hands over another gift to the staff for safekeeping, "please give this to him after he exits the pod. i owe you one."

shortly after, she heard the cue and admittedly, her heart listened too. skillful hands prepare her for what seems to be a mere execution of their job for the day—but for dove, she was about to enter a portal to another world: theirs. her pale palm presses against the pod's door, and the familiar interior greets her with notable warmth that radiates from her body. "pardon the intrusion," her squeaky voice resonates through the room, "i am here to claim my pay raise from the wonderful mister quokka." making her way to the center, she comfortably settles on the couch and cradles a pillow to her chest, the ends of her rosy lips stretching from ear to ear. "is he around?"
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ no precaution could have prepared her heart for the declaration that spilled from the bachelor’s side.

every tender utterance nestled themselves within her core like uninvited guests in a singular pursuit to make themselves at home. one never imagined they would forget how to breathe, and with a hand over her heart, she draws in a deep breath in hopes of fanning the flames that dared to rise from the depths of within. yet there was no stopping its branches from piercing her, leaving her breathless as it leads her towards the light at the end of the tunnel: the sun. his soul. perhaps she was born from icarus—spreading her wings and soaring higher and higher, closer to her desires until it consumes every fiber of her being. oh how wonderful it was to meet a man who had the sun for a soul. for once in her life, words fell weak to engrave themselves on the pages of her mind—overshadowed by the gushing ink of him and him alone. where dusk meets dawn blooms a blanket of peonies on the plains of her skin, shaken by the breeze of his thoughts that bend their bodies in total surrender. she could only muster saying, “you have my permission, too,” burying her face on one of the pillows, her heartbeat in a frenzy and an unmatched state of high.

her wishful thinking does not hush at the possibility of them reuniting from another lifetime. in an unfamiliar space, she would search for his echoing voice, braving the uncertain days to seek what matters most: the familiar. a soul recognizing its equal. with fond amusement, she laughs at his response, “getting us matching robes already, quokka? you’re really determined to take us both out of here.” a soft hum was heard from her, and she tucks her locks behind her ear as she holds a bait for him, “we’ll see.”

she did believe in love; she was raised in love. it was more than a concept. it was her spirit that kept her alive, trusting in the ways the universe showed her the many forms it manifests itself in. love is choosing to wake up when you are certain the waves will come crashing down. love is finding solace in your own company. love is reading your favorite book over and over and losing yourself in its pages. love is…. trusting that whatever is meant for you will find you. unable to resist the tides from knocking in the depths of her heart, the woman’s tears grace the apples of her cheeks in a silent cry. he was not lying—there was joy in the stream born from her soul. “thank you, quokka. i’m sure it is beautiful,” because i may have met love today, she keeps to herself.

the sudden ringing within the pod brought her back to reality—this was all temporary. when she steps out of the room, her dreams tonight would be riddled with his voice, his words, and his soul. another gaze to her hand was the only proof she needed to know that she has never felt this empty, as though she wanted more. when will she get to talk to him again? will she ever get another chance? her swarm of thoughts thicken to form a hurricane, and his unexpected confession cuts right through the budding uncertainty in her mind. “you’re not leaving me, i live in your pocket now, remember?” she gently replies, departing from the couch with her journal clutched to her chest. embraced by the words she longed to hear, dove smiles to herself as she took careful steps towards what separates them, and she lifts a finger to draw a single line—every curve intentionally etched to form a dove’s feather. “you’re in luck,” she whispers enough for him to hear, “i would love to see you again, quokka.”
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ in terms of romance, the bachelor would like to think he was calm and collected. a gentle breeze that conditioned itself to flow through hair during a mild spring day, a small wave that caressed ankles once stepping foot inside cool tides. however, a flame of temptation down his spine at the enunciation of her challenge. the little bird was provoking him, nudging him to utter words of declaration of what he wishes he could do to her. a vow - to announce here and now, for the public to marvel in. “i’m going to trace my fingertips around the fabric of your blouse, lay a palm on your chest to feel the light patter of your heartbeat and kiss you gently.” his confidence didn’t waver, possessed by the inclination of emotions they continued to feed off each other by enabling. he could only imagine how pink her cheeks flushes from such a bold statement, how the hue would compliment the pigment of her skin, and lastly, how empty the pod would feel without his warmth there. “only if you let me.” the gentleman was spiraling into an abyss that he couldn’t claw out of without her help and yes, he liked that sensation very much. “you have my permission to.”

known to typically initiate feelings of adoration and banter, she knew how to keep up at his pace. in much simpler terms, she kept him on his toes with recurring instances of giving him whiplash all in the same manner. “a woman with expensive taste, duly noted. i’m sure i could prepare a robe or two for you.” aloof behavior kept their pod time balanced; not too erratic to make him overwhelmed and dash of yearning to crave that their session together never ended. “haven’t you heard of gambling? i like testing my fate in a completely legal manner. maybe i need some luck right now, dovey.”

he was dreadfully parched. his throat felt dry as he took a swig of the prepared beverage sitting on top of the small decorative table. “i have a strong grip. i won’t let go of you, promise.” the dove wore her heart on her sleeve while transitioning through topics. admittedly choosing to stay quiet to let her get everything off of her chest. she respected his flawed past, giving feedback with the gentlest intentions of showing him that there is hope in finding a significant other that he would appreciate with all of his might. so, he follows in her great example by lending an ear to listen to her past as she unravels herself meekly bare for the viewers to see. as she explains herself, he imagines this kind spirit progressing through the stages of her life; the sad, the bad and beautiful moments. the damaging sequences built her character, but didn’t regress it. “dovey, being here with me now proves that you believe love isn’t dead. you still have space for it in that big heart of yours even with all of those terrible things that have happened to you.” frustrated by not being able to sooth her with a gentle to her cheek, nor a pleasant embrace, the male balls his fist and inhales sharply to exhale deeply after. “thank you for opening yourself up to me like that. love isn’t guaranteed but it is a beautiful thing, believe me.”

a notification alarm echos through the small room, warning them of their time coming to an end soon as he’s still conflicted on how she exposed herself to him without truly being in a one on one setting. “call me selfish, but I don’t want to leave you just yet.” some people might call it a freudian slip, others may call it a slip of the tongue and he - quokka was the latter. heat crept up the slope of his neck, forcing himself to laugh to cover up his sheepishness. “...and i can’t believe i said that out loud.” the male rubs his jaw while attempting to clear his throat as if it would serve any justice as in distracting the woman from what he said a couple of seconds previously. another subtle beep tells the two to wrap it up before furrowing his brows in slight annoyance. “dovey, i’d like to see you again for a second date,” standing up to neatly place everything back accordingly, he still has his drink in his hand before approaching the barrier with the faintest voice to notify the woman of how close he was standing by it. “would you like to see me again, too?”
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 2 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ years ago, a young dove would find herself staring at the coruscating palette dancing upon the night sky when fireworks soared towards the heavens. the curiosity in her eyes tinkles as luxuriant colors bloom across the horizon, watching the mesmerizing orchestration of its branches stroking the skies until it slowly succumbs to the hollow void. a void that becomes home to what was once real, what was something she could once feel. “and what are you going to do with them once you manage to?” a daring question, or perhaps, an unwritten seal of momentary assurance that when she leaves the confines of the pod, the melting pot of emotions settled within her core will cease to succumb to the void. a keepsake was what they were. a shared secret that she will hold onto for dear life—one where he renders her awestruck, one where she witnesses him unrestrained. a slow travel of her gaze towards the barrier softens the zest in her eyes, wondering what was going on inside the bachelor’s head to indulge in an exchange that leaves them both as equally passionate. “would you permit this dove to, hopefully, capture your heart and lips in return?”

no words needed to be shared with the way the stillness of the atmosphere conquered the room. she found it amusing how they would fluidly leave one another speechless in fair turns—an affirmation that a future painted this way was not at all bad. in fact, she was enjoying every second of it, more than she expected. “if you collect my feathers, make sure to get me a robe,” her laughter resounds in the pod, entertaining the thought of a bare little bird following the footsteps of a sphynx. “what do you need the extra luck for?” she further probes, savoring the manner his thoughts tickle her heart, mind, and soul—knowing fairly well that even without him possessing a jar of feathers, she would probably say yes to lady luck herself.

after all, the stars spilled from his lips and brought her closer to the magic of the universe. he was her luck; she was his flame.

“i’m not letting go of your sleeve or your hand,” she muses, holding her own first in the meantime to fill in the gaps that would bring those scenarios to life, “so make sure to be that excellent guide for this little bird, because once i’ve accidentally let go, everyone will end up swimming in my tears.” anticipation and anxiety tiptoe around each other as she stares at her fidgeting fingers. a secret that remained within her safest space was now out in the open for strangers to know—yet with quokka, she felt secure. it made sense to take the risk on their first date, knowing quite well that this might be a dealbreaker for some. in this pod, she was not alone, but the walls that surround her served as her pillars in numbing the memories that played in her head. people gasping in disbelief, forming a story in their heads that overwrites the events that led her to this reality. questions about her standards that played no role in her situation. assumptions about her seemingly bleak future where she will end up treading the paths of the universe all on her own. the bachelorette softly smiled at his quiescence, it was what she had always yearned for.

when he started to speak, dove rubbed the pad of her thumb on her palm. she wondered if he would do the same had they been speaking face-to-face. “i did,” she tenderly confessed, her voice bearing the weight of her emotions. “you’re good, quokka. you’ve already done better than most,” a reassurance for a reassurance, one he was not obligated to give that further warmed her heart. “i was raised by a single mom, and i don’t have any recollection about my father. he was a fleeting idea to me. i didn’t know what he looked like, how he sounded, and where he was,” for every word she uttered, she felt the knots in her chest unravel, “yet i was still raised in a loving household. as the only child of the family, i was shaped to recognize love as an image that can be embodied alone and practiced beyond the romantics.” a quiet sigh leaves her tiers, trying to regain her composure as she mindfully bares herself. “that’s not to say i’ve never tried putting myself out there and experience falling in love. you name it, group dates, dating apps, a couple of meet-cutes… and while some of them i’ve had budding feelings for,” a chuckle of embarrassment cuts through her thoughts, “i’ve always chosen to watch them from afar and witness them fall for another.” her sheepish smile graces her features, the palms that were once resting on her lap now cradling her face. “the adoration i had for them was strong, but it wasn’t enough for me to face the current and cross the line. i haven’t found the one who would make me do so.” she pauses, holding herself back from telling him that she fears getting hurt. her mother’s cries rang in her head as she watched her hug a worn-out box close to her chest—her father’s only memory. but what reigns superior is when she lost herself to a man she was willing to devote her life to.

she wasn’t prepared for that pain again; she badly wanted to be convinced otherwise: that love is gentle. that love is kind.
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ her silence was a to his ego. the dove was always so witty, a spitfire with a range of comebacks but hearing nothing but muted tension was a pleasant refresher. perhaps she also wasn’t aware that the microphone picked up the faintest sounds of hushed giggles, but he’d hold that as a secret until she was able to see the highlights of the episode for herself. quokka purses his brims into a thin line, suppressing another laugh while tapping the innocent bystander of a pillow to contain his cute aggression for the woman present on the other side. “hopefully this quokka could grasp your heart and lips too.” now he was just being shameless. she’d given him the leverage to continue charming her, why would he let such a precious opportunity go to waste?

another man would be nervous when placed into this circumstance. she was implying that he’d had her mixed up with a different woman. a different dove. which was impossible unless there were duplicates of contestants with the same animal. oh god, he really hoped that there weren’t duplicates of contestants with the same alias. silent panic conquered in a matter of nanoseconds, the quokka recovered by leaning into his mic and whispering, “if i collect your feathers would it grant me extra luck, yes or no?” he entertains the idea with a snooty response, closing his lids briefly to absorb her playful connotation, the heartwarming subtext of her next breathe before initially opening them again to be greeted back to a disappointing world of reality where he hasn’t held the shape of her dainty palm yet.

he doesn’t need to pick up a pen and jot down notes when he’s already decided that he wants her to ink his heart instead.

she was a fantastic listener, wanting to scoff in disbelief and bang on the other side of the pods to make sure her tears weren’t wasted on a story of the past that inevitably lead him to a future where they were chatting so intimately like they were right now. he wonders if her eyes were glossy, if they were a deep brown hue of honey that he would eventually get lost in from staring at them for hours on end. “you’re sympathetic, so thank you. i want your first set of tears to be tears of joy when you have something to remember me by, so keep holding on if you have to.” the male doesn’t pressure her to answer quickly, taking a brief moment to collect his thoughts as he daydreams about a time when they could meet in a normal setting. it’s only after the sound of her distorted voice that carries the weight of hesitance that he snaps out from the glorification of a haze.

caught off guard by her answer, he blinks once or twice to process her inexperience. “so, you came here to find a future husband without being in a relationship first?” it was a genuine question, a mellow tone guiding her to explain herself further. he was patient, pondering on the innocence of providing plenty of first experiences for her. maybe there were a lot more similarities to her chosen animal than he initially thought. “i’m not judging… i’m just curious. i think it’s pretty bold of you to put yourself out there like that. kind of badass.” reassurance is what he could provide her with. such a fragile statement to put out on television, his attention is hyper focused on how she would explain herself.
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ an unmissable sense of pride washes over her spirit upon his declaration of going against the waves for the first time. prior to entering the show, she was certain that she belonged to the minority—a gathering of select, wandering souls who have yet to taste the sweetness of love and bask in the warmth that comes with it. to revel in her capability to unearth someone’s first was a celebration she could not wait to pursue, and it manifested in the way she helplessly giggled to herself—signing a secret partnership with silence in hopes of masking her desire to fluidly mesh with the earth’s core. the urge. that was all she needed to hear as her being fully collapses back on the couch, finding solace in the pod’s sturdy ceiling—a singular proof that whoever was on the other side of her pod possessed the power to render her speechless, senseless, and shameless. perhaps, it was too early to say, yet she knew with utmost confidence that she may have found a potential match. “damn, a quokka’s got my tongue,” she could only muster an amused chuckle to accompany her racing heart.

who would have thought that in her decades of existence—the stars willed everything in their greatness to orchestrate their paths to cross? fascination spills from the woman’s mind, her restless feet hopping from one thought to another. what are the chances they have already met in passing, and by the strings of the ever unpredictable fate, the knots of their link gracefully unfurled for this very moment?

“i would shed a feather or more if you were remembering another dove,” she responds in jest, the undertone of her voice translating into feigned sadness. “but truth be told, you’re quo’rrect. haunted attractions scare me more than movies, or maybe i’m simply using it as an excuse to hold your sleeve or hand like you promised.” obsidian ink pours through her journal’s page as she writes another bullet point: he remembers the little details—a small heart doodled thereafter. “i sincerely hope that when you step out of this room later, every pocket of yours that you’ll see will remind you of me.” traversing the world in her own company was something she had gotten completely used to, yet when presented with the possibility of having a constant companion by her side—it’s as if she was reborn. her imagination paints a picture of him watching her every step, of his hand reaching out so she could catch up to him, and of his gentle touch caressing the small of her back to welcome her after a long day.

it was beginning to become real; this was no mere simulation.

dove found herself wrapped in the throw blanket as she absorbed every single word uttered by the bachelor. the string of letters gently ushering their way from his tiers towards the horizon that surrounds them formed a singular yet complex quartet—embodying the enormous heart within his comforting soul: a reality that was too good to be true, a pure soul who could seemingly do no wrong. oh how she wishes that every single woman was spoken for with reverence in the same manner as he does. she places a meaningful regard with every expressed thought, humming in acknowledgment while she engraves his story in her mind—her first tangible memory of his gentle heart.

“thank you for trusting me, quokka. i might have shed a tear or two, but they’re all for good reason.” she pauses, sighing in contentment. “whoever it is that will have the pleasure of spending the rest of their life with you surely would be proven to be blessed by the gods. you’re amazing, i hope you know.” lips pressed together, she feels growing parched. five seconds became fifteen, and fifteen seconds ran for a minute—she was at a loss with how to answer him. “this… is the first time i’m confessing this openly to someone outside of my circle,” she hesitantly starts off, twirling her pen in between her fingers once more, “would you believe me when i say…” she breathes in, showing another side of her that no one else has witnessed, “…that i’ve never been in a relationship?”
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ to be quite frank, he didn’t expect the trajectory of bold chosen words. if she was betting on the tips of his ears to be flushed from her mere spontaneousness, they were in fact red. from being a jokester to being alluring and flirtatious in a matter of seconds, the mysterious bird really had all the qualities to attract. “mmm, i think that’s the first time i’ve ever been tempted to break the rules, dove.” luckily for him, the exposure granted him leeway to initiate his own flirtatious advances. “you’re right. why settle when i have the urge to take you out of here at this instant?” with the potential risk of contract termination and possible fine for acting on those impulses, the male obviously wasn’t going to do it but the atmosphere changed between them. he felt more daring, wondering if the woman in the other pod felt the temperature rise as well as he cools himself down by pinching the lobe of his ears.

although he’s never participated in a social experiment in his life, he’s never felt more confident in this moment that this relationship could bloom.

she was just as theatrical as him, sensing the mischievous tone behind the wall as she responded to his jibe. he decided to probe her more, a risky decision but something he was more than complacent with given her perky energy. “i could have sworn you admitted to being a scaredy cat before? unless another dove has wobbly knees like you.” quirking an eyebrow, a smile reaches his eyes at her question, giving her affirmation by laughing wholeheartedly. “yes, i’m smiling so hard my face hurts. you’re doing well, dovey.” his mind wanders off, wondering what her actual name would sound like when he spoke it into existence. there were limitations he agreed to when deciding to appear on this show, he just didn’t know how fast getting to know another person would shake his resolve. “you’d make a really great sentimental good luck charm. i’m keeping you in my pocket as long as i possibly can.”

the avian is rewarded with another honest cackle, brushing his fingers through his hair while respectively listening to the query she had stored for him. finally, on the topic of a serious matter of love and relationships, he pauses for a moment to ponder on exactly how to answer it. “the last relationship i was in ended about a year ago. i was head over heels for a foreigner and things didn’t work out so well with family and cultural values so it kind of ended on a sour note.” he had nothing but respect for his past love interest, knowing that she was a gentle soul in a world that was harsh to people that didn’t bend their backs for the advantages of higher ranking officials. “we lasted for about two years and she taught me a lot. language, friendship and how to broaden my horizons instead of just keeping to myself. so, that relationship did teach me a lot for the better. i could only hope to give that influence to another person that i fall for, too.” yet, he was satisfied, healed by the progression of time apart to work on himself as a bachelor. “she was a good person and i’m glad I met her.” he stares fondly at the barrier, hoping she’d understand how all relationships have a significant effect of growth on an individual. “that was an outstanding question, dovey. i’m impressed. what about you? tell me about your last relationship.”
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ “hm, possibly, but let me ask you something,” she hums softly in thought, skillfully twirling the pen in between her fingers when she leads in with an impish tone, “why settle for thirty minutes when we could make it a lifetime’s worth?” oh dear heavens, where was this shameless behavior coming from? with no second to waste, she hoists herself off the floor to flail her arms and shake the budding mortification off her hands. “that’s not to say i’m rejecting the offer, though! i’m in no position to be picky upon getting hired.” antsy hands join themselves behind her back, a thumb of hers gently running itself over her knuckles—an old habit that often gave her heart away when faced with a situation that overwhelmed her for good reason. her listless soul momentarily loses itself in a trance, hollow hazels gazing upon the screen between them. a few inches away from her sits a man she has no tangible recollection of except his comforting presence and his adorable pseudo-persona. 

today, they’re mere acquaintances; tomorrow and in the days to come, they could be anything. that is, if today’s encounter guarantees them another light of day.

“woah there, quo-fficer. i wasn’t implying anything,” arms lift themselves instinctively as if she was under arrest, earning another fit of laughter from the woman. “did i seem like a scaredy cat to you? how could you…” she feigns disappointment in her voice, hand over her heart for added flair. “for the record, only the busy streets are capable of scaring me,” she pauses, indulging in the idea of catching him off guard, “and perhaps, not getting another chance to talk to you. please tell me you’re smiling; i’m doing my best here!” quokka’s quiet utterance was more than enough to make her hold her breath. the palms of passing time tenderly mold an intricate image of him in her mind. he was tranquility above ground—perhaps carrying the scent of blossom, his voice ringing the onset of spring, and his eyes mirroring the heart of the moonlight. “you better take care of this good luck charm, i’m one of a kind. i could make do with a home in one of your pockets while your heart’s still off limits.” 

‘i think i’m a puddle of goo,’ she mentally exclaims, unexpectedly tongue-tied by his teasing rhetoric. “i’ll hold you onto that. i was told i’m missing a map to become dove-ra the explorer, and it seems like i’ve finally found it.” her gaze falls on her outstretched palm facing her, the spaces in between her fingers longing to be filled. she wonders how it would feel to have her hand held for the first time, yet she knows it’ll take more than just chatting with strangers in pods to get there. “quokkun, how long has it been since your last relationship? is it true when they say love changes you, for better or for worse?” dove only had so much time in her hands—and if she were to confront her reality and the souls who would possibly accept her, it would be now.
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ how would he ever recover from hearing the fleeting happiness twined with enchantment in her laughter? the male made himself vulnerable, protected by the fortress of the screen separating the two, but he didn’t expect her stifled chuckles to warm the apex of his chest. the magnificent swell in his sternum was comforting, thus no longer having nerves in his stomach to hold back his curiosity about her. “would i be the best boss in the world if i gave us an extra thirty minutes of pod time?” cameras be damned, the entire production seemed to be a second thought as the urge to make the birdy laugh again rang in his eardrums as a consecutive alarm. he could hardly sit still, standing up to pace around the interior as he listened to her express herself.

he felt like a teenager again, talking to a girl he wasn’t familiar with on the phone, but wanting to capture her attention by casting his cool exterior aside to let her explore the layers underneath that he hasn't shown anyone. dove was precisely that girl that he’d allow to get away with using such a tactic. “hey, i’m still brave enough to go on other rides. don’t discredit me yet.” with a playful drawl of his tone, he hums afterwards. “you seem like the type to avoid going into haunted house attractions, right?” the man hiding behind a quokka persona covers his mouth as instructed, holding a laugh back as she politely requests him not to do so. “i won’t.” he mutters quietly. he quickly comes to a conclusion that if they were ever to meet in person, the clumsy woman needs someone to hold her hand while guiding her through the bustling streets of the city. it was endearing, she was endearing. “seems like a certain dove needs someone to anchor her down so that she doesn’t fly into traffic on her own.” he suddenly didn’t need a description of visual features to put on a face. revealed or not, the lad could see himself being her savior if she needed one.

“dovey, what are we going to do with you?” chastising her cheekily for her whimsical behavior, he positions himself to sit on the floor instead to stretch out his tall stature. “if we make it out of here together, you can hold onto my sleeves or hand whenever we cross the street. i’m an excellent guide, little bird.” proceeding to move onto the next topic, he doesn’t want to waste their precious time together. “ah, wait before I ask my next question… did you have anything that you wanted to know about me?”
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ toes curled in anticipation, the woman leans her body against one of the pillows, hands forming a dome over as she awaits his reply. like the first touch of the sun’s rays bleeding through the obsidian blanket of an arriving dawn, the pod that houses her soul beams with vibrancy at the sound of his voice. “i guess coo’ngratulations are in order? will my ever coo’nsiderate boss offer to reward me with another set of pod minutes?” to describe her feeling as mere amusement would do the woman’s impression of the man a disservice. god knows how long it has been since a genuine smile graced her countenance. the apples of her cheeks bloomed like a rose, a sense of accomplishment and comfort bubbling within. ‘so far, so good,’ she muses, her initial thoughts of regret being washed away by her desire to know more about the participant on the other side.

‘he’s expressive, that’s cute,’ the woman purses her lips to a fine line to hopefully stop herself from bursting into a laughing fit—failing helplessly when she hears her chipmunk voice echo. “wingky promise, only because i have no pinky.” the woman was now sitting on the floor, hugging her knees close to her with an arm raised to lift her pinky towards the wall that separates them. ‘oh, we’re skipping past hello? how are you?’ the corner of her lips slightly raise in acknowledgment of his single-minded approach. resting her chin atop her knees, her investment manifests in the way she closes her eyes, listening closely to his story. more than anything, her heart swells at his capability to lead a conversation. “would you consider riding the kid-friendly ones? i swear they don’t give you a taste of heaven.” she laughs along with him, spreading the journal in front of her to baptize its pages with notes about him—the first line reads: how are you, quokka? followed by a star bullet point that says: no-llercoasters. “don’t laugh,” she starts off with joking hesitation laced with a gentle undertone of a threat, “but I can’t cross the road alone to save my life. imagine a duckling following her mom, that’s the case with me all the time.” 

“i’ve attempted crossing the road alone once. it was a moment of singular bravery. i’m sure you know of shibuya crossing, yes?” she briefly pauses, chuckling to herself as she imagines a quokka on the other side giving her a nod. “there was an old lady who got lost in a sea of people scrambling, so i ran over to her to help meet her family on the other side. lo and behold, she was able to reunite with them while i was lagging a few seconds after the car flow resumed. i also wasn’t prepared to have my spirit leave my body then. i could’ve been a real dove!”
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ the first coo signaled that she wasn’t a figment of his imagination, the second coo was for reassurance and lastly, the third coo was to make him revel in amusement. her sense of humor was right up his alley, something to hold near and dear when he was a fan of bantering in general. “ah, there goes another good pun. i can’t sit still and ignore this, you’re hired again.” the man wore a simper so wide it hurt his cheeks, crossing each arm over each other as he straightened his posture to carry on their conversation. only grateful that she couldn’t see the smitten grin gracing his features, he tries his best not to be obvious about his blatant liking to this participant.

“you can positively be my good luck charm as long as you try not to throw me under the bus again.” exaggerating the despair in his voice, the male lowers himself to lay comfortably on the pillows that support his weight. “dove, what’s a fear that you have that you would be scared to admit if we were face to face?” he skips the obvious questions, knowing that plunging himself into small talk like asking about her favorite color or time of day would grow repetitive. by having a charismatic personality of her own, he doubts that the other participants hadn’t asked her that already. he wanted to make a lasting impression. the type of impression that would make her scribble in her journal as she struggled to find the right words to respond to him because she was so flustered. “i’ll go first. i don’t do well on rollercoasters. the last time i was on one, i felt my spirit leaving my body by the time the ride dropped over a huge cliff.” recalling back the events makes him chuckle at himself in shame, sparing a vulnerable thought that would make feel her relaxed.
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ anxious was an understatement to describe the restless disposition of the lady. the confidence and shameless behavior that somehow solidified her presence in chat raced to exit towards the door, leaving her tongue-tied and lost in her thoughts. the controlled rise and fall of her chest missed to relieve the drumming of her heart beneath, further driving her worries to a daunting high—after all, this is her first date, and an anonymous one at that! countless prayers come to life in her mind, yet one reigns superior: she hopes this isn't the last. not when this man named quokka recognized her comedic potential and went out of his way to get to know her.

so when his singsong voice shattered the silence in the pod, the dating first timer leaped against the couch—an arm of hers loosely hanging by the backrest, while the other was raised to have her hand over mouth. 'he's real,' she thinks to herself, 'i hope he didn't hear the couch creaking.' for some reason, with the way he called out to her and expressed himself, the violent waves in her being were hushed knowing that they were both on the same boat. with a renewed sense of stability, she clears and impersonated a dove's cooing three times—her voice echoing like a chipmunk's from the other side, "i made sure to bless you plenty! will you consider hiring me again? perhaps as your coo'd luck charm?" she then lets out a hearty chuckle, grateful that she wasn't seen.
♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ 3 weeks ago
@♡ blinded_doveᶠ the second time he decides to test his luck in the pods, there isn’t an ounce of ambiguity. yes, he didn’t know this woman's quirks, likes, hobbies nor what makes her squirm, but at least he was aware of the animal. doves were known to be used in wedding ceremonies for their beauty, for luck and lastly, for love. the male inserts himself in the chamber, taking a stride to sit down on the firm couch as he conditioned the anticipation that made his fingertips tremble with resonance. he was excited to say the very least and after sending an invitation to the woman symbolizing purity. he settles on getting to know her as an acquaintance… at least, for the first day. “dove,” quokka tests out his mic. a chuckle rumbling from his chest while still trying to get adjusted to how the distortion made him sound more pitcher than ever. “if you’re there on the other side, reply back with a coo for good luck. i'm gonna need it."


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optometrist [A] 3 weeks ago
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ For reservations please refer to the description. DO NOT comment for reservations or second characters. Currently accepting more male applicants!
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