I Love You Guys


Sorry Preludians, this is a repeat, but I realized that there are people I really care about that I don't regularly rp with. They need to know too. Anyway, I'm just copying and pasting what I said in the Prelude rp.


"I dunno if anyone is going to read this, but I shouldn't take up space in the get together room. I'm really scared about this. For the past few days, I've been so so tired, and I've had trouble breathing. When I breathe in too much, I get a sharp pain in my chest. I'm starting to get a lot of chest pain when I take more than two steps, and I almost can't breathe when I walk. I'm not even walking fast, people like 50 feet behind me pass me in 10 seconds. But I still can't breathe from that little amount of effort. Everything hurts, and I can barely breathe while sitting. I'm sorry if anyone reads what I'm about to say and gets scared, but I need to cover my bases just in case. I love you all so so much, and you've made me extremely happy to be here. I found family in this place, and I'll be here til the end, whether it's the end of this place or the end of me. I hope nothing is wrong because I can't afford to check, but I wanted everyone to know how important you are to me just in case something happens and I can't tell you anymore. That's all, thank you for listening if you did."


I'm sorry, I also realize how dramatic this is. I'm probably not dying and am just blowing things out of proportion, but I'm scared, and this is a just in case thing. So try not to take it as I'm certainly dying soon, but also try and understand my fears in that I've never had it this bad before. I'm not seeking attention on purpose, only covering all my bases so that I have no regrets in case something is actually wrong with me. Thanks guys, and again, I hope you all know how much I love you guys~


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Jishubunny 5 years ago
Take care of yourself and get well soon~
Jinhyuk01 5 years ago
Bub, you didn't blow things out. this is just precaution so it's okay.
But seriously, you need to get it checked first, at least to make sure there nothing serious.
And you need to rest, don't stay late too much.
My works has been taking my time a lot so I rarely here, but I care about you a lot.
And for your breathing trouble do you have asthma or similar case before? If you don't maybe your chest muscles is strained and it can make you hard to breath. Bone fracture or pinched nerve can cause that too. So, you really need to get it checked to eliminate and take care of it. You can use nebulizer to ease your breathing trouble.
Hope you get better soon, I will pray for your health.
Come talk to me on kakao or other chat apps if you need it, anytime.
JCH21753 5 years ago
Hope you get better soon. Get that checked out when you can!
dubulge 5 years ago
baby oh my gosh i never ing saw this in prelude but i love you so ing much please don't say such things bc i'm NSMSMSAJAKSLSJSN WORRYING SO BAD PLEASE GO TO THE DOCTOR I
i love you so much
i love you SO so SO SO SO so sosososoo sOso SO much
pandabeardance 5 years ago
I love you a lot, more than you know~♡♡
I hope everything is alright;;
luciddreams 5 years ago
I love you so so much, always remember that
astraltia 5 years ago
I love and miss you, my woomama
-Jiimbles 5 years ago
Love you too, bby. /hugs/
orbitinsomnia 5 years ago
love you too,bub(。ò ∀ ó。) hope you can recover soon
StormyThunderNight 5 years ago
Vivaldi 5 years ago
Have you seen a cardiologist?
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