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established 2023.

with new people


to find the one


hirai momo
There are a lot of amazing people on!

So many people to meet!

So many friends to make!

So many possibilities!

roleplay type
opened on
open & accepting

Lovesick is an online dating and networking site and application exclusive only to celebrities. Potential members must apply for verification during account creation and will receive a confirmation email once they are accepted. Profiles of potential matches will be displayed to users, who can "swipe left" to reject a candidate or "swipe right" to indicate interest.
The application also possesses a one-of-a-kind feature: members have access to a groupchat where they can chat and find potential matches through conversation. Additionally, members have automatic access to House Lovesick, a very exclusive and heavily guarded club where members can visit to meet their matches in private.

Favorite and upvote the roleplay before applying. This is done to avoid applications from brand-new, alternate accounts. Note that we reserve the right to reject any applications from users that are known to be problematic.
Do not reserve problematic, deceased, married, or any celebrity that informed the public that they do not want to be roleplayed.
Do not reserve problematic, deceased, married, or any celebrity that informed the public that they do not want to be roleplayed.
out of character
Faceclaims must be over 19 years of age internationally. People of all backgrounds and ualities are allowed, with the exception of problematic, deceased, married, or any celebrity that informed the public that they do not want to be roleplayed. Keep in mind that "" is Tinder for celebrities. Influencers will not be accepted into the app/website if they are not well known or have a sizeable following. Additionally, please keep age range in mind. So far, the average age of our members is around 23-25, so please be mindful of that. No faceclaims over the age of 35.
Second characters are permitted after attaining 300 points and posting an ad blog. Third characters can be obtained after both existing characters have 400 points. Fourth characters are allowed after all three of your characters have 600 points each.
Please be mindful; no character hogging is allowed. If we suspect that a user has created multiple accounts to bypass the character limits, they will be blacklisted and characters immediately deleted. In the password, summarize one rule from each of the two sections in the guidelines.
Please be mindful; no character hogging is allowed. If we suspect that a user has created multiple accounts to bypass the character limits, they will be blacklisted and characters immediately deleted. In the password, summarize one rule from each of the two sections in the guidelines.
Inactivity is set to seven days. You will be given two warnings. After every warning, you will be given 48 hours to become active. If you immediately go inactive again after the first inactivity, you will be kicked immediately. You may reapply after 48 hours, but there is no guarantee that you can return with the same faceclaim.
If you want to request a semi/hiatus, please post in the designated room. If you are leaving, please notify "customer support".
No OOC drama. We cannot stress this enough. Please be kind and respectful to one another. If you are observed to be making any of our members uncomfortable, killing the vibes in the chats, or if the admins are messaged about your character, you will be given a warning. You will be given only one warning. We cannot allow repeated offenses for the sake of our members.
in character
Dating ban of 7 days. No move-in couples allowed. This is a dating app! You wouldn't be here if you already have a boo, would you? Also no deaths or pregnancies. Rated themes must be discussed by both parties.
Remember, you are all still idols. It is a semi au so you can tweak the small, insignificant details. Also, please try to limit the fourth-walling/ooc speak. You can speak as yourself, just do not make it obvious. Avoid lingo like "alts," "ccing," "rpr," or having "characters" outside of ooc brackets, please! If you want to talk about rpr as a site, use "" instead (i.e. "Lovesick/this site didn't refresh for me!")
Remember to make the environment as comfortable for everyone as possible. If you are not comfortable with a topic, do not be afraid to use the safeword, "paparazzi". IC drama is permitted so long as it does not get blown out of proporton.
You will be provided with a profile! All you're required to do is fill it out!

join us!
full name
famous for (group)
date of birth
strangers can text me
sign up
illustration by adriannewalujo.o
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