Personal Message

To my Perfect Jaejoong

I know I haven't ever been the easiest to put up with or the easiest to carry on a conversation with. And I know that I'm a know-it-all, appear intimidating and displeased with a lot of things, leave for long periods of time without telling you, and I'm sorry that you're willing to put up with it. Don't get me wrong, I really think I fricking love you, and that's crazy for a demon like me. But I often wonder if you deserve better. No, I know you do. But as long as you say that you love me and want to be with me, I'll always try my best and I'll always fight for us to stay together. You were my very first real friend, well, ever, and you became my best friend, the only one I trust. Thank you for pulling my out of my shell and into this wonderful, amazing world that I can share with you. I love you through every realm, in the veins of every species, and as much as the stars in the galaxy.



Kris is a demon. A fallen angel who was turned into a baby by a witch doctor. He was given the gift of forgetting his fallen angel origins, but it was only temorary. On his nineteeth birthday, he knew more than he ever had in his mortal life. He was a fallen.

Le powers:

  1. Telepathic. He doesn't read peoples minds often, but he can.
  2. Able to control all of the four elements if he so desires, but it takes a lot of energy.
  3. Can curse people at a single thought.
  4. Yet to be discovered.

Kris was in foster care  for the first 11 years of his life. When he was almost 12 he was taken in by the man he would soon call (not dad) Mr. Smith. He was moved to Canada, where he had lived with his adoptive father until he came to this school. He came back to his home country to get away from his old life. You see, Mr. Smith was one of the leaders of an Illegal association which took in young boys. The boys were trained to the point where they were unbreakable, skilled killers. The assoctaion was called MDA; the Modern Day Assassins.

Mr. Smith was the only one of the leaders to actually adopt and grow a relationship with one of the boys, the one named Kris. Kris was worked and tested with much more extreme and higher standards than the other boys, and so he became the best assassin the company had ever seen. He got the highest education and training, also being the only one who could win any argument. The other boys resented him, he got all of the "fun" or more challenging targets and often got special treatment.

He fell in love with another boy in the association, a rude and jealous boy when he was 18. This boy used Kris, wanting the special treatment that he seemed to get, pretending to love Kris and taking his ity, when in reality, he hated the other boy. Kris soon realized this, and, in a fit of rage and hurt, lost all control and stabbed the boy, almost ending his life. That was when Mr. Smith found out the truth. Kris is a demon.




This was it. He was really doing it. The recently fallen angel balled up his fists, digging his nails into the soft flesh of his palm. Of course, it left no marks. He walked into the pungent smelling shack, his keen nose wrinkled in distaste. He sat down on the dirty reed mat on the dirt floor, waiting for the witch doctor whom he had met with a few week prior. His mind was made. He had made a deal with the doctor, his word and power in return for the gift of forgetting, if only for 18 years. He would be born as innocent as any of the humans had been and would be the same. Until he turned 18 in human years. The blind man walked easily over to him from behind the colorful curtian, walking a thousand times better than a man with seeing eyes. After he sat down and whispered a few words to Yifan, the fallen angel closed his eyes. A jolting pain shot through him at the witch doctors hand. All he saw was the golden gates of his lost home as he blacked out.