

○ ○ ○ — activities

As mentioned in the welcome message, you are to make a post here where you fill out an OOC introduction to who you are. It doesn't have to be fancy, we just want to get an idea of who you are and what you're like. Please answer all the questions below in order to post correctly.

[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
takuma k。 ᵃᵖᵒᶫᶫᵒ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
- usually Lee Felix, Zhang Linghe, Chen Feiyu and Kujo Takuma. You can call me Charlie or Hermit.
[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
- I would love to get more novella plots but don’t really have the time for them at the moment, so it’s multi-paragraph detailed responses <3
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
- third! First only for IC chatroom style stuff.
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
- I prefer to wing with a general idea of what we’ll be doing. A sort of get the idea and then just see where it ends up.
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
- definitely just planning as we go to see how the characters interact and develop together.
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
- Yes of course, you’ll actually be my favourite person ever if you random wall start because I just find them cute little plots gfjfbfbfnchcg
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
- big er for angst, high fantasy, slow-burn romance.
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
- I love writing strong mental health themes, gore, etc, my special interest is mental illnesses and I will research them /extensively/.
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
- If I really get rolling, an hour max. For lengthy threads, probably a reply daily.
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
- I work impressively inconsistent hours at the moment and have 5 pets, so finding the time to actually sit down and do them can be a challenge.
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
- Find him a purpose and get him fulfilled.
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
- just let me know if you’ve lost interest, please don’t tell me you’ll do something then don’t ;;
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
- discord. My rpr pms look like a graveyard because I just forget they exist.
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
- not at all. OOC scares me a lot, please don’t be offended if I don’t chat a whole lot or reach out for a world. While I don’t mind a good chat, I have the OOC skills of a teaspoon <3
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
sanghyuk l。 ʰᵃᵈᵉˢ 6 months ago
what muses do you write? what's something we can call you?
dawon from sf9. you can call me by my character name or username!

how do you prefer to write?
depends on who i'm writing with, but typically consise and to the point paragraphs, ranging from para to novella

what perspective do you prefer to write in?
third pov is preferred and i will likely ask to do that over first pov

do you like to plot or wing more?
i prefer to plot, but will occasionally wing it, if i post a random starter and someone responds.

if you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
i don't plan everything out, but i do like to plan threads out as i go.

do you accept random wall starters?
for now i would prefer no random wall starters. i like to use the rooms in the rp, so plotting in pm is the best way to go.

what are some preferred genres to write?
angst, drama, romance (doesn't imply endgame), , fluff, but honestly i'm down to try many genres!

are you comfortable doing mature threads?
yes, but please ask me about my triggers if i have not provided them in my profile

what is your general response time for threads?
usually 1-2 times per week. i do have a full time job during the week, so my responses will mostly be on the weekends

what would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
worrying that my writing is not good enough for my rp partner

what do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
i want to push myself to write darker characters with more angst, because i tend to do a lot of fluff.

what is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
someone that is eager to write and brings a lot of ideas. i like being able to bounce ideas back and forth easily

what is the easiest or quickest way to get ahold of you?
pm is the best way!

are you reliant on frequent ooc interaction to keep your interest in ic interactions and threads?
nope! as long as i find our plot interesting enough and we've planned things out properly, i don't need a lot of ooc interaction
jimin y。 ʰᵉᶜᵃᵗᵉ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
in this roleplay, i am writing as yoo jimin (karina) / hecate. you are welcome to call me by my username or an abridged version of it (xian), but my muse’s name will suffice as well.

[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
detailed and descriptive paragraphs are what i developed a propensity towards, sometimes it verges on novella territory (which is something i usually avoid). though in ic chatrooms, i stick to purely dialogue and/or script.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
plotting is preferred, but i also don’t mind winging if our characters have enough background to go off.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
i prefer to plan things out as i go. planning everything out in advance can be cumbersome if the plot does not go as planned.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
angst and romance are my top two. though despite this, i’m not too picky about genres, as long as there’s enough interest and engagement in the plot.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
i am! but i prefer to stray from purely and explicitly ual content, at least in public spaces.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
if i have more than enough muse, then within a day or two, sometimes less. but generally i take one to two weeks.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
the labor that comes with writing ngl… also the excessive nitpicking of my own writing as well.

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
i mainly joined to experiment more with different muses, and also i am a er for city au’s with a greek myth base.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
writing chemistry and general ease of chemistry out of character as well tbh. just someone i can easily bounce ideas off of!

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
just through rpr dm’s and the tag system in chat is fine.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
i wouldn’t say reliant but more interaction in general does help keep my interest.

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
that’s it for now.
sana m。 ᵖˢʸᶜʰᵉ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
i write for sana (psyche) and sehun (poseidon). you can call me by my muses' names or tsuki. i would also say themis but since she's kinda part of this rp's lore it might get confusing HKSJHD

[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, concise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
lengthy novella posts is probably the best way to describe my writing style lol i am not verbose or concise as much as i wish i could be lol. i am not super detailed but my characters like to go on inner monologues lmao.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
i wrote only in 3rd pov.

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
plot! i don't really know how to wing at all but i tend to like to keep things up to our creativity, but would prefer to go over things first.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
i like to plan as much as we can for the first initial meeting. this is usually for chemistry's sake and for how you and i write together. also bc ideas may come up as we write so i like to keep as much up for later, but i like to know as much as i can for the initial interaction of our characters.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
no? i like the idea of it tho lol. would prefer it if we knew each other beforehand, maybe we can do it in like ic rooms.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
i like romance but i try to keep it at a minimum since i also love all other kinds of relationships. i guess i'd say i love to write angst threads but nothing too heavy. i like comedy as well. fluff is okay as long as it's laidback between friends, that sort of thing. but action im horrible at rip, but idm practicing.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
when it comes to specifically, no, unless our characters are dating ic or we have done it before. mature threads im okay with so long as they are not too explicit and we know each other well. i don't like a lot of things other people consider to be no-gos so, it may be best to just not suggest this w me unless we know each other well.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
um, anything from a few days to a month. i try my best to keep up with them but my motivation/energy is shakier than a chihuahua so it can take a while. if you wanna do long term plots with me that are quite long then this is something you MUST know before we do it, bc i can be very very slow lol

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
time and plotting replies HSDJ when i tell you im the worst at replying to plotting replies, i mean it. idm getting a cute little reminder so long as you are nice and respectful bc sometimes my brain tricks me into thinking i replied or, if we are still in the early stages of plotting, then i have completely forgotten about it and im so sorry gsjfs

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
i love greek myth rps. and thats all lol. i just love re-writing myths and i thought the historical aspect of the rp could make things interesting. i want to help my muses grow into beautiful little flowers. i love character development in rps so typically, i wanna do that for them.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
communication and patience. i try my best to be communicative but sometimes, like as i previously stated, my brain doesn't work with me so sometimes i forget or just have no energy to do something i know i should. if you think im not interested in the thread anymore, pls don't assume that this is the case and drop our thread, just ask, and i will let you know where i am.

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
discord, probably. if you dont have discord, then probably @ me hjdhjsfs tbh there is no quickest way to get a hold of me but i'd say those are ur best bets

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
nope. tbh after we have settled things in the plotting phase i usually like to keep our pms completely quiet unless one of us has something to add or a question. again this is bc of my goldfish brain and forgetting to respond. i also dont need us to talk to each other in the ooc room often. tbh i can get muse for a thread even if we haven't spoken to each other in like, 6 months fhfsd

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
im busy with school atm so rping is not my highest priority. don't feel afraid to nicely ask me how im doing so that i can remind myself that you and i are doing whatever, i won't take it to heart i swear. just be nice about it and i will too, if need be!
sooyoung p。 ᵉᵘᵖʰʳᵒˢʸᶰᵉ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
- Here, I am Park Sooyoung (Euphrosyne). You may call me Sooyoung, Willow, or Thursday. I go by she/her pronouns.
[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
- I write in detailed and descriptive paragraphs that fluctuate between multiple paragraphs to novella size posts. I do not do script, and if the plot is simplistic in nature I will stick to one paragraph.
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
- I only write in third paragraph.
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
- I like winging, but if the plot will have any character development I would like to plot it out somewhat.
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
- I plan about 50% of the plot.
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
- No to wall starters. I keep a clean wall— however feel free to do random room starters anywhere.
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
- Angst, Romance, Friendship.
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
- Yes. I usually enjoy them more.
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
- Anywhere from 1 hour to 1 day.
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
- Myself or my rp partner feeling afraid to step out of their comfort zone. Try something if you think it will be super intriguing! If it’s something you think would possibly upset me, ask about it first— but please don’t hold it in.
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
- I love greek themes, and I feel like Sooyoung is a great muse. She will experience what other emotions are outside of joy as a mortal, and will learn to better appreciate her emotions when they do come.
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
- Enjoyment. I truly love writing with other people. I love being excited to not know what is coming, to kick my feet and giggle as something silly happens— I want to make sure we both have a great time.
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
- DM’s to my account, or discord. (willowispy)
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
- Not at all, though I do like getting to know each other OOC. I need friends lol
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
- I love you ♥
seungwan s。 ᶜᵃᶫʸᵖˢᵒ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
■ I currently write for Son Seungwan (Wendy). You can call me by my muse’s name or my username.

[✱] How do you prefer to write?
■ It depends on what the reply should entail. However, I like to provide metaphors and write certain parts to be descriptive. However, most of the time, if it’s not needed, I’d go for a more direct approach.

You may find a starter sample here:

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in?
■ Third.

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
■ Plotting! I am also very detailed in plotting, so please don’t be afraid to share your ideas so we can brainstorm and develop a well-plotted connection!

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
■ It depends on what connection we’re working with and how tangled the characters can be. However, I’d like to keep it as simple as possible and see where the connection goes and we can tweak and grow them from points in their connection timeline.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
■ No. I’m using the walls for mun status updates only.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write?
■ Again, this also depends on the person I’m writing with. If they’re comfortable, I would suggest heavier genres such as hurt-comfort, slice of life and angst. But I do a lot of lighter genres as well.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
■ Yes. However, I can be picky with whom I write (especially for s). I prefer writing mature threads with writers that I know and can trust.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
■ A week or two. I’ll try to get one reply done a day (a reply a day keeps the long “to-reply” list away) however, I can’t promise much. I’ll do my best, though! I’ll inform you if it takes too long.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
■ Real-life obligations (my day job can be very draining).

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
■ Calypso’s story is hard to stomach, so I want to explore ways for her to grow and mature as a character, whether through lighter threads or more mature ones.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
■ Communication! Please don’t be scared. I’d love to make new writer friends, so to hear your ideas (all ideas are great! So I’d love to hear yours) and share my own ideas where we can work something out together would be totally awesome!

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
■ PMing. If we’re close, I’d be able to provide you with my Discord ID, and we can talk there too.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
■ Yes, please. Frequent OOC interaction can make it easier for us to come up with new ideas and it’ll help us bond as writers too.

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
■ OOC, I am of age (I’m 25), and I will not write mature/romantic threads with minors. I will ask for your OOC age before anything is to occur between our characters. Anyways, please don’t hesitate to say hi to me ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
+ keeper of secrets. [A] 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
jeno l。 ᵃʳᵉˢ 6 months ago
[???] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
- jeno / ares. u can call me hani or emilio. muses name also works!

[???] How do you prefer to write?
- detailed paragraphs

[???] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
- third person

[???] Do you like to plot or wing more?
- i definitely prefer plot, but winging is fun for me too :]

[???] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
- while working with writers who are good with planning things as we go, ill definitely always prefer that. depends on the person, though

[???] Do you accept random wall starters?
- no since u can simply pm me to start sumthing

[???] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
- well-written angst, drama. only genre i fr dont like is mystery, its a bit boring to me.

[???] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
- yep !

[???] What is your general response time for threads?
- from a few hours to only a few days, but due to my schedule, the longest would be 4 days!

[???] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
- time / lack of presence on rpr

[???] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
- i know nothing of greek mythology, but the plot seemed super interesting!!! i love me specfic periods of time

[???] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
- communication.

[???] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
- chara pms / tags!

[???] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
- definitely. im one to get bored from just answering. so talking ooc with my partner abt the thread is so entertasinging.

[???] Anything else you feel we should know?
- ooc, i am 21 (02)! im also a hard-working student, take pity on me... that said, u can always pm me to plot w my charas!!
jungkook j。 ʰᵉʳᵃᶜᶫᵉˢ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
■ I write Jeon Jeongguk, aka Heracles or Hercules, you can use either version of the name to refer to him. You can call me Adonis.

[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive
paragraphs, concise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella
posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
■ I do concise and to the point paragraphs. I like to advance the plot as much as I could in one reply.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or
■ Third.

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
■ I like to plot.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance
or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
■ I do both at the same time.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
■ No.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst,
comedy, romance, etc.)
■ Angst, romance, action, drama.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
■ Yes.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
■ I'm a fast replier when i have free time.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when
■ Boredom, growing tired of a certain plot and getting the urge to drop it.

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
■ I'm interested in greek mythology and the premise of the rp, and Heracles is one of my favorite character archetypes to write.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
■ Someone who matches my preference for advancing the plot and discovering/fleshing out our characters by exploring the relationship between them.

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
■ Fast replies.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest
in IC interactions and threads?
■ No.

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
■ Both mun and muse are of age.
mark l。 ᵈᶦᵒᶰʸˢᵘˢ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
■ jaemin. sei or angel. or my muse name.

[✱] How do you prefer to write?
■ direct & to the point paragraphs. and sometimes descriptive. keep my dialogue tags separate.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in?
■ third.

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
■ plot. I'm very detailed with my plots.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
■ plan out the basics. tweaking it is always welcomed.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
■ no.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write?
■ hurt-comfort. slice of life. I do love angst but I'm gonna be selective of the plot. (picky with romance & )

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
■ yes.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
■ a week or two. or as fast as possible depending on my inspiration.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
■ lack of inspiration.

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
■ explore the softer of the muse. fun and light hearted threads.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
■ stimulus. I feed on my partner's energy. communication.

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
■ pming my character.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
■ it's been so long since I joined public rps. idk Where's the line honestly. yes? yes in a sense because send me headcanons, music, memes, trivas and all about our characters interactions and all.

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
■ ooc, I'm of age (28). so keep that in mind and do your thing. I'm not gonna rp with anyone below 21.
[post deleted by owner]
jennie k。 ᵃʳᵗᵉᵐᶦˢ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
⤹ jennie; you can also call me juu, or nubile— or my character's name.

[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
⤹ i'm the type to write descriptive paragraphs. most of the time, it is my character's thoughts more than their actions. i also tend to write in novella because of that; however,— if i could help it— i can write them all down in a single paragraph.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
⤹ third. i think i would prefer to use third because this is au.

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
⤹ plot. though, i wouldn't mind winging if our characters have a solid connection/plot before.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
⤹ i'm the type of ask things in advance just so i can understand the person opposite to me; that way, i know what actions and words to say to make the connections and conversations seamless and natural.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
⤹ for now, i don't. i prefer using rooms provided by the roleplay.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
⤹ angst, comedy, friendship, found family, rivalry, (+ romance, + ). i would be very picky with the last two since my character is someone who've only loved one person in her entire life; she is also the goddess of chastity.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
⤹ yes.

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
⤹ one to two weeks. maybe, even three.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
⤹ writer's block. it comes and goes at random times.

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
⤹ i want her to be happy. artemis has become my favorite greek god and her story with orion has become a fascination to me. let's say, i want a continuation of it. also, greek mythology rp! how cool is that!

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
⤹ connection. i want us both to have fun in creating stories for our characters. amazing grammar is just a bonus!

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
⤹ pms! or tags.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
— yes. gets my brain juices bubbling for potential plot ideas.

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
— you're doing great! thank you for opening this place for us. ♡
eunbi j。 ᵖᵉʳˢᵉᵖʰᵒᶰᵉ [A] 6 months ago
( 0 / 2 )

[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
I currently write for Minnie, Ten, and Momo. You can call me something like "(muse name)'s mun" or my username.

[✱] How do you prefer to write?
I'd say, for the most part, it's direct and to-the-point paragraphs. Definitely on the more concise and detailed side (so it's easier to read, and there are no misunderstandings, I guess), and at times, I can be descriptive. I also kind of default to para at no more than three paragraphs just because I'm a busy bee and do a little of a lot during the week and sometimes weekends. I do it all when I'm not as busy, though. More used to para recently, but I'll do script when it calls for it and if I'm tired/lazy.

[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in?
Usually, third person with other people, and first person in self-paras. I will do first pov with others if I'm doing script quickly and casually somethings (though I prefer third), and in para threads if my partner is comfortable. I also try to write in the present tense, so it reads more actively. I might mix in a little past tense, but I like present because it helps me imagine better and it feels more alive.
eunbi j。 ᵖᵉʳˢᵉᵖʰᵒᶰᵉ [A] 6 months ago
( 1 / 2 )

[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
I know I'm probably a minority, but typically like to improvise and wing a lot of threads. Sure, plotting is nice and can make things easy, but I don't know... All I need is a setting, vibe, and situation and I can probably write out a starter. I don't like to plot too much of the details of a thread because it the fun and motivation out of writing for me.

[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
While I don't prefer to plot, I do like to plan things as I go. Like I said, I don't like planning too much of the thread details ahead of time because it out the fun/motivation for me.

[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
Yes! Just give me a heads up about what kind of starter you want to tag me in and I'll let you know if it's something I can respond to.

[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
I like lighthearted and fluffier plots, but I don't mind something angsty every so often if it naturally happens. I'm very go-with-the-flow so I like seeing the natural way plots and threads unfold. I'm willing to try plots of all types tbh, but I don't typically like to do pre-established romantic plots that are endgame ig. I like things to be open and flexible.

[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
I am, but it depends on chemistry between my muse and yours. It also depends on whether my muse is open to doing more mature things in general.
eunbi j。 ᵖᵉʳˢᵉᵖʰᵒᶰᵉ [A] 6 months ago
( 2 / 2 )

[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
Anywhere from an hour to... maybe a week? I haven't actually been writing much until very recently, so I can't say right now. Used to be an hour to a week, no matter the length, so I say that. It really just depends on how busy and motivated I am. Another thing you might want to know is I can and will probably try to do multiple threads with you if I like how you write and like the way our muses interact/COULD interact, but please do not hesitate to let me know if that's too much for you! Also, I'm kind of a mess and will reply infrequently to different threads. Not for any particular reason other than I like to do whatever is easiest first.

[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
Motivation. One minute (usually when I'm busy as hell), I have all the motivation in the world to get things done, and then I'm scrambling for it the next. In my motivated periods, I'm usually writing a lor to where I kind of burn myself out too, so that contributes to some of the problems I have. I need to learn to pace myself sometimes.

[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
I made the rp and have multiple muses so dnsjdnfjg idk how I wanna answer the question. I also don't want this to get really wordy and lengthy, so I'll briefly say that I wanna provide a new take on the greek myth figures I've chosen for my fcs.

[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
Honesty and... inspiration? Well, at least in the sense that they'll honestly communicate with me, and that they'll be motivated and inspired enough to make plotting together feel like we're actually plotting together, y'know? That, and it makes me excited to rp with someone who is hype about their muse and hype about wanting to rp. It's infectious and I need that energy around me. It's really important to me to communicate and communicate effectively, even though I'm personally slow at responding to people ndsjanjgnja.

[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
I'd say character PMs. Tagging sometimes too, but I don't always check those right away, so PMing me is usually the way to go.

[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
Not at all. I'm kind of a private person, so if I ever need to say something OOC, then I like to be able to easily do so and vice-versa, but I'm not reliant on it. Just to be real, I don't care to get to know muns a lot of the time, so I'd like to keep socializing strictly relevant to RP and our muses. I'll still entertain a convo outside of that from time to time, if they come up and I'm genuinely interested/feel comfortable and able to do so, but I figure most people are like me, so I usually stick to RP matters. Oh, oh, and I'm very much a go-with-the-flow type of writer (as I mentioned before), so if you ever feel like you lost must for our plot, just let me know OOC! I'm chill with dropping plots and starting new ones, or just having our muses interact in the chat only and stuff. Just please communicate with me!

[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
OOC, I am of age (26) and am not comfortable writing anything mature/romantic with minors. I will ask you for your OOC age before anything is to occur between any of my muses and yours. Other than that, I don't think I have anything else to say dsnjnfjg. Thank you for reading and hmu on any of my current characters!
momoko g。 ᶦʳᶦˢ 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
Hey, I’m Squid or Wu, both names are okay or you can call me by my muse, here I’m writing as Momoko Gumi but I also write as Utaha from Wedcamp and Tsuki from Billlie
[✱] How do you prefer to write?
I prefer paragraph style writing and can comfortably write 1-3 paragraphs, I can write more than that but it can start to get difficult
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
Third is definitely my preference
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
I like a good mix of plotting or winging, plot some important parts but winging it can also be a lot of fun
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
Planning as we go
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
Yes of course
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write?
Love me a bit of angst and hurt/comfort. I find it difficult to rp comedy and romance has to come naturally and grow over time
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
I haven’t done much in a long time so while I’m ok with it please be patient with me
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
Generally 1 hour up to 2 days, it depends on how busy work is
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
I at keeping work stresses out of my leisure time so if work has been hell it bleeds into my rp time and can make me a little brain dead and unmotivated.
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
Honestly I just really wanted to join this because I’ve been craving some sort of ancient pantheon become mortal rp. I think with Momoko I’d like her to get involved in something through her deliveries, so if anyone has some illegal or secret stuff they need delivering please hit me up
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
Someone who has patience and also knows their limits for the amount of threads they’ve taken on and how much they can write comfortably without burning out
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
Just dm me haha
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
Not reliant but I do enjoy some ooc interaction from time to time
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?
+ keeper of secrets. [A] 6 months ago
[✱] What muses do you write? What's something we can call you?
[✱] How do you prefer to write? (ex: detailed and descriptive paragraphs, consise and to the point paragraphs, lengthy novella posts, small and to the point script posts, etc.)
[✱] What perspective do you prefer to write in? (ex: first, second, or third)
[✱] Do you like to plot or wing more?
[✱] If you prefer to plot, do you like to plan everything out in advance or do you prefer to plan things as you go?
[✱] Do you accept random wall starters?
[✱] What are some of your preferred genres to write? (ex: angst, comedy, romance, etc.)
[✱] Are you comfortable doing mature threads?
[✱] What is your general response time for threads?
[✱] What would you say is the main thing that holds you back when rping?
[✱] What do you want to do with your muse or why did you join?
[✱] What is something you value and/or look for in a writing partner?
[✱] What is the easiest or quickest way to get a hold of you?
[✱] Are you reliant on frequent OOC interaction to keep your interest in IC interactions and threads?
[✱] Anything else you feel we should know?


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oyaoyaoya 6 months ago
nike is known these days as lee chaeryeong. in exchange for a wrongdoing, pandora has claimed their treasured silver helmet and brought her to this realm to live a full life of mortality as punishment.
collision 6 months ago
hypnos is known these days as lee minho. in exchange for a wrongdoing, Pandora has claimed his gold gilded teacup and brought him to this realm to live a full life of mortality as punishment.
+ i have a question (or two)!
larkspur 6 months ago
Hebe--these days also known as Lee Jieun--has chosen to sacrifice her treasured golden wine cup to pandora to live a mortal life.
lilybun 6 months ago
hera — these days also known as choi yewon — has chosen to sacrifice her treasured peacock feather to pandora in order to live a mortal life.
themis 6 months ago
psyche-- these days also known as minatozaki sana-- has chosen to sacrifice her treasured butterfly wings to pandora in order to live a mortal life.
was also wondering if i could change sehun to poseidon instead of apollo?
grandemint 6 months ago
orpheus- these days also known as Kim taehyung - has chosen to sacrifice his treasured spear to Pandora in order to live a mortal life.
zerose 6 months ago
ares - known these days as lee jeno - has chosen to sacrifice his treasured spear to pandora in order to live a mortal life.
TheHermit 6 months ago
Selene - known these days as Kujo Takuma - has chosen to sacrifice their treasured chariot to Pandora in order to live a mortal life.
bumbee 6 months ago
hades - known these days as lee sanghyuk (dawon) - has chosen to sacrifice his treasured pomegranates to pandora in order to live a mortal life.
grumps 6 months ago
calypso — known these days as son seungwan (wendy) — has chosen to sacrifice their treasured loom with a golden shuttle to pandora in order to live a mortal life.
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