⋄ mansion

the mansion

❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *my brows shoot up as your words stimulate my imagination further to the slowly moving platform and i can sense some fear bubbling up but mixed with excitement, the emphasis on "slow" moving making it enjoyable in my head*
That sounds like an amazing experience. I can't wait. *ends with a smile plastered on my face and my gaze lingering on you for few more seconds before looking away*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /my brows raised again when I hear your response as the skyscraper is usually one of the most wanted spots to take a date to, even if one just wants someone to accompany them.
I heard that if we climb to the highest point, we could get on an open-air slow rotating platform where you can get the panorama view of the entire city. I’ve never been there but sounds interesting. Although, I don’t doubt there will be families or couples up there, enjoying the breeze.
/continuing the drive, I revealed more information of the building, clearly showing that I’ve done my research before making any plans.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *stays unmoving on my spot but for my eyes following you across the car toward your seat and I was about to grab my seat belt but you reach over instead and I take the chance to look you up close but regret it instantly as the urge to kiss you go sky high and I had to exhale quietly and calm myself down, rubbing my palms over my thighs and look at you only when you speak*
...no? I never been to one- *eyes widen slightly as I can imagine the magical atmosphere in the restaurant from up high with the lit city beneath and around us*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /noticing your hand raising up before pausing and lowering again, my brows raised at your seemingly uncertain action. Watching you getting into the car and being mindful of you so that you don’t injure yourself while entering the car, I close the door after I see you settling down. Walking back quickly to my driver’s side, I slide onto my seat and reach out to help you fasten your seatbelt before fastening my own. Keying the address that I’ve made reservation for, I pulled down the handbrake to start the car and drive out from the mansion.
Have you been to the skyscraper? I reserved a table at an Italian fusion restaurant at one of the highest levels. I heard that there is a nice overview of the city at night. Probably the same view as my home but in a different angle and experience.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *eyes lool at yours with a gained glint, my whole face brighter than its usually resting face now that Im looking at you, I smile when you compliment my looks and look down at yours, noticing the change in your usual looks and was about to lift my hand to feel your jacket flirtatiously but remember the boyfriends around witnessing me being touchy feely with you in public makes me stop and lower my hand to settle for a simple comment instead*
So do you. *eyes following your movement till I get inside the car, I exhale out a breath i didnt know I was holding from the proximity to you till I'm in the car to catch my breath*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /upon noticing you coming out from the entrance and making eye contact with me before the beautiful smile of yours is in view, I could feel my heart dropped a beat before it accelerates. Leaning forward and adjusting my jacket while watching you seemingly taking notice of your environment, I lifted a subtle smile, guessing your thought and knowing how prideful you are to be caught with the same customer for months now. When I sense your attention being redirected back towards me, a part of me wanted to tease you by being publicly affectionate yet the other part likes the secrecy, deciding on the latter, I returned your gaze and greeting.
Hello, red. You look great. Shall we?
/I trailed down your outfit before looking back up towards you. Turning my body slightly and taking hold of the handle to the car door, I open the door frame before shifting position to hover over the roof and gesture you to get in.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *receiving your text, my heart jumps as I stand instantly out of reflex before I stuff my phone back into my pocket and exhale out deeply to even out my heartbeat as I grab my jacket to put it on and pass by the mirror to look at myself before I leave my room, pass the corridors, and toward the exit of the mansion. Seeing you in the driveway leaning against your car waiting for me, whatever measures to calm my heart now fallen useless seeing you and locking eyes with you that I smile instantly and take first couple of steps down the stairs only to realize some boyfriends around and paying us attention which send my face deep shade of red of predicting what could they possibly think of us going out /again/, for the 9th month and how there is no way to deny that long-term connection. I focus back on you as I reach close to you and flicker my gaze between your eyes*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /stopping at the porch of the mansion, I took out my phone to text you that I’ve reach and to meet me at the entrance of the mansion before I step out of my temporarily parked vehicle, going to the passenger side of the car to wait for your presence. Leaning against the vehicle, I patiently wait for you, looking around the structure of the mansion with my hands in my pockets. Eyeing at the door for you to come out, I wonder if I was being too obvious with my actions, looking away when I seemed to notice other familiar faces but you.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *spending my time restlessly waiting for 7 o'clock, can't wait to go out with you but most importantly see you. I spend the rest of the time deciding what to wear to look outstanding as per usual, planning to have your eyes on me the whole night, again, as per usual. I get in all black attire, deliberately, to match you, knowing how many black clothes you have and guessing you'd wear black this time around as well. I took out a darkbiridescent jacket to contrast the black attire softly and add the smartness to the causality of the outfit. I place it on my bed and wait for you to arrive while tapping away on my phone*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /chuckling softly at your replies, I reacted to your former one with an eye roll emoji before replying to the next.

<From: X>
- then I’ll see you at 7.

/after securing a time with you, I started to look through the type of style I’d wear to fit the occasion and brush up on my appearance for you. Deciding on a crop blazer for a more youthful look and to add a little more than just my usual full black outfit, I was on my way in my car to find you at the mansion as the time is getting ticking closer to 7 o’clock.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *seeing your reply, I dramatically rolled my eyes despite the toothy grin on my face and I settle with a smile as that could've been my addition to my previous answer to flirt you up, which bring me to how similar we think at times*

<From: red circle>
- of ways to ruin and end you? Sure.
- (typing...)
- only because there is food, don't flatter yourself.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Tsk. Tsundere.
/clicking my tongue after reading your messages, I thought for a while as I do want to do something together.

<From: X>
- (typing…)
- busy thinking of me ;)
- Anyways. I’m having dinner. I’ll pick you up at 7pm if you are not busy by then. Dress code is smart casual.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *smiling at the "cold" comment, not sure if you meaning anything "negative" with it but I know I'll always take that as compliment*

<From: red circle>
- how you like it.
- very busy
- (typing...)

*snickers as I deliberately stop at that and wait for your response after giving you "false" hope of being free to meet*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /maintaining my smile when I look at your replies, I cupped my hand over my mouth. Wondering if you’d take the bait even after calling me out.

<From: X>
- (typing…)
- cold.
- is that so? So according to your schedule today, how is tonight looking?
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *clicks my tongue and rolls my eyes when you play oblivious to it and take a neutral stance, I turn on my tummy and slowly swing my legs as I text you back*

<From: red circle>
- I could live.
- (typing...)
- says who? :/ I can do my schedule however I like. Im my own boss.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /chuckling when you seemed to catch me in the act, my eyes directed upwards to think of how I could continue teasing you. Glancing back down to my device, I pressed on the keyboard again.

<From: X>
- might be, might not be~
- are you curious to find out? ;)
- (typing…)
- but then again, with your schedule, you might be busy
- another time then~
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *staring at my screen as I can see you typing, I take another piece of cookie into my mouth while I wait to receive your reply. Finally seeing it, I break into a grin and hold the 3rd and last cookie for now between my teeth as I hold phone with both hands to type away my reply, filled with thrill while texting you*

<From: red circle>
- Yeah?
- Sir, is that reverse psychology now??
- (typing...)
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /turning my attention to my phone that’s vibrating on the desk, I picked it up to see the updates. My back straighten up when I saw that the text was from you. Reading your message, my lips curled up slightly before I pursed them together. The update alone indicated that you’ve seen my written message and that you are at the mansion. Feeling relieved that you are not in another trial, my fingers furiously typing a message but halting as I try to find something to say.

<From: X>
- (typing…)
- is that so?
- Bet you don’t dare to sneak out and find me :p
- (typing…)
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *a knock on my door startles me in my room, not expecting anyone at this time and knowing you are at work during these hours. I get up and get to the door to see a butler holding up a box to me, saying this is delivered to the mansion with my name on it. I thank him and take the box, closing the door and slowly making my way back to the bed while taking the note to curiously read it. Seeing your initials, I break into dumb toothy grin and open the box to see the cookies which I take a piece of to pop in my mouth then dust my hands to take out my phone and text you*

<From: red circle>
- Rather choke on you tho
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ (https://pin.it/5KXQpJxvi)

/seeing how it went previously when I ordered you a board of snacks, I decided to cut down on the quantity and focus on the quality instead. Sending you a small box of soft cream cheese cookies along with a note to let you identify me by, I couldn’t help but realise that I am starting to take note of the little holidays and events that I wouldn’t usually have done. Yet here I am, trying to imagine your reactions as I sent the edible gift to your place.
Don’t choke, or do. And think of me - KYD.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 3 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae <From: red circle>
- I shall~
- Dont miss me too much :kiss:

*smiling one last time, I tuck my phone into my pocket to sigh softly and gaze outside the window while thinking of you, imagining your reaction and irritation and how much i'd love to squish you to my flat moobs*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ <From: X>
- hmph.
- tsk, enjoy that new place for a week, I guess :eye roll:

/returning a response, I felt irritated that you are staying over at some stranger’s place. leaning back against my office chair, I can’t helped but wonder how you would react upon receiving the board, completely ignoring the existence of your current customer.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 3 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *raises a brow at your little spam of changing your mind, I shake my head in amusement and let you be, figuring the same, that I can't be doing this over text*

<From: red circle>
- you take me for easy it seems, if that what you think. My fault though, I've been quite easy on you.
- in the car. Going back to his home now.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ <From: X>
- d u h. :eye roll:
- um, is it not?
- wait, don’t answer
- I don’t want to know

/quickly backpedaling after sending out my replies, I figured it would be too long of a conversation to do over text. Typing another sentence, I attempted to change topics as I received a notification that the board as been delivered.

<From: X>
- what are you doing now?
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 3 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *bites my lip to contain my amusement as I read your text, tapping away my own*

<From: red circle>
- and? You have problem with that?
- oh? So you think you got into my bed just because you'd been constantly trying?

*lowers my phone after I send hit and glance at the customer as if checking facts with myself, wondering if he to try with me, hypothetically, would I let him?*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /typing away on my phone, I shook my head at your reply, fully understanding as I’ve experienced it firsthand.

<From: X>
- Doesn’t stop people from trying to propose to you :eye roll:
- Did I get into your bed that way?
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 3 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *smiling to myself, I catch myself unconsciously leaning against the window and probably looking totally smitten which makes me clear my throat and straighten back against my seat, glancing at the customer who's driving to see if he noticed my state before I type again*

<From: red circle>
- you should know better than anyone else how Im not easily impressed.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /clicking my tongue again when the customer you got is another rich dude, I was about to type something to counter when I saw your reply. Lifting a subtle smile, I send my response.

<From: X>
- hmm~ you won’t be impressed by the round sparkle thing then.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 3 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *being on the car ride back to the customer's house, Im able to text back relatively fast. I glance at the customer, his car, and how fancy his family house was, I shrug as I type*

<From: red circle>
- yes
- no
✶ kim youngdae [A] 3 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /deciding not to wait in the mansion as I assumed you won't be returning for the week, I decided to head to my workplace, which at times is a place of distraction for me. With how you were holding a bouquet, another assumption of mine is that you might be busy with your 'duties'. Walking towards the entrance, I gain intel to your current customer's address. Seeing that the holiday still needs to be celebrated as I would do anything to remind you that you are with me, I opt to send a luxurious gift to the address with the recipient being you. Keeping my phone and heading to my planned location, I drove off.


When I finally received your message, I was at my workplace. Keeping an eye on the time you were gone, I noted that it was roughly an hour plus. Scoffing at your text, I typed out my reply.

<From: X>
- :eye roll:
- Can he even afford a diamond ring?
- Do you even like diamond rings?


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