day room

Day Room »

Computers, air hockey, pool tables, board games, consoles, and puzzles! The center of entertainment for patients and staff alike.



felicia porter 6 years ago
@sebastian stan Almost there. Almost there. The clock wobbled. One more push and she'd have it. She nearly had it off the wall before someone grabbed her and pulled her off the table. "What the hell!" Felicia didn't have the strength to fight man that grabbed her. Frustrated, she rounded on him, took a step back so they weren't so close, and glared as hard as she could. She looked him up and down. Definitely not a doctor. From the way he growled at her, ordered her not to do what she wants she can most definitely that he's not a nurse. Whatever he was she didn't care, because that damn tick, tick, ticking was still pissing her off. "And who are you to tell me what to do? If that," she pointed at the clock viciously, "Wasn't so damn loud, then I wouldn't be up there in the first place. How am I supposed to read in peace when I can't get any?" Tick. Tick. Tick. "I mean isn't your job to make us feel comfortable here? So why don't you," she jabbed him in the chest with her finger. Damn that hurt. "Do something about that damn clock, so I can ING READ!" She tore off her shoe and threw it at the clock with some futile hope that it would work.
sebastian stan [A] 6 years ago
@felicia porter Sebastian walked through the hallways, ambling slowly, he was in no hurry to get to his assignment today. He slipped his fingers into his scrub pockets and felt the outline of his pack of cigarettes and sighed. He desperately just wanted to slip outside unnoticed and take a few puffs of his cancer sticks before continuing on but he didn't really feel like getting written up today so he continued on toward the day room. He pushed open the door and immediately wished he had taken his medicine that morning. Normally, he felt as if he was doing fine and didn't need it but today, all the noises and shouts that were happening around him was about to drive him insane. He was supposed to babysit a patient by the name of Felicia Porter. He had to make sure she eats a nutritional meal and then has to stay with her long enough for the food to be digested to where she can't just throw it back up again. This meant going with her to the bathroom and standing outside the stall, if need be. Practically having to watch her like a hawk. He glanced up and noticed a patient standing on top of a table, trying to grab onto a clock. He looked around the room. All these doctors and nurses and not one person is stopping her? He inwardly groaned. He knew he was an orderly but why did he always get stuck doing this? He moved toward the girl and wrapped one arm around her waist and hoisted her off the table. "Get down from there," Sebastian ordered as he placed her back onto the floor. "And I better not catch you on that table again. I'm sure you wouldn't want your day room privilege's to be taken away."
felicia porter 6 years ago
@sebastian stan Tick. Tick Tick. That was the sound of the clock on the wall in the day room. Each tick counted down the seconds until Felicia couldn't take it anymore. For the last hour she's been trying to read a book, but she could barely get passed the page she's on. For the last twenty minutes she's read one sentence over and over again, because she couldn't understand what it meant. And it wasn't anything hard either. "Come to the quad at noon and be prepared to do what's necessary." That's it. Tick. Tick. Tick. "For the love of God shut up!" Other patients and staff in the room looked at her like she was crazy and some days she felt like it, like today. Today was the worse she's had all week. Her stomach hurt like hell and she was dizzy. It's been a day since she's eaten last. It's about time for someone to babysit her while she eats and make sure she doesn't throw it up right after. Whatever. They can do whatever they want, but she needs that clock to stop. Felicia was across the room the next moment on her toes trying to reach the clock. At five foot nine she could only touch the bottom of it and there's no way some staff member wouldn't stop her before she could find something to stand on. But she'd take her chances. She moved a coffee table, stepped on it, and did her best to yank the clock off the wall, but it was either stuck or nailed tight. . She couldn't get it, but she wouldn't stop trying.
arin 6 years ago
@kim jaeduck Once she heard Jaeduck's voice she immediately closed all the windows she opened and then turned over to him with a smile. "Hi! I see that you're done reading huh? What story did you read today? Hm?" She asked curiously as she titled her head lightly, she then took his hand gently. "How are you doing today?" Asking out of politeness to the older only. "You know, I've been waiting for you actually... to talk with you again since you're such a nice person" grinning after she said that, she liked to show her feelings to others especially to the ones that she feels comfortable with and like them. "Anyway~ would you like to go to another place? Going around here maybe in this boring place or maybe going to the garden? At least they have a nice garden" shrugging lightly as she glanced around then before looking at the older.
kim jaeduck 6 years ago
@arin "Once upon a time," The words flowed easily form Jaeduck's mouth. He'd repeated them so many times, always with such joy and vigor. He delighted in the cheerful expressions of the children - each and everyone of them. "There was a great big castle, and in that castle was a princess." Going through the motions with soft eyes he flipped to another page, only pausing for a moment as he noticed someone familiar in his peripheral. He grinned as the children begged him to continue, all the way until they reached the end of the story. Once it was over Jaeduck returned to the book to one of the aids before wheeling himself over to Arin. "Hello." he said, voice quiet and warm as he smiled.
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun "They keep telling me to try to remember what happened before the car crash but to be honest with you, doctor, I can't access any of Jimmy's memories, the man whose body I'm borrowing, I can only remember what happened from when I first saw the bright white light up till now where I'm sitting with you," Jimmy explained as he followed the doctor's gaze to the table next to them. "Would you like to sit down? I'm sure you must be tired from being on your feet all day." Jimmy wandered toward the table and sat down in one of the brightly colored plastic chairs. They might have thought that these chairs and their bright colors could brighten the moods of the patients here but for Jimmy, it only made him feel sick to his stomach. "My caretaker threatened to have me handcuffed to my bed if I wouldn't stay in my room. That's not what a caring person should do"
[H] park seungjun 6 years ago
@castiel "Well, Castiel, many people forget about some things, don't worry about it too much for now." He smiled. "Dr. Park, pleasure to meet you." He nodded firmly and crossed his arms before he tilted his head a little. "I'm sure your caretaker knows what he does. Don't you like him?" Seungjun looked at the table right next to him and scratched his head thoughtfully. He knew that it must've been really tiring to be here and nobody really wanted to be here, but he wanted to help these people to get out of here again as soon as possible.
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@eunseo Jimmy wiggled in his seat, excitement rushing through his veins. "I am very honored to be taking this class of yours. It seems as if it would be very intriguing." Jimmy grabbed some bright blue colored construction paper and reached for a pair of safety scissors. Unfortunately, the hospital would not allow patients to play with actual scissors. They could possibly harm themselves or others with them and that was a risk the hospital would not take.

"I am very glad it is not witchcraft. I do not wish to be burned at the stake," Jimmy frowned as he rolled the glue around in his hands. "It woukd be extremely painful and I'd rather keep my wings intact." Jimmy poured a small circle of glue into his palm and slowly rubbed it into one spot. He then stuck his glue covered hand onto his piece of construction paper and grinned. "Maybe I can turn into one of those blue people. Like in that band."

"Doctors think that their education makes them all high and mighty when it really doesnt." Jimmy smiled brightky at her. "Thank you for that. It truky means a lot to know that someone believes me " Jimmy grabbed some beads from the table with hus unglued hand and showed them to her. "We can make nutsack necklaces."
(Ignore typis. Im on mobike d:)
arin 6 years ago
@kim jaeduck Puffing her cheeks feeling really bored as she made her way to the Day room in hope to find her favorite person here that she's able to talk to happily, but then she saw him still busy reading for kids, she has always wanted to act like them and sit with them to surprise him but thought that can be so lame so she just didn't, instead she went over to one of the computers and checked the social media as she waited for him to finish reading, glancing at him sometimes as she didn't really want him to leave and really wanted to talk to him a little, especially that she had no one to talk to really and Jaeduck was just the best for her.
eunseo 6 years ago
@castiel "Well hey there Castiel, nice to meet you. Welcome to How to Make a Nutsack 101," Eunseo sang in her strongest Texan accent. She may or may not have been the living joke of the hospital. At least she would leave behind a legacy. That was fun right? The thought was somewhat bitter in the girl's mind, but thankfully Castiel let her have an easy out from the dangers of her thoughts, inviting himself in for a tornado of tutorials from the energetic girl.

"No, definitely not witchcraft, I think your dad would approve of this type of crafting. All you need is paper, markers, scissors and ... Glue. But you're almost prepared." She motioned to the Elmer's glue that the other had carried over with him, silently praising him as she'd been running low and having to get up and walk all the way across the room was a challenge she wasn't favouring at the moment. It would just leave her winded, coughing and cranky, and she wasn't down for that.

She was almost ready to delve right into her tutorial, when Castiel spoke again, mentioning something about delusional amnesia. "Well... What do doctors even know?" she asked, remembering how her doctor said she'd be out of the hospital in a week tops and it was now pushing three months. "If you know who you are. Than that's who you are. The only person I see here right now is Castiel. So stick it to them. They don't know anything. Hey, what do you think we should make? A garden where the flowers are faces we cut out of magazines or should we make another nut sack?"
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun "I was always told from the time I was created that I needed to put trust in others but I know that the moment they break that trust, well, it'll take time but I will need to forgive them and then move on," Jimmy spoke softly as he removed his hands from the window and turned to completely face the doctor. Jimmy cleared his throat and stuck out his hand toward the young man and introduced himself, "You can call me Castiel, I am not sure if I told you this or not, it has been a little difficult to remember certain things lately." Jimmy held his breath for a few moments and then slowly released it, trying to keep himself on track. "You can schedule me for any time you need to," Jimmy assured him. "It will at least have my caretaker off my back for a while so I can finally have some peace."
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@eunseo Jimmy pulled out the plastic hard backed chair that was shoved awkwardly underneath the plastic table that was littered with craft supplies and he sat down slowly, still unsure about sacks filled with nuts. He furrowed his eyebrows even further if that was possible while he looked down at his vessel's body where his upper thighs could have been seen if his hospital gown or dress as he would call it, was covering said thighs. Did the human male he was possessing really have a sack filled with nuts attached to him? How was that possible? He made a mental note to investigate later.

Jimmy looked back up at the smiling patient and found himself smiling in reply but that smile quickly faded as she spoke about her illness. "I-I am Castiel," Jimmy mumbled while shoving his hand out awkwardly toward her. It was a gesture he had seen most people do when introducing themselves. "I do not think I have ever crafted before? T-this is not witchcraft is it? I do not think my dad would approve."

Jimmy placed the elmer's glue he had forgotten he was holding back onto the table and picked up a bright aqua colored crayon as a replacement. "Cystic fibrosis you said? You don't have to die you know...there are other ways of being cured than with using medications that these doctor's hand out like candy." Jimmy explained, trying to take his time so he would not scare off a potential new friend like he always did. "They all say I have 'delusional amnesia'....but that cannot be so because I know who I am..."
[H] park seungjun 6 years ago
@castiel "I'm glad you'll try, it means a lot." He smiled broadly and was really honored. He must've gone through a lot of pain and disappointments and that was exactly what made it so precious, the fact that he trusted him or at least tried to trust him. "Well, I'll check my appointment diary as soon as I get back to my office and tell you later. Would you be fine with that, too?" Now his thoughts mostly contained possible ways to help him a bit. Seungjun remembered a lot from his apprenticeship, literally almost everything. Seungjun enjoyed his job but he also knew that the day would come when he had to realize that he had a huge responsibility to carry on his back, especially when he misread signs of his patients' behaviors or their therapies, He knew that he had to be careful and he was extremely careful, especially because he had a lack of experience.
eunseo 6 years ago
@castiel The last thing Eunseo expected to hear from anyone was a question that challenged the very essence of her two favourite words. She looked up, planning to find an that was playing with her for s and giggles since she was known around here as being one of the more "loner" girls. Commitment wasn't her thing, what could she say? And often times the older kids would pin the new kids onto her as some sort of "challenge" to be welcomed into their gang. They all knew each other, there was no animosity, it was just a game, and sometimes it ground on Eunseo's nerves.

Today she was surprised to not find some poor new kid, but an older person. One she'd seen around but never more than a couple minutes at a time. The man before her was tall, broad in the shoulders with a look of utter confusion on his face. Shaggy hair topped a handsome face and she found herself smiling almost sarcastically, testing him back. "Indeed, nuts usually come in shells, unless they're attached to the male body, then they're sacks full of ," she hummed, pushing out a chair with her foot. "Come, sit down. Let me teach you about these nut sacks."

Something tickled at the back of her mind, as if she had seen this person, or at least heard of him before. But she couldn't quite place it. "I'm Eunseo by the way, cystic fibrosis before you ask. I'm not dying fast, so if you're planning to stick around don't, because I just lied to you. Take a seat. I don't think we've crafted together before!"
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@eunseo Jimmy padded through the hallway, silently grumbling to himself about having to once again join a 'fun hospital community activity.....thing'. This was the first time he had gone to it in a few weeks. Most days he would slip past his caretaker and hide in the gardens until the group therapy session was over. His first time there, everyone would avoid him because they thought his crazy was contagious. He wasn't crazy though. Why couldn't they believe him? He really was an angel of the lord and he would prove it. Unfortunately, today was the only day Jimmy could not slip past the watching eyes of his caretaker and she gave him threats of checking in on him and taking away his pie when he had dessert later if he did not go.

Jimmy quietly pushed open the door and peered inside. There were groups of people surrounding tables playing board games like the apology game, "Sorry", and that tornado game was set up on the floor. What did they call it again? Tornado? Twister? It didn't really matter much to him regardless. He was just going to go in for the hour or two and book it out of there when he could. He also saw a crafts table and saw people coloring and playing with construction paper. 'Why is it called construction paper? You can't build actual buildings out of it.'

Jimmy slowly moved toward the arts and crafts table and as soon as he picked up a small tube of Elmer's glue, he heard a girl mention something about 'nut sacks'. Jimmy furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head at the girl. "I did not know that nuts had sacks. I had only assumed they were in shells?" Jimmy was really confused by this strange girl and her odd words.
eunseo 6 years ago
@castiel "What the actual ing nut sack is this?" Eunseo asked, lifting up her own art work - this time a collage of advertisements she'd cut from the newspaper and glued to a paper. It actually looked like a nutsack and she couldn't bare herself to take it seriously. The person running the activities always praised her on how creative she was, but no matter what the girl created she managed to turn it into a nut sack of some type. Or maybe not a nut sack per se, but it wasn't beautiful.

"Language, Eunseo," the moderator called to her and the young girl raised her arms as if to say 'sorry sorry' and placed her work back down onto the table. But seriously, why did she choose crafts over the other options? She could have picked up the tambourine and pretended to be a rockstar. Or even joined someone on their board games. Or done another word search. But she was bored of word searches and everything else was unappealing. Especially the socializing aspect of it all. And she wasn't sure about it but she was pretty sure being the only one in the room to pick up a tambourine and do a one woman concert was the beginning of a downhill descent to the psychiatric ward.

"Stupid nut sack," she muttered, taking her scissors and cutting the "art" up the middle to turn it into something else. Was she just wasting supplies? Maybe. Was it fun? She'd never say it out loud but maybe...
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun Jimmy removed his hands from the doctor's face and returned them to his sides. "I cannot heal them unless I have their consent to do so or their healing will not work. I think it is the same as how most surgeons here need a patient's consent before doing surgery on them whether or not the patient is in dire need of a surgery they cannot perform it unless consent is acquired," Jimmy spoke softly as he moved toward the window in order to stare at the birds that were flapping and whizzing past. "I will do as best as I can to trust you at least, others will take time," Jimmy gently placed his hand on the window, wondering when he would get to fly again like the birds outside. "We can talk about this more in your office if you would like to." Jimmy had been to psychologists several times in the past two weeks and most wanted to just lock him in a padded room and throw away the key. Not once has he felt like they actually tried to help him. Not once has he felt like they believed him.
[H] park seungjun 6 years ago
@castiel "I see", he said and nodded at him. He got a bit nervous when he touched him but he knew that he wouldn't hurt him. He didn't seem to intend anything bad but that didn't make him worry about it less than about other cases. And his case seemed to be hard and he really hoped that he could help him. "Well, most people get scared when strangers touch them. Especially if they don't know what's going on." He tried to understand and he really wanted to help him but he knew that it will definitely take him very long to understand that he really couldn't help them. "I understand that you really want to help people and that is a good thing. But believe in people like,,, me, people like the other doctors here - we're professionals and I promise that we are trying our best to help everybody here, okay?" He tilted his head a bit more, he got slightly worried. He sat down. "Maybe we should talk about this a bit more in my office. I can check if I have an appointment for.. today or tomorrow for you. I'm quite busy today but I think it could work out." His smile became broader. "Who are you usually talking to?", he asked then.
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun Jimmy allowed his hands to fall to his sides and he watched the man curiously. Not many people had been interested in his abilities before. He was not sure if he could trust the man or if the man was genuinely interested. "I feel like it is my responsibility. If...if I cannot help them heal then most may not make it....what if they die on my watch? That is not something I can carry lightly on my conscience. Even when I do go back to heaven, my dad, if he hasnt run away again, will ask why i did not do my part and will shun me." Jimmy frowned, worry lines creasing his forehead. He really could not handle being shunned like his brother Lucifer. "When I heal others, I place my hands on them like so," Jimmy spoke solemnly as he placed his hands on either side of the man's face. "And I close my eyes and can feel these vibrations going through my arms and hands, I see a light glow around them and I know that father has not forsaken them. They have salvation," Jimmy smiled slightly but then the smile faltered as he said, "but most will not allow me to come near them or orderlies or doctors will have me sedated because they think I am doing more harm than good."
[H] park seungjun 6 years ago
@castiel Seungjun tilted his head a bit. He must've been confused about his existence, that was a fact. "Well, it is not your task to help the other people here to get out of their situations but you have a very big heart." He smiled softly as he analyzed his behaviour. Maybe a twisted or split personality? However, he clearly seemed to need someone who can prove him that he is human. It was dangerous to pretend you're stronger than you actually are. "Some people apologize very often. But you're right, sometimes people don't say sorry for things they may have done wrong. Also, I got curious you said... that you're trying to heal them. Do you want to tell me how you're healing them? What are your methods?" He smiled at him and listened carefully, watched his movements and noticed that he seemed to be really depressed about the others' suffering.
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun Jimmy heard a voice coming from behind him that startled him out of his thoughts.
"Huh?" Jimmy asked the newcomer while tilting his head as a dog would. A sparkle of realization hit Jimmy as he comprehended what the stranger had said. "Oh. I'm doing fine. Better than the other lost souls in this place," Jimmy spoke in a sad tone. "I was looking at these human made games and was wondering about the apology game? I did not realize that humans were so willing to say 'sorry'." Jimmy once again ran his fingers over the board game and smiled sadly. "It is good that the ones here can play this game. If my healing will not help them then at least they can have some salvation." Jimmy was so determined to help others even if he did not know that he actually could not help them.
[H] park seungjun 6 years ago
@castiel As he entered the room, he went to one of the nurses who looked after the patients to get some information, especially because he wanted to know who had been in the room right now. After getting the information he was looking for, he thanked the nurse and looked around - a few people were here. Seungjun greeted them in a friendly way and even had a nice chat with some of them. He knew how much those people suffered from their diseases and disabilities, so he tried to make their stay here as comfortable as possible. He looked around and noticed another patient standing at the shelf with the games. He looked kinda... lost and he reminded him of someone but he couldn't quite remember who he was. He decided to talk to him, too. "Hey, how are you doing today?", he asked with a broad smile on his face. He usually knew his patients but maybe he was just too lost in his thoughts. He noticed that he seemed to be lost in thoughts, he was probably very concentrated.
castiel [A] 6 years ago
@park seungjun
Jimmy had begun to wander around the day room after a staff member escorted him inside. They thought that by maybe getting the young man to socialize with other patients that maybe it could help him. Jimmy moved toward the shelf full of various types of card and board games. He slightly ran his fingers over one in particular, "Sorry". That was such an odd name for a human game. Not many humans asked for forgiveness. He tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes slightly. 'Hmm...should I get someone to play the forgiveness game with me?' he thought for a moment but then quickly shrugged it off before mumbling under his breath, "No....I don't have time for games. Innocent people need healing and here I am wasting precious time." Jimmy took a step back from the board game shelf and watched the games silently as if he was expecting one to jump right off the shelf.


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cautionramen 6 years ago
I'll be taking my leave. It was fun~
_WMstan 6 years ago
Arin left.
_WMstan 6 years ago
I'm sorry but my life is ty rn
I'll leave... I'm so sorry
sideeffects 6 years ago
since my muse died, Seungjun and Dawon are gone ;;
colazero 6 years ago
i'm sorry, i lost muse for kurt ;-;
maybe i'll come back later as another chara, but right now i'm trying to clear my character list sooo
thanks for having me!
Nyx_Dragneel 6 years ago
Sorry Hana and Lilliana have to leave. I thought I had more time but I dont sorry. Life got crazy busy.
I had fun though thank you for having me here sorry it was so short
454412ed62d397c53b2a 6 years ago
Could you add/reserve bts's park jimin, please and thanks!
noxforma 6 years ago
p s s st
can you pls put jihoon on hiatus from july 16th--gonna be campin for a month w no service
noxforma 6 years ago
p s s st
can you pls put jihoon on hiatus from july 16th--gonna be campin for a month w no service
colazero 6 years ago
Kurt is back from SH~ 
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