Apartment/Dorm Assigments


So, as I'm sure (and hoping) most of you noticed, there are Apartments and Dorms newly added.

My lovely co-admin and I have assigned rooms and roomates to each of you.

Find your name in the list and find out who your roomate is going to be.

You can use the rooms however you want, just be curtious of your roomate.

Teachers: We are currently working on your living cuarters, we'll have it figured out ASAP.

** If there are any problems or suggestions (different roomate, different picture of your dorm, ect.) Please stop by the Headmaster's office and let me know**


Apartment 1


  1. Ravi and Aron
  2. Jinto and Lay
  3. Taemin and Kai
  4. Suga and Minki
  5. Changho and Woohyun

Apartment 2


  1. Chanyeol and U-Kwon
  2. Baekhyun and Jonghyun
  3. Tao and Jimin
  4. Minjun and Sehun
  5. Changmin and Myungsoo


Please comment your character's name below when you have read it so that I know!

Thank you XD



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thehunandtheaegyo 10 years ago
baekhyun has read this
nekojita 10 years ago
chanyeol has read this
oppasdiq 10 years ago
Jinto read it.
BTS_Mochi 10 years ago
Suga read it
byunkyungie 10 years ago
Jongjin read it.
QueenOfTheJungle 10 years ago
Changmin had read it
4a294d7d7b8280abc8f8 10 years ago
Sehun read this o/

xiu-baekin-me-crazy 10 years ago
Taemin has read it.
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