⇢ literate chat

+ the safeword is moodpaws
net siraphop ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 week ago
Net takes a moment to enter the quiet space as his dark brown colored eyes observe the premises curiously. Not noticing anyone present, he makes his way over to an empty couch to settle on, bringing his Ipad and stylus up as he goes back to scrolling.
His attire is simple, an oversized hoodie with jeans, clear reading eye glasses propped up at the tip of his nose and his hair tossled a bit. Most would think, he probably just got woken up.
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 week ago
@han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ "Damn right Imma track down my kitty. If I even get a feeling you're around I'm on the hunt." He chuckled a little, feeling so much better the longer he was in Jisungs hold. He truly did miss his lover with every fiber of his being. He didn't hesitate to kiss back deeply, lovingly. He wanted Jisung to feel just how much he had missed him, pressing into the kiss, refusing to part.
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 1 week ago
@lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ There was a soft chuckle that rumbled in his chest, only to make Han nod in agreement. "Because I knew that my lovesick puppy of a human would track me down without hesitation. If you hadn't found me, I would of leftyou the ooey gooey love notes you give me." He said with a big grin. The compliments were thanked with hands on each side of Minho's neck, thumbs resting on their jaw line to hold them still as lips connected into a heated exchange.
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 week ago
@han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ "but you didn't even come see me" he whined softly. "I'm sorry baby I just really missed you. I'm just being needy." Minho pulled back a bit and looked down at Jisung, giving him a soft smile. "You look so much brighter than when I last seen you. You're so gorgeous." He couldn't help but pepper loving kisses all over the others face, his hands caressing his chest and shoulders. "How you feeling?"
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 1 week ago
@lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ "To be fair, this was the first time I was free all week.. I figured you'd want the energy put towards seeing you rather than texting?" Han tried to clarify, knowing he'd prefer touches over texts. Even then, he was happy to cup Minho's cheeks and return each and every kiss.
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 week ago
@han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ He nuzzled his head against Jisungs chest, listening to his purring that helped settle him down a bit. "You could have at least text me to tell me you missed me, or told me you're okay. Or something..." He lifted his head up, tears pooling in the corner of his eyes, overwhelmed with a rush of emotions. He leaned up to press several kisses to Jisungs lips, cherishing each one.
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 1 week ago
@lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ Bright eyes look over at his future mate, earning a soft grin as arms wrap around the human. Words were forgotten in favor of simply embracing his lover while purring deeply. It was only after a few minutes that he pulled back to smooch Minho's temple. "Mm I think I'd rather hope to catch you in a room and kiss you over sending texts~"
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 1 week ago
Minho runs into the room and looks around, immediately running over to Jisung when he spots him. "You brat!" He called out, eyes welling up as he laid himself on top of the feline, clinging to him. "How come you never text or call me..." He mumbled against the others chest.
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 1 week ago
Crawling into the room, Han found himself sliding down onto a sofa. He was exhausted and ready for a nap but instead? His phone was out, casually scrolling through tiktok while waiting for sleep to take him.
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 weeks ago
@han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ "it wouldn't be horrible at all. In fact, I enjoy running to you. You get this big smile on your face when I do and it's adorable~" Minho smiled widely as he felt his backside being d, though he definitely didn't have any complaints about it. He brought his hands up to cup Jisungs face, a small moan leaving his throat as his lower lip was tugged. "Are you well enough to come over so I can cook dinner for you?"
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 2 weeks ago
@lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ "Mmm... yes~ Would that be such a horrible thing~?" Han asked with a grin. Hands kneading the perfect backside that sat in his lap. The moment was perfect as our lips continued to peck, eventually earning a proper nibble on Lino's bottom tier followed by a tug.
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 weeks ago
He settled easily onto Jisungs lap, refusing to move his lips far as he continued with the kisses, eventually landing some to those soft lips. "I should run to you more often, hm? Immediately crumble at the sight of you? Smother you in kisses~?" Minho nuzzled his nose against the others before capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 2 weeks ago
As eyes opened to get a good view of the man coming towards him, a playful smirk formed. Hands were reaching out to Minho's hips, guiding the man into his lap before slipping fingers into the back pockets. Giving his backside a firm squeeze as the hybrid allowed the endless amounts of kisses, sometimes moving to steal kisses on the lips. "I missed you, handsome..~ I love greetings like this~"
lee minho ʰᵘᵐᵃⁿ 2 weeks ago
Lino looked around for his lover, perking up and running over to him once he seen Han on the couch. Without wasting another second, he pinned the hybrid between his arms to prevent him from going anywhere as he peppered his beautiful face with endless kisses. "I missed you so ing much" he mumbled between words.
han jisung ˢᵃᵛᵃⁿⁿᵃʰ ᶜᵃᵗ 2 weeks ago
It had been too long since his last appearance but Jisung was fortunate enough to be on the upswing of his illness. The only problem left was an ear infection, and that was on it's way out. With a little pip in his step, the hybrid found his way over to the nearest couch to sit down on and pull out his phone. Casually scrolling through music to quietly jam out to.
park jimin ᵇᵃᵏᵉⁿᵉᵏᵒ 2 weeks ago
Lay down. He needed to lay down. Nothing but stress flaring on his tail. Jimin found a little spot on a large chair and curled up on it. Just watching others with half lidded eyes.
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
Dacre offers a calm wave;"No biggie, I'm gonna head out too actually, got some things I need to address. Rest your brain Jojo." Blue eyes lift as he says goodbye to his friend. Not long after, he rises to his feet too after a hefty exhal and mentally prepares for what was to come while heading out and disappearing down the hallway.
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Stuck with me then, I see,” he responded, raising his eyebrows, clearly joking before he got to hit feet with a groan. “No, I love listening to your nonsense. I don’t think I’ll be good conversation right now though, so I’ll leave you in peace.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
Dacre shakes his head;"Who knows. Everyone's got something going on. Ah, but nothing to worry about. Just pointing out I've had no luck making new connections." A hand waves dismissively to ditch the current subject. "I'm sorry your brain is foggy, should i let you disassociate instead of filling your ears with nonsense?"
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Ah, that . Maybe like you say he’s just a bit more of a loner.” Frowning slightly, he shook his head. “People should get their act together then, your presence is great. I’m sure you’ll be able to meet them properly in no time.” Mirroring the shrug with one of his own, he went on. “I think my head is just slow today. I don’t know what it is.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
"No, I haven't met them, just seen them at the gates. Pretty sure that fellow werewolf is avoiding me like the plague. Tried to meet him on several occasions and he seems to disappear. I know some wolves have their own agenda, but I'm still bummed. Would of loved a friendly canine hybrid to associate with, you know not every engagement is romance for us so still bums me. Anyone beyond that, I haven't met either. I been trying to get out and meet people, but i think my presence is a bit..not what people are looking for." Shoulders lift in a lax shrug. "What are you distracted with?" He glances to see no phone in Kujo's hands.
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Ah, I meant more when you got a first impression from them? I thought you meant you’d seen them around and been able to meet them briefly.” He clarified, giving his head a small shake and offering a sheepish smile. “I’m a little distracted, sorry.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
Dacre’s brows furrowed, feeling like Kujo blew passed what he’d just stated. “You sure about that? How can it be nice if I haven’t met them yet?” He points out with jest in his tone, arm immediately relaxing to his side after gandering down for the time.
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Yeah? I hope they’ve been nice, I haven’t had the chance to catch up with the new faces around - new people is a good sign though?” Dipping his head once again, he paused a moment, furrowing his brows as though trying to concentrate on figuring out how tired he was. “Nah. I’ve got plenty of energy left in me still. I don’t think I’ll get back to work today though. Maybe tomorrow’s the day.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
"I've seen some new arrivals-" Dacre chimed in with a hopeful tone. "I haven't had much luck getting to know them, schedules and when I need to be up and about or in bed- so it's pretty quiet for me. Haven't seen my usual crew either, so I've just been working and keeping in touch with those back home as I am able. You gonna get back to work soon, or what is in the agenda?" Blue eyes glance to an expensive Rolex on his wrist;"About your bed time innit?"
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Yeah, probably more resting than I need but I’ve enjoyed it-” Snorting at his friend’s words, he gave his head a nod, going along with it and responding in suit with a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah. I felt that something was wrong in the force and had to check it out. Nah, I thought I’d check in and this seemed the best place to do it. Besides, I’ll go crazy if I just hang out by myself at home.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
"Ah so the same thing then, resting?" Dacre retorted without much thought. "So what's got you in here then? You smell me and come running?" The statement is meant in playful jest, and it was not actually believed.
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
“Good, that sounds a great way to start the day.” Nodding along to his friend’s words, he rubbed the back of his neck and the shorter hair that grew there absentmindedly. “In a way- I’ve been a little lazy at the moment, to be honest. Not doing a whole lot of working.”
dacre montgomery ʷᵉʳᵉʷᵒˡᶠ 2 weeks ago
"Oh, just resting. A slow start to my Sunday." The were gestures loosely to the mug. The smile lifts a bit more;"Staying busy I take it?" He's lax in posture much like his expression, and seemed to be in a very quiet set of mind. Despite his quiet nature, he's dressed for the day, and properly groomed to the T, as he did everyday per his perfectionism, as it bade him too.
takuma kujo ʸᵃᵐᵃᵏᵃᵍᵃˢʰᶦ 2 weeks ago
Grinning faintly when he spots his friend, he gives Dacre a little wave. He can tell by the almost distant expression that it’s been a tough time, but he isn’t sure how to approach it exactly. “Hey. What’ve you been up to the past few days?”


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shadowheart 1 week ago
hello!! could i get svt's lee jihoon as a human? please and thank you!
chanseowoon 1 week ago
Can I get XODIAC's Mak Chun Sing (Sing) + human?
hammie [A] 1 week ago
— ✨

• favorite first
• when reserving please use this format:
name of the character + species
rennuelaw 1 week ago
I have an idea but not sure how to phrase it lolol
emptyhead 2 weeks ago
can I get one pact's yeom taegyun + bengal
and if possible one pact's jay chang + australian shepherd please?
sunriize 2 weeks ago
may i get riize's song eunseok as the greek god apollo pls
moonkitten 2 weeks ago
hihi - after ten years of picking a muse--- okno
can i have,
the boyz's choi chanhee (new) + tabby cat
onepact's lee yedam + fennec fox pls?
[comment deleted by owner]
RoseThornArchive 3 weeks ago
Reserve park jimin - bakeneko please
creamsoda 3 weeks ago
the blog post abt XH is tempting me
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