— park


byun baekhyun 10 years ago
@kim jongin Baekhyun nodded at his friend's reply about parents. He let out a small yet bitter laugh before turning his head around to look at Jongin. ''I definitely see why. I'm glad I left them a few years ago.'' he sighed, still not being able to take their harsh words out of his head. It was hurting him, even though he should just get over it. He had the right to be who he wanted to be, and no one had the right to tell him if what he did was wrong or right. Especially not his parents, since they knew nothing about the way he felt inside. They were the last ones on his list, definitely. It had been a while since he had forgotten about them, in some way. He prefered living all by himself and seeing some friends once in a while. He didn't care about anything his parents had once told him to do, he simply lived the way he wanted to.

Lost in his thoughts, he shook his head to try and come back to reality and as soon as he heard the other's voice, he felt better, already. That soothing and beautiful voice always found a way to make his heart beat faster, and it was as if he only needed to hear it to see all of his worries go away. He put his attention on the latter and chuckled quietly. ''Aigoo, sorry Jongin-ah~ I almost forgot about you working in a coffee shop. Let's go where you want then, sure.'' he answered, nodding slowly to himself. He could be going anywhere with his friend, he wouldn't mind. As long as he'd be in the other's presence, and far from his parents, everything would be fine. The moment he saw that sad, puppy-like face on Jongin, he couldn't help but stare for a few seconds before blushing without any reasons. ''Aishh, come on. Let's go.'' he added before turning around and pulling on the other's wrist as he started walking. He was still trying his best to hide the way he felt towards the younger, only because it would've been weird for him to stand there and stare for longer.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@byun baekhyun Unsatisfied with the answer he had received, Jongin tried to brush it off. Not wanting to upset his hyung even more was his main priority at the moment. It was bad enough he seemed to be in a bad mood; Jongin didn't want to push. Nodding in a reply to Baekhyun, Jongin added, "Ah parents. Now you see why I left mine." he jokingly commented, even though it pained him to admit he did in fact abandon his family for this simple, country like life. Jongin continued, "Cafe? Ah Hyung, I'm sick of cafes, I spend enough time there working as it is. I know I said you could pick, but how about we check out the shopping district instead?" he suggest.

Shopping had always been a hobby of Jongin's. He figured he could maybe buy something for the two of them; to show off their friendship to the world and to hopefully cheer up the elder. Jongin also wanted to check out the new shoe store that had just opened, considering his other pair got ruined during work. Jongin flashed a playful puppy face at Baekhyun, eyes begging as he tried to sway his mind to the shopping center.
byun baekhyun 10 years ago
@kim jongin At his friend's next question, Baekhyun quickly looked up at him, blinking a few times. Even though he had always told everything to this boy, right now, he felt as if he didn't really need to know. He didn't want anyone to worry about him because of what had happened. He should be able to deal with it, all by himself. That's what he thought, so he simply shrugged and tried faking a smile, one that seemed kind of real though. ''Oh, nothing really. Parents are annoying, that's all.'' he replied, letting out a bitter laugh, not wanting to say more. He lowered his head and stared at the ground for a little while before feeling the other's arm around his neck. That touch, even if it wasn't that much, still managed to make Baekhyun's heart shiver. Everytime he was close to Jongin, he simply couldn't deny the fact that his feelings were real, that he really had a crush on his friend. It had been a while now, since he realized that he was crushing on his best friend, but everything stayed the same. If he'd end up losing the younger, he'd feel empty. More empty than he already is, and that's definitely not something Baekhyun would let happen.

After a few seconds of being lost in his thoughts, all because of one, simple touch, the older cleared his throat and turned his head to glance at Jongin. ''I pick? But I have no ideas..'' he said, puffing his cheeks lightly. ''Let me think.'' he added, frowning lightly to himself as he tried to think of something that the both of them could end up doing. ''We could start off by going to a cafe near the Han River, it's really good there.'' he finally said, nodding slowly. He put his eyes back on the face he loved so much, and bit his inner lip, trying to contain his feelings. ''Does that sound alright to you, Jongin?''
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
( lskdjakj; are you in' for real ! ; n ; first rpr blanks out _____ity, than i delete my double post ?! lkajsdlkajlskdjlajldkj ! /dies )

Jongin's eyes danced with joy as Baekhyun agreed to a day out with him. It had been so long since Jongin spent some time with a guy; and he had always seen Baekhyun as an older brother figure. The purest form of kindness. The only guy Jongin would ever consider for trusting his life with. But he noticed Baekhyun's, well hidden, expressions. He seemed to be pondering on something that had upset him. Jongin's smile slowly turned to a small frown as he asked, "Hyung, are you alright? Did something happen?".

Baekhyun is gay. That should be the end of story. No conflicts; nothing. But it wasn't. Baekhyun's preference shouldn't be a problem for him but it was. When he had first come out as a homo, Jongin felt a bit uneasy. However, that was due to his inexperience with other orientations. Slowly Jongin began to accept Baekhyun for who he was, just as he had done for him. But Jongin still noticed the harsh words, the cruel realities to being gay.

Still frowning, Jongin felt his smile creeping up again and onto his face. He didn't want any problems to be dealt with at the moment. Slinging his arm enthusiastically around Baekhyun's neck, Jongin happily exclaimed, "C'mon Hyung! You can pick; we'll do whatever you want today.". Right now, all he wanted was for Baekhyun to forget the troubles of this world and always remember; that no matter what, Jongin was always there by his side.
[post deleted by owner]
[post deleted by owner]
byun baekhyun 10 years ago
@kim jongin [u should be proud dfjgg ♥
let me be proud with you okay.
/huggles you/ muhuhuuh.
and yes, baekhyun's out
of the closet n u n]

The smile he saw on his friend's lips made his heart ache a little inside, but he managed to smile back. Only seeing him in front of his eyes made him feel better than sitting at a table with parents being annoying as f-. He sighed at that thought before shrugging lightly, trying to forget about that moment since it was definitely not something he would want to keep as a memory. Next thing he knew, he was in Jongin's arms, being hugged. He patted the younger's back, gently, and pulled away after a few seconds. ''Glad I got here so suddenly, then.'' he replied, laughing quietly before scratching the back of his neck as he looked at the ground at the same time. He couldn't help but think back to what his mother had said, and even though he was proud of being gay, it was still bringing him pain deep inside everytime he heard his own parents talking _____ about him. He was normal after all, he was a human being and nothing was wrong about him for loving boys. Once again, he found himself shaking his head to try and get rid of these awful thoughts. He blinked at the boy in front of him as he was invited to hand out for the day. He nodded and curved his lips upwards to show a light smile on his face. ''I'm free, don't worry.'' he said, being relieved that he had gotten away from where he was a few minutes earlier. ''What do you feel like doing?'' he asked, placing his hands in his pockets as he looked straight into the other's eyes. The eyes he loved so much, but knew he would never have.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
@byun baekhyun ( oh my god that got to me ; u ; bi_____ & proud ! <3 )

Jongin was brought back to reality when he felt the lacing of fingers in his hair, causing him to pull out his headphones and look in the direction of the sudden contact. Standing before him was a friend of his, Baekhyun. A large smile plastered across Jongin's face as he moved to hug the boy in front of him. "Hyung! It's great to see you, I was just about to go look for some company!" he happily said. Jongin had always enjoyed Baekhyun's presence, it always seemed so nice having him around.

They had been good friends for a while now but still Jongin felt as if there were still more things to know about each other. He was excited, ready to explore the world with one of his best mates. Still smiling, Jongin asked, "Wanna hang out for the day? I'm completely free, it's my day off, unless your busy.".

( again, sorry it's short ; u ; + baekhyun's out of the closet right?
my post will be longer he is. )
byun baekhyun 10 years ago
@kim jongin It was around three in the afternoon and Baekhyun had been invited over to his parent's house for a family dinner. Even though they haven't even stared eating yet, the boy was already pissed at how his parents were talking to him about how he shouldn't be homo_____ and what not. He sighed loudly as he was sitting on a chair, in front of the table in the backyard. The sun was landing directly in his eyes which is why he kept his head hanging low. He didn't really want to see his mom's face whenever she opened anyways, so staring at his hands was something more interesting to him right now. ''We didn't raise you up to be like this, Baekhyun.'' the lady said, making the pale haired boy lift his head up as he widened his eyes. ''W- What? Like what? Tell me. Am I sick or something for loving boys instead of girls? Seriously, mom, you're being over dramatic.'' he blurted out, getting up from his chair and turning around, ready to leave. ''Baekhyun! You just got here, dinner's almost rea-'' she started before the voice of the boy was heard again. ''I don't want any of your food. I'll just go find some cute boy to spend the evening with instead.'' he breathed before leaving.

He was walking through the park near his parent's house, not really knowing where else to go since he didn't want to go back to his own apartment. His head was still hanging low and he kept staring at his feet as he took a few steps further. The moment he decided to look up, he noticed his friend, Jongin, walking in his direction. Actually, that boy had been one of his first crushes and he still was in all honesty. Baekhyun gulped quietly before sighing and getting closer to the other. ''Jongin-ah~'' he simply said, ruffling the other's hair as he tried acting normally. He was good at hiding how he felt towards the boy, only because their friendship was something he held onto, more than anything else. He didn't want to risk losing him.
kim jongin ( sh ) 10 years ago
"What a nice day..." Jongin said to himself. The sun shun down on the grassy green surface, reflecting off Jongin's bright smile. Finally, a day off from work and to himself. He had been so stressed lately, he felt he had to cherish every moment he had away from the pressures and problems of life. Inhaling a fresh breath of full air, Jongin plugged his ears with his headphones, humming silently to the sweet music filling his ears.

It had been ages since he felt this way; this sense of nostalgia coming over him. For some reason, it was nice to be living, to be free. But somehow, Jongin felt lonely. If only he had someone here with to share this feeling; someone here to bask in the glory of living. Jongin grinned at the thought, of having that person here right now. Instead, he continued on the path through the park; appreciating every moment of it.


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AmongTheTrees 10 years ago
Jiho has gone. I'm not as active as I wanted to be, and that probably won't change.
_xoxo_ 10 years ago
yoon so hee leaving
-aloistrancy 10 years ago
yura has left
attractive 10 years ago
Sehun left
gonna busy now
otl sorry
Losingmymind 10 years ago
kang sora left.
Q____Q 10 years ago
Kris left sorry
xingtuo 10 years ago
jimin's leaving.
temptation 10 years ago
kai is leaving due to inactivity.
insomniac_ 10 years ago
seohyun left
calhoun 10 years ago
myungsoo is leaving.
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