I cant be the only one [rant]


That misses the old school roleplaying (in fear of sounding like a boomer, yeah idc :/ ) 

-Introducing yourself

-"baking" goods, giving presents, to break the ice and make friends

-God forbid you said anything remotely ooc

-actions were actually actions

-[ooc was ooc]

-UNHINGED tod games. I'm talking WILD. 

-Walls were actually used for roleplaying 

-Rated rps where everyone got w everyone. One rarely saw established relationships. 

-Rated rps were SPICY HOT and soft roleplays were a safe space. Now we avoid in rated roleplays and have the wildest and kinkiest conversations in "ic rooms" where the admins have always stated those aren't spaces for having rated conversations.

We honestly didn't give an f about points. We used to build friendships from 0. We had to work for relationships. We had to put effort into them and I think that made friendships (and relationships) so lasting and meaningful. Now, if you don't immediately jump in every conversation in chat, you're an outcast. You're out of the loop. You don't belong to the cool kids. And I'm tired. I do prefer a slow but stronger bond. Fast interactions give you that adrenaline hit, but as quick as they go up, they go down and we go looking for the next hit.

People don't even interact with their own "group mates". But they be having the weirdest interactions in a non-au just because their friends are roleplaying said characters.

i know people are going to come and tell me how this system doesn't work anymore. I know...I'm just saying I miss it...


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-Faeya 8 months ago
I miss it to, it's why I am not actually in any RP's anymore, I just sit in blogs and wait for someone asking for PMRP's.
You're not alone.
dambae 9 months ago
so real
xsoulx [A] 9 months ago
Join this beta experiment
So I can open an official one:

chibikeys 9 months ago
Sighs ngl I dont see the point in "connections" and "plotting"
Like what happened to just saying hi and just letting rping take its course c':
chanseowoon 9 months ago
I totally agree with you. I miss the old RPR. Everything became so complicated. Everything was so chill before.
xsoulx [A] 9 months ago
I forgot to mention this is mostly about my experience in NON-AU rps, rps where you’re the idol and nothing more.

I understand there’s a bigger chance of engagement and plotting in au-rps
Kaworu 9 months ago
I don't agree with everything, some things you listed I still see nowadays or didn't see in the past. However, I heavily agree with the rated rp part. Before we'd always have dungeons and master x slave places that were based, while also cute rps that were mostly soft. Nowadays you join a rated rp and everyone is cuddling and making friends, then you join a "normal" rp and everyone is ting like ?????? what's going onnn ;; it's troublesome because I make my characters with the rp lore in mind
sugarfairy 9 months ago
Nah, I feel you recently made my account again here and yeah...it's VERY different. Also, a lot of people ignore and ghost after 5 mins of trying to get to know each other to EVEN rp. Like I dont need to know your life but, I do need to know more info about your rp peferences at least...
themis 9 months ago
sorry that was so long LOL i wrote it on mobile so i didn’t even notice. just wanted to go through your points.
themis 9 months ago
some of these things sound like a nightmare for me but other things are things i badly want to experience. i’ve only experienced them a little since i joined this site when nonau chat rooms were really taking off.

i don’t like the rated stuff idk sometimes all that spicy stuff just gets uncomfortable for me, but i don’t mind rated rps and join them for the potential. but some of the stuff people say just … makes me uncomfortable. and that’s fine, but i do want certain places in an rp to safe or else i won’t join which is ok.

i think a certain amount of ooc is fine. i hate crack ooc even if it’s talking about ic things, it just gets to be too much and can sometimes even teeter on problematic, at least from what i’ve seen.

but like… everything else i miss. i hate how you basically get put in the background if you’re not constantly talking to people. and your point about work and stuff. to me it’s a greater reflection of society, how we want these quick hits because of how stressful life and work is, but we would have the same amount of time for something that could be more fulfilling but just takes a bit more time.

and i HATE cliques… with a passion. how many rps have been ruined for me because of cliques. especially when rps get big and you get lost in all of the clique activity. and the only way you can get an in is if you engage with face chasing by playing a person that they like and actually entertaining that.

but for group mates i think it’s fine. i think it would be a good way to like, get to know more people and have that base line, but jbc you’re rping a leader doesn’t mean you’re a leader, ykno? especially if you don’t even know the person. i know ooc and ic are different but like i’m not gonna support you and your struggles if i don’t know you sorry lol we should try to get to know each other first dbjsjs oh and walls. i don’t mind no rping on walls bc i use walls for a diff function. but like other welcomes and stuff sound cute af!

idk. i think a lot of it is bc of rpr’s dwindling population. people are leaving bc they’re growing up or bc rpr is too toxic, which makes rpr even more toxic. there isn’t many people like us who want these things so if we try to do it ourselves it fails. or it’s just not enough. idk :/ i really resonated with some stuff in this blog and i feel like the “reasons” other people give are more just… weak excuses. sorry. nothing wastes my time more than being in an active chat for an hour than actually doing what i love: writing.
comets 9 months ago
speaking of, that’s so true sometimes i try to interact with members of the same group and they act like whole strangers

the wall welcomes?? there were a bunch of people on your wall, i remember logging in and being like oh time to reply to my wallposts , hehe good times (all of them strangers and you made a lot of new friends and connections)
cardinal 9 months ago
apollogist 2 minutes ago Reply
comets 3 minutes ago Reply
ustpink 1 minute ago Reply

bring back genuine rping and don't make it a popularity contest.

BUT BAKING GOODS THO. and unhinged tod. Been there before, it felt so good. These days people are just about chasing and ignoring/giving less attention to others. I have more to rant but I'm afraid I'm gonna get called out lmao so I'll shut.
healys 9 months ago
comets 3 minutes ago Reply
ustpink 1 minute ago Reply

bring back genuine rping and don't make it a popularity contest.
comets 9 months ago
_rainy 9 months ago
also want to mention that sadly this has been slowly transferring into au roleplays and that just breaks the 4th wall to a whole other level. makes me lose muse when i join an au and ooc things are mentioned. what's the point of an au ;;
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