ー room 202

room 202!
room of hades & xxx
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✧ hades 3 years ago
@✧ aphrodite The pan rattles against the stove’s cast iron at the stirring of a sturdy hand and a spatula that continues to turn the sausages to a crisp golden brown. The coffee machine beeps, signaling that his morning espresso is ready. It isn’t a norm to find Hades in the shared kitchen of his dorm first thing in the morning. He mainly prefers to find something to eat before lectures in the cafeteria. They sell some of the best sandwiches and cheap coffees one with a small budget can enjoy.

But, that morning, he had woken up at the usual time, ensuring that his jogging route passed Burger Basileus. He grabbed two ala-carte of their breakfast bagel sandwich before heading back home. It is not the best one could have for breakfast, but he isn’t sure when the patronage of his bed will wake up, and the cafeteria only opens around 10.

And just for some extra good measure, he fried a few more slices of bacon, sunny side-ups, and sausages, in case anyone might want more. Hades is honest when he said; he doesn’t know a thing about the male in his bed other than him being a huge deadweight. Like any other respectable human being, Hades ended up bringing him back to his dorm. He just doesn’t know how to explain why he even did the most to get the male to bed.

“Morning,” Hades quipped, leaning against the doorframe of his bedroom with a tray of food in his hand as he stared at the confused-looking male on his bed.

// it's okay! sorry for the late reply!
✧ aphrodite [A] 3 years ago
@✧ hades the intense pain that rings through aphrodite's head as his brain comes out of his unconsciousness isn't new, definitely not. it's not because he's immortal or anything but the pain, he can easily identify it as a hangover, partying and drinking is not something that is new to him. he loves his sorority and he loves helping mortal women. but it's no surprise that partying and drinking between the sororities and fraternities is quite common. aphrodite likes celebrating like this though, even if he does get absolutely wasted and sometimes someone doesn't have that decency to take care of him.

and so, when aphrodite doesn't recognize the sheets underneath him or the smell of them. he is somewhere that isn't his own bed. the smell is a little more earthy, more musky than any of the goddesses he sleeps with in the sorority. so, he must be somewhere else... but where?

it takes a little bit for him to gain the sense of anything, but he first gets the sense of taste. the awful taste of the trashy beer they had at the party. he gets the sense of touch later, when he realizes that he is, in fact, wearing all his clothes. so they didn't have ...? because he would probably not be wearing those clothes if they did have , or something. but where is he? his eyes manage to open and they immediately close. the sunshine is so bright and good lord, he wants to die right then and there. where is he??

[] idk how good this is :D but enjoy jhfdks
✧ aphrodite [A] 3 years ago
@✧ hades ー bing bong!! here is the key to your dorm. make sure not to lose it!


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FaeryKiss 3 years ago
Hmmm Park Kyungri or Karina (aespa) as Amphitrite or Persephone?
-lait- 3 years ago
can I get heo hyunjoon pls- and tell me if you would like inuus or terminus better as a god-
dambae 3 years ago
Im loving this au idea???? Would I be able to grab Jeon Jungkook as Thanatos?
Oxytocin 3 years ago
I uh... I'm curious

Would you guys want a Changwook as Asclepius?
venteux 3 years ago
im tempted
cherryeolie 3 years ago
Can I reserve Kim Saeeun as Proserpina
akalii 3 years ago
hi! when do reservations expire?
dc2b5d74da86d26238b3 3 years ago
could I reserving cho seungyoun as vulcan
hyperstellar 3 years ago
quick question!
c70fec0db6212effefd7 3 years ago
favorited and upvoted because the colour palette and aesthetics are gorgeous! but unfortunately i wouldn't be joining since i'm not that into greek/roman myth anymore ;; but i'll support you in the form of spamming upvotes u_u
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