・❥ tagged chat.

tagged chat.
For tagged messages with the other contestants. No actions.

♡ blinded_tigerᶠ 1 day ago
@♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ i’d be mad if we didn’t fug, actually? let’s fug and let’s fug hard! :huffs:
♡ blinded_elephantᶠ 1 week ago
@♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ especially with it being this hot everyday
I think I might just melt if I stay outside the house for more than a certain amount of time
jokes on you, no one knows what I look like, blobby
I'm usually too busy during the holidays to actually go out and celebrate the holiday so I get that
Lil ole me? I own a cafe and model on the side. although the side job is more because of my parents than my actual desire but it's not all that bad. I get a free pass to travel around so that's pretty convenient. Helps with coming up with new recipes too
It is! That's why I hope to get to do more of sleeping when I can
I'm not too picky with games, anything that catches my interest. I'm willing to try anything once. as for arcade, do you know that piano keys game? I always go to that and make it my mission to beat whoever held the high score
...I don't think that was what I asked you to09 me of but I do need to put that there also
oh? is there any specific reason that you decided to go towards plastic? was it the most interesting one out of all the divisions you've been at?
any specific kind of movies? I really like horror ones but I have a love-hate relationship with them
♡ blinded_doveᶠ 1 week ago

@♡ blinded_quokkaᵐ coo coo! the resident dove wishes that you're re-quo-perating this weekend by eating only the best food out there, watching your favorite shows, spending time with your family and friends, getting lots of zzzs, and (possibly!!) thinking of this little birb. :blue_heart: i'm so proud of you for conquering another week! 너무 보고 싶어.

+ https://i.imgur.com/DY8B1DK.jpeg
♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ 1 week ago
@♡ blinded_elephantᶠ that feeling is so nice
falling asleep in a slightly chilled room when it's hot out haha
yeah, you haven't :\ was starting to forget what you look like
often find that holidays don't live up to their definition for most lol
what is it that you do, if you don't mind me asking? since ahem, we can discuss our careers now :] like you've mentioned already
good, sleeping is important
imagine keeping an elephant cooped up inside ... talk about an elephant in the room XD sorry
do you like games in general? what do you play most when at the arcade?
day 1 reminder: please list on your profile that you like butting heads, but expect hugs and cuddles after
lol at least you're aware of what you cause ...
i'm a plastics resident right now, working towards becoming a plastic surgeon
some hobbies i like are swimming, watching movies, playing soccer
♡ blinded_elephantᶠ 1 week ago
@♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ My free hours disseminate every time o go and take a nap after coming home, but at the same time it’s inevitable because it’s so hot lately and my room is nice and cool that I just end up zzzzz
I don’t mind! It’s been pretty busy on my side lately so I haven’t been around as much as I hoped
Yes and no? It’s usually the same pace daily but during holidays and certain times, it gets a bit more hectic
I sleep— is what I’d like to say. But I like getting to go out when it’s my days off so I’m not always cooped up inside. Maybe explore a new arcade there or go to this food place that keeps showing up on my news feed.
Please do remind me to do it soon or I’ll forget once again
I want to say I have? But really it’s just us causing chaos all the time.
But that’s a lot about me and not at all about you, hm? A few restrictions have been lifted since we first met. I’m curious. What do you do and what do you like to do?
♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ 1 week ago
@♡ blinded_elephantᶠ ↪ ♡ blinded_elephantᶠ 5 days ago Reply
@♡ blinded_blobfishᵐ I totally didn’t fall asleep right after I got home from work until morning or anything so you’re all good
yeeees? I mean it depends. If I’m at work it’s usually around the same time but if I’m just at home then it kinda varies?
He has his priorities, I respect that. Of course that’s implied. If that’s not at the end of it all then why are you butting heads in the first place?
I have to put that on my profile somewhere.
More like when I was hyping someone up?

i'm glad you totally did that, it was totes necessary :]
i sincerely apologize for the late reply ... was meaning to get back to you sooner :[
ahh i see
does the pace of your work vary quite often? or is it pretty steady?
what do you like to do on your days off?
do it, you should :]
so, were you able to hype them up to the maximum?


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optometrist [A] 3 weeks ago
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥ For reservations please refer to the description. DO NOT comment for reservations or second characters. Currently accepting more male applicants!
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