⤿ amusement park

Amusement park

✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 days ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /rising up to my feet with your help, I couldn’t help but send a triumphant look to the people who were looking at you as I continue to hold onto your hand. Turning my attention back towards you soon after, I clicked my tongue at you as my eyes roamed all over your handsome face.
Why are you so good looking? Can’t you see people staring at you? We should either start charging them or we’re never coming back again.
/I quickly head towards the exit, tugging you along with me.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 4 days ago
@✶ kim youngdae *totally oblivious about your attention to others attentioning that I myself haven't noticed, I blink when I reach you and instead of being pleased with me paying for us, you welcome me with a pout instead which take me aback and I gulp as I find you absolutely adorable and I bite the inside of my cheeks and reach my hand to take yours and help you up on your feet, my gaze turn from looking down to now looking up at you*
You okay baby boy? Why the pout? *glances around as Im fighting the urge to peck your pout away but I stay subtle by keeping a hold of your hand instead*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 4 days ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing you asking a rhetorical question as I see you heading to the counter, I chuckled as I rest my cheek against my palm that’s propped up on the table. Looking at your back view, a subtle smile formed on my face as I have never been on the waiting side before. Having to follow the society’s standards of taking initiative, it feels like a new and good change. Although the moment was short when I realise some people glancing your way which irritated me. Leaning back with a fold of my arms, I was sending annoyed glares at those people that I didn’t realise you coming back to my side soon after. Peeking my eyes up at you when I heard your voice, I gave a small pout before reaching my hand out for you to take.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 4 days ago
@✶ kim youngdae *snicker as I snatch the card from your hand and I glance up toward the counter side*
Should I go pay there? *says as I already stand up from my spot and walk toward the counter, greeting the staff and telling them our table number and wait for them to check the bill before I pay, feeling funny that Im paying with a card for first time, feeling independent and powerful even though its your card and not mine. Smiling at the staff once Im done, I return to your side on the table and tilt head at you with a smirk*
All done, princess. Ready to go?
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 week ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /looking at your extended hand, I gave a chuckle before taking out a card from my wallet and passing it to you, continuing my act.
How sweet of you. Then I’ll wait here~
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 week ago
@✶ kim youngdae *watches you change your posture curiously but soon blinks in surprise, taken aback by your words and the tone you use and I bite my lip not to snicker at your act and so I give you some of my own act, knowing I have no money/account of my own*
Of course~ *extends my hand for your card* give. I'll pay for us, Dae/bae/.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 week ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /nodding at your words, I have a small smile at how caring you were when you took care of my dizziness. Figuring that you should complete your gentlemanly actions, I place my elbows on the edge of the table, resting my chin on my fingers.
Is this going to be your treat? Thank you bae~
/tilting my head slightly to give you a coy eyesmile, I looked around your face for your reactions.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 1 week ago
@✶ kim youngdae *finishing my last slice of Margherita pizza, I pick up my to take few large gulps and feel the sprite burn down my throat and I sigh out in satisfaction once Im done. Noticing you are done already and looking at me instead, I smile as I place my drink down*
Feeling all replenished now, hmm?
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 week ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /continue eating in silence, my pace quickens in anticipation for the next agenda. I was curious to see how you’d react if we hypothetically were in a horror movie, seeing that we have never seen anything horror-related together before. Taking the final sip of the drink to complete the meal, I looked at you to see if you are done before we continued on.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae *flickers my gaze between your crescents, my heart picking up faster pace and I turn rather speechless as I watch the way you nod with a full mouth finding that quite adorable, I had to stuff my mouth as well to busy myself*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 weeks ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /looks at you with crescent eyes as I hear your explanations before dropping my gaze to let out a suppressed chuckle at how adorable you are. Peeking up at you again when I hear the next statement, I quickly shove the remaining piece of pizza in my mouth to prevent myself from saying overconfident and cheesy words. With my mouth busy chewing, I could only nod.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae Yeah, I don't even doubt that. Like /during/ it I know its silly and ridiculous and could tell how they did some of the things but its the /after/ when Im alone that I can't help my mind feeling like something/someone is creeping up on me yaknow? *scratches back of my head while I suppress a light airy chuckle of embarrassment*
Now that you are with me too, I doubt I'd ever feel scared. *clears my throat as I admit that out*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 weeks ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /listening to your reply, my brows raised as I watch your gaze dropped. Looking at your cute expression and thinking that it could be a good chance to get more touchy feely with you, I wasted no time in suggesting it as our next activity.
I don't think I'd watch horror movies at night either but I'm sure it's not that bad. After all it's just machinery and scare actors, right?
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae *watches your expression change after I declared that before I bite more onto my slice of pizza and shrug while I chew, thinking of my answer during that*
I think I'm tolerant? Like... My only experience is with horror movies and Im okay watching those until it's bed time at night- *flushes red in embarrassment as I admit that and drops my gaze down*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 weeks ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /blinking once more before I watch your subtle change of position, I too followed along as I hear your response. Briefly glancing off to the side to think of how to continue the topic, I flickered my eyes back towards you.
Really? How tolerant are you with scary things? Scary things like horror.
/Asking before I take another bite off the slice.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 weeks ago
@✶ kim youngdae *chewing on my pizza bite, my gaze too on the plate while Im maintaining my amusement, flickering my gaze up to you sneakily to discretely take glimpses of your face that seems to mimic my own which makes me hyperaware of the lightness in my chest at the moment we are sharing. Though, when you suddenly suggest haunted house, I widen my eyes and straighten my neck to stare at you dumbfoundedly*
Haunted house-...? I-....I never been to one...
✶ kim youngdae [A] 1 month ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /the corners of my lips curled up when I heard your response before humming out an acknowledgement. Taking a sip of the fizzy drink and a bite off my slice, my eyes were directed down to the plates of pizza, hyper aware of the moment we are sharing and feeling a little awkward at the rare forms of a casual date, especially with the person I adore. Pondering on where a good place would be to take on the challenge of showing you what is the definition of “being mine”, I believed I might have stopped blinking for a few seconds longer, spacing out before I blinked, accidentally blurting out my thoughts.
Haunted house?
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *noticing your gaze shifting to the side and just when it falls to my right wrist do I realize you were looking at the red stud we both wearing as couple in addition to the bracelets and I had to flicker my gaze away from you with how I feel heat going up my cheeks again and cant control it with how obvious our closeness is to play deny now. However, hearing your words, my eyes flicker back up to yours with curious and enticed glint*
Maybe you should. *press my lips together to suppress a smile, I duck my head to hide it when I failed to suppress it, amusement written all over my face as I take second bite of my pizza slice*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing your question, which I interpreted it as asking for a confirmation of our status, my eyes falling on your left ear then your right wrist. Bringing my hand towards your wrist to trace your red bracelet with my index finger, I glanced at the same bracelet on my left wrist that is in view close to yours. Indirectly indicating that our status are more than just transactional means, I followed up with a question rather seriously yet also in a teasing manner.
Should I show you in other ways what my definition of "being mine" is?
/Lifting my finger off from your bracelet, I retracted my hand and focused on the food before us, taking hold of a slice in one hand and the fizzy drink in another.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *seeing your smile falls, my heart falls with it and Im taken up by guilt, brining up a usual process of overthinking when it comes to my "attitude", is it finally the time my tsunning is getting too much? Am I upsetting you with it?. I fall silent as well, but the guilt won't let me stay still and shut, so I question although delayed*
...what did you mean then? *looking at the food you are dividing, I pick a piece of margherita pizza to busy myself with it while I await your reaction and words, playing oblivious to your actual meaning that I already know*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /expecting to see your Tsun attitude at my emphasis, I paused the consumption when I am met with your unexpected and delayed response. My teasing smile fell when I realise what you meant before I lowered my bottle, swallowing the contents in my mouth.
I didn’t meant that.
/I quickly followed up, looking away from you and towards the environment we are in, eyeing at the other couples around with a thought; wondering if we could ever have a proper date without either of us self-sabotaging what we have. Falling silent after, I flickered my eyes towards the food that the server brought to us. Straightening my back, I waited for the dishes to be placed on the table before I started to distribute some of the food between us, making sure to give you the larger portion.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *takes my bottle but I don't open it as I'm busy making sure you are drinking yours and just then i opened my bottle and was about to take a sip but I pause at your words which makes my face heat up at the emphasis on "my boyfriend", my first reaction to oppose and tsun that but it also took me a moment to remember that I /am/ a boyfriend, a man-made one, and it downs at me how /real/ you make me feel that I for once instantly thought of the romantic meaning of official boyfriends rather than my job. However, to hide how that is affecting me, I reply although delayed*
... I'm programmed for this. *blatantly lies and I don't even try to convince you as i hide my cheeky smile behind the rim of water bottle that Im finally drinking. Moments later, the pizzas arrive and along with it the sprite*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /blinking before my eyes darted between yours when I felt your hand on my forehead, I felt my cheeks burning up at your touch, which probably prompted you to ask me the question whether or not I’m okay. Watching you taking hold of the bottle to open it, I received the bottle you offer with thanks before bringing it to my lips and taking a sip, finding your concern for me very precious.
I’m better. I’m just thinking how well /my boyfriend/ takes care of me.
/I flickered my eyes towards you playfully with a wide smile before I took another sip.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *noticing you looking back at me, staring actually, I don't get that you are gazing romantically and due to how worried I am, i think something is wrong, especially with how redder you seem to be*
You okay? *reaches my hand over to feel your forehead and just then the water bottles are here. I retract my hand from your forehead to open a bottle for you, figuring you might not have energy right now to do that. I hand you the opened bottle and urge you to drink*
Here, drink water.
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /nodding at your choices, I peeked up towards you after my mind slowly stops feeling dizzy. The throbbing pain in my head had me in hyperawareness of the current environment and I realised I have never imagine being able to sit across from my person, at this age, in a brightly colored crowded diner of an amusement park, waiting for our pizza orders. The feeling I got from this was new and heart fluttering. Leaning against my palm, I silently gaze at you.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *whatever stern look i have on my face immediately dissipate with how softly you reply indecisively which makes me soften back up on how drained you look and I raise my hand to ask for a waiter. I order us 2 medium sized pizza, 1 Margherita and 1 regular with veggies and 2 sprites. I look at you after to see your approval of the order then nod in confirmation at the waiter*
Can you bring us bottle of water too? *smiles politely at the waiter then look back at you, figuring you need to get hydrated before food*
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /hearing the thud on the table, my eyes dropped along with the fallen menu before I glanced up towards your face, noting your stern expression as I subconsciously my dry lips. Hearing your words and actions of disapproval, I watched you going through the menu to offer some options. Thinking hard but having no particular type, I responded.
Hmm.. you choose, I’ll share the dish with you.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae Uhm-! *taken aback by your choice, I drop the menu down on the table not so gently as a stern expression takes over my face, the usual when I'm concerned for someone*
Really now? That's what you having? On empty stomach too? *clicks my tongue and shakes my head in exaggerated disappointment and disapproval before I go through the menu and give you options*
They have pizzas, pastas, burgers, fried chicken-
✶ kim youngdae [A] 2 months ago
@❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ /feeling your hand shifted from my waist to my arm, I pursed my lips and flickered my eyes towards you, noting your concern towards me and the seemingly lack of care of how you’d be portrayed. Following you into the crowded diner, I watched as you directed us to a cozy small empty table and felt so pampered by your actions. Taking a seat on the chair you pulled out for me, I rest my head on my hand that’s propped up on the edge of the table. Glancing towards you when I see you settling down opposite me and not exactly knowing the menu, my initial answer to your question is a cup of carbonated drink.
I’ll have Sprite.
❅ zhu zhengting ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ [A] 2 months ago
@✶ kim youngdae *feeling your weight lifted off of my body, I turn my head to peek at you to see what's wrong. Hearing your words, I hum but can only take my hand away from your waist to grasp onto your arm, circling it with my own, not caring if I look like an annoying clingy girlfriend entering the diner together and I search around for the closest empty spot and I direct us toward it, pulling the chair away from the table and help you settle down on it then gently push the chair forward again before I make my way across the table to sit on the chair while scanning your face carefully. Wordlessly picking up the menu through knitted brows as I look at the options, I question*
What would you like to have?


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